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Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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I feel there are too many servers and the population is spread too thinly throughout them all. Are you going to do anything to address this? i.e server merges?


The population seems to be okay for the time being as far as numbers go but the servers feel dead because people are spread too far apart.

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You have confirmed that some form of combat log will be made available very soon. Can we get some more information and how this change will help with end game content? What sort of information will be made available and how will we be able to utilize it to enhance our end game experiences?
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I've got a long WoW background and I'm wondering if there are plans for a "SWTOR-connect" feature where you can access the guild chat and auction house from.your smartphone. I'd love these features here as well.


(And support for the Logitech G19 would be great as well.)

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Once the Legacy System is implemented will there be a Barber-shop option for those of use who already have high level alts to redo certain aspects of our characters (Aesthetically)? I.E. I have a 50 Smuggler and a 43 JK, can the Jedi Knight get a one time make over for new customization options? Edited by Valens_Andorius
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Daniel Erickson tried to elaborate on future playable species and character creation options coming through legacy, but failed to address the ultimate question, which I will pose once again:


Will those new options and species be available, retroactively, to existing characters?

Edited by Mephane
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The world is vast and imaginatively laid out. Places in the world of SW:TOR provide massive opportunities for Roleplay and emmersion in the enviroment - but something is lacking in the interactivity of actual enviromental items (e.g sitting in chairs or at tables, laying in beds, etc) Is anything slated in the near future to include some of these things?
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Any project on adding Sandbox features? Or Kotor's features? Because some people like to level alts and arent really interessted in same old high level content ( gear grinding, raids, dailies, buged pvp,wandering on fleet, etc)


For example, ship custumization (real housing); Social game, like pazaak, more indept crafting, bounty or anything that would add more immersion to the game.

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Are there plans for a more fleshed out Achievement system with emphasis on Pets, Titles, Mounts, and things of that nature on the way? A version where you can track your progress and go through a list of unearned achievements you've yet to get. Having miscellaneous things to do instead of Operations or PVP is important to a majority of the playerbase. Especially Completionists and Collectors which there are droves of.
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When will we see some kind of server balance? I am aware of your "Hypersensitivity" to the Empire/Republic balance issue. Can we get an estimated schedule? Some proposed solutions? Or maybe you can just comment on your part in the in balance by possible favoritism to the empire? I mean i am not pointing any fingers or anything but here is an example of the repub/imp training area on the fleet.....




so when do I get my cool training area?

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When can we expect a combat log (or something similar) to be implemented? Additionally, will there be an in-game method for evaluating our damage / healing performance (or the ability for 3rd party mods to evaluate this) and when might we expect it?
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