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What SWTOR could take from Eve


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Firstly, I would like to point out that this is not a rant or a complaint. I'm having a great time with the game and am very happy with my experience thus far.


This is about what I see as certain features implemented in Eve that could be adapted or adopted in SWTOR and which would, in my opinion, greatly improve the experience.


I've never played WoW so, please, don't start going on about that. I've read more stuff about WoW in these forums over the last month or so than in 30+ years of gaming. And it hasn't been terrifically edifying.


Anyway, features I would like to see; To give context, in Eve, the spaces are massive and there are few reference points and, to mitigate this, there is one feature they have which would be dead handy in SWTOR. When you form a fleet (aka group) and you enter a planetary system you are able to "Warp to member". Now, wouldn't that be great? You're on a planet. You need to get to someone in your group. Use Quick Travel to jump to them. Boom. Still got a cooldown so couldn't be totally over-used but, yeah. Open World PvP suddenly gets most interesting. As it is in Eve.


PvP in Eve is HARDCORE!


And on that note..Why can I only attack opposing faction members? If I wanted to attack same faction members, I should be able to. Hell, if you're on a PvP server, what do you expect, eh? Rainbows and Unicorns? Go dark side. Get a rep. Make it real.


And making it real, my friends, is what I call immersion.


I could talk about the market, but I won't. That's obviously a work in progress in SWTOR and am willing to cut it a lot of slack.


Oh yes, one more thing that would improve things. Make the planets look like planets (not fuzzy kids paintings) and warping in space feel like you're actually in motion.


But, to close, as far as the SWTOR is concerned..Loving it. Loads of fun.


Just think could be a bit edgier, is all.

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If you want to attack same faction members I believe you can on Tatooine in hits PVP area. Unless they changed it since beta I'm not real sure I don't go there.


If planets are fuzzy childrens' immages for you then maybe your doing something wrong because they look pretty damn good on my computer.


I dont consider it immersion to get ganked by people who think they're just so awsome and hard core (total lies) so..I kinda hope they don't take much of anything from EvE other than some open space areas to fly and possibly fight with our ships.

Edited by Kindara
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I love EVE, but I do not want to see hardcore EVE PvP. I would rather it be accessible and not exclusive. If nobody wants to PvP because it is "too hardcore" then that is no bueno. I simply think this game needs more engaging World PvP...and they need to keep the WZs server-exclusive to foster more personal PvP experiences (guild vs guild, notorious PvPers). Also, player bounties would be nice.
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I love EVE, but I do not want to see hardcore EVE PvP. I would rather it be accessible and not exclusive. If nobody wants to PvP because it is "too hardcore" then that is no bueno. I simply think this game needs more engaging World PvP...and they need to keep the WZs server-exclusive to foster more personal PvP experiences (guild vs guild, notorious PvPers). Also, player bounties would be nice.


Aye. EVE hardcore pvp= Everyone using cheapest **** as possible and try to run as soon as possible being afraid that ship is lost...


EVE PVP= full fleet ganking few ships with warp jammers until bigger fleet comes to gank them and that goes on and on and everyone is afraid on losing ships...

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Firstly, I would like to point out that this is not a rant or a complaint. I'm having a great time with the game and am very happy with my experience thus far.


This is about what I see as certain features implemented in Eve that could be adapted or adopted in SWTOR and which would, in my opinion, greatly improve the experience.


I've never played WoW so, please, don't start going on about that. I've read more stuff about WoW in these forums over the last month or so than in 30+ years of gaming. And it hasn't been terrifically edifying.


Anyway, features I would like to see; To give context, in Eve, the spaces are massive and there are few reference points and, to mitigate this, there is one feature they have which would be dead handy in SWTOR. When you form a fleet (aka group) and you enter a planetary system you are able to "Warp to member". Now, wouldn't that be great? You're on a planet. You need to get to someone in your group. Use Quick Travel to jump to them. Boom. Still got a cooldown so couldn't be totally over-used but, yeah. Open World PvP suddenly gets most interesting. As it is in Eve.


PvP in Eve is HARDCORE!


And on that note..Why can I only attack opposing faction members? If I wanted to attack same faction members, I should be able to. Hell, if you're on a PvP server, what do you expect, eh? Rainbows and Unicorns? Go dark side. Get a rep. Make it real.


And making it real, my friends, is what I call immersion.


I could talk about the market, but I won't. That's obviously a work in progress in SWTOR and am willing to cut it a lot of slack.


Oh yes, one more thing that would improve things. Make the planets look like planets (not fuzzy kids paintings) and warping in space feel like you're actually in motion.


But, to close, as far as the SWTOR is concerned..Loving it. Loads of fun.


Just think could be a bit edgier, is all.


And please no eve space. Its quick bar pushing in space. What they need to do for space is go for X-wing alliance, SWG or freelancer way.

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When is EvE going to "adopt" playing your character outside of the ship, running dungeons, questing and general activity....again...outside of ship?


