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Big wins for casuals! Dual Spec - Cross server


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Now that's laughable. You don't meet more people with a cross server tool. You might PLAY with a lot more people, but you probably won't ever see them again. It's all just an endless parade of random people that you can't even start a group with if you wanted to, because they're almost certain to be on a different server.


But that's really what you want, isn't it?




So you do flashpoints to talk about how your dog feels and what your imaginary girlfriend is doing in her family's cottage? Everyone in their sane mind would actually PLAY the game when it has to be played for the sake of the entire group's success, and while you're chatting about stuff no one cares about, you could be doing something useful for the entire group.


Now, if you want to socialize inside a game like your definition of socialization (which I find psychologically sick, sorry), there's always the General and Guild chat channels, where people can actually stop what they're doing just to reply to you.


And, if you spend your entire life inside the game, you could always make your ingame events to get known by the rest, and make friends in people you'll never see their real faces in your entire life.

Edited by Orisai
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Yes it does.


And if you were spending half the time doing it as you are even in this thread, you'd know that.


I find you to be absolutely wrong. Sorry. I just see ya trying to spout your opinion as fact.

Edited by MalignX
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It's lame to run a flashpoint with a x-server group but it's cool to sit around on fleet for days doing nothing?




just becuase the original situation is bad, it doesn't mean any idea that comes after is a good idea..


the game is two months old, ever wonder *** we would be sitting around on fleet for days doing nothing?


instead of identifying and solve this problem, fanboys and bioware pretend the problem doesn't exist, and ask for an even worse feature to be implement into the game.

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just becuase the original situation is bad, it doesn't mean any idea that comes after is a good idea..


the game is two months old, ever wonder *** we would be sitting around on fleet for days doing nothing?


instead of identifying and solve this problem, fanboys and bioware pretend the problem doesn't exist, and ask for an even worse feature to be implement into the game.


Well, just so you don't have to dig through the thread for my suggestion/idea:


Just cluster the servers into groups of 3 or 4 for x-server LFD. Doesn't have to be galactic.

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Whats funny is 99% of the time while running fp no one talks, because you know we are busy running the fp....... you people that act like the social aspect is so important need to get some real life friends, bs with your guild because really most of us dont give a crap about random bs talk while running a fp. Go outside and meet real life people or something. Strange community this game seems to have Edited by Thunderslice
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Not anti-social at all. I just see zero reason why I should have to befriend you in anyway shape or form in order to run a Flash Point, which in the hour or so it takes to run we won't talk beyond tactics, we'll all collect the loot, be done with it and free to go on to other things. No need to get to know you whatsoever. You want that kind of socialization, go join a Guild, as that should be their primary function.


You don't get it dude.


I don't care if you're my friend. I don't want to know anything private about you.


All I want to know is whether you can play worth a crap, and if you like to run the same content that I like to run. If we're both on at the same time, maybe we can throw something together.


Thats ALL it takes.


It isn't hard.


I have never once had to spam the /1 to do a HM Flashpoint, and I play on the Republic side mostly... >.<


If you're having trouble getting groups... You're doing it wrong.

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You don't get it dude.


I don't care if you're my friend. I don't want to know anything private about you.


All I want to know is whether you can play worth a crap, and if you like to run the same content that I like to run. If we're both on at the same time, maybe we can throw something together.


Thats ALL it takes.


It isn't hard.


I have never once had to spam the /1 to do a HM Flashpoint, and I play on the Republic side mostly... >.<


If you're having trouble getting groups... You're doing it wrong.


So you do flashpoints to talk about how your dog feels and what your imaginary girlfriend is doing in her family's cottage? Everyone in their sane mind would actually PLAY the game when it has to be played for the sake of the entire group's success, and while you're chatting about stuff no one cares about, you could be doing something useful for the entire group.


Now, if you want to socialize inside a game like your definition of socialization (which I find psychologically sick, sorry), there's always the General and Guild chat channels, where people can actually stop what they're doing just to reply to you.


And, if you spend your entire life inside the game, you could always make your ingame events to get known by the rest, and make friends in people you'll never see their real faces in your entire life.

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I find you to be absolutely wrong. Sorry. I just see ya trying to spout your opinion as fact.


That's because it IS fact.


Building a contact list of people who like to run flashpoints greatly increases your ability to run them. I don't see how you could even try to debate it.

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Sounds good, /ignore will make everything right when idiot from server X is ninja rolling on everything.


As I said before, if things are done well since day one, ninja-looting shouldn't be an excuse anymore.


That's because it IS fact.


Building a contact list of people who like to run flashpoints greatly increases your ability to run them. I don't see how you could even try to debate it.


You can always form a Guild, not to mention if you already have so many contacts, nothing should stop you from running content like you're doing now, no matter what tool is created to make it possible to others do it.

Edited by Orisai
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So you do flashpoints to talk about how your dog feels and what your imaginary girlfriend is doing in her family's cottage?


Ever feel like you're being intentionally overlooked?


Maybe if you reply to the post I actually made, instead of one that you made up in your head, I will reply to you again someday...



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Good bye then because its coming!!!!


Simon – Any plans for an LFG tool?


SR: Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do.


Good luck in today's modern mmo age in finding a game with out cross server lfg tools!


