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Juggernaut or Marauder?


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I know this has probably already been asked before... But I just can't decide which one to choose and I have a few questions:


1. Are there any differences in story between Juggernaut and Marauder?


2. Are they both decent/good in pvp?


3. Are there major differences in how their armor looks? (or can Marauder just wear the same looking armor as a Juggernaut, but in "medium armor"-version?)


4. Are Marauders so much better in DPS than a Juggernaut in Operations?


5. Which one did you enjoy the most?


Thanks In Advance ;D


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im also wondering this, i want to lvl a juggernaut , but how is its damage in pvp compared to a maurauder or any other class? Is the juggernaut a Defensive class or can it also be offensive? Is it comparable with a arms warrior @ wow?


Arms warrior? I wish right, unfortunately the force attacks make the class both spec feel very CLUNKY. If you enjoyed an Arms warrior you will be turned off by the warrior in this game, there is no fluidity. My personal opinion is if you plan to roll RAGE spec go Juggy. Can't really speak on there othe dps tree tho.


The maurader is comparable to a combat rogue in wow. As in you can solo 1v1 but in mobs you are in and out of combat a lot. It's a fun class but can also be a very frustrating one as well considering the advantage range gets in warzones like Huttball. (my main is a 50 merc).


My maurader is just 47 but can tell you even at 50 marauders can be squishy without there cool downs. Much like a rogue in wow, thus the comparison. That being said there is a place for them and if played at a high level they can really be nasty. Same for a Jug... Wish I could speak more on Jug, but IMO the Jug is better if u wanna go Rage.


Ps. I only pvp

Edited by Irishbrewed
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i've been wondering the same things, my sith juggernaut is level 17 and my guild-mates were telling me that they are seriously lacking in PvE, even when tanking. i figure maybe they're a bit jaded, it's hard to find an honest answer anywhere but i'm not really much of a tank, i went juggy so i could leave the option open to me. but if they are useless as far as dps goes, then i would rather start backtracking now and go marauder than have the decision haunt me all the way to 50. -_-
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I Suppose that would be the Marauder because he's a Class that can only be a DPS... annother question: which on of the 2 looks most "awesome"? :p


It's a matter of preference really, the maurader looks agile and light on his feet.. Where as the Juggy looks like he's ready to pounce at any moment.... Maurader looks swifter and quick to get the job done opposed to a Jug who looks cold and calculated in his movements... They both look awesome to be honest, I just slightly preferred the dual saber look.

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It's a matter of preference really, the maurader looks agile and light on his feet.. Where as the Juggy looks like he's ready to pounce at any moment.... Maurader looks swifter and quick to get the job done opposed to a Jug who looks cold and calculated in his movements... They both look awesome to be honest, I just slightly preferred the dual saber look.


okay, last question and then I will decide... Is Marauder's DPS that much better than Juggernaut's DPS? because I'm not sure if I'll like tanking in this game...

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I love my Juggernaut, I'm only at Lv 25 but I feel study and strong with the Immortal Tree, When I pace my cooldowns, Invincible, Saber Ward, the 6% retaliation buff I feel like an unkillable monster for about a minute.


As for the armour, I love the appearance of Blade Tyrant's Chestguard and Indignation greaves. Real Sith wear Skirts.

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i got a lvl 50 juggernaut and a lvl 27 sentinel and basically the dps jug is a notch below in terms of dps but the sentinel is A LOT more squishier. The sentinel is also very cooldown based, you have to constantly monitor them to get the maximum affect of your dps. It's both fun and annoying at times.


both are really good classes, its honestly just preference, there is no "superior" class. I've beat marauders/sents as a jug and ive beaten guards/jugs as a sent. I will warn you tho, the sentinel is MUCH harder to master with its cooldowns and all so be ware

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I have a 50 jugg and 32 maurader.


I like the jugg's tanking and heavy armor for PvE. I am specced out as a tank build so am useful for raids mostly. In pvp, is more limited because my spec setup is for tanking so i work best with others.


I like the dps increase of mauraders but find i need to pick my spots as opposed to the jugg where I would wade into a group and just pummel everything to death. Maurader is more strategy, Killing things in order (medics, weak, normal, strong). Havent gotten high enough in level for a pvp evaluation but started the maurader because they seemed to be able to take me 1 on 1 as a jugg lol.

