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Pyrotech Mercenary should be buffed slightly !


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Ok i will present to you my opinion about Pyro spec for mercs .


1- Incendiary missile : i see it hits for 300 on initial dmg to 800 . this is low dmg it should hit atleast hit for 1000 and over .


2- Railshot - when it crits ok but when not i saw it doing 800 dmg . and i got champion 4 part bonus on rail shot . 800 is pathetic !


3 - Thermal Detonator - when it crits it hits very good arround 3k but with non crit shots i saw it hits targets in pvp like 1100 wich is also not impressive . Why thermal detonator is not elemental dmg in the elemental dmg tree ??


Incindiary missilie is kinda pathethic everybody knows how dots can be healed easily so i suggest a stronger initial hit over 1000 dmg !


Also i feel that Pyro is lacking more skills , there shoud be more elemental skills .


Everybody knows that in pvp Assasin , Operative , sniper, Sorcs , Jedi Shadow and Sage classes are having a lot more burst than us .


Non crit hits in pvp in pyro tree are just pathethic .



Now let me present you my toon :


1300 aim , 53 rank valor , gear is champion eliminator with few centurions .


So why we can`t do good dmg as others do ? The statistics i have provided here are mostly from warzones .

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/bump yes pyrotech must be buffed it is not doing well compared to what other classes can do a lot better with a lot more usefull skills that we don`t have . like pulls , interrupts , snares , etc. Edited by THECLONED
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1300 aim


Suppose damage is increased by gear too for various reasons!


1300 aim is kinda low, so this makes me believe you lack stats like crit+surge+power too.


Having biochem would raise your aim by over a 100 and power by around 40 alone and ontop of that give you easy access to a 400+ power adrenal.


Merc Pyro will not have the same consistent damage as an Arsenal Merc, but your burst, multi target dotting and mobility makes up for it.

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Pyro is fantastic if you take the time to learn the playstyle well. It is the most mobile spec in the game right now, and the pressure you can place on the opposing team is match winning. My character is rank 65 valour with 4 parts bm gear, 105% accuracy lots of power and only about 25% ranged crit. With these stats i can easily pull 400k damage in any hutball match, 500k is possible if you work you're *** off :D My advice is to stick with the spec, it is more difficult to play than arsenal, but far more rewarding once you start doing well with it.
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Actually Pyrotechs can be quite the ownage properly specced and geared if you want to watch health bars disappear remember order POWER/CRIT/SURGE also don't forget Pyro gets alot of bonuses in the Crit/Surge department Thermal Detonator can Crit about 50% of the time to get a 110% damage boost, how many people keep forgetting about that 30% damage boost for critting with most of your signature tech moves on the pyro tree.


Specced right you can achieve =+12% Crit all your tech abilities this does not include base +5 geared +25-30 and your little buddy the AI/Smuggler +5% So a properly geared Merc has 42-47% crit and 47-52% crit with his AI/smuggler buddy. I actually get 5k damage medal consistently something most other classes have a hard time conceiving.


One of the things the op may not be realizeing when shooting people is they may have there cooldowns up mitigating a good 50% of his damage 25% Shield +50%armor is 75% or an additional 50% damage decrease visably. and yes all the bonuses are additive rather than multiplicative.


And by the way your Incen critting for 800 yah it will also tick 400 9 time more times over 18 seconds your proc on railshots and rapid shot 300 - 400 a tick ever 2 secs 3 times. Fusion missile OMG if it crits almost 3k on initial and 3 more 800 tics up to 4 targets.


now what I'm saying is with a good rotation and stacking your abilities right you'll be amazed and realize a pyrotech does not need to be buffed. Try this lead with your fusion missile>incenary> thermal detonator/ rail shot/ powershot ?Rail shot> unload ?railshot. rapid shot your heat away but buy then most my targets are dead or close to. "?" is did your railshot proc.

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Ok i will present to you my opinion about Pyro spec for mercs .


1- Incendiary missile : i see it hits for 300 on initial dmg to 800 . this is low dmg it should hit atleast hit for 1000 and over .


2- Railshot - when it crits ok but when not i saw it doing 800 dmg . and i got champion 4 part bonus on rail shot . 800 is pathetic !


3 - Thermal Detonator - when it crits it hits very good arround 3k but with non crit shots i saw it hits targets in pvp like 1100 wich is also not impressive . Why thermal detonator is not elemental dmg in the elemental dmg tree ??


Incindiary missilie is kinda pathethic everybody knows how dots can be healed easily so i suggest a stronger initial hit over 1000 dmg !


