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    galaxy far far away
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    Star Wars
  1. We trade or mail new players uniforms. They often can not access the guild bank as a F2P. I am worried that a new player being required to pay for part of thier own uniform will avoid RP and joining communities
  2. I am worried this will negatively affect Roleplay guilds. We (And every Roleplay guild I am aware of) trade our new members a uniform set, would the receiver of the items have to pay a tax? I am worried this will substantially inhibit the ability of new players to participate in guild activities if they have to pay a percentage of the items. This will stymie any chance at the RP community growing or continuing in SWTOR if receivers of trades have to pay for items.
  3. This happened today with <requiem>. Thee person said he was one of our officers, had a similar name then proceeded to empty two of our banks before someone noticed he was way too quiet for the real officer. He then logged off and deleted character. Very upset with the scumbag tactics used here.....really mad they took all our level 1 and 2 crafting mats filling the bank tab...
  4. I have a 50 jugg and 32 maurader. I like the jugg's tanking and heavy armor for PvE. I am specced out as a tank build so am useful for raids mostly. In pvp, is more limited because my spec setup is for tanking so i work best with others. I like the dps increase of mauraders but find i need to pick my spots as opposed to the jugg where I would wade into a group and just pummel everything to death. Maurader is more strategy, Killing things in order (medics, weak, normal, strong). Havent gotten high enough in level for a pvp evaluation but started the maurader because they seemed to be able to take me 1 on 1 as a jugg lol.
  5. I went for a dps juggernaught as my first char and it was painful at times. I switched over to tank build so Im now good at flashpoints. Started a second char as a maurader, sooo much easier. There are like 2 skills i miss from old char, rest is same or better.
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