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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

30Minute LOCKOUT For Deserters


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Wouldnt fix anything, people would just quit and then log out and do something else or they would afk.


Fix the match maker from starting games without equal players on both sides, pugs vs. premades and BM geared players going up against new 50s then when people stop leaving matches you can worry about some stupif debuff that wouldnt even be needed if the match maker worked in the first place.

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Yeah, making me wait for 30min would indeed prevent me from PvPing. I don't even understand what you're trying to say.


A 30min lockout is stupid. No other game punishes you like this. People also have valid reasons for leaving games. What's being proposed is more of "you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't".


Why should I have to waste 30min waiting for a game, because I was put into a game where someone is trolling or afk? 15min wasted on the game, or part of 15+30min penalty if I don't want to deal with the frustration. Why should I get punished for not wanting to play with a fresh 50 that's still wearing level 40 gear? 12k hp and no expertise isn't going to help the team win.



If you have a VALID reason to leave the warzone then you are generally not returning for a ''larger'' amount of time hence 30 minutes a viable amount of time.


A valid Reason is those reasons of Real life for example visitors, eating lunch, (even then you can forsee lunch) or getting a hardmode group(takes longer than 30 mins anyway)


So if leaving warzone has VALID reason indeed you will feel 0 consequences on 30 min debuff.



If you leave cos there is 6 people at start(it can never fill up if always 1 leaves cos its 6 then 1 joins its 6 again sigh maths...) Or cos its 1:0 on 2 turrets etc. Then you need to be punished severly because you bring the odds even worse for the loosing team which results in them having even less chance for turning the tide which is very selfish to say the least.


Selfish people need to be severly punished since they only see their own pleasure and should play singleplayer for such pleasures.


Internet games are poluted with too many I paid so ill play as i want people already... obviously this is also part of the thing that usually such people express their problems in game since in real life they bow too much to norms of familly, friends, and other general guidelines that are not in law but they were programmed to follow.


Severe punishment to afkers(not doing anything in wz BOOTED in X seconds for not helping team 30 min debuff and go read forums how to play) and leavers is justifed perfectly from the fact that this is a team game not solo mary sue fest.

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Why should I get punished for not wanting to play with a fresh 50 that's still wearing level 40 gear? 12k hp and no expertise isn't going to help the team win.


Because you are not supposed to win every fight, you are supposed to play every fight.


If you dont want to play with someone lower equipped, you should be punished hard.


It's like in a soccer team... "No if that guy is playing, I will not play, because he is bad.".


It's behaviour that should have been rooted out in Kindergarden.


Yes you are supposed to carry lower equipped guys, that the whole idea. BTW the enemy team has the same amount of lower equipped players, cause its random.


The premade vs. random thing is gonna be fixed soon.

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If you have a VALID reason to leave the warzone then you are generally not returning for a ''larger'' amount of time hence 30 minutes a viable amount of time.




Who died and made you king? Why is your "VALID" more valid then mine?


Having an AFKer is a VALID reason to leave.

Having a troll who's helping the other team win, is a VALID reason to leave.

Being stuck with a bunch of 50s who are still wearing level 40 gear, is a VALID reason to leave.

Being matched into a game with someone I have personal issues with, as in someone that's on my ignore list, is a VALID reason to leave.

My friend comes online and wants to play with me, is a VALID reason for me to leave.


If this was PvE, I could easily kick the idiots from my group. If this was PvE, I wouldn't be locked out of a dungeon because I grouped with a bunch of ******* and decided it wasn't worth wasting my nerves.


From the sounds of things, you don't like the fact that the guys you where hoping would carry you decided they didn't want to waste their time. You wanting people to stay, is pretty darn selfish of you.


Get good, at that point I'm sure no one will want to leave your games.

Edited by deltaminus
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It's like in a soccer team... "No if that guy is playing, I will not play, because he is bad.".


It's behaviour that should have been rooted out in Kindergarden.



That's why pro sports teams try to hire the best talent possible? I guess all of these people making billions of dollars are stupid or something.


If you dont want to play with someone lower equipped, you should be punished hard.


This is a MMO game, not a charity.


