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Bioware, you DO listen!


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rightfully so ... all these "changes" are superficial and do not matter in the end... lol..."guild bank"? ok i'd expect a FTP game developed by 3 dudes in a basement to not ship with a guild bank... color matching? *** is that for, social items who gives a flying ****...


give us a meaningfull open world PvP that can handle more than 30 people in the same area and i'll be content to wait 6 months for "social gear"


Who gives a **** about color matching? Social gear? You my friend have no idea what you're talking about. You might not give a **** about it but a lot of people have been complaining because it was removed from the released version.

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now maybe people will stop qqing about these issues.


oh no no no, dont get your hopes up, they will get the things they want and then say "Bioware!! You dont listen!! We didnt want guild banks like this! And you totally didnt add what I wanted to legacy, and the new WZ is obviously for opposite faction/different class/different playstyle! And you cater to casuals/hardcore pve/pvp players and not the majority that are obviously exactly like ME!"


Above is the typical statement of an MMO forum user, while many of us have a working brain and can see that they are in fact listening and trying to implement whats wanted most (as they said in Q&A they look at other sites as well as forums, and IN GAME sources so the forum trolls arent the only ones whos ideas are getting out) but there will be people, like in every other MMO who will look for reasons to whine and cry and claim that the company hates the players and other nonsense.


Trolls will be trolls

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They get sorted out in future weekly patches. What do you want me to say? I mean the obvious answer is they should just pull the plug on the whole game and shut down the servers because nothing is ever going to be perfect. I'm not saying we should be celebrating these additions in the streets and sacrificing virgins to our bioware overlords to keep the content coming. Launch is over nothing is going to change the fact that this stuff was not in launch all that we can do now is either unsubscribe or hope we get them sooner than later. I'm happy that some of these features are on the immediate horizon and if they don't work I hope they fix it quickly. My patience tank although draining still has enough to keep me playing. Does yours? If the answer is no maybe its time to question where your money is going since I am fine with where mine is going and its going to be pointless to try and convince each other of the opposite.


QFT - this pretty much is what's going on with every mmo. Take it or leave it, there are more genres for multiplayer than just mmos. Learn to live with it or buy Battlefield. Or Call of Duty. Or an RTS. Try Dota. Or dota 2. Diablo 3. Minecraft. World of Tanks. Skyrim... online. Online poker. Farmville. Just stop crying...

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I'm not giving them a pat on the back for adding the most obvious features they should have launched with.


Never satisfied? ^This Guy! lol. People will fail to understand to understand a few key FACTS:


1. Just because WoW had it DOES NOT make it a feature ALL MMO's have

2. Just because YOU believe it should have been in at launch doesnt make it true

3. MMO's NEVER have all their features at launch as they are continuously growning

4. This is not WoW, if you want WoW, play WoW, if you want SWTOR, play SWTOR

5. Just because YOU think something doesnt make it true

6. They know what they are doing, they are professionals, you are not.

7. Just because YOU believe it is important doesnt mean it is

8. They will not, cannot, and should not cater to every single persons complaint.

9. They will add stuff based on MAJORITY opinions, even if its not YOUR opinion

10. It had all the base features required, Guild Banks, extras for Alts etc are NOT base features or an MMO and are fluff

11. THIS IS NOT WOW SO STOP SAYING "Well WoW has/had/is going to have <whatever>" If you want WoW play WoW. WoW is not the be all end all MMO, it is the current top MMO and is DECLINING. A google search will quickly show you dropping sub numbers, sure its not going to die anytime soon but why would you say "Hmmm.....that ship is sinking slowly but its big, lets use its design for our new ship!"

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People, let's get real.


They released the game in a beta state in December. They have been listening, but most of this **** has probably been in the works since last year and they just didn't get it in before the all-important Christmas release.


Is that cynical or hating? NO! It's just reality!


Take all these new features with a grain of salt please. It doesn't mean they aren't listening to us, but likewise it doesn't mean that they pulled a miracle out of their hat and scrambled to add all these wonderful features in 4 weeks because the community asked for them.


What they sold in December was barely a release candidate, by any definition. It was barebones.

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BS, I have X-Fire 6850 and I still get lag in situations.


Come on over to my place and look at my rig. I'm no rocket scientist. Sorry you are butthurt that your pride and joy is getting situational lag.


All I can say is mine doesn't, and I ain't rich.

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Now THIS I'm sick of hearing.


I run on an $800 rig I built myself, including monitor and OS. I get 40-60 FPS all settings maxed.


