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Big wins for casuals! Dual Spec - Cross server


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(TERA is some stupid korean mmo that gets "westernized" so America can be all happy, I strongly hate it because it has hyper-sexualized race of children)




Tera is pure garbage, unless your sole purpose of playing is a desire to control an almost naked female character.


And GW2 is no competition for SWTOR whatsoever because it doesn't have monthly subscription so people can play that and another MMO which they need to pay for monthly at the same time, not to mention the fact that it's crap generic fantasy setting and lore can't come even remotely close to Star Wars.

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Why do people think that just because a game is FTP it cannot hurt subs here? If people go to something like GW2 and find they are spending most of their gaming hours there they aren't going to pay for a sub game like TOR that they no longer play as much.
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So glad they are finally doing this. I can finally go back to my level 50 character in low population server that I abandoned after getting bored of shouting LFG for hours at end instead of quitting the game after hitting 50 on my current character.


If anyone have a problem with LFG tool then they are in a high population server and already has some raid gear so it's easy to find groups. They don't care about rest of the people. Thats very selfish of them.

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Can we please stop pretending that the forumgoers are dictating what bioware does?


Its mostly internal metrics and their goals for grouping IE how many hardmodes/flashpoints they think people should be doing.


My guess, they see a dramatic drop off in pre lvl 50 flashpoints being run, as compared to a month or 2 ago, and not enough HM being run. All this VS how many people are queuing for pvp.

Edited by Basiliscus
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And yet we are two steps closer to Wow.

The game i left because i wanted to play something DIFFERENT.

But peeps keep whining because they wanna play Wow with a different suit.

This is a silly argument. This game isn't WoW and never will be. Game features don't turn one game into another game any more than putting a GPS in your Toyota turns it into a BMW.

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Tera is pure garbage, unless your sole purpose of playing is a desire to control an almost naked female character.


And GW2 is no competition for SWTOR whatsoever because it doesn't have monthly subscription so people can play that and another MMO which they need to pay for monthly at the same time, not to mention the fact that it's crap generic fantasy setting and lore can't come even remotely close to Star Wars.



I don't get people who bash games that they have never played. I'm interested in TERA because of the different combat mechanics. I hear it's like Dragon Nest but much slower and not so 'Arcade' like. If you've ever get a chance to play it I think you should try it out. It's really fun for a F2P game. It's all instanced just like this game LOL. And to the nearly naked woman. Who wouldn't want some eye candy to stare at while playing?


GW2 is looking pretty good too. All About the dynamic events. Who cares if it's a F2P MMO I wouldn't mind playing it and not pay a monthly fee for it.


I'm getting a bit frustrated with this game. It is basically all the BW games (ME 1/2 DA 1/2 KOTOR) and they basically added MP options and called it and MMO and charge you a monthly fee. This game is a single player experience with MP options thrown in. You can get just the same experience with HL2, Battlefield series, Uncharted series, Modern warfare series and get near;y the same experience.


The trouble is finding groups I can't stand spending 1/2 hour spamming LFG in the chat filters. The 'who' system is flawed or hardly anyone uses it. It's nice to see that they are looking into maybe a Cross server FP tool.


Great news on Dual Spec. Now i can DPs as I do quests and then heal for groups and Flashpoints. I know it's been talked about even before release but I can't help thinking that this should have been in from the beginning and not the " exciting NEW features and content for SWTOR in the coming months!" Should have been in from the begging.

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This is a silly argument. This game isn't WoW and never will be. Game features don't turn one game into another game any more than putting a GPS in your Toyota turns it into a BMW.


I agree. I came to play Star WArs because it's Star WArs. I wanted to play in that lore and play the legendary characters in that lore. That doesn't mean I don't want modern day features though. Give me xserver lfds so I can MANAGE my gametime more efficiently. Give me 3rd party addons so I can CUSTOMIZE my UI myself. Give me dual-spec so my character is more DIVERSE.


MANAGEMENT, CUSTOMIZATION and DIVERSITY. Saying no to this labels you as an old-timer telling us we have walk butt-naked to school in a blizzard just because you had to.

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I'm excited for a LFD tool, honestly, it was extremely difficult to find a group to run certain Flashpoints.


To give an example: my guildmates ran Maelstrom Prison on a night that I couldn't participate, and then for 6 days were not available to run it due to real world commitments. I was left to LFG spam the fleet and try and get a PUG.


