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Proposed Changes to Crowd Control


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Passivity is never a good answer. You should have to use an ability to get out of CC, not simply become immune to it after you've taken too much.


Hence, the unlimited use CC break with a health cost. Now you can break EVERY STUN thrown at you, you'll just have to decide if it's worth the health cost.


Right now, as a Juggernaut, one force choke and one stun and your resolve bar is full. TWO STUNS and I can't force push you. Two stuns and my disrupt and now I can't stop you from casting.


In PvP, you should never be safe from the abilities of others.


Disrupts affecting resolve.


Are you serious?

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So basically open world pvp encounters can be 1+companion against 1 without companion? Just got ambushed by a dodger in open world who CCed my companion indefinitely till i killed this scum... I had to use my all cooldowns and medikit tho ... how fair it is?


How come it doesnt suprise me that brilliant bioware developers forgot about such "irelevant" thing as difference between pvp and pve CC...


In pvp CC no matter if its player or companion shouldnt last longer than 8 seconds. Otherwise your game is just a mockery of competetive pvp gameplay.


Fix it, and do it yestarday already! This is just ridiculous and requires hotfix.

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So basically open world pvp encounters can be 1+companion against 1 without companion? Just got ambushed by a dodger in open world who CCed my companion indefinitely till i killed this scum... I had to use my all cooldowns and medikit tho ... how fair it is?


How come it doesnt suprise me that brilliant bioware developers forgot about such "irelevant" thing as difference between pvp and pve CC...


In pvp CC no matter if its player or companion shouldnt last longer than 8 seconds. Otherwise your game is just a mockery of competetive pvp gameplay.


Fix it, and do it yestarday already! This is just ridiculous and requires hotfix.


Nerf companions.

Edited by finetop
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So basically open world pvp encounters can be 1+companion against 1 without companion? Just got ambushed by a dodger in open world who CCed my companion indefinitely till i killed this scum... I had to use my all cooldowns and medikit tho ... how fair it is?


How come it doesnt suprise me that brilliant bioware developers forgot about such "irelevant" thing as difference between pvp and pve CC...


In pvp CC no matter if its player or companion shouldnt last longer than 8 seconds. Otherwise your game is just a mockery of competetive pvp gameplay.


Fix it, and do it yestarday already! This is just ridiculous and requires hotfix.


Never seen this before, and if I had to guess I'd bet on this being unintended. I'd suggest a bug report and/or making a new thread about this specifically.

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But then, in an 8v8 situation, how do I know how long my CC will last? And if I can't know that, how do I maximize its effectiveness?


Each tick of diminishing returns fills the resolve bar by an equal amount. One third indicates -50% effectiveness, the next -75% effectiveness. When the bar is full and/or slowly depleting, they have immunity.

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Never seen this before, and if I had to guess I'd bet on this being unintended. I'd suggest a bug report and/or making a new thread about this specifically.


I assumed that it was chain cc'ing. An initial cc for 8s. Then immediately re-cc'd for 5s. Then snared or permarooted, whch isn't disrupted by resolve.


Had that happen to me once or twice, and I was ready to spit teeth by the time I finally got free (and, inevitably, had the last bar of health shot away).

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Disrupts affecting resolve.


Are you serious?


Where did I say anything about disrupt affecting resolve?


I said "two stuns and my disrupt"


Those two stuns already filled your bar, then I use disrupt (it's now on CD), so now I'm screwed even though I have a 3rd stun I should be able to cycle into my rotation.

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Never seen this before, and if I had to guess I'd bet on this being unintended. I'd suggest a bug report and/or making a new thread about this specifically.


I have created thread for that but over-zeal moderators are over-zeal moderators...

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also, if they made all CCs have a diminishing returns for 2-3 seconds immediately after the CC, and balanced the game around that, it would all be simpler, more balanced, less frustrating and IMO add to better/more competitive game mechanics.