You can already walk in stations and they're adding more "walkable" content. In addition, they are also creating a massive first person shooter game that integrates with EVE. The players in EVE will be able to hire players in that FPS to fight it out on planets.


Check out "Dust 514" on Youtube ;)

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7+ years of EVE, never used Excel...you obviously don't know what you're talking about :rolleyes:


So you've never used EFT? :rolleyes:


FYI zerging is not hardcore pvp, which is how it works, people rarely attack without having a massive manpower advantage or superior ship advantage or their hand on the batphone. Just sayin'

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FYI zerging is not hardcore pvp, which is how it works, people rarely attack without having a massive manpower advantage or superior ship advantage or their hand on the batphone. Just sayin'


Never been ganked by a Pirate whilst in freighter then?


And sometimes the inferior ship ain't what it seems!

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Interesting ideas. Particularly like the ability to jump to teammates in world PvP.


As far as free-for-alls are concerned, that makes less sense when there's a faction based universe. There's also no permanent penalty for dying, which would just lead to mindless griefing. The last thing the game needs is a couple of max level troopers ganking padawans the second they emerge from the Jedi Temple on Tython.


Edit: The PvP game absolutely needs a player based bounty system, though.

Edited by Dayfax
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PVP in EvE is definitely hardcore.

And no game even comes close to the Market system that EvE has, it's unmatched.


I agree. If this is your thing, that is THE game to play.


OP, different games for different purposes. No game is all things to all people.

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I love EVE, didn't even undock my first week, spent it learning the U.I. lol


I think if Bio spent more time trying to incorporate some things from EVE instead (the U.I.) of WoW a better outcome would result.

Edited by SIMJEDI
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PvP in Eve is HARDCORE!


Hell, if you're on a PvP server, what do you expect, eh? Rainbows and Unicorns? Go dark side. Get a rep. Make it real.



I won't disagree.


However, the day EVE offers PvE servers is the day I'll resub to that game. I'll never play a non-consentual PvP MMO.

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7+ years of EVE, never used Excel...you obviously don't know what you're talking about :rolleyes:


He is talking about the tab table format for information that is heavily used in that games UI. One example, among many: Skill Training. Plus, if you can't manage and analyze data, you are pretty well smuffed.


And of cousre the out of game table fests like EFT. ;)


It's an apt analogy in the case of EVE, but for EVE it both fits and is necessary. For many MMO players though, they want swords, and lots of mobs to kill with the sword.

Edited by Andryah
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So you've never used EFT? :rolleyes:


FYI zerging is not hardcore pvp, which is how it works, people rarely attack without having a massive manpower advantage or superior ship advantage or their hand on the batphone. Just sayin'


Just fyi, 95% of my PVP in EVE is either solo or in small 1-3man gangs...and there's plenty of ways to counter zerging if you use your brain. If you allow someone to blob you, it's your own fault 99.9% of the time.


Hell, I can dual account with just 2 ships and keep an entire enemy gang busy depending on their ship types.


It's all about strategy and using your brain :rolleyes:


And I've only used EFT (which isn't Excel...and Microsoft would agree) to figure out if a certain mod is worth the cost in terms of benefits. EFT is all theoretical and EFT warriors generally fail at EVE ;)

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The idea of EvE gives me nerdboners. But actually playing it is another matter altogether. I cancelled my sub when I realized that I had to play another game while I was playing EvE to keep myself entertained. I liked how dangerous and dynamic the EvE world was.


dammit, I want to play EvE again but I know I'll just get bored with it again soon enough.

Edited by talligan
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The idea of EvE gives me nerdboners. But actually playing it is another matter altogether. I cancelled my sub when I realized that I had to play another game while I was playing EvE to keep myself entertained. I liked how dangerous and dynamic the EvE world was.


dammit, I want to play EvE again but I know I'll just get bored with it again soon enough.


Find a good corporation you can join...problem solved ;)


In the end, the learning curve is probably still too high for a lot of people...especially WoW kiddies. But once you pull through, it's a pretty amazing game. A LOT more immersive than other MMOs, "real" politics, spy games, player generated content, player market, player production, MASSIVE world...but yeah, it takes A LOT more time to become good than WoW/SWTOR. Not saying it's better, just different...although PVP in EVE is definitely more challenging (and at least in my case that makes it more interesting).


The biggest plus? Your actions in EVE have CONSEQUENCES...whereas in WoW/SWTOR it really doesn't matter what you do.

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Never been ganked by a Pirate whilst in freighter then?


And sometimes the inferior ship ain't what it seems!


Never flew freighters, but I fail to see how getting ganked in a freighter negates my point? :p


But no, sometimes the inferior ship is a bait ship, but that is my point, that ship has a batphone handy and its a trap, and what comes out the other end is an overwhelming force. There is no skill involved. Not to say it doesn't happen, but so rarely have I seen battles take place pitting equal forces together, its almost always lopsided one way or another.

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