And then why exactly is it, that I can pick and choose who I want to play with when I do PvE content? That completely contradicts your wild claim.

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Who died and made you king? Why is your "VALID" more valid then mine?


Having an AFKer is a VALID reason to leave.

Having a troll who's helping the other team win, is a VALID reason to leave.

Being stuck with a bunch of 50s who are still wearing level 40 gear, is a VALID reason to leave.

Being matched into a game with someone I have personal issues with, as in someone that's on my ignore list, is a VALID reason to leave.

My friend comes online and wants to play with me, is a VALID reason for me to leave.


If this was PvE, I could easily kick the idiots from my group. If this was PvE, I wouldn't be locked out of a dungeon because I grouped with a bunch of ******* and decided it wasn't worth wasting my nerves.


From the sounds of things, you don't like the fact that the guys you where hoping would carry you decided they didn't want to waste their time. You wanting people to stay, is pretty darn selfish of you.


Get good, at that point I'm sure no one will want to leave your games.




Awwwwwwwwwww 1st of all i am perfectly good... i always stick around in a warzone even if loosing 3 turrets or whatever... because i still have the dignity to be able to loose with my head up(ever heared of that)


But i am also punished with the fact that douchebags like you leave ..........


PVP is not about 100% of the time winning its about playing if you only come to win and nothing else then you are just a sorroy narcisstic looser with Mary Sue problems... nothing more... except that you are a modern kiddo above all else.


Im sure you are the kind of guy who goes off the football/basketball field because your team is worse than adversaries ... with words ''i have a valid reason''


Im sure youd also be the first crybaby if your favorite team wouldnt fight on the field but would simply walk off after you bought the ticket because they have valid reasons to walk off the field cos enemy is too good.




But oh yea you paid money your mom gave you so you can do whatever you want in a hotel with 5 stars....



Will your valid reason ''i am out of money so i robbed a bank'' work infront of the judge? Who made him king huh? You certainly not i guess....


Good luck in your bubble life. Hope it lasts until you die else you will becaome even more frustrated!

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That's why pro sports teams try to hire the best talent possible? I guess all of these people making billions of dollars are stupid or something.



And still someone will have to loose? Do they walk off the field in finals because other team is better?


No they fight until the end like a true player... not like self entitled children

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That's why pro sports teams try to hire the best talent possible? I guess all of these people making billions of dollars are stupid or something.


And then why exactly is it, that I can pick and choose who I want to play with when I do PvE content? That completely contradicts your wild claim.


1. In a pro sports team NO ONE will say : "I dont play cause that guy is worse than me." because they are PROFESSIONALS. They take what they got and give their best. You are not pro, you are a spoiled brat.


2. You can pick and choose in PvP too, so what is your point? Take a 4 man premade and play, soon even ranked. Its as hard to find a PvE group as it is hard to find a PvP group... and in PvE you cant always choose the pplayers, most often its take it or dont play.

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1. In a pro sports team NO ONE will say : "I dont play cause that guy is worse than me." because they are PROFESSIONALS. They take what they got and give their best. You are not pro, you are a spoiled brat.


2. You can pick and choose in PvP too, so what is your point? Take a 4 man premade and play, soon even ranked. Its as hard to find a PvE group as it is hard to find a PvP group... and in PvE you cant always choose the pplayers, most often its take it or dont play.


1. Negative. Shaq left the Lakers because he couldn't get along with Kobe. They're spoiled brats too.


2. I can also pick and choose in PvP by leaving games. And last time I checked, I couldn't que as a full group of 8.

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And still someone will have to loose? Do they walk off the field in finals because other team is better?


No they fight until the end like a true player... not like self entitled children


They also don't have to worry about playing with noobs, every one of those guys on the field is better than any amateur playing that sport.


Self entitled children? What? You think athletes and pro sports teams don't fight for every advantage? They do. And once again here's someone on these forums trying to force a crutch onto me.

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Yes you are supposed to carry lower equipped guys, that the whole idea. BTW the enemy team has the same amount of lower equipped players, cause its random.


Uh... what? You're saying it is now our duty to spend our leisure time helping other people who are poorly equipped to win? I'm pretty sure I never ready that in the EULA.