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I know this has probably already been asked before... But I just can't decide which one to choose and I have a few questions:


1. Are there any differences in story between Juggernaut and Marauder?


2. Are they both decent/good in pvp?


3. Are there major differences in how their armor looks? (or can Marauder just wear the same looking armor as a Juggernaut, but in "medium armor"-version?)


4. Are Marauders so much better in DPS than a Juggernaut in Operations?


5. Which one did you enjoy the most?


Thanks In Advance ;D



Just last night on my lvl 35 vengeance warrior i pulled 320k damage (i grouped with a healer) my other friend who i respect as being highly skilled in pvp plays a marauder, the first time he broke 300k he was 35 and did 340k, he also grouped with a healer... marauders and juggs are both the hardest class to play in the game, and yes, i have played every other class (only class i havn't gotten past 20 and pvp'd on is the maruader). What it all comes down to is do you want to provide defense or offense for your group, (also juggs do less damage in pve than marauders). Juggs can taunt and reduce enemy damage going towards teammates, marauders can buff and heal other teammates every 30 seconds or so.... take your pick


P.S. juggs heavy armor is negated by the marauders dots that heal them and their extra defensive cooldown.

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I had the same question so I created both and leveled them to about 15 or so. I picked Juggernaut but I will go back to my Marauder eventually. I love Juggernaut. Wish I woulda rolled it first instead of Assassin. Reasons:


1: Juggernaut just sounds cool


2: Juggernaut just looks cool with muscle body 3 and in high level gear. You just look like a killing machine made for war. I am more of a 1 saber kind of guy. 2 sabers are cool, but I guess it's just the more traditional type thing if you would call it traditional.


3: I am Vengeance speccing and can survive pretty well but also still do great dmg.


4: From what I hear, Juggernauts can be very good in pvp endgame with their taunts and guards, ability to stay alive longer and do dmg if needed, be a diversion, etc etc.


Hope this helps somewhat.

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On the Note of DPS:


For the most part, there's no evidence whatsoever that either does more dps as a class, with the exception of anecdotal experience. And I've found that when it comes to personal experience, when comparing a burst class to a steady damage class, people will usually say the burst class does more damage, even if their actual numbers are dead even. so take any comments on DPS with a grain of salt. A big one. This isn't to dis anyone who feels one does more then the other. But since Bio has stated that all DPS specs should be withing 5% of each other, we can at least assume that they for the most part, are close enough that you should pick based on playstyle. (just offhand, I've seen some 5m and 10m tests in the forums where jugg's actually placed quite high in the results, but again...anecdotal...)


i personally prefer the Juggernaut. I didn't take to the "single" blade style initially, but once you get a rhythm down, it's great fun. the attacks feel very powerful...my Maurader feels very flashy and fast, but my Jugg feel like hes pounding mercilessly with every hard hit.


And at first the DO feel clunky. coming from a shadow consular (they have a pretty easy going smooth cycle), my knight and jugg felt clunky initially, and I honestly put them on the sidebar at first. But when i came back, I decided to give them a fresh try from a fresh perspective, and I'm glad I did.


they feel clunky because so many of their skills rely on chains (1 to 2 attacks to open up damage or proc special abilities), and initially its hard to get that rhythm down. Even now, once in awhile, ill get out of sync and find myself picking my cute little sith's nose thinking "*** did i just do?" but when your in sync, it feels awesome. leap in, smash, sundering assault, impale, force scream (love how that sounds), back to sundering assault...if retaliation procs in the middle of any of that, it feels wicked fast.


but force scream is dependent on impale for its extra damage, so it has to go first, and if you don't have enough rage for impale and scream your going to have to cycle in a sunder....there's allot of choices and resource management that goes on that can throw things out of whack.


But even in spite of that, with the inherent rough edges that the class still has, after leveling my jugg to 33 I don't have allot of want to play my other toons that much. it has a bunch of stuff you have to manage, but it feels really good and powerful when you do.


