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Hey Siths, do you know that Luke's grandkids...


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Don't you just hate people who don't understand how Star Wars canon works? Unless a higher canon source disputes it, it is canon.

Game mechanics are non-canon though (Thus, Starkiller isn't quite as powerful as the game makes him appear to be. Same goes for all this crap about determining what TOR classes everyone is. Sure, a few Jedi have been stated as being a consular, guardian or sentinal (KotOR classes, not TOR) like Kit Fisto being a consular, but this is largely without impact.

It is pretty cool. Can't wait for Apocalypse!

Edited by valin-krai
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Actually, nearly everyone in the skywalker family has had a brush with the darkside.


Anakin: Becomes a Sith Lord, eventually redeems himself


Luke: Becomes a Sith Apprentice, eventually is returned to the light, has other brushes with the darkside. Even goes so far as to marry a dark force user (after redeeming her)


Jacen: Becomes a Sith Lord, does not redeem himself.


Jaina: gives into the darkside after losing her brothers, eventually returns after discovering Jacen is still alive.


Ben: becomes apprenticed to Jacen for a time, does some dark things before rejecting Jacen's teachings. Falls in love with a sith.


Roan Fel: Likely the descendant of Jaina and Jagged Fel, rules the Galactic Empire in 130ABY, Eventually falls to the darkside after years of attempting to reclaim his throne from the Sith Empire


Cade Skywalker: Frequently uses darkside abilities, rejecting jedi ideals. Causes all sorts of problems.


This leaves only Leia Organa-Solo, Anakin Solo, Allana Solo, Kol Skywalker, and Nat Skywalker to be untouched by the darkside.


That's 7/12 darkside for the ones we know about.

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Roan Fel: Likely the descendant of Jaina and Jagged Fel, rules the Galactic Empire in 130ABY, Eventually falls to the darkside after years of attempting to reclaim his throne from the Sith Empire


Cade Skywalker: Frequently uses darkside abilities, rejecting jedi ideals. Causes all sorts of problems.


Kol Skywalker, and Nat Skywalker



I have read every (or nearly every) one of the books. Where do these names come from?


Also, where is the story about luke being an apprentice to the dark side. I keep seeing references to it but I've never run across the story.

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The sense of the comment is that what I said is as canon as the Old Republic


In fact, books are a grade higher in canon than videogames.


It's goes like this




2) Movies novelizations (altough, apparently, Lucas really liked ROTS novel and it's slight differences)


3) TV Series/CG show


4) Books/Comics


5) Videogames (it's mostly for games that don't tell much of a story-aka, Super StarWars for instance. KOTOR would be in books)


6)A lot of stuff from Marvel Comics (not because of the quality of the stories, but because the authors were not told about SW plot, so there was grievous continuity errors, such as Vader being a full robot...)


7) Infinity Comics


8) Jar Jar and Senator Bail Organa shipping fictions.


9) Holyday Special


Close, but not quite.



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Roan, Cade, and Kol are from the Legacy comic series, arguably the best EU since Zhan.


Luke's brush with the Dark Side is in the opposite side of that coin, Dark Horse's abominable, unreadable, horrid Dark Empire series. Avoid like the plague.


Dark Empire visuals were gorgeous. It's from there that come the in-game planets of Nar Shadda and Balmorra.


Cade Skywalker is a pretty good character : it's the only Force user in the GFFA that just don't give a damn about ''power'' and ''the Force''. Typically, when offered by the One Sith ''infinite power'', Cade is totally uninterestted.


Emperor Fel is also a pretty neat concept (note : he is likely a Skywalker from princess Leia, and he is a descendant from Han Solo too) : it's a galactic ruler that is more like Napoleon or Louis XIV that a complete nutjob. Imagine a force sensitive ruler that is not cackling or having half-baked schemes all the time, who is genuinely beloved by his subjets. (1)


(1)Infamously, the Fel Empire got the advantage over the Galactic Alliance mostly by iniating the Victory Without War program, which was a massive PR campaign backed by charitable works throughout the galaxy.

Edited by Angedechu
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not true. Their canon system is weird but basically everything after RotJ would be canon if George Lucas and Leeland Chee hadn't said they are not canon.


George Lucas ragequitted out of star wars. Good riddance. He's like a kid that lets you play in a sandbox but gets pissed when you build a better sand castle than him. Don't take -ANYTHING- That George says for real, he stopped mattering in the SW franchise after episode 3.

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...will be, in all likehood, born with Sith Empire heritage ?


Ben Skywalker first (and mutual) love is a Sith Imperial girl (from one holdout planet from the Great Sith War)


Luke is beyond delighted at the thought.


(Well, I thought this would be a nice tidbit of info...)


I haven't seen anything in the series that states that this would be the case..in fact I'm pretty sure she basically says it will never work and then goes back to her people. So as of that, there's no possibility unless an author decides to bring it back in the future...Luke had many romances in the books, so you can't say that for certain with his 15 year old son.

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for the few that says movies are the only canon that is untrue, Lucas backed and stated the force unleashed is pure canon and so is shadows of the empire.


So video game 100% acknowledged and shadows which is back and said to be canon though Lucas's hand was minor in it though, Lucasfilm Ltd backed and Lucas said if he had the time it would have been something he would have explored in the 80s.


You see links to the SotE in the re-release of ANH ala' swoops the Outrider and other little stuffs.


I still have not seen a 100% backed canon after RotJ, since if he gets strapped or more greedy that he may just approve/release 7,8,9.


It is worth noting that back in the 90s the zahn trilogy was canon till lucas changed his mind since he started working on 1,2,3.Personally think Heir to the Empire should have been made into movies.


Edit:Force Unleashed is G-canon and it is not a movie, again the ever evolving SW universe.

Edited by Xanthlor
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Skywalkers (et Fels, et Kas) in general straddle the line between light and dark because that's their lineage's role: balance the Force.


There's always going to be a dark edge to a Skywalker, whether it's their own or their spouse's. They may shepherd the Jedi Order, but they also shepherd the Sith legacy.


While it may not have necessarily been George Lucas' intention, Star Wars is very much "without darkness, there is no light" sort of setting.


Look at the Jedi Masters of Luke's Order: soldiers, spies, pit fighters and their ilk reside on the same chairs as teachers, scholars, and doctors. There's a lot of wiggle room in their moral wheelhouse.

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