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Incoming changes to global cooldown UI Blog Discussion


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Really? This is what bioware is working on? Such a waist of time NO ONE CARES about how the GCD looks. How bout instead you give us a ui we can move.


oh ...my ...god.


So the masses on the forums cry out because they can't use their cooldowns. BW fixes it and changes it so they can, then they complain they can't see their icons and it's too bright. so they introduce this which allows you to change what you want to see as many have asked for, which shows they listen to the community!


Get it out of your thick head that BW only has one team working on one thing at a time, please, you have to have more common sense than that. Oh and for the record, people like you i seriously dont get. you're on the forum, meaning you must at one point seen the many videos BW released about new content, which included customisable UIs (scale position etc) which is coming soon and yet you still post your drivel.


Think before you post or dont post at all.

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If only we had this sort of punctual attention and developer feedback for Ilum and other PvP issues, or in the "invisible advantages" the Empire classes have over their mirrors, among a fair amount of other problems real and perceived, or QOL desires that a large portion of the community seems to be vocal about. Oh, and let's not forget the ridiculous technical issues ranging from poor resolution graphics (I swear, textures in this game are comparable to the KotOR series only with higher poly models and modern lighting and I can play most new games on high to max graphics), or taking 3 to 4 minutes to load planets like Alderaan (I think it takes me no more than 25 seconds from launching Skyrim to moving my character, as a counter example, which BTW runs flawless on near max settings), or the large amount of players suffering from crashing or framerate issues.


I mean, it's not like I've a problem with the upcoming changes for the UI (though we're only getting a lot of what we should have had anyway AFTER they fixed what wasn't broken), but my one guildmate puts it best: "They spent $200 million and we got THIS?"


I don't know how much of it comes down to their choice of engine (and I'm on a bit of a tangent now, sure) but son of a Bith... :rolleyes: First MMO and all, sure, but... really... Son of a Bith!

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Can you just give us a an actual timer with the actual time on it. 10 would countdown to 0 then get the flash when it's ready. That's more easily discernible than I feel the solutions you've tried to implement. I don't need to see a hourglass type effect and you don't need to darken the hotkey just give me a timer.


Listed in the article:


"Show Cooldown Text: This option, when selected, will show the time remaining on a cooldown as an overlay on the ability icon."

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Really? This is what bioware is working on? Such a waist of time NO ONE CARES about how the GCD looks. How bout instead you give us a ui we can move.


They've already said that's in the works and released footage of it. Also, many people were not happy with the GCD, nor the changes they had made. Options are a good thing buddy, and a lot of us care.

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Just to be on the safe side:


We will have the option that we can deactivate the GCD animation at all, right?

No need to see 30 animations due to the fact that I press 1 button!


One of the most feedback was to revert the change to avoid two things:

1. GCD animation at almost every button on the same time

2. Flash animation at almost every button on end of 1


Please confirm.


What I see from the current options, the global cooldown will always be displayed on all buttons affected by it. It has been since the game launched and if it were not displayed, you'd see abilities as "ready" which are not ready.


You will get the option to deactivate the "flash" at the end of the animation, so that it's just the bar moving down. You will also get to choose between two different kinds of GCD bars, a brighter, more obvious one and a darker, more subtle one.


Removing the GCD animation altogether might make for an optional choice for people (like me) who mash buttons anyway, not really looking at the animation, but that wasn't really the issue people were having with the previous/current system.


Totally agree with Isathrea. There's no need to have the GCD make all icons flashing at once. It's overkill! We don't even need it as we are supposed to be able to queue one action, aren't we?



  1. Option to disable the GCD flashing
  2. Option to have the GCD flashing displayed in its own bar


Anyway IMHO we just need to see the cooldown on the few abilities with over 1 sec timer. The others we can keep spamming them.

Edited by Deewe
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Excellent changes - options given, and very customisable ones at that.


I feared that 'options' would simply mean 2-3 different styles that we be given 'as is'


The option to have timers, to flash or not, animation styles etc is great.


Given the level of this change (which is a quickfix to the 1.1.2 UI change) i'm enthusiastic that the 1.2 UI changes will be fairly substantial.


Keep it coming :)

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Cooldown text? I'll take ten please!


This is an excellent change Bioware. One of the things I loved about Blizzard is how much they listened to and interacted with their community. It's great to see that you are doing the same. Keep up the good work.

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Thank you so much for this immediate and to the point response. I have seen other developers acknowledging the issue quickly but very rarely I see the developer delivering a solution so quickly as well. Not to mention a solution that is more or less what most people have asked for.


You are still number one for me, Bioware.

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I just need the white frame around the abilities which have a cool down, a timer would be great as well. However I'm more than impressed how bioware is handling feedback from the community. Thumbs up ! Edited by GorZie
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this was probably an easy change. that is why we have it so quickly. some of the other things that you want will probably be out as soon as they can get it right. so for now. be patient and stop whining and enjoy the fruits of all these guys hard work.


by the way ...

i love the GCD options. it is kind of nice having these small cosmetic options.

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Screw something up, and then do it right. They deserve "praise" for that?


I'm glad they are making efforts to improve the game, and of couse everything isn't going to be perfect, but they deffiantely don't deserve "praise" for for fixing something that they screwed up in the first place, and then blamed the playerbase for.


Try to test the next patch a little bit more next time, Steve, so we don't have to listen to your flip comments like its our fault.

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Thank god.

A system like this will mean that when the UI team comes up with more innovative ways to display cooldowns they will simply add them as options to the list and I can ignore them.


A bit of experimentaiton with the various styles, find the one I need and my and my team's repair costs should be cut in half :)

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