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How to stop leavers in warzones without a stupid penalty


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Remove the weeklys & dailys. Make BM gear either buyable with commendations (300/300, 500/500, dont care) or make different slots available for credits with different valor ranks (50 implant, 75 mainhand, 70 chest, ... whatever).


Add medals for team oriented play like the OP suggested (scoring / assisting hutball, ...).


Try to focus more on pvp and not on winning / gear progression.

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You can't begin to implement any warzone changes unless cross server AND rated warzones are in effect. Deserter debuffs add to que times, rating matches add to que times, stricter matchmaking add to que times, etc. Any major change will drastically slow queing.
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or make people who leave get a deserter debuff like in wow. People may not like some of wow's solutions to problems but there is a reason they are #1 in mmo's.

deserter debuff that lasts an hour of in game time each time a person leaves a wz, and make leaving a trackable stat so when someone has left enough times they lose the ability to queue up for wz for a month or more. if after a month they leave again, their character is banned from queueing for wz.


There's also a reason why Justin Bieber sells the most records.


Honestly OP, I like your idea a lot. Daily should always be based on individual contribution. ESPECIALLY when the damn warzone wins wont count for your daily. I had to get well over 8 wins today to finish my 3 win daily.

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I have posted ina couple of these already today.


Here is my take:


I am a bad Pvper. Not okay, not pretty good, I am bad. Maybe not the worst, but certainly not good.


They required three wins for the daily, and I think it took me 10 tries. Why should I penalize other people any more than necessary for the daily?


Make it six games rather than three wins, and reward the winning side in all PvP matches with extra commendations if they do not do that already.


People will try to get their numbers up, and people will want to win for the bonuses (not to mention ego), but people that just want to do the dailies can get in, get them done, and leave everyone else in peace.


Well said

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Not a bad idea but in the end all thats going to happen is bioware is going to cave to their favorite customers - the lazy premades who predate on lower leveled ungeared players for the easy win. This is thier game now, the rest of are here to provide thoese guys with free stuff and easy kills. Either we stop complaining or cancel. Once the penelty is put in im canceling - i absolutely refuse to be farmed, end of story.
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or make people who leave get a deserter debuff like in wow. People may not like some of wow's solutions to problems but there is a reason they are #1 in mmo's.


deserter debuff that lasts an hour of in game time each time a person leaves a wz, and make leaving a trackable stat so when someone has left enough times they lose the ability to queue up for wz for a month or more. if after a month they leave again, their character is banned from queueing for wz.


Lol, greeeeat idea ...in a month there would be nothing but you premades left sitting in a que with nothing to do but mouth breathe in vent waiting for your sheep to que.

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Oh and the real answer is to set up 2 different ques...one for premades and one for pugs. Pugs are really fun, premades are not ...thats the difference im quing for the fun and unknowns as opposed to being guarenteed a loss before i hit the que button. You shouldnt be rewarded for stacking the deck purposely preying on lower leveled lesser geared non vented smucks getting easy mode gear, period. Oh and lol @ the 'why penelize people because they want to play with thier friends' crowd. Cmon man, no one buys that crap,all you want is easy, hasslefree gear. Pre-lames. Edited by Alistarx
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Not a bad idea but in the end all thats going to happen is bioware is going to cave to their favorite customers - the lazy premades who predate on lower leveled ungeared players for the easy win. This is thier game now, the rest of are here to provide thoese guys with free stuff and easy kills. Either we stop complaining or cancel. Once the penelty is put in im canceling - i absolutely refuse to be farmed, end of story.


We get it, you don't like premades. It's so apparent that you dislike them enough that you haven't ever even been in one. Fun fact: Most of the time when you queue in a premade, you get grouped with another premade, and YOU FIGHT OTHER PREMADES. I don't know of anyone who queues in a premade in order to get put against pugs. Now, if you're on a tiny server, well, just wait for cross server queues.


The system favors pug v pug and premade v premade, but when populations are low, it favors PvP over no PvP.

Edited by Apocalypse-
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Guys, currently some people are leaving, and it feels really bad for the people that get stomped because of it. But you need to realize, that THIS currently is just the tip of the iceberg.


