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Does malice increase DoT crit chance?


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I've only been 50 for about a week and am trying to learn the game in a bit more detail now that I'm PVPing. Im Anni spec, I've read some people say that malice doesn't increase DoT crit chance and I've heard other say it does? If anyone knows the actual answer I'd love to know it.
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this question has been asked more int he last 24 hours than ever before. yes malice effects dot crits. Malice does not effect the initial damage rupture does


Bleed is internal damage. It's not a force attack. So how does malice effect it? Not trying to be a ***** or anything, just curious. If you look when someone puts a bleed debuff on you it says it's internal......

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Bleed is internal damage. It's not a force attack. So how does malice effect it? Not trying to be a ***** or anything, just curious. If you look when someone puts a bleed debuff on you it says it's internal......


I still have my doubts, and will be testing it later, but the attack types are melee, ranged, force and tech. Damage is further categorized as kinetic, energy, internal or elemental. It is possible for an attack to be force, but the damage internal, at least according to game mechanics.

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Bleed is internal damage. It's not a force attack. So how does malice effect it? Not trying to be a ***** or anything, just curious. If you look when someone puts a bleed debuff on you it says it's internal......


Put a piece of Willpower gear on. Does it increase the damage of the DoT portion of Rupture?


If so, Malice affects it.












Pro-tip: it does.





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Bleed is internal damage. It's not a force attack. So how does malice effect it? Not trying to be a ***** or anything, just curious. If you look when someone puts a bleed debuff on you it says it's internal......


Dont go buy what the tooptip says. My ataru strikes benefit from Malice.

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Dont go buy what the tooptip says. My ataru strikes benefit from Malice.


This as well.


Any damage you see flash across your screen that's Yellow constitutes a Force Attack, while White is a normal physical attack.


The same goes for Tech/Ranged.

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