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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

30Minute LOCKOUT For Deserters


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A team consists of 8 players, are you telling me that everytime you leave your party is composed by 7 people that don't hear? Because if it doesn't, you're still hurting the other members that don't quit when their group sucks and don't have the fault of their failures.




Besides, most of the time quitters are not the ones that plan strategies or the good players, they're just rage quitters when they see that they may need to actually put a fight to win.



So yes, I approve of some measure against deserters.


Sorry that is crap. I will give you a perfect example in Void Star yesterday the Imp had a premade 8 players with vent and a PVP guild.


I show up and there are 3 of us and one guy has greens on my team.

The premade is in Battlemaster gear. I was best geared in Centorian of the 3 of us.

After the guy in greens is blown up in under a second the other guy gets blown up also.


They both leave with me standing in the back of the place an 8 premades looking for me.

Now I stayed but I can fully see why they left the game, really what fun is gettin blown up?

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The Deserter debuff MUST be twice as long as the longest Warzone playtime...(so playing until the last second/minute


If Deserter is not that long it makes no difference using it


If huttball takes 15 minutes(is it i never check) and warzone debuff for leaving is 15 minutes you accomplis 0.... it has to be twice to prevent 2 warzones from being played ATLEAST

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The Deserter debuff MUST be twice as long as the longest Warzone playtime...(so playing until the last second/minute


If Deserter is not that long it makes no difference using it


If huttball takes 15 minutes(is it i never check) and warzone debuff for leaving is 15 minutes you accomplis 0.... it has to be twice to prevent 2 warzones from being played ATLEAST


Read my post the one before yours. Learn a different viewpoint about things.


Same question again:


This is a game and if I am not having fun then I am not going to play.

What is fun about getting blown up by being out numbered and out geared?


You expect me to pay money to not have fun?

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30 is too long I'm voting a 15min lockout.


Edit: Better matchmaking would be good aswell concerning premade groups.



Put in the lock out and here is what will happen.


AFK nightmare just like WoW still has.


Or bots all over the place.


The WoW solution did not work as it just made the problem worse.

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Read my post the one before yours. Learn a different viewpoint about things.


Same question again:


This is a game and if I am not having fun then I am not going to play.

What is fun about getting blown up by being out numbered and out geared?


You expect me to pay money to not have fun?


The egoistic approach of capitalist kiddos is beyond reasoning ...


If you go TO GROUP to PLAY something you stick to that to whatever ends... if you are beyond such reason and logic of (we win together and we fail together not capitalistic way, We win together you loose without me) then i cannot help and can only say that IQ of people is dropping deeper than the Europe temperatures...


If you leave the warzone because you are loosing you are simply a douche... If you leave because you got unexpected visitors 30 minutes is a perfectly acceptable debuff since you have other things to do...


But seeing tons of people joining and leaving the second sith captures 2 turrets on alderaan or the second they lead 1:0 in huttball is disgusting and selfish and retarded to say the least...


But capitalistic kiddo community will never understand that... they are(you are) spoiled brats wanting to have 24/7 fun regardless of anyone elses feeling and they never heared of any form of helping and enduring over some worse parts for the sake of community and ''greater'' good.

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Put in the lock out and here is what will happen. AFK nightmare just like WoW still has. Or bots all over the place. The WoW solution did not work as it just made the problem worse.


First we need the deserter buff, then we need to fix AFKers.


For the AFKer fix, we implement AFK reporting by the group.


Also, if someone is AFK at the end of the game (i.e. does not click the exit button in 60 seconds) he gets another 5 minute lockout and no rewards.


Also, the AFKer problem will slowly go away when people realize that instead of AFKing they can as well kill some people in the same time.

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i only ever left voidstars where i was in the *********** taxi for 1 minute and my team was loosing doors the first 30 sec. they should make it so you dont have to go through the taxi bit in voidstar defenders round if you are late into the warzone. then a lot of people wouldnt leave.



i am not gonna sit for a 1m taxi, 2min wait till the spawn is open while my team is loosing 100%. if they fixed that i would never leave wz's ever.

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Read my post the one before yours. Learn a different viewpoint about things.


Same question again:


This is a game and if I am not having fun then I am not going to play.

What is fun about getting blown up by being out numbered and out geared?


You expect me to pay money to not have fun?


so all warzone should end prematurely cause everyone on the losing side should always leave the warzone cause losing is not fun?

what kind of dumb logic is that? it's pvp, one side wins, one side loses. go and *********** pve if you can't handle losing but don't ruin everyone elses games..

can't believe what a bunch of selfish anti social bummholes play mmos these days.


and to the guys claiming they leave warzones because they are "too good", who are you trying to kid? we all know you're leaving in the hopes of finding another warzone where ppl will carry you to victory


last but not least, what ever happened to ppl pvping just for the sake of pvping? i need wins...i need commendations...i need gear... so *********** sad



disclaimer: it;s not my first language and i know my grammar/spelling /punctuation is horrible...deal with it

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The egoistic approach of capitalist kiddos is beyond reasoning ...


If you go TO GROUP to PLAY something you stick to that to whatever ends... if you are beyond such reason and logic of (we win together and we fail together not capitalistic way, We win together you loose without me) then i cannot help and can only say that IQ of people is dropping deeper than the Europe temperatures...


If you leave the warzone because you are loosing you are simply a douche... If you leave because you got unexpected visitors 30 minutes is a perfectly acceptable debuff since you have other things to do...


But seeing tons of people joining and leaving the second sith captures 2 turrets on alderaan or the second they lead 1:0 in huttball is disgusting and selfish and retarded to say the least...


But capitalistic kiddo community will never understand that... they are(you are) spoiled brats wanting to have 24/7 fun regardless of anyone elses feeling and they never heared of any form of helping and enduring over some worse parts for the sake of community and ''greater'' good.


I'm sorry to inform you, but be prepared to see this type of mentality on every US server.


Because Sigmund Freud's nephew (Edward Bernays) realized almost 100 years ago that when you advertise junk to a person's inner narcissistic side, they'll irrationally buy it. So now we're bombarded with over 1,100 advertisements a week that are telling us to be narcissistic punks who have no sense of community/teamwork (or even empathy) and you have today's consumerism-based population.


Congrats to all of ya that are justifying being ****s because you literally fall into the definition of having a personality disorder.

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After reaching rank 60, Valor rank means quite literally Nothing.... So.. Again, why would should i want to endure a disgusting loss? There is no incentive to stay...


Maybe because when you were levelling your valor you wanted people to stay aswell?

Edited by DarthMondo
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Its called dont be a selfish ahole


What's funny is PvPers thinking they can pick and choose what morals to follow and to hold others to. PvP isn't about sharing, being nice or thoughtful, that has been made abundantly clear multiple times. Why should anyone care about you or your time?

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Read my post the one before yours. Learn a different viewpoint about things.


Same question again:


This is a game and if I am not having fun then I am not going to play.

What is fun about getting blown up by being out numbered and out geared?


You expect me to pay money to not have fun?


If people weren't quitting anytime they thought they might lose, then you wouldn't have to deal with being out-numbered, would you?


Pot meet Kettle.

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What's funny is PvPers thinking they can pick and choose what morals to follow and to hold others to. PvP isn't about sharing, being nice or thoughtful, that has been made abundantly clear multiple times. Why should anyone care about you or your time?


I pray that you're in a life-threatening accident someday and everyone who could stop and help doesn't because really, why should anyone care about you?


Welcome to reality dude. People are dependent on everyone else around them, in life and the same goes for in video games. Keep up this attitude of not helping others and you're looking at a future of SWTOR where there's 5 servers in 1 year because everyone else has quit out of frustration.

Edited by Evil_Santa
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If topic starter Gandrake were well geared, well recognised on his server, crafty PvP player nobody would leave his team.


Pubbies would go: "Look, it is Gandrake, we gonna win, I will stay and take a fight".


Probably, in reality, Gandrake is not as good and want somebody good to carry him to get valor and wins.


So he is a problem, not reasonable people who do not want tp carry him.

Edited by BambulaGTS
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so all warzone should end prematurely cause everyone on the losing side should always leave the warzone cause losing is not fun?

what kind of dumb logic is that? it's pvp, one side wins, one side loses. go and *********** pve if you can't handle losing but don't ruin everyone elses games..

can't believe what a bunch of selfish anti social bummholes play mmos these days.


and to the guys claiming they leave warzones because they are "too good", who are you trying to kid? we all know you're leaving in the hopes of finding another warzone where ppl will carry you to victory


last but not least, what ever happened to ppl pvping just for the sake of pvping? i need wins...i need commendations...i need gear... so *********** sad



disclaimer: it;s not my first language and i know my grammar/spelling /punctuation is horrible...deal with it


yeah cause watching an undergeared fail group getting farmed for 15min is so much fun...


get over it, not everyone wants to waste their time holding the hands of horrible bad players in pvp.

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I pray that you're in a life-threatening accident someday and everyone who could stop and help doesn't because really, why should anyone care about you?


Welcome to reality dude. People are dependent on everyone else around them, in life and the same goes for in video games. Keep up this attitude of not helping others and you're looking at a future of SWTOR where there's 5 servers in 1 year because everyone else has quit out of frustration.


Reality is that everyone is out for themselves. Pretending it's different just because you are hacked off because it's inconvenient for your own PvP success just furthers my own point. Get off your moral high horse.


The PvP community can't act like a selfinterested jerk 99% of the time and then QQ when it affects their PvP

Edited by Aribethx
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>Wait in queu

>Finally get in

>*sign* Huttball... again

>Fresh 50s on my side, and what looks like a double BM premade on the other side.

>Enemy team scores 4x in under 1.5min

>They stand outside our spawn, simply... farming us



Yeah, im totally gona stay to see that happen. And i should get a massive penalty for not wanting to serve as a valor piñata? Maybe you "pvp pro's" need to realize your prenade-and-lets-just-farm-the-other-team actions have consequences.


And aslong as the daily, if you can even call it a daily as it can take hours upon hours, forces me to Win. Im leaving when its clear after 1min that we're just going to get roflstomped.


But yeah, lets force them to stay with absurd penalties. Im sure these people will try their best and not just afk in a cornor...

Or instead we change the daily to "complete 3 warzones". And just look at all those people who are sticking around despite knowing they are doomed.

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Yeah, im totally gona stay to see that happen. And i should get a massive penalty for not wanting to serve as a valor piñata? Maybe you "pvp pro's" need to realize your prenade-and-lets-just-farm-the-other-team actions have consequences.


I am quite sure everyone agrees that the PvP bugs and stupid design mistakes will have to be fixed before the leaver penalty comes.


- Premades against randoms needs to be fixed.

- The equipment > all bug needs to be fixed.

- The AFK timer needs to be fixed.

- Some D/Cs need to be fixed.


THEN we need the deserter buff or sticky BGs.

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>Wait in queu

>Finally get in

>*sign* Huttball