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Not possible to enjoy PvP before level 35?


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First sorry for my english, i am not native.


I know most people that loves PvP will say that i am wrong, but, Someone has really enjoyed Pvp while being level 10, or 20????


MOST people are higher level, PvP should be discriminating with levels, don't mix in the same zone level 20 players with level 50. It is frustrating to wander around being killed with no possibility to do nothing at all. So first time i entered PvP i was level 10. About two minutes after being killed continuously as a womp rat I though... well, i'll return when i'm higher level.


SO i didn't try again till i got level 30... but everyone was anyway level 50. I managed to kill a couple of players, (they sure were occupied with someone else and i only did the "coupe de grace") but of course i died a dozen times. I got bored anyway. After trying two times, i found that i had some "strange pvp points" to buy things in the pvp vendor, so i went there, and found that i only could have things usable for PvP and not usable at all in PVE. So, as i love PVE and don't want to have TWO sets of everything, one for PvP and another for PvE, i didn't buy nothing. As i found it totally out of story ( for a game that puts story in the first row) never tried again. I know a lot of people will disagree, but honestly, if someone ask me about how is PvP in swtor, i'd say "horrible, boring and totally out of story"

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I start to PvP with all my chars at Level 14 (because of Sprint) , enjoy it and still do better than a majority of higher chars.


And level 50 is a seperate bracket for some time now so i don´t know what to make out of your post.

Edited by Sabredance
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I start to PvP with all my chars at Level 14 (because of Sprint) , enjoy it and still do better than a majority of higher chars.


And level 50 is a seperate bracket for quite some time now so i don´t know what to make out of your post.


This ^

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I start to PvP with all my chars at Level 14 (because of Sprint) , enjoy it and still do better than a majority of higher chars.


This too for the most part. One of the reasons this bracket is fun is because it's really entirely skill based. While the person with a higher level has more tools at their disposal, and more points in their trees, you'll have a very good chance of winning as long as you play smart.


I've seen good players with 16's, and bad players with 48's, the level makes little difference with bolster.

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I am sorry but couldn't agree with you. the fact that a player with a single bolt deals you half of your health points DOES help you win. A lot. If it wasn't that way why are you all so interested in having greater weapons, greater armor and greater levels??
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All I can say is my guildies and I tend to be the top people on the scoreboards, and they are casual gamers unlike myself.


Aka it comes down to how well you play your class, that's why many people hate level 50 people, and love level 10-49 pvp.

Edited by Brimmer
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I got to level 36 and the knock backs added with snares on damage attakcs, and ridiculous healing and absorb shields makes melee at a constant disadvantage.....



Melee have to predict their opponent and plan a attack plan. Ranged just stand still and auto turn casting at you while you jump and los, and run around.

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And sure i know that certain level of skill is required, (sure i lack it) but as you get frustrated in your first or second try, you never got that skill unless you try hard again and again or simply begin with higher level. As I see it, if You (any player) and Me (myself) got, let's say "same level of mental health, reflexes, knowledge of your class and strategies" and even the same in-game character skills:


- YOUR level 49 "fury bolt" deals 1500 damage to my 2000 health points level 10 character


- MY level 10 "fury bolt" deals 500 damage to your 10.000 health points level 49 character


SO: It's unbalanced, whatever you say.

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First sorry for my english, i am not native.


I know most people that loves PvP will say that i am wrong, but, Someone has really enjoyed Pvp while being level 10, or 20????


MOST people are higher level, PvP should be discriminating with levels, don't mix in the same zone level 20 players with level 50. It is frustrating to wander around being killed with no possibility to do nothing at all. So first time i entered PvP i was level 10. About two minutes after being killed continuously as a womp rat I though... well, i'll return when i'm higher level.


SO i didn't try again till i got level 30... but everyone was anyway level 50. I managed to kill a couple of players, (they sure were occupied with someone else and i only did the "coupe de grace") but of course i died a dozen times. I got bored anyway. After trying two times, i found that i had some "strange pvp points" to buy things in the pvp vendor, so i went there, and found that i only could have things usable for PvP and not usable at all in PVE. So, as i love PVE and don't want to have TWO sets of everything, one for PvP and another for PvE, i didn't buy nothing. As i found it totally out of story ( for a game that puts story in the first row) never tried again. I know a lot of people will disagree, but honestly, if someone ask me about how is PvP in swtor, i'd say "horrible, boring and totally out of story"



every character i have ever made i start pvp the second i can at lvl 10 and i now have 3 50's(keep lvling chars because i cant find one i truly enjoy at 50) and lvl 10 is just as fun as lvl 49 imo, sure you dont have as many skills but with the way it scales i can still dominate most people based on the fact that they suck...so idk if maybe you are just playing wrong or with a non fun class or even maybe the pvp in this game is not for you who knows...but i personally love pvp at all lvls in this game.

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And sure i know that certain level of skill is required, (sure i lack it) but as you get frustrated in your first or second try, you never got that skill unless you try hard again and again or simply begin with higher level. As I see it, if You (any player) and Me (myself) got, let's say "same level of mental health, reflexes, knowledge of your class and strategies" and even the same in-game character skills:


- YOUR level 49 "fury bolt" deals 1500 damage to my 2000 health points level 10 character


- MY level 10 "fury bolt" deals 500 damage to your 10.000 health points level 49 character


SO: It's unbalanced, whatever you say.


wait what? it scales your lvl and stats so you do close to the same dmg as a 49 and have very similar health numbers...are you playing the right game?