Give all classes 2-3 ccs on CD timers, give all characters a 2-3 second delay between CC effects, enlarge health bars appropriately for longer fights.

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Hello fellow PvPers.


How frustrating is it to not be able to stop someone from scoring because they have a white bar above their head?


How frustrating is it to have to let a healer get a heal off because he has a white bar above his head?


Diminishing returns and things like the resolve bar are frustrating. It means that in a long fight, eventually I will be unable to control my opponent.


But, on the other hand, being CC'd to death is also frustrating.


So how do we deal?


Easy: A limitless use CC break with a HEALTH COST.


Now CC becomes something known as "optional damage". You choose whether it's worth your HP to break the CC or let it fade.


Now, the CC break should cost less than the amount of damage a class can do in a full stun, but not A LOT less.


Passive resistances in PvP are a big no no. You should never become immune to something without making the conscious choice to use an ability to do it.


CC and CC breakage is a very important dimension of skillful PvP, right now it's diminished because of resolve.


really I mean really as horrid as idea's come this is one of the worse I have heard


the system they have currently is not a bad one in theory the how it is currently implimented is in need of work


you seem to think it comes down to skill being able to use a CC breaker at the right time your right thats why you use it once you have the white bar


i.e your heading to the line with the ball and guy stuns you 3/4 bar you wait till you get stunned again use the breaker and score


and the unskillful use there stuns when there is either not enought people there to kill the guy or when a Knock back could of been better


it comes down to using your CC skillfully and the right CC in the right situation not the CC breaker in this game with so much CC this surely is the right way for it to be no?

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I said this once already today in the "dots shouldn't break cap progress" thread but changing game mechanics to make up for poor teamwork will not make the game better.


Part of effective cc use is preserving some resolve to stun the ball carrier in fire or when he is near death to prevent a throw. If your team can't manage that, it's not a game flaw, it's a user flaw.


CC, like any other ability, should be a cost-benefit tradeoff, not a herpaderp spam instawin ability. OPs proposal would make CC a "use off cooldown" ability whereas now it requires the decision of whether now is the best time to use it.


It's a tactical game, learn better tactics. It's also a social game, learn to communicate those tactics to others.


That said, the resolve system is broken, has been since launch, and needs tweaking.


I think the resolve bar should fill on any 4s stun that doesn't break on damage. This should countdown twice as fast as current resolve mechanics.


Also, a combination of any 2 of a sub 4s stun, long break on damage cc like flashbang, or roots should fill the resolve bar and make it tick down at its current speed.


This would remove the most broken part of CC, to me, which is the way you can be cc'd to death without ever throwing out a single ability.

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I have created thread for that but over-zeal moderators are over-zeal moderators...


Yes, I saw your other thread. This current thread (based on the OP) seems to focus only on WZ related issues, while your thread focused on OW PvP related issues. The moderator Arzhanin was too clueless to understand the differences and closed your thread and redirected us to this thread. How a mod can derail the OP is beyond me - it's just another indication that BW doesn't get the nuances of PvP.


Apologies to the OP for this off-topic rant.

Edited by riny
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Resolve as it is right now is completely broken, BW needs to scrap it and just go with diminishing returns.


I just got out of a Hutball on my PT tank where I spent half my time pinned down between 2 Juggs and a Sorc who just took turns CCing and dpsing me to death. Normally I'd say its just sound tactics but I literally could not move because of CC and my resolve just never kicked in.

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I assumed that it was chain cc'ing. An initial cc for 8s. Then immediately re-cc'd for 5s. Then snared or permarooted, whch isn't disrupted by resolve.


Had that happen to me once or twice, and I was ready to spit teeth by the time I finally got free (and, inevitably, had the last bar of health shot away).


Oh, I was assuming that whirlwind and other abilities like it was using the one minute duration time that it uses in PVE. If it's chain CC I don't really see the problem unless the companion doesn't get resolve. At least he blew it all on your companion instead of you. =P

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