Also i feel that Pyro is lacking more skills , there shoud be more elemental skills .


Everybody knows that in pvp Assasin , Operative , sniper, Sorcs , Jedi Shadow and Sage classes are having a lot more burst than us .


Non crit hits in pvp in pyro tree are just pathethic .



Now let me present you my toon :


1300 aim , 53 rank valor , gear is champion eliminator with few centurions .


So why we can`t do good dmg as others do ? The statistics i have provided here are mostly from warzones .


1. i do get some 1k hits on the 1st shot of incend missile

2. If your rail is only hitting for 800, the target has to be shielded/have massive DR and/or you proc'ed its shield gen. On non-tank classes, mine is almost always around 12-1500 with crits in the 2.8-3.4k range.

3. Thermal hits pretty hard i feel and is key for bursting down opponents

Incendiary missile is house. I use it only if the opponent is near 30% for the extra burn and DOT. With this, your incend missile and your combustible dot going on a target of 30% or less health, they are going down if you can keep shooting them. Even if they are healing. Cast it with your no heat/insta cast up and be happy.


I am in all Champion gear with 3 or 4 pieces of battlemater gear and i am happy with the damage output. We have a hard time with tanks and Mauraders are a handfull for us to deal with but i feel that this is a good balance for us.

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Fighting vs healer 1-1 today.. My damage just zero, over99% damage absorb to shield, he just heal heal heal and he dots kill me



Pyro damage on single target is pretty low, but on scoreboard i can do much more then arsenal..


3 battlemaster pieces + belt + wrists+ main hand

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The problem is no reliable way to proc CGC(PT's have flame burst auto proc'ing it) and no spammable mobile damage. Missile blast would be a good candidate for both if it cost 16 heat... but right now have to rely on power shot which roots you in place then you may as well just spec arsenal if your going to turret.
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Actually Pyrotechs can be quite the ownage properly specced and geared if you want to watch health bars disappear remember order POWER/CRIT/SURGE also don't forget Pyro gets alot of bonuses in the Crit/Surge department Thermal Detonator can Crit about 50% of the time to get a 110% damage boost, how many people keep forgetting about that 30% damage boost for critting with most of your signature tech moves on the pyro tree.


Specced right you can achieve =+12% Crit all your tech abilities this does not include base +5 geared +25-30 and your little buddy the AI/Smuggler +5% So a properly geared Merc has 42-47% crit and 47-52% crit with his AI/smuggler buddy. I actually get 5k damage medal consistently something most other classes have a hard time conceiving.


One of the things the op may not be realizeing when shooting people is they may have there cooldowns up mitigating a good 50% of his damage 25% Shield +50%armor is 75% or an additional 50% damage decrease visably. and yes all the bonuses are additive rather than multiplicative.


And by the way your Incen critting for 800 yah it will also tick 400 9 time more times over 18 seconds your proc on railshots and rapid shot 300 - 400 a tick ever 2 secs 3 times. Fusion missile OMG if it crits almost 3k on initial and 3 more 800 tics up to 4 targets.


now what I'm saying is with a good rotation and stacking your abilities right you'll be amazed and realize a pyrotech does not need to be buffed. Try this lead with your fusion missile>incenary> thermal detonator/ rail shot/ powershot ?Rail shot> unload ?railshot. rapid shot your heat away but buy then most my targets are dead or close to. "?" is did your railshot proc.


What while I do well in overall damage in WZs I have never ever seen a 5K damage medal. How is your spec set up and what rotation are you using to get the 5K.

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What while I do well in overall damage in WZs I have never ever seen a 5K damage medal. How is your spec set up and what rotation are you using to get the 5K.


I don't think we will ever get the 5k metal from a single attack.


if you use the rotation of Incend missile > thermal . Powershot > Powershot > Railshot you will get excellent burst: look below at the approx Second for this rotation (not taking into account relic bonuses or adrenals (and based on my gear setup (all champion with some battlemaster 4 or 5 pieces) all eliminator with these being mostly averages with high end being crits


EDIT: To better show spacing:






powershot ..............................................................................................1-2k

railshot .........................................................................................................1.5-3.2k


in the 3 sec range of 3 to 6 sec, thats around 6ish to 12k (before expertise adjustments of course) in 3 sec time window. Its not uncommon to see half a targets life go with this rotation. Follow up with an unload (hopefully triggers sweltering heat and then end with an instantcast/heat free (due to abilities) and fusion missile spells doom. I use the upwheel/downwheel and mouse wheel click for thsee three abilities to make it as quick as possible.