Yeah...my PT can do as much DPS and i don't have to work as hard...but it feels more enjoyable to do it on my jugg. and they just look ready for battle. Even my knight (with the same skills, different animations) isn't as fun as its sith counterpart. he's holding his saber in two hands like a first year student in kendo, whereas my Jugg is toying with his in his right hand, like he's contemplating splitting you in two with it the whole time.


Love my Jugg

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  • 2 weeks later...
Basic difference is about 5-7% damage. Jugg does about 5-7% less damage then the Marauder. Having the heavy armor and the survivability of the Jugg does not seem worth going Marauder they look cool with the double sabers but Jugg just can take allot more damage.
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DPS wise I can tell you that when you get your Jugg in full Rakata and gear your healer up you effectively become immortal in solo PvE. I can now solo up to 3 lvl 50 elites at once without going below 50% health and can solo the Illum and Belsavis lvl 50 +2 heroic dailies without much effort just by rotating my CDs - its an awesome feeling and the damage you do is considerable by that stage.


I do not PvP much so can't speak for that side.


Juggs require an investment as they are perhaps the most gear dependant class in the game but once you get t2 level gear and above it all starts paying off. Definitely not a faceroll class.

Edited by JamieM
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Basic difference is about 5-7% damage. Jugg does about 5-7% less damage then the Marauder. Having the heavy armor and the survivability of the Jugg does not seem worth going Marauder they look cool with the double sabers but Jugg just can take allot more damage.


Thats the thing they should! but they dont, spec dps as a jugg and you will be blown away. Spec Tank as a Jugg and you might have a mildly comparable survivability of the marauder. what do we mean!?


Jugg= 30% heal which is taken away 12 secs later + Saber Ward (with 3 secs range/melee immunity, NOTE: this does not stop Force or Techs attacks.) + Immortal if you spec Tank.


Mara= Saber Ward + Cloak of Pain (absolute 20% dmg reduction. 1 min cd) + Force Cloak + Dot heals + Low hp dmg immunity for 5 secs.


Survival wise Im gonna go with marauder.

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Basic difference is about 5-7% damage. Jugg does about 5-7% less damage then the Marauder. Having the heavy armor and the survivability of the Jugg does not seem worth going Marauder they look cool with the double sabers but Jugg just can take allot more damage.


Pulling numbers out of your ***? ^^

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thanks for the info. But DPS wise, whoes the better one? The maraudar or jug?


I forget where I read it, but from what I understand, the devs are trying to keep the DPS specs of all classes within 5% of each other when it comes to damage output.


That said, unless you're trying to get into a hardcore raiding guild, whatever spec you choose you'll get into groups with - I'd focus more on playstyle (as discussed by folks in this thread, as well as YouTube videos) and see what complements your tastes best.

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Thats the thing they should! but they dont, spec dps as a jugg and you will be blown away. Spec Tank as a Jugg and you might have a mildly comparable survivability of the marauder. what do we mean!?


Jugg= 30% heal which is taken away 12 secs later + Saber Ward (with 3 secs range/melee immunity, NOTE: this does not stop Force or Techs attacks.) + Immortal if you spec Tank.


Mara= Saber Ward + Cloak of Pain (absolute 20% dmg reduction. 1 min cd) + Force Cloak + Dot heals + Low hp dmg immunity for 5 secs.


Survival wise Im gonna go with marauder.


Your forgetting the Juggs shield and innately higher damage mitigation (armor plus flat damage reduction from their stance), also that their saber ward blocks more damage then a marauders and their Invincible buff which is a 40% dmg reduction if they are immortal specced, dark blood, Sonic barrier, retaliation buff, more/better stuns, etc.


I've grouped with plenty of both as my healer in Ops and Flashpoints at 50 and a Marauder can't even come close to taking the kind of punishment a Jugg can. Your completely deluding yourself if you think they are even in the same ballpark.

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Your forgetting the Juggs shield and innately higher damage mitigation (armor plus flat damage reduction from their stance), also that their saber ward blocks more damage then a marauders and their Invincible buff which is a 40% dmg reduction if they are immortal specced, dark blood, Sonic barrier, retaliation buff, more/better stuns, etc.


I've grouped with plenty of both as my healer in Ops and Flashpoints at 50 and a Marauder can't even come close to taking the kind of punishment a Jugg can. Your completely deluding yourself if you think they are even in the same ballpark.


