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Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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It is my understanding that Bioware mentioned prior to launch that they would eventually be releasing the API for creating addons/mods, once they were happy with the standard UI Customization.


I know this is a hot-bed issue for many players, but is that still the intention and in either case is there a chance we will get a built-in DPS Meter/Combatlog system for PVE similar to the one already implemented for Warzones?

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Not a question I expect a clear answer on, but can you give us a rough estimation on when we can expect 1.2? Within the next month, 2 months, 6 months? It seems that 1.2 is going to be the first major patch bring a lot of new features, fixes and content. It also seems to be the patch that implements a lot of features which players feel should have been in game since the start, or are really looking forward to. So it's a pretty major patch, so just some rough time frame would be awesome.
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Have Bioware considered lowering the Global Cool Down time (GCD) from the current 1.5seconds?. 1.5 seconds is too slow for the faster paced PvP and removes the fluidity of combat. Bringing it down to 1 seconds would make the User Interface feel much snapier and responsive.
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I understand that you are working on some bugs in raids and propably have the next raid content somewhat finished so this is not a question addressing the immediate future but more like the time frame of 4 months from now: Are you planning to give more incentives to do 16 man raid modes and make the raids in general (or just in 16 man modes as a compromise) harder?


Thank you!



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you should encourage people to play healer. currently healer have a lot off CC, which is useless due to DR, every class has tons of cc. instead healer should receive major survivability buffs aswell as CDs. my 600 competence healer is easily soloable by every melee. this causes frustration.


my question:

are there plans to improve the fun of healing aka. giving healers more survivability and more emergency CDs for less CC?

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I enjoy collecting the special color crystals in the game, (razer, magenta, redblack, yellowblack) But some of these will not last forever because of the stats attached to them. Would you consider removing stats from the color crystals and attaching a new slot to weapons that determines the color of it's lightsaber/bolts?
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Hi there. First of all, thanks to the Devs for the great Q+A last week. I'm looking forward to the possibility of currently un-playable species becoming playable in the future. It may however hinder me creating an alt at this stage. It was good to see that written 'out loud' though for the first time.


My question is: Will an option ever be implemented to add more or to mix/match companions? ie: T7 has been owned by the Jedi Master Ven Zallow and then the Smuggler Nico Okarr before becoming the Jedi Knight's companion. Similarly (at least with Legacy system) R2-D2 was owned by both Anakin AND Luke and has also been owned by Naboo Engineers, Padme and the Organas. It would be great, even if just within factions to have a mix up or to give each class an extra companion in the future.



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As it stands right now Tionese gear for all classes is pretty much ignored with Columni tokens dropping in Hard Mode Flash Points. Have the developers ever considered, or are considering having Tionese drop from Hard Modes exclusively, and Columni and Exotech dropping from normal Operations, and Rakata dropping from Hard Mode Operations?


This would give a more natural progression IMO. Tionese preraid gear (old wow blues), Columni first tier raid gear, Rakata second tier raid gear.

Edited by Maglen
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You guys have said multiple times cross-server queueing is coming for warzones. How many servers do you plan to cluster? And have you taken into consideration the community already built around the current server? My concern is that if you make the battlegroup bigger than 2 or 3 servers I won't be able to make the allies and healthy enemy grudges that I normally can in a small environment.
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I understand its too soon to have an answer for this and this is not something you are willing to dedicate your time to ATM because there are more important issues to attend to but are you guys planning on merging servers so there isnt 125 Light servers on North American servers as well as Europian? possibly down to 60? ;)
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