Edited by lijahrobinson
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After having a few days of serious gameplay as an arsenal merc to see what it's all about, I have to say that Pyrotech needs some love, maybe a lot. Just looking at the skill trees I already knew my character was going to be stronger, I just didn't realize how much stronger.


All things considered, Pyro does not do as much damage as effectively as Arsenal. Plain and Simple. Plus, why does Arsenal have twice as many heat management options as Pyro, I was venting heat all the time on my Pyro while I was still paying close attention to my rotations trying to avoid overheat. Meanwhile on Arsenal it's like something you don't even think about, everything has heat reduction or causes heat venting, you really have to be a button smasher to ever overheat. Boss mobs drop at least 1/3 faster with Arsenal as well. I'm not one of those people that sits down for hours writing notes and making calculations (which would be nearly impossible without a combat log any way), but I know how the game experience feels. And I don't feel afraid for my life as Arsenal, not like I do with Pyrotech.


Balancing required.


And for the record... yeah, tracer missile, holy crap, ridiculous

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I don't think we will ever get the 5k metal from a single attack.


if you use the rotation of Incend missile > thermal . Powershot > Powershot > Railshot y


Question why powershot + powershot before rail shot? Rail shot it the heavy hitter and we want to use it as often as possible to max damage. Why not railshot then unload or powershot to see if you can get a free railshot?

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I guess you could do it that way but i am trying to fit the most damage in the smallest amount of time with this configuration. Also, i am trying to buy some time. When they get hit with the 1st power shot, they usually dont think anything bad is happening. "hey, 1 to 2k damage, thats fine, i have 15k hp." Then, thermo goes off, .5 sec later they are hit with a 2nd power shot, and then they are hit with a railshot. This adds another 3-8k, depending on crits. now there is a problem and they usually take notice. (also, remember your two powershots can proc your free rail that vents 8 heat). Once this happens follow it up with unload (good damage and more importantly, triggers a DOT and sweltering heat to slow them down for 2 sec). at this point they have two DOTS and most people panic and try to run away (again, why we want sweltering heat).


That said, its not the only rotation i use. I do use the incend > Thermal> Rail > Unload> Rail/powershot rotation as well but find that the one discussed above does more damage in a short amount of time, catches most people off gaurd, and allows us a better chance to have a rail shot remaining for when they are close to death (i.e. 60% from the unload at the end of the rotation rather than a 30% from if the powershot is the last cast. Also, With unload at the end, There is a good chance to trigger combustable gas cylinder at the end of the rotation when they are around 30% health. We have that ability that grants us 30% increased DOT damage we get when their health is that low so even if they do get out of your rapid fire range while chasing them, your dots are usually ticking hard enough to finish them off.

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I guess you could do it that way but i am trying to fit the most damage in the smallest amount of time with this configuration. Also, i am trying to buy some time. When they get hit with the 1st power shot, they usually dont think anything bad is happening. "hey, 1 to 2k damage, thats fine, i have 15k hp." Then, thermo goes off, .5 sec later they are hit with a 2nd power shot, and then they are hit with a railshot. This adds another 3-8k, depending on crits. now there is a problem and they usually take notice. (also, remember your two powershots can proc your free rail that vents 8 heat). Once this happens follow it up with unload (good damage and more importantly, triggers a DOT and sweltering heat to slow them down for 2 sec). at this point they have two DOTS and most people panic and try to run away (again, why we want sweltering heat).


That said, its not the only rotation i use. I do use the incend > Thermal> Rail > Unload> Rail/powershot rotation as well but find that the one discussed above does more damage in a short amount of time, catches most people off gaurd, and allows us a better chance to have a rail shot remaining for when they are close to death (i.e. 60% from the unload at the end of the rotation rather than a 30% from if the powershot is the last cast. Also, With unload at the end, There is a good chance to trigger combustable gas cylinder at the end of the rotation when they are around 30% health. We have that ability that grants us 30% increased DOT damage we get when their health is that low so even if they do get out of your rapid fire range while chasing them, your dots are usually ticking hard enough to finish them off.



That makes sense. I think the order is somewhat situational. I can see how your rotation could work better in situations. For example when you catch an SI posting up on a upper walkway in Huttball. Sneak in some damage and then burst with some DOTs working in case they run. On the other hand in Ilum where there is a mass of players weaving back and forth I use almost exclusively use IM > TD > RS because that usually all I have time to use. Likewise in Voidstar where is lots of damage being thrown down and not a lot of places to run I use IM > TD > RS > Unload/PS and hopefully RS again. So I guess the rotation is somewhat situational.

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