Took me multiple shifts of standing in the fleet spamming LFG to finally get a group, 4 days after my guildmates ran it. Took an incredible amount of time to just find a PUG for 1 flashpoint.


I would have really appreciated something to help expedite my process.

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I'm excited for a LFD tool, honestly, it was extremely difficult to find a group to run certain Flashpoints.


To give an example: my guildmates ran Maelstrom Prison on a night that I couldn't participate, and then for 6 days were not available to run it due to real world commitments. I was left to LFG spam the fleet and try and get a PUG.


Took me multiple shifts of standing in the fleet spamming LFG to finally get a group, 4 days after my guildmates ran it. Took an incredible amount of time to just find a PUG for 1 flashpoint.


I would have really appreciated something to help expedite my process.[/QUOTE]


Yeah that's really the issue. Thanks for your thoughts

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You missed the funny [redactedtoavoiddeletion] guy who called everyone antisocial just because they want the Xserver LFD.

Oh I got so much more! I got hate messages, /ignore threats, and reports! Oh my!


I am glad to see it's gone back to semi-civil "what can we do to make this system" better discussion, instead of "I hate it! I hate you! I'm quitting!".

Edited by MalignX
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Oh I got so much more! I got hate messages, /ignore threats, and reports! Oh my!


I am glad to see it's gone back to semi-civil "what can we do to make this system" better discussion, instead of "I hate it! I hate you! I'm quitting!".


Wait... what? Did he PM spam to call you names or insult you? lol that guy seriously need a psychoanalyst.

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I'm excited for a LFD tool, honestly, it was extremely difficult to find a group to run certain Flashpoints.


To give an example: my guildmates ran Maelstrom Prison on a night that I couldn't participate, and then for 6 days were not available to run it due to real world commitments. I was left to LFG spam the fleet and try and get a PUG.


Took me multiple shifts of standing in the fleet spamming LFG to finally get a group, 4 days after my guildmates ran it. Took an incredible amount of time to just find a PUG for 1 flashpoint.


I would have really appreciated something to help expedite my process.


According to the naysayers you're now socializing. Congratulation!

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Wait... what? Did he PM spam to call you names or insult you? lol that guy seriously need a psychoanalyst.

Yes, yes he did. Then he reported me because he did not like my replies ;)


Back to topic before I jet off real quick:


I played some EQ back in highschool, for twenty seconds. What I experienced was a insane learning curve for someone who had never played a MMO before. It required so much that you could not "play it casually" and expect to see 90% of the content. The only people I knew that played at the time, had a character online 24 hours a day, played in shifts by three people, because they had to spawn camp for weeks. Needless to say I did not continue playing, as I will never have that amount of time or level of commitment to a video game world. (Disclaimer: These are my opinions and personal experiences.)


Flash forward today:


I have at least a dozen friends from various parts of my real life that all came together to play us some Old Republic. Some of us played WoW, even played WoW together, some have played other various MMOs. Why did we all come here? Because we wanted to play a video game together, based in a Star Wars universe. Do all of them have the same time/ability/commitment/yadda? No they don't. Do we all still want to have cool gear, see end game content, and run Flash Points? Yessir.


If my choices are between the old, and in MY OPINION, exclusionary style of game play that only really rewarded the "hardcore" and the new fast paced, instant access, "lazy casual" style of game play. Gimme your Lazy label.


Do I want something that "destroys" your gaming experience? Not necessarily. Unless your preferred gaming experience involves excluding people from game content, enforcing a style of play that does not suit everyone, and "punishing" players for behavior you don't like. Then I'm gonna have to say, your style of gaming belongs in something akin to a MMO Demon Souls.


My opinions, not submitted as facts.

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In the dev. Q&A on Feb 10th Dual Spec got confirmed and now an interview with Stephen Reid has just confirmed they are looking into a cross server flash point finder which is huge considering they said they didn't like the notion originally.


I still find it laughable that anyone actually believes a word that comes from EA & Stephen Reid....

Edited by Compote
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Honestly I think the community will do what the community will do regardless of LFG. A prime example is CoH. When they launched LFG for their raid instances, people pretty much ignored it and continued to form teams on their own. If they had problems getting the last few people, they'd queue to fill in. The community was not hurt by it.


WoW is a bad example to use for community building because it was always about loot and min/max gaming. If community was formed it WoW, it was done by the players, not by anything the game instituted.


