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How not to confuse! Call outs for Civil War, and Void Star!


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I mean, generally it shouldn't really matter if folks know what's up. If someone says help, I just assume it's the weak side calling for help, as if it's our strong side calling...well, ain't really any re-enforcements to send. So, I'll just peel off an go trucking to whatever our other node is. Doesn't matter if it's mid, west, grass, left, whatever. It's the one I ain't at.


Though, hopefully a team shouldn't need to call out. First step is I'll run over to make sure not just one person is left on a node by themselves, though half the time when I do that, the person there runs away. If 6 folks can defend against 7 folks, that team's likely to just out muscle us no matter what we do.


With two folks there, if there a decent pair, should need 3+ to push them off. An if that many folks are going to the weak side, I can just look where i'm standing on strong side, notice theres 5 of us trying to kill a heals an a tank, an realize I better start a hustling. The two folks on the weak side should stall long enough for it to become the new strong side. Of course, most folks will just keep whacking away at that Guardian with their 4 buddies, then complain no one was thinking for them.

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If people are on your team are so stupid as to not understand E/W, then they're too stupid to have helped regardless of what inc you used.


The stupid person is the one that chooses ineffective means of communication. However much illogical E/W has always been ineffective. If E/W works on your server, lucky for you. But it clearly doesn't work on every sever.

Edited by Blasphemerr
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Shuttle Side, Fighter Side


Sometimes say Shuttle, or Fighter or just S, or F


When you drop down on defense or offense one side has a drop shuttle. (Empire or Republic it depends on what side is defending. When Empire defends Empire Shuttle is on the floor, if Republic Defend Its a Republic Shuttle.)


If you call one side Shuttle and one side Fighter you can keep the doors apart.


The servers I played seem to have settled on Grass/Snow in Civil War and Left/Right (from spawn) in Voidstar (would have preferred east/west but they seem to have settled on the above terms).


A problem I see from shuttle/fighter is that you will lose the visual cue once the first doors are down, and revert to right/left, west/east or north/east for the next set of doors.

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The stupid person is the one that chooses ineffective means of communication. However much illogical E/W has always been ineffective. If E/W works on your server, lucky for you. But it clearly doesn't work on every sever.


Perpetuating stupidity doesn't solve the problem.


I'll take a few losses due to people not understanding E/W right away, and have them understand for the future, then perpetually using something that is less effective than E/W.

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