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And sure i know that certain level of skill is required, (sure i lack it) but as you get frustrated in your first or second try, you never got that skill unless you try hard again and again or simply begin with higher level. As I see it, if You (any player) and Me (myself) got, let's say "same level of mental health, reflexes, knowledge of your class and strategies" and even the same in-game character skills:


- YOUR level 49 "fury bolt" deals 1500 damage to my 2000 health points level 10 character


- MY level 10 "fury bolt" deals 500 damage to your 10.000 health points level 49 character


SO: It's unbalanced, whatever you say.


Not sure if serious...

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I started PvPing on my Scoundrel at lvl 10. I've enjoyed it ever since. You just have to go in with the mind set that you don't have the bulk of your abilities or talents to enhance the abilities that you don't have yet. So, you do what you can and just enjoy what fun is there.


Anyway, its faster leveling through PvP at sub-20 than it is running around at a snale's pace doing crappy and very boring quests.

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Reality check:


Until 14, your mobility is so slow out of combat that you're useless. By the time you slowboat it to where the fight was, the fight is over.


Between 14 and 20, most classes don't even have their core skills. Some classes don't get their core skills until 36. If you run up against a class that has those skills, and yours still doesn't, all else being equal, you will lose.


By mid-30s (usually 36-38) most classes are mostly fleshed out. Though Sith Warriors are missing execute (kind of a big deal, when you only need to take people down to 15-20% and then pop them) until 46, and Powertech is missing his AoE stun CC which greatly increases his capability, also at 46.


In other words, in my opinion, if you are queuing for WZs and you are below 20, you are quite simply screwing your team over. Yeah, yeah, I know, you have mad skillz and you do Xk damage, blah blah. You're still screwing your team over. By 32-38, I would say you have every right to be in a WZ, most of your tools are there, depending on class. Use your own judgment.


So, to answer your question, is it possible to enjoy PvP before 35? In my opinion, for most classes you're better off waiting until 36-38, or whenever you finally get most of your abilities. If you are massively in denial, only care about the damage shown on the billboard and/or don't give a hoot about anyone but yourself, go ahead and queue at 10 like so many people do. Just don't be shocked when your team gets steamrolled.

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wait what? it scales your lvl and stats so you do close to the same dmg as a 49 and have very similar health numbers...are you playing the right game?


As i said only played twice, don't know exactly how it works, but i see there are "valor points", and with your valor sure you would have a gear that guarantees you what i said in the example... if not what is the point to earn levels and valor points and buying armor?? come on don't fool me. :(

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As i said only played twice, don't know exactly how it works, but i see there are "valor points", and with your valor sure you would have a gear that guarantees you what i said in the example... if not what is the point to earn levels and valor points and buying armor?? come on don't fool me. :(



i am referring to your comment about how hard a lvl 10 hits a 49 and how hard a 49 hits a 10...that comparison is totally negated by the fact that your skill/stats scale to lvl 49 so it doesn't happen like that...lvl 10's do not get one shotted by 49's...and if your'e just using it as a general comparison to how 50 pvp works then you have clearly not played much lvl 50 pvp if any at all, because no ones stats are that different even a fresh 50 vs. a full BM geared 50 doesn't get killed that hard.

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To answer the OPs question I have enjoyed PVP starting from level 10 as a Vanguard but at the same time I think you have to manage your expectations.


At level 10 I know I'm pretty much going to get curb stomped because my gear is awful, im probably not even wearing all of my gear, and I lack abilities. It also stinks not to have sprint.


At level 14 I have sprint and I can at least move around like a normal human being.


Level 20 is where I think you will see the biggest change in your enjoyment. By then if you have been pvping since you can easily get a full set of level 20 PVP gear + you'll have more abilities at your disposal.


Also remember regardless of your level it's really important to factor in who is in the game playing with you. I'm sure if your team is awesome and you're a low level you can still have a blast... but if your WHOLE team is low levels... look out @@.

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And sure i know that certain level of skill is required, (sure i lack it) but as you get frustrated in your first or second try, you never got that skill unless you try hard again and again or simply begin with higher level. As I see it, if You (any player) and Me (myself) got, let's say "same level of mental health, reflexes, knowledge of your class and strategies" and even the same in-game character skills:


- YOUR level 49 "fury bolt" deals 1500 damage to my 2000 health points level 10 character


- MY level 10 "fury bolt" deals 500 damage to your 10.000 health points level 49 character


SO: It's unbalanced, whatever you say.


Go look up bolster then come back...

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Just expect to die more often when you are in a WZ at a lower level. Especially under lvl 14. You can still do decently however, just try to pick your fights if possible and stay with the group....don't charge out in front, hang in the back and "support" taking out key targets.


Ideally you should be aiming for players within 10 lvls of you, going up against someone in their 30's+ is going to leave you with a huge handicap. A lot of classes will be able to heal off whatever you do, and without all of your tools or talent points you won't be able to do much to prevent it.


At low lvls your at a disadvantage, your focus should not be on trying to kill but trying to help with the warzone objective. Just be smart, be aware of the environment. Know your "role" and what the warzone object is. Don't just funnel into the fray like everyone else mindlessly over and over, if your trying to take a turret rushing mid that is well defended isn't going to help you. Scan the area comming in off your speeder and look for a point that's weak with a better chance of being able to be taken. Pressure other locations to force the opposing team to spread their defense out.


also, the middle turret is the strong point of the match, you want to try and control that more than the others but ideally you take what your given. there is no point sending 4 people to a low priority turret right at the start of the match, hit middle hard and take it, then setup defense on the 2nd turret. Most of the time the team that controls the middle turret is gonna win, it allows for the best view of the field as well as ease of movement.

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