There aren't that many people full T2 and gearing up with T3 yet, and those are the players that currently ruin PvP for you. There aren't even full T3s yet, at least not many. And those people will, on average, be MUCH WORSE in the leaving department.


Overall, in the coming weeks and month the situation will rapidly decrease to a huge BG jumping, PvP ruining fragfest. You have seen nothing yet, just imagine what will happen when people with NO INCENTIVE TO PLAY AT ALL are in the queue playing with Randoms.


It will be MUCH WORSE in a few weeks. Much much worse.


- No one that wants to give rewards as an incentive has stated how to motivate the full T3 players to stay in a game as you cannot reward them anymore.


- No one that wants to give rewards has stated how to overcome the current, HUGE reward given for leaving a BG to T2 players that gear up with T3 by completing Dailys and Weeklys. That reward is PLAYTIME and is a very limited resource for many players. It is very hard to overcome.


If there is no type of deserter buff or sticky BGs in a few month when most PvPers reach BM and a large part reaches full T3, PvP in this game will die. Period.


Bioware needs to do something NOW before it gets out of hand:


- Remove the AFK mechanism in safe zones

- Fix the D/C bugs

- Fix matchmaking

- Separate Premades from Random BG

- Fix equipment > skill

- Fix choosing a BG

- Make BGs stick to the player so he rejoins his BG on reconnect

- Implement deserter debuff if players are gone at the end of a BG

- Implement AFK detection mechanisms that actually work

- Implement AFK voting

- Implement progressive AFK penalties


And then, after leaving is fixed, you can:


- Add medals for team oriented actions and fix healer medals

- Add more team oriented daily and weekly quests

- Lower the reward for the win daily and weekly quests

- Add rewards for medals that interest T3 players (expensive mounts, Titles, Social Gear)


This, for me, is the way forward for SWTOR BG PvP. Similar stuff has to be done for Ilum and Tatooine of course. And I believe if they dont do a huge portion of this, PvP in SWTOR will die soon, but thats just me, and I could be wrong.

Edited by skyflash
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Skyflare you have the order backward. Both need to be fixed but I wouldn't necessarily go with that order. Additionally, I've proven the very things you claim haven't been time and time again and it has been echoed page after page here. People who leave most often on purpose are doing so because of their daily. The proof of this is the comparison of the rate of leaving in the 10-49 bracket compared to that of the 50 bracket. There are almost no leavers in the 10-49 bracket by comparison to the 50 bracket. Almost EVERY 50 bracket game has leavers these days because it is faster to do the daily that way. While I rarely ever see anyone leave in the 10-49s. I have 2 still in the 10-49 I pvp on each day and 1 in the 50 bracket, yet I see more leavers by a factor of 20 in the 50s bracket. I even do it myself "ONLY IN THE 50s BRACKET". You can't just wish these facts aside to make your argument work.


I could get behind a short penalty for leaving "IF" all of the other issues were fixed FIRST!


There is no other options as any other order will likely backfire and piss a bunch of people off who would then quit. Contrary to your belief that the game would be better off without them you are wrong because the game is produced by a money making entity and just suggesting an entire "group" of people who are fed up with the current system should just leave.. well I've already covered that too. It's a terrible suggestion and one that Bioware should be very aware of when making their plans to move forward.


There are no real excuses for bugs not being fixed ASAP in each case.. but you cannot expect it is faster or easier to fix a bug than it is to change what number(s) in the database give a +1 to the daily/weekly in the mean time.


Furthermore, I don't believe the minigames are going to save pvp for swtor. For swtor to succeed in the long run serious efforts to establish meaningful land control object based world pvp such as what is in my suggestion in my signature (you'd probably like, it even completely replaces the daily system to something new) as the true path to making this game great. This thread's sole purpose is to bring to Bioware's attention the core cause of their high rate of leaving so that this side of the argument would be heard. I've seen enough threads created complaining about the symptoms of leavers.. but none addressing the core problems that cause people to leave..