If the people who are poorly equipped showed some willing or respect to the rest of their potential team, IE: Got orange modded gear with 50/51 mods through doing dailies, then I would be happy to help them get their PvP gear. With armour which they could get through soloing if they have to, they could enhance their own PvP viability. Fully modded orange set is actually pretty decent to start with.


I believe someone even made a thread about "What you can do to get ready for PvP at level 50" or something similar.


Many people don't though. Many people hold on to that attitude which is equally as selfish as you are claiming leavers hold, and expect other people to do it all for them.


Yes, the other side "could" have as many ill-equipped people as we do. But until the matchmaking system is fixed, they could also be 8 battle-masters.


And Yes, they will (theoretically) be fixing this at some point. So why not wait until they've made the fix, re-evaluate what happens, and then ask for a desertion debuff. It may be that if things get fixed properly, you won't even need it. If it works out, most if not all games will be relatively well balanced, and so will be a fun, whether it actually ends in a win or a loss.


I know I wouldn't leave if I was actually having fun, irrespective of the outcome.

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They also don't have to worry about playing with noobs, every one of those guys on the field is better than any amateur playing that sport.


Self entitled children? What? You think athletes and pro sports teams don't fight for every advantage? They do. And once again here's someone on these forums trying to force a crutch onto me.



First of all you are talking in wrong terms...


For Leo Messi or Ronaldo someone who plays in Real Zaragoza team is a ''noob'' or a bad player despite they do not express so but feel so nontheless...


For you such player is still a pro... so noob is relative not like you state it...


They still play with and against noobs but based on their not your views...


That however is not the point... gaming is sports... esports even and as every other sport the 1st guideline for entering sporting is COME TO PLAY(PARTICIPATE) NOT ONLY TO WIN.


And this is the main guideline of MMOs aswell.


deserter and afk debuffs must be applied(afk booting off actually) so people stop doing both and fight until the end regardless of results!

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Its different if you leave you **** over 7 people if you are forced to stay 1 person is ****ed... hypothetically ofcourse...


Even if you play for ONLY your benefit you play WITH others and group ethics need to work since how would it be if you join operation and they boot you despite winning a roll and doing all good because you know they work for ONLY their benefit(the leader) and takes loot for himself.


Thats bordering on ninjaing which i am sure you would be against.


Imagine getting kicked after boss is on 1% just to loose all benefits of HM 1 hour of play cos you know other leader only plays for HIS BENEFIT so ****s you over.


Its not fair

Edited by Paralassa
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1. Negative. Shaq left the Lakers because he couldn't get along with Kobe. They're spoiled brats too.


2. I can also pick and choose in PvP by leaving games. And last time I checked, I couldn't que as a full group of 8.


1. Many of them are spoiled brats, yes. But someone leaving due to personal issues is a lot different as leaving cause of someone having a green item or not playing to your "standard". Also, most of the players leaving want to be carried, I am pretty sure you arent even good yourself, otherwise you could carry a team to victory, but you obviously cant.


2. You dont have to, 4 players is enough to win any BG. If you dont win with a 4 premade on Teamspeak, you just badly suck ***.

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And this is the main guideline of MMOs aswell.



No it isn't. This is a MMOrpg. I'm here to make my character more powerful. I can't be forced to play with someone who is asking that I make their character more powerful, while they put no effort into it.


The fact of the matter is, a level 50 wearing level 40 gear isn't playing to win. They're there so I can make their character more powerful. It's not my job to do that, and I REFUSE to do that. Why should I waste my time on someone that doesn't even care enough themselves?

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Its different if you leave you **** over 7 people if you are forced to stay 1 person is ****ed... hypothetically ofcourse...


Even if you play for ONLY your benefit you play WITH others and group ethics need to work since how would it be if you join operation and they boot you despite winning a roll and doing all good because you know they work for ONLY their benefit(the leader) and takes loot for himself.


Thats bordering on ninjaing which i am sure you would be against.


Imagine getting kicked after boss is on 1% just to loose all benefits of HM 1 hour of play cos you know other leader only plays for HIS BENEFIT so ****s you over.


