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Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Do you plan on changing how one could reach light/dark V?


Additional info: I would be unable to reach light V because I have made two dark choices and I feel that this should not be the case. I have seen multiple threads about this and I (as well as a few others) think this should be reassessed.

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Will you implement an ingame calendar?

So we can create guild events like raid evenings, pvp, worldboss run evenings, etc?

This is very usefull to have a clear overview for sign ups for raidevenings so you know which members will attend for the raid, etc

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Is there currently an intention to add a "force jump" or a jet pack for mobility feature? As a Jedi, I get force leap, but I should be able to use it for mobility as well right? Like a non target required force jump.


When will you be fixing the jump animation? I don't know anyone that jumps like our characters do.

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1.Do you have any plans in the Future to consider player housing and planetary "player" bases? "I am referring to the SWG style faction bases for PVP battles"


2.Any Plans to implement space travel like Jump to Lightspeed was? I know there was talk of a space theme later on that was being kept close to the vest... can anyone speculate or expand on that?



Either question would be fine for me.

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As a toon with a tanking companion, I would love to be able to begin an attack with a single key stroke instead of multiple key combinations and target changes. Are there plans for adding macros to the game and, if so, when might we hope to see it? Keep up the good work, and THANKS!
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Are there any plans to make changes to the Alderaan Civil War WZ? It seems to be extremely difficult to capture either of the side points with dots breaking capping, and the speeders which allow the defending team to reinforce so quickly.
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In regard to PvP: I want to know if there are plans to implement a property to be fought for and captured. Transient objectives for pvp are fun for awhile, but that rubs off after repeated warzones because there is no lasting objective. We need something that engages the whole community, Republic and Empire, to organize and prepare and strategize for ownership.
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When can we expect some solid, informative news on the Legacy system?


Also, are there any thoughts on allowing a respec of the character's initial specialisation? (i.e. Gunslinger to Scoundrel, Shadow to Sage etc.)

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