All of what you mentioned only applies to a PvE tank spec jugg. The "Improved saber ward" only gives 5 sec immunity to only range and melee attacks. (I mentioned it.) But yea I wasn't questioning the PvE viability of a Jugg, they are pretty good tanks, and a marauder can't tank. why because its not meant to...


NOW in pvp the shield is worthless, the saber ward only grants a useful 25% less tech dmg, and armor... oh armor... I believe every single class has a talent that makes their attacks bypass about 80% of armor no? And remember Range/melee defense only works for non-crit, non-tech, non-force abilities...... THATS SOME AWESOME ARMOR YOU GOT BUDDY! 80% of the pvp dmg in the game bypasses it!!! WHOA, and you only get 40% dmg reduction once every 3 min.


Yea... it sucks to be a Jugg tank without healer... even 1v1 you will be melted away in a slightly slower way. Maras what? You target me? I cloak of pain + saber ward BAM 50%+ dmg reduction! even in PvE this should give the tank enough time to pick up aggro. What im about to die!? BAM 5 immunity to dmg! Oh wait everyone died! BAM vanish.


That said, you probably have met alot of crappy marauders, they abound. or maybe you are a crappy marauder o.O

Edited by Assaultrooper
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All of what you mentioned only applies to a PvE tank spec jugg. The "Improved saber ward" only gives 5 sec immunity to only range and melee attacks. (I mentioned it.) But yea I wasn't questioning the PvE viability of a Jugg, they are pretty good tanks, and a marauder can't tank. why because its not meant to...


NOW in pvp the shield is worthless, the saber ward only grants a useful 25% less tech dmg, and armor... oh armor... I believe every single class has a talent that makes their attacks bypass about 80% of armor no? And remember Range/melee defense only works for non-crit, non-tech, non-force abilities...... THATS SOME AWESOME ARMOR YOU GOT BUDDY! 80% of the pvp dmg in the game bypasses it!!! WHOA, and you only get 40% dmg reduction once every 3 min.


Yea... it sucks to be a Jugg tank without healer... even 1v1 you will be melted away in a slightly slower way. Maras what? You target me? I cloak of pain + saber ward BAM 50%+ dmg reduction! even in PvE this should give the tank enough time to pick up aggro. What im about to die!? BAM 5 immunity to dmg! Oh wait everyone died! BAM vanish.


That said, you probably have met alot of crappy marauders, they abound. or maybe you are a crappy marauder o.O


^this guy knows what he's talking aboutt. Trust me I have a rank 72 jugg.


In pvp, marauders are THE BEST 1v1 class because of their insane defensive cool downs. An anni specced marauder will easily outstrip the dps of a jugg(whether vengeance or rage) and is also more survivable than dps specced juggs.


If you want to feel like a god in pvp, roll marauder and go anni spec. You will melt people, and if you juggle your cool downs right and pop a vanish or speed burst when you're outmatched, you simply will not die. Note though that this comes with a big disclaimer, as a marauder you will feel weak as **** when you're a lowbie in pvp(as you havent got all your cooldowns yet). The marauder is also quite gear dependent, but then again so is the jugg.


I have a gearset that is a mix of heavily modified rakata and bm items which took me a while to assemble and I'm pretty proud of it. I can crush every other class with ease except other juggs and dps powertechs(which btw is a very underrated class). But when I see one of the geared marauders/sents on my server coming my way I immediately mez/push him and charge or intercede away like a *****. They're just that scary at high lvls.


Of course all that being said I do enjoy my jugg as I feel quite awesome flying through the air in huttball. You can jump 3 times in a row on occasion, intercede, charge, force push, charge, which is quite possibly the best feeling in the game when you can pull it off and score. And if you have a pocket healer, you can become quite unstoppable with the guard ability.


As for looks I think both rakata sets look pretty ugly, with the gigantic gargoyle helms. Bm gear for juggs is purple, which I hate. Pvp gear for marauders has a hood if you choose to hide helm in options, which I think is quite cool looking if you're in to hoods. But since bioware has said that armorings can be taken out of all gear in future updates, I wouldn't worry too much about the way your character looks for now.

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