As for your suggested things there.. As much as I don't want to discuss the cross server topic in this thread, it would HAVE to be done first before most if not all of your "fixes" could work as pointed out several pages ago, otherwise all the filtering would make for hour long ques to put groups together with the proper makeups. If they did a fully cross server queue system then sure I guess they could work. By themselves tho they would likely ruin swtor over night.

Edited by Aethyrprime
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I agree, 99% of the leavers leave because they just want to get done with their 3 wins for the daily. Having the daily be something else besides just wins would erase the problem of leavers almost completely.


If you skim through the thread and only listen to those who admit to leaving they all cite the same reasons. Funny huh? :p

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I try to stick it out, but I can understand why people at battlemaster level leave.


It took me over 6 wins the other day to get my daily.


I would love, love, love, love warzone dailies based on something other than wins.


I honestly think there should be some special rewards, perhaps medals, in huttball award for:


a) passing the ball during games, especially if it's a pass chain that leads to a score

b) catching the ball

c) intercepting enemy passes


on alderaan


a) attacking enemy positions when you control fewer than 2 turrets, maybe add 1k, 3k, and 5k capture effort (but ONLY if you control fewer than 2 turrets so you don't have idiots trying to farm offensive medals and cost you the game when holding 2 lets you win. You can always finish those medals off once you've achieved a victory ratio)




nothing extra to suggest except perhaps auto-opening defender spawn area when a room is secured if you die 1 sec before the bomb goes off on a fresh door timer you're out of the fight for a while


also some way to deal with enemies stuck in the door would be nice. On that note, some way to deal with DEFENDERS stuck in the door would be nice too.

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There is no reason to stop or even penalize leavers, since everyone can do it. Someone on your team leaves for personal_reason_01, and you're unhappy about it and think it affects your ability to win -- leave too. Nobody seems to understand that leaving IS an option that Bioware has given us.


Everyone is responsible for their own decisions, and the outcomes of them. If you choose to stick around with only 7 people, or choose to stay in a WZ with horrible players, hoping that it's going to be a success, that is YOUR individual decision. You have nobody else to blame. You can leave, queue up another run, and rinse/repeat until you get into a WZ that will have 8 people that decide to stay. This is no different than someone who queues up, realizes his team sucks, drops WZ, and queues up another run to get a WZ where he has a strong team with a chance at a victory.


Both scenarios give a player the option to stay or leave. In both scenarios, the player might have to requeue multiple times before they get what they are looking for. Neither has an advantage over the other when it comes to game selection or success rate, unless that person chooses a less advantageous scenario willfully.


Not everyone is going to stay. Not everyone is going to leave. It's called Diversity

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There is no reason to stop or even penalize leavers, since everyone can do it. Someone on your team leaves for personal_reason_01, and you're unhappy about it and think it affects your ability to win -- leave too. Nobody seems to understand that leaving IS an option that Bioware has given us.


Everyone is responsible for their own decisions, and the outcomes of them. If you choose to stick around with only 7 people, or choose to stay in a WZ with horrible players, hoping that it's going to be a success, that is YOUR individual decision. You have nobody else to blame. You can leave, queue up another run, and rinse/repeat until you get into a WZ that will have 8 people that decide to stay. This is no different than someone who queues up, realizes his team sucks, drops WZ, and queues up another run to get a WZ where he has a strong team with a chance at a victory.


Both scenarios give a player the option to stay or leave. In both scenarios, the player might have to requeue multiple times before they get what they are looking for. Neither has an advantage over the other when it comes to game selection or success rate, unless that person chooses a less advantageous scenario willfully.


Not everyone is going to stay. Not everyone is going to leave. It's called Diversity

You said it. This will always be a problem that's why I suggested an honest look at why people leave and ways to avoid this type of problem in the future.. A penalty alone will not suffice and if instituted before many game breaking bugs that remove people from warzones are fixed it will be a travesty.


Edit: Apparently there's some forum mods without a leash going wild again. You can't even reply to your own thread without getting in trouble it seems. /flip :rolleyes:


PS Caught you red handed abusing your privellages again. I've reported you to your boss and filled a complaint to Communitysupport@swtor.com Have a nice day! :)

Edited by Aethyrprime
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