If your concern is that people stop forming teams on their own, then it's something you'll have to adapt to. Because it's what the community wants. If they don't want it, then people will continue to manually form teams.


It feels weird having to argue for improving game play for the sake of community when community has always been about the players and not function of the game. The game is merely a portal, what you do with it in regards to community is up to you, not the game developers.

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This is a big deal to me.


I unsubscribed despite loving the game. I plan to come back soon, but I need a break so I have more fun leveling a character to 50 again. I'd focus on the endgame, but I've gotten most of my PvP set and I can't be bothered to spam LFG for HM groups. (Also, my guild's leader seems to be MIA. We beat Eternity Vault twice, but then nothing got scheduled again - and I don't care enough about the endgame to want to find another guild.


I can tell from having run the more popular hardmodes (only got a few of these when I saw a "LF1M need healer" spam while waiting for warzone pops) that the story is being told in the flashpoints, so I'd probably be interested in operations (raiding) if there was an LFG tool.


Anyway, I'll come back when I'm ready to make a new alt and maybe they'll have an interesting endgame then. The other endgame disappointment is Ilum. . . I thought it would be like Wintergrasp but with Star Wars vehicles and themes and instead it is 1) way too big and 2) doesn't reward a win objective (by this I mean winning by taking the enemy base - not trading a point back and forth). Now it's built on kills and players are just cheating on this - dying and then running back and being allowed to kill the other team without opposition. So now they can still cheat, but they get huge amounts of Valor instead of just a daily and weekly.


Just adding that this feature would go a long way to keeping me as a permanent subscriber instead of someone who plans to pop-in and play solo PvE every couple of months.

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This is a big deal to me.


I unsubscribed despite loving the game. I plan to come back soon, but I need a break so I have more fun leveling a character to 50 again. I'd focus on the endgame, but I've gotten most of my PvP set and I can't be bothered to spam LFG for HM groups. (Also, my guild's leader seems to be MIA. We beat Eternity Vault twice, but then nothing got scheduled again - and I don't care enough about the endgame to want to find another guild.


I can tell from having run the more popular hardmodes (only got a few of these when I saw a "LF1M need healer" spam while waiting for warzone pops) that the story is being told in the flashpoints, so I'd probably be interested in operations (raiding) if there was an LFG tool.


Anyway, I'll come back when I'm ready to make a new alt and maybe they'll have an interesting endgame then. The other endgame disappointment is Ilum. . . I thought it would be like Wintergrasp but with Star Wars vehicles and themes and instead it is 1) way too big and 2) doesn't reward a win objective (by this I mean winning by taking the enemy base - not trading a point back and forth). Now it's built on kills and players are just cheating on this - dying and then running back and being allowed to kill the other team without opposition. So now they can still cheat, but they get huge amounts of Valor instead of just a daily and weekly.


Just adding that this feature would go a long way to keeping me as a permanent subscriber instead of someone who plans to pop-in and play solo PvE every couple of months.


I feel exactly the same way accept I'm not 50 yet. Whenever I'm in fleet on business errands I am seeing a disturbing trend of "LF 1 Tank - must be geared, quick run", I don't know if I want to go through that of a game experience again

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In the dev. Q&A on Feb 10th Dual Spec got confirmed and now an interview with Stephen Reid has just confirmed they are looking into a cross server flash point finder which is huge considering they said they didn't like the notion originally.




Who won? Who is next? You decide!


EDIT: For people skeptical or lazy


Simon – Any plans for an LFG tool?


SR: Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do.


EDIT 2: The above is not "word for word" and there is a podcast that you can listen to and the LFD part comes around 26:10. Under no way or form does he say LFD Is coming cross server but he confirms that they are in fact looking at it which is HUGE from their previous stance.


I seriously hope they reconsider this. When Blizzard first announced their plans for a cross realm LFG i was all for it, untill i saw what it did to the community and instancing became a terrible experience. I eventually left because the enjoyment of the instances where always tarnish by those random fwit's.


On the other subject, PVP cross realm Grouping, this is also a terrible idea. For the same reasons as the above. You get people that demand you do as they say, and then leave when you are losing. At least in a server based warzone, people can control the community by refusing to play with certian individuals. If they want better group creation, create a LFG global channel that spans ALL planets, except starting planets, so that people can find groups instead of having to hang out in the FLEET channels. This is all that is needed.


Im on a relatively low pop server and my queue times are more than acceptable.

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