Stop whining and spend some money.

Funny, my PC can run every other game i have ever played on it on high settings. But it cant run this on low? And are you seriously suggesting I buy a new PC for SWTOR?

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Come on over to my place and look at my rig. I'm no rocket scientist. Sorry you are butthurt that your pride and joy is getting situational lag.


All I can say is mine doesn't, and I ain't rich.


My point is you can't blame the rig. Oooo my pride and joy. So full of it aren't you.

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Dual spec incoming, no AC switching.


A boatload of cooldown/gcd UI options


Scalable UI options incoming


Guild banks incoming


Massive improvements to ability delay issues


Gear color matching returning


Cross-server warzone queuing


Incoming heavy/medium social gear


Ability to unbind 'open ticket' coming


Target of target


.. so, like.. uh.. I realize some of this stuff should've been in at launch, but seriously, I've never seen a company work it's butt off to put out stuff like this so quickly. I for one appreciate.


Flameguard activated.


Patch 1.2 is going to be huge (no pun intended). Hoping for more bug fixes, and other additions to game then actual content. They can add content later, fix the annoying aspects of the game first.

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On the high res graphics wasn't it also noted that it would be to huge of a strain on thier servers because of all the extra rendering and thats why the swapped to a unipoly something or others.


On topic YES they listen and YES that is why the game will not fail till it becomes to big and they really don't care anymore, just like that game that has 10mil subs right now.


Rendering tends to be dome client side, meaning on the players computer, the server simply handels scripts more often than not, this methord is common because the only thing the server is realy doing is linking everyone, and recording there progress, the new cloud systems are those that render for players to allow things like Onlive, all that device does is connect to the internet and stream content from servers in real time allowing you lag free gaming without the need for a console.

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Funny, my PC can run every other game i have ever played on it on high settings. But it cant run this on low? And are you seriously suggesting I buy a new PC for SWTOR?


That can also be an problem with your connection, but i do know what you mean, i can play most things on max specs np yet randomly SWTOR runs very slow at times ive never been able to find out why, its like one moment the games demanding twice its normal power to run, more offten than not i play on full spec with 1768x992 rez with no problems, but when i play at times were the servers busy the game seems to drain more from my processor and ram.


EDIT - Sry for DP

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Cross realm anything is the beginning of the end for the community. I will not be re subbing. There is ZERO accountability in cross realm. It promotes botting, horrible attitudes toward others, zero repercussion for being an ******. No thanks.


Merge the servers if there are not enough games.. but for the love of all things holy.. DO NOT CROSS REALM.

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I can handle a LFG tool because that helps with population issues. However, the LFG tool should be server wide and not cross realm. It really destroys the community and doesn't really promote making relationships in game. Also any accountability is lost. If you are group with people from your server you may not act like a child for fear of having a bad rep. But with cross realm tools like this you can act how you want with no consequences.
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- No day/night cycle

- No swimming

- No housing

- No Pazaak, Sabacc, Dejarik, races, casino, etc...

- Dumbed down character creation

- No post-creation character customization

- No appearance tab/outfit system

- No high res textures

- No environmental interaction (chairs, walls, doors, etc...)

- Simple combat with static enemies

- Unconvincing and stiff animations

- Empty dead worlds with not enough NPCs moving around

- No collision detection

- No stats on resources

- No crafting customization

- Restriction in choice of starship

- No ship decoration

- Dumbed down space combat

- No multiplayer space combat

- Removal of many races

- No faction change/neutrality

- Restriction and instanced planets by faction

- Less planets than announced

- Planets rated by levels with no reason to go back

- No GM events

- Removal of choice to kill companion

- Removal of possibility to talk to other faction at all times

- No RP tools

- Nothing to do post-story

- Endgame consisting on waiting in fleet


But hey, more flashpoints, operation, warzones and flashpoints! Oh and UI fix-attempt #14.


Almost everything you added I do not care for nor want. Sounds like you want SWG 2... How is that game doing by the way? Oh yeah shut down.

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Almost everything you added I do not care for nor want. Sounds like you want SWG 2... How is that game doing by the way? Oh yeah shut down.


Only reason the game was shut down was due to licensing. Guess what, next Star Wars mmo you will say the exact same thing.


"Sounds like you want a TOR 2... How is that game doing by the way? Oh yeah, shut down."


^ it may take 5, 10, 15 years, but eventually, someone will want to make another mmo with Star Wars being it's main attraction and TOR will be shut down in place of that one.

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