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  1. That's my point really. What I'm saying is maybe if we stopped healing for a bit, right now, a "strike" of sorts then maybe our brother tanks and dps players would notice us by our absence and start to take note of what the future might hold. Unsubbing, as per your sig, is one form of attention-seeking behaviour. Raising awareness amongst those who will be affected at a secondary level is another.
  2. You need a hashtag in there mate, otherwise it ain't gonna spread.
  3. +1 Offtopic: If they can spend time to remove something as trivial as this then why can't they silence that damned droid who continually jabbers away in my spaceship.
  4. It occurs to me that a large number of people playing are probably unaware of the potential problems involved in this issue and that the storm in the forums is mostly un-noticed. What would happen if healers went on strike, d'you think? We all roll some other class that we haven't experienced yet. Just vanish off the face of the planet as healers. Show what life will be like if healers quit or move to something else. Sort of previewing life after 1.2.
  5. Here mate, have a trauma probe whilst I can still afford it. Looks like you're gonna be pulling some serious aggro.
  6. TL;DR: My time is more valuable to me than that of the developers. After a self-moderating deep breath... I have unsubbed because it is the only sanction I posses which sends an unequivocal message that cannot be reasoned away with platitudes. I am saying that I do not wish to waste my time on a game which so undervalues my time that I take it as an affront and a personal insult. What is my incentive to keep playing in a class I enjoy when that class is obviously not understood nor cared about by the people who are supposedly guardians of my future enjoyment. In short, I do not trust the people directing this project enough to invest more time in levelling up. And where I was of the opinion that the levelling process would be fun for alts in other classes and was looking forward to experiencing that over time, I am now sitting here with a sour taste and an extended middle finger pointing at the screen. This is not a healthy reaction and not one I wish to pay to experience. So, I extend that reaction to your suggestion to wait and see because I know that waiting to see will only result in it being implemented anyway, regardless. The lack of respect shown to the healing community is not one that I wish to patronise with my time or money. I came here from EVE. They know how to treat their players. If I want to test something I can go to the test server with my toons intact and pay about 100 isk for anything I want and anything I do on the test server, stays on the test server. What do I have to do in order to use the test server in this game? Go through the levelling process all over again? Thanks, but no thanks. The laziness and arrogance shown in this aspect of player interaction alone shows me how little value the executive arm of this game places on my time and efforts.
  7. Well, you're gonna be pretty lonely in that challenge by the looks of things if these changes go live. I, for one, won't be around. Already cancelled and will only resurrect (29 days left) if they modify the ammo costs at the very least.
  8. Unsubbed also. 29 days left on account. And I don't read forums/news on games I don't play so unless these changes are modified (esp. Trauma Probe..***!) or they don't impact my PVE too badly (which I can't believe is the case) it's unlikely I'll be back except to just revisit.
  9. Pretty annoyed about it to be honest. Losing the will to bother logging in. If it plays as bad as it looks it will, I won't be renewing.
  10. They're probably building up their supercharged cells. All about balance. Keeping an eye on who you're healing, building charge, swapping between healing items and, sometimes, getting involved. You don't need to be healing with hammer shot to build your charge, you can target an enemy and you get the same result (combat support cell only). Everything's situational. So don't just assume they're "only" healing when you see the green beam.
  11. Been married to 2nd wife for 13 years, together for 17. She can't stand games. She like crafts, tapestry, knitting and gardening. All things which hold no interest for me whatsoever. I game every day. She would get annoyed if I started telling her how to make all those things she does and I would get annoyed if she started telling me how to play a game. It's a thoroughly non-competitive relationship. Works out fine. I don't interfere with her passions and she doesn't interfere with mine. I work from home and so does she. People often ask how we manage it because they couldn't take being around their partners all the time. The answer is simple..We get on with our own thing and the time we do spend together is quality entertainment as we enjoy each other's company and have a good laugh when we do sit down together. I suppose the main thing is that neither of us want to be with needy individuals who require continual reassurance that they are wanted, desired or loved. We know that already.
  12. Been playing Kingdoms Of Amalur. Game mechanics are really similar to SWTOR/MMO (even though it's single player) standards but the combat...They have created a combat system which shames SWTOR and every other game like it, imo. Fluid, fast, sophisticated. Awesome. I still enjoy playing SWTOR but every time I perform a fighting action I am left with a nagging sense of disappointment and a feeling that maybe I'm playing in what will soon be seen as last generation technology.
  13. Whilst going through Coruscant with all its factions and "no go" areas it all seemed a little ridiculous. Maybe they should have called it Libya? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-17063509
  14. I agree with you and would never want SWTOR to remotely resemble Eve. And I agree that a "magic teleport" is not a good idea, which is why I didn't mention bookmarks etc. I was thinking, for example, of when I was involved in taking down a world boss. About 30 minutes was waiting for a collection of people to turn up at a rendezvous point (which was damn hard to get to, even with the purple stick-men milling around on the map). The "warp to member" functionality would have been a godsend there.
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