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  1. You will be focused and stomped in seconds unless you have support from another healer and a guard bubble. I dare you to try and cast that uber 2.5 sec auto crit heal. It will be interrupted. The alternative: learn to cast juke the pain train and stack a ton of alacrity. I'll be putting my seer on hold. I'll go work on an alt/new main until I see some hard numbers.
  2. I'll be dumping my seer come 1.2. Has anyone tried to heal Foreman crusher? That instance where he goes ape **** for a bit and seers have to leverage any quick casting they can? It's not gonna be possible come 1.2. Using conveyance and losing 15% each time, then not having that fast cast big heal... tanks gonna drop or the seer will. I think this is a seer breaking mechanic. Who cares if the 2.5 sec cast critically hits when the tank is already dead because getting the uber crit cast takes that long to get off_every_time. Suggestion: revert the changes. Give the free proc conveyance and change the big heal back to 1sec off cast time.
  3. OMG NUMBERS!!!!!1111!!! YAY I just cried tears of joy!!!!!!!!!111111!!!! Thank you!
  4. Please fix tab targeting to have a target priority based on what the camera is facing not the direction the character is running! I strafe ALOT and it's really annoying for me to have to stop strafing(moving) turn to have my character's face looking toward the desired target, press tab, then start strafing again. Please make the tab targeting priority start from the middle of the screen to outward. For example: Person a, b, c. Person a and b are in the middle of the screen. Person a is closest to you and in the center of the screen. Person b is behind person a. Person c is at the right edge of the screen but person c is closer to you than person b. Currently the tab order would be, a,c,b. This is bad. The priority should be from the middle of the screen outward even if person b is further away from person c. The correct order should be a,b,c. If I wanted to target person c then I would pan my camera to put him closer to the middle of the screen. When deselecting (pressing escape), tab target shouldn't 'remember' the last thing you targeted. It should reset. Currently when tab is pressed again (after the deselection), it targets the next person behind the person you previously de-selected as the current target. That person could be behind you off screen somewhere. I realize that there is something in the game currently called "Target center screen". but the problem with that is, it targets friendlies as well as enemies IIRC. Last time I tried that feature it didn't do what I wanted and none of my other guild mates thought it was a good solution as well.
  5. Agree with OP. I'd say add in another part to the class specific piece of the quest: Warzone wins 5/35 or something that could replace Ball passing or door capping. Not everyone should be running the huttball and scoring (i.e. support and healers). Not everyone should be in the thick of battle at the voidstar door long enough to cap it.
  6. All that was great. But this is probably my favorite part. After RE-ing 100ish (I kept a reasonably accurate count) might implants and not getting any purple pattern procs, I just gave up. It became a waste of mats and massive loss in potential profit dollars. Not to mention the time sink. I don't mind working hard for something but just being random and unlucky does not suit me at all. I'd say make RE-ing patterns obtainable, but just not by random chance, but rather by spending the time doing certain things, gathering certain items, finding hidden things in the universe to aid crafting (buffs or items that enhance RE-ing or give a chance to make double or have a few ticks of better stats). Make crafters want to go explore the world because there's something hidden out there, something mysterious that could aid them.
  7. Resolve should not diminish while still rooted/snared/stunned/(anything that causes your character to not perform, not move or move at a speed less than the normal character rate of speed). Snares are a form of CC. Roots are a form of CC. They should count toward resolve. Snares and roots currently are a nightmare for melee because they have no ranged abilities to use to pressure their targets. Snares and roots are a nightmare for a caster type because they are squishy and movement is their main mechanic of defense. If you take that away, they die without being able to cast (spell interrupts). Being snared and rooted is not as bad as being stunned but it's not too far off from it.
  8. ok maybe I was a bit over exaggerating. However, spamming TK to get a PoM proc over and over is very boring.
  9. The big problem with the 'survavibility' sage talents are: the stun that puts resolve on the target. The root one is fine, but the the FA burst stun is very bad for group pvp. Hitting the resolve cap and disallowing your DD classes the ability to peel for you is bad. I've run into this countless times. I use resplendence in pvp as well. I highly recommend it.
  10. ^^ this. I leveled with this build and pvped for a week with it after I hit 50. I was always top damage but it was mind numbingly boring and shallow. I went seer a few days later. The healing rotations have much more freedom, experimentation and less "8-year-old-button-spammer-syndrome" than the TK or balance damage counterparts. Granted it's healing, which is 10X harder than any damage class when it comes to maintaining an open field of vision (no tunnel vision), keeping one eye on your HP and one eye on your teammates, broken tab targeting, ctrl modifiers break the camera panning, keeping the node capper dotted, etc etc.
  11. I pvp like crazy. I've used this talent and I think this talent is a waste. It doesn't stack with sprint nor any other speed enhancer. Here's why it stinks: Every class has a CC or a slow. Being a sage, that's generally the first thing people do to you. You are always snared or CC'd else there isn't anyone on you and therefore no need for +20% speed to begin with! Being snared for 50% speed and then popping a +20% speed boost effectively makes you go at a cumulative +60% speed. Put them in something else. The pre-req talent and the FA speed talent are currently extremely situational (worthless) and a waste of points. This cannot be relied upon for anything defensive. Math: 50% speed + 20% speed = ? 20% of 50% = 10% so 50% + 10% = 60% current movement speed.
  12. I vote to use that 'other' MMOs proc notification system; cool-looking, distinguishable, color coordinated graphics above the characters head. That has to be one of the most well received and grossly underated featured to ever be added to a game for players. Staring at buff bars is like played a texted based action game....
  13. RIP SWG. Some of the greatest memories and feelings I've ever had were given from that game and it's players. I will miss you.
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