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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Will you add so that you get rewards in warfronts for doing things that benefit your team to win the current warfront? Plant the bomb, disarm the bomb, cap a turret, defend a turret, score a goal, kill the ball holder. Edited by Paralassa
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How are you planning to address DPS queue times with the upcoming LFG tool? Considering that every group can only have 2 dps, that's a theoretical 50% increase in wait times for DPS compared to a 5-man model. Other games have DPS wait times of around 30-40 minutes for harder 5-man content, this is most likely to be 1 hr+ for a 4-man model.
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Is there any thought of being able to have the Transmog thingy as WoW Had. You talk to a NPC which gives you the view of your gier and you can put the a certain gier piece that you think looks cool. As there is many awesome healmet and gear that is not modable =/


And i am not trying to say be more as WoW but the transmog thingy was a brilliant idea =P

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First, let me acknowledge that I know this is a very complicated fix... but is bioware doing anything about the fps issues for "Higher-End" Machines?


I can run any other game (Including Battlefield 3, Call of Duty, and yes... WoW) on max settings, and still get 100+ fps.


While SWTOR solo play runs at high framerates, most of the group play (mostly pvp: Ilum/Warzones) runs at a crawling speed of 10-20 Frames.

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Is there a plan to overhaul some of the crafting experience? I read the post about RE and critical oranges but there are other aspects of crafting that make it cumbersome and of questionable value.For example, 48 crafted enhancements is overkill and playing the log-out log-in game to get the missions desired is tedious. Filtering recipes and keeping up with how many recipes are left to be learned from RE'ing an item are also lacking features that make crafting more of a chore than play enhancement.
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