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Community Q&A – Feb 10th 2012 Blog Discussion


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I didn't see a single question that hasn't already been asked and answered on there...


I didn't see a big one about the game's resource handling...


Yeah, I'm not playing right now because lately my PC's been running super hot trying to keep up with the demand (it wasn't like this a couple patches ago.) I can play for maybe an hour, then I need to get off for several hours to let it cool down. Usually have to restart and close all kinds of processes to avoid a total overload.

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This game gets better every week, and I'm proud to pay for it. Give it time people.


While valid, I find little meaning behind this sort of statement about giving it time. I STILL see it coming from fanboys of FFXI and WoW. Those games are nearing 10yrs old. Their defense being that MMO's always change and you always need to give it time. Which in reality, is an endless (stale) argument lol.

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I have never seen devs go and take the time to make an effort to answer questions of the community. All the games I have ever played, game updates came when they were damn good and ready. we never knew what was going to get fixed or when. Thank you for this effort. I know some at seers were already out there. But the simple fact: these are, from what I get for the OP info, these are the most commonly asked questions by the community. I admit myself, I was unaware of most of this info. I know a lot of people have these answers and that's fine that you truly dedicated players are doing the due diligence to find the answers. Props to you. However, props to the devs for u lazy folks. And on the brighter side, now that these questions have been answered, we can now move on to the more obscure ones.
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The answer to the question about expanding endgame isn't good enough. All that said was what we already know, more of the same. Guess what? Current endgame is BORING, tacking more of the same onto it does not get rid of the BORING aspect. We need viable alternatives. Achievement system that goes beyond the codex, mini games like sabaak, pazaak, pod racing, revamped space game, housing, collections, something to do with collections, alternate advancement mechanics similar to EQ/EQ2, and so on.
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Note: Not complaining


I noticed quite a few people asking about space pvp/free flight in the Q+A thread yet the question wasn't addressed. Do you think it's because BW has no intentions of expanding on the space aspect? Or maybe they know we want more and are keeping it secret for now? (Fingers crossed!)


Note: That was not complaining about the questions, just an observation about a topic I'm curious about.

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Some people dont sound happy about the answers/feedback giving out this week. Look at the bright side people, 7 days isnt a long period of time and they will eventually get to your question now that some of the "bad" questions are out. :p Edited by xShadow-
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Well, I started a thread to actually analyze the answers , but Bioware felt that was better done in this thread.


So instead of being polite, like I was in my other thread, I'll just throw it out there. Your answer on Legacy is complete, unadulterated tap-dancing, and it's insulting to boot.

It's literally so nuanced that it doesn't even answer the original question.


Before, we knew that Legacy system:


- unlocked new options

- unlocked new species


After this answer, we know that it


- unlocks new options for alts

- unlocks unspecified features for 50's

- unlocks new species

- unlocks species specific to the other side


Here's what people should ask the next time:


Given that you never bother to answer anything directly unless all plans are finalized, and that your FPS Improvement guide was an insulting joke and your Q&A didn't even answer half the questions you picked with any kind of actual information, why should we even bother listening to your blogs, pronouncements or bland press releases?




Most of the recent fixes we are seeing are solely due to the baying for blood and howling on the player forums. Given that appearantly the only way we can motivate your posteriors into any kind of action is by turning the forums into a roaring BBQ, why are you not even bothering to admit that the problems you can't fix are beyond your technical capability, or are we supposed to believe that WZ counter fixes are that complex?


or even


Hey, Bioware. When you get through using every form of Doublespeak covered in 1984 and have ensured that if Javert, Ironsides, Judge Judy and Perry Mason all tried to pin you down they'd have nothing legally binding, could you maybe spend five minutes answering real basic questions like "Given how badly you flubbed the launch and all the stuff you are cramming into 1.2, how many additional beta testers are you hiring?

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BioWare is clearly just ignoring and neglecting any talk on SGRAs, especially considering information on SGRAs was the fourth most asked question in the Q&A thread, thanks BioWare, really feel like the 'valued customer' you claim me to be.


Do you really want to hear that "it's coming, but there is no ETA"? To me that seems like a waste of a response.

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Even Ghostcrawler answers questions better than this......



Reading through the thread stopped here had to comment.


No one, NO ONE is worse than that man. Dungeons Are Hard anyone? Ghostcrawler is the single most egotistical head up in his *** hack dev I have EVER seen in my life. He said Hunters were fine when they CLEARLY were not, anyone and everyone does a better job than him

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Reading through the thread stopped here had to comment.


No one, NO ONE is worse than that man. Dungeons Are Hard anyone? Ghostcrawler is the single most egotistical head up in his *** hack dev I have EVER seen in my life. He said Hunters were fine when they CLEARLY were not, anyone and everyone does a better job than him


He also said rogues didn't feel special enough in cataclysm and that's why they get a legendary item this patch. Dumbest thing I ever heard from a game developer.

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I was very pleased with this at least they are answers and 3 of them actually addressed some of my top five questions about upcoming content/patches/features I am happy for medium/heavy social gear *crosses fingers that they look cool* I am happy for set colors to chest this was a great feature in beta and I have missed it dearly. and I am happy that guild banks and cross server pvp were addressed granted vaguely but I am happy to have news on the latter at all.
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