Its not fair


The guy with level 40 gear would NEVER be brought to an operation to begin with. Your example is terrible, as it only supports my view.


No one in their right mind would bring someone in level 40 gear to a HM. Yet facing a team full of Battlemasters is like doing a HM. The game doesn't force you to bring trash players to HMs, but it DOES force trash players onto you in PvP, and you're only trying to make it worse.


The one that's a ninja is the guy wearing level 40 gear as he waits for the rest of his team to give him a win.


MMO games aren't fair. I'm sorry to say, this isn't a charity.

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2. You dont have to, 4 players is enough to win any BG. If you dont win with a 4 premade on Teamspeak, you just badly suck ***.


You heard it here first, folks. You need 4 people working together to win a Warzone. Why, under that estimation, it doesn't matter if you're a 6 vs 8. or an 8 vs 11. Or even if you have a couple of deserters.


Skyflash has categorically stated that a 4-people team wins. So it must be true. Is it any wonder that people leave then, when they play a minute of a war zone and can witness for themselves see that there is:


no teamwork at all?

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Evil Santa,


Your idealism is cute. You either have pigtails or you are some pimply faced freshman straight out of your first philosophy class. But your tendency to rely on insulting other people belies your being full of it. It is also obvious that you have difficulty separating reality from an online game. In addition, we don't need to hear your gaming pedigree, as if we care what you did.


As you can tell from some of the posters here, your MMO utopia does not exist. I'm not sure why you think you are the Moses of SWTOR, leading all of us to the promised land of brotherhood and fair, honorable combat in a video game. Perhaps you should cease ragging on everyone who sees things differently from you. Not only is it immature, but it kind of makes you a massive jerk. You are impressing no one. People have their right to play the way they want. If you want your perfect community, use the tools you have in game to establish it and stop trying to take over the entire Star Wars galaxy.

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Evil Santa...


Your reply was cute as well, and I am an idealist, as well as a jerk. I understand the viewpoint of "I want to win by any means necessary because that's fun for me", because winning is fun. However, my point is that competitions stop being fun when participants willingly give the other side an unfair advantage. It is not fair to others that they have to take a loss because a couple of people choose to quit and leave them short a few players, while already fighting an uphill battle. This is a community, full of real people, who all have emotions while playing the game, and if having emotional reactions to deliberate unfair behavior in a competitive video game means i have an issue with separating the game from reality then so be it. Please apply this standard to everyone who's stated they don't like losing, being farmed, or whatever, and quit warzones, because not liking something is an emotional reaction too.


Now, when I clearly see anti-social characteristics in a poster's attitude towards other members of the community, I will also point them out. Yes, how I point out this behavior is insulting, and there is no difference between what I've said to people in this thread, what you've just said to me, and all the posters saying people are just complaining because they suck at pvp. They're all assumptions being made, and I choose to fight absurdity with equally absurd counter arguments.


I am not attempting to make a MMO utopia, but I am advocating for fairness of competition and that consequences should be implemented for behaviors that are unfair, and affect the gameplay for all players.


That doesn't mean that they have to stop their behavior, just that their actions will have consequences.


Yes, the queue system is not currently working to provide warzone teams that have equal levels in skill with the current matchmaking system, but every player is affected by this, and just because someone has higher in rank/valor than others, they should not get a free pass to avoid this mechanic. This is a thread where people are discussing the need for a penalty to be added because of a behavior that it is affecting their ability to have fun with a game they've invested in. If you, or anyone else fails to grasp this, then the reality is that everything i write will have .0001% of changing this.


Thank you for sharing a well thought-out and intelligent reply, cupcake.

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That's why pro sports teams try to hire the best talent possible? I guess all of these people making billions of dollars are stupid or something.



This is a MMO game, not a charity.


And then why exactly is it, that I can pick and choose who I want to play with when I do PvE content? That completely contradicts your wild claim.


Player skills has nothing to do with the issue, nice try at distract.




Better gear means the same thing as a sports game where one side keeps getting free points. Because of last win reward.




You would NEVER allow one team to become over powered as that defeats the purpose.

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