To counter your quitting,. My wife says she may start playing swtor when they add the cross server lfg.



enjoy your game diminishing into the LFG attitude.


have you ever been in a pug LFG group? its *********** horrible. the groups are full of terrible players looking for carries. and because EVERY group is like this, bioware will be forced to dumb everything down to cater to them.


forums will be flooded with 'blah blah ninja'd this', or 'make only tanks able to roll on tank gear' etc etc


people will become jerks. whats the point in being polite? as it is now, if you're ****, or an ***, they will just kick you and not invite you again. soon you are known on your server as someone that is not wanted in groups, and you're screwed. in LFG, who gives a ****. even if they kick you, you just requeue again, and get completely different group of strangers that have no clue. roll on everything you can, doesnt matter. they dont know you, you wont see them again, no harm done.


then bioware starts putting in all these stupid loot systems and restrictions to try and force players to be less douchey.


eventually the UI plays the game for you. theres no need to communicate with anyone anymore. everything is done with 'queuing' UIs. everything is so easy you dont need to coordinate.


this is what happened to WoW. everything below heroic mode raids is complete trash. stupidly easy to accommodate for all the terrible LFG players. but the game is still successful. and yes, i still play it. because as bad as all that casual themepark content is, there is still GOOD content.


Swtor doesnt have this content. the engine and core programming is laggy and slow. theres no meta game. theres no UI customisation (i spend a ton of time in WoW modding up my UI. because i like to have something really flashy, or minimalist, or more practical). theres no combat logs. we cant (over)analyse the performance of different gear, different mods, different stats, different talents etc. look at all the discussion and involvement that goes into theorycrafting in WoW. there are entire websites devoted to theory crafting or dps simming (femaledwarf, shadowcraft, spriest, elitistjerks, tankspot etc etc). swtor has none of this to fall back on.


one of the big selling points (at least, for me), is the old vanilla/BC feel swtor has atm. same server WZs, server only instances and raids. its great knowing everyone on the server. having battles and rivalling with repub in the WZs.


if the game just ends up being another 'open UI window, click queue button' game, whats the point? now its WoW. except WoW does everything else better.




edit: i know this seems like an over-reaction. but we've seen it happen before, and its not a path bioware wants to head down if they want to keep any credibility in this game.

Edited by Vallowen
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As I said before, if things are done well since day one, ninja-looting shouldn't be an excuse anymore.


Hate to break it to you, but there is a good portion of players who ALREADY ninja roll on everything ("It's for my comp" or "I like the look of this orange, gonna destroy the mods and put in new ones" being the 2 most popular reasons). So that aspect, already in game, no x-server needed to create ninja looters. Next?


EDIT: this isn't @ the person I quoted, just using that post as a springboard.

Edited by face_hindu
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Hate to break it to you, but there is a good portion of players who ALREADY ninja roll on everything ("It's for my comp" or "I like the look of this orange, gonna destroy the mods and put in new ones" being the 2 most popular reasons). So that aspect, already in game, no x-server needed to create ninja looters. Next?


I mean since Xserver LFD is implemented, not since the game's launch.

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You don't get it dude.


I don't care if you're my friend. I don't want to know anything private about you.


All I want to know is whether you can play worth a crap, and if you like to run the same content that I like to run. If we're both on at the same time, maybe we can throw something together.


Thats ALL it takes.


It isn't hard.


I have never once had to spam the /1 to do a HM Flashpoint, and I play on the Republic side mostly... >.<


If you're having trouble getting groups... You're doing it wrong.


What I don't get, is you.


What you don't get is you think your method is great for everyone. It isn't. Since you don't have a problem getting groups, no one does. Another silly assumption.


If that's the way you want to form groups. Have at it. I'll take the LFG tool and will hopefully never have to do a FP with you ;)

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And, if you spend your entire life inside the game, you could always make your ingame events to get known by the rest, and make friends in people you'll never see their real faces in your entire life.


Oh, and by the way...


Posting on the forums constantly and talking about how other people don't have a life is about as ironic as it gets...


Really dude...



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have you ever been in a pug LFG group? its *********** horrible. the groups are full of terrible players looking for carries. and because EVERY group is like this, bioware will be forced to dumb everything down to cater to them.


Yes, I've been in a PUG LFD group (WoW).


No, it wasn't "*********** horrible". Well, maybe 1/100 was "horrible".


No, EVERY group is not like that.



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Yes, I've been in a PUG LFD group (WoW).


No, it wasn't "*********** horrible". Well, maybe 1/100 was "horrible".


No, EVERY group is not like that.




Yes they are, and Blizzard dumbed down the content beyond insanity to accomodate it. Maybe that's why you don't notice it so much... Because any group in random greens with stats that aren't even for their class can faceroll everything.

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Yes they are, and Blizzard dumbed down the content beyond insanity to accomodate it. Maybe that's why you don't notice it so much... Because any group in random greens with stats that aren't even for their class can faceroll everything.


Sweet, not my experience at all. Which means you can stop quoting it as gospel truth.

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Oh, and by the way...


Posting on the forums constantly and talking about how other people don't have a life is about as ironic as it gets...


Really dude...




I'm not saying you don't have a life per se, otherwise you would be dead, buried six feet under instead of posting in a Forum all night. What I'm saying is, given all the stuff you've posted so far in every thread regarding Xserver LFD and how you call those who disagree with you 'antisocial', you have a concept of socialization which everyone in their sane mind would find psychologically sick.

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