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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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You've confirmed intentions to open up same gender romances at some point, and I was hoping for more information. Is this something that will be available sooner rather than later? Will it be available for current companions? Will you also allow same gender flirting with non-companions? Is it possible to simply remove the gender restriction on flirt options that don't directly reference the player character's gender? As an aside, are there any plans to bring the amount of flirt options for female characters more in line with the number of flirt options available for males?


Thank you!

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I notice that Jedi Guardians have a specific animation when they hold their lightsaber (hold with 2 hands) but Sith Juggernaut share the one handed lightsaber hold with Sorcerer and Sage. My question is would it be possible to implement an option to allow one to choose to hold one's lightsaber with both hands or 1 hand as a Juggernaut or Guardian to make it equal in terms of class specific animations per faction? Currently as I can tell the Republic seems to have the only unique animation for the same weapon type.
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Is there any possibility of adding more camera options? Or just fixing/changing the current camera settings.



More Info-


The game feels like the camera look sensitivity is some how linked to the current frame rate.

Example: low fps of 20 will result in the turn speed slowing right down, while a high fps 100+ results in insanely high turn speeds. (this happens with camera rotation speed turned right down and is even worse if the setting is higher than 1%).

This makes the game very difficult/frustating to play at times and could really do with having some changes made if at all possible.

Also, v-sync isnt much of a fix as for whatever reason it seems to cause screen stuttering regardless whether or not it has triple buffering forced on or not.


I would have thought that tying mouse sensitivity to fps (as well as mouse smoothing) would not exist in a pc exclusive title, or at the very least be optional, since they are quite frankly game breakers for a lot of people.

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The popularity of Warzones was mentioned in the first Q&A thread. I feel that a lot of that popularity has to do with the content being quick and easy to access. So far, the Warzone finder works great. The PvE side of things are significantly less accessable.


What plans are there to make groups for Flashpoints and (hopefully) Operations easier to find without having 3 other friends to play with all the time?

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Will the Dev's be implementing either a server only, or a cross-server Looking For Flashpoint tool to assist in the creation of Flashpoint groups?


Arranging a group for Flashpoints as a tank or healer is considerably easier and faster than DPS classes suffer. Having to sit in Fleet as DPS spamming chat and waiting to get a group for a Flashpoint when your friends/guidlies/contacts are not playing or free to join your group is an unpleasant experience right now.


A Flashpoint finder tool would be a huge buff for players wishing to take part in Flashpoints. Lock it until you reach level 48 and keep it server only if need be.

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My issue relates to the imbalanced amount of tanks required to complete the normal and hardmode 8 man ops. Ill explain below.


At the moment my guild is finding the optimal setup for 8 man ops is to have 1 tank, 5 dps and 2 healers. This in itself is not that much of a problem. The real problem is that when you do the maths I would be expecting 2 tanks, 4 dps and 2 healers. Ill elaborate why.


From lvl 1-50 any group activities realistically needs 1 tank, 2 dps, 1 healer. This means that for 50 levels and for all current flashpoints there is a need to have a 1t-2d-1h setup. When you hit lvl50 and do ops this effectively works out to 1t-5d-2h which means we somehow need to find an additional DPS, ask a tank to respec to DPS or should the tank decide he/she wants to play tank then either need to work out some priority/rotation system or leave the tank out of raiding completly. It also means that should the tanks decide to respec to raid as dps then we will suffer a tank shorage in relation to flashpoints/heroic dailies.


The other big thing that worries me is that there are so many other fun abilities that bosses in other MMO's do that require tank swapping/switching or even two tanks to complete. Ill use WoW for an example.


  • Tank 1 gets debuff, tank 2 needs to taunt off while tank 1 removes debuff. - Think Saurfang.
  • Sabre lash effect (tanks splitting a huge amount of damage between them which would otherwise kill one tank) - Think Marrowgar.
  • Mob kiting which is unable to be done by a dps'r - Think Rotface.

I am seeing some of my tanks rerolling different classes, especially the Juggernauts since their DPS specs are considered to be quite weak when compared to ranged classes.


Can we get clarification on the optimal number of tanks/dps/healers that we should be aiming for and roughly how long dual speccing (not advanced classes, I mean allowing a Juggernaut to have one tank spec and one dps spec) is away.


Thanks for reading :)

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With the upcoming gear updates, it's been stated that all gear will now be fully modible. Does that mean that green, blue and purple gear will be the functional equivalent of the current orange gear? I.E. I can take the mods out of a purple item, stick new mods in it, and that item will level up with the new mods?
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my question is about customer service. although i have received a fix to my problem it took nearly 4 weeks for it to get resolved. my question is, will customer service be improved? i believe that customer service is very important in a game, and i'm positive if it is imrpoved you would see less complaints from many players. that is all and thank you
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Hi, I was wondering if there are any plans for making a Looking for Group tool that lets us queue for Flashpoints and Hard mode flashpoints. Just like queueing for Warzones.

Because as of today it's a real drag trying to get a group together.

Why do pve'ers have to manualy search for other players and pvp'ers can be lazy and push a button to get grouped?

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In regards to the legacy system. If you have already chosen all your alts on a server and started working on them what benefit will legacy give us? obviously we cannot change our alts race or appearance.

I hope there is no plan to add xp bonuses to the game. Its already fast enough.


Are there any plans to increase the the ammount of toons per server? I was hoping there would be a way to change your advance class through legacy. I don't think theres anything to gain by regrinding a new toon for a advance class but you guys must think theres a big enough difference.

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My Smuggler really likes Beryl Thorne and Tatooine Jedi Girl and really dislikes Risha and Akaavi for many RP and attitude reasons. Likewise my Jedi Knight is not too fond of T7's attitude or look (Would prefer M1-4X's attitude / look), and my Sith Warrior wanted to toss Quinn under a bantha stampede the second he met him.


I could deal with fewer sound clips and no storylines for a while if I could have whoever I want (within reason) as companions / shipmates. There is an ever growing list of npcs who I really really enjoyed being around.. If there is something integral to the storyline, couldn't it optionally be put on our ship droid as a backup when we drop the companions we don't like off at their planet of choice?


Can this please be looked at?

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When will SGRAs will be implemented? Can we get an idea of where they are in the development timeline? Will they be implemented within the next few patches or are we talking a year or two down the road?


I really want to dive into this game wholeheartedly without any reservations, second-guessing, or wondering if I'm going to have to re-roll a character in order to experience SGRA-enabled companion storylines. It's starting to inhibit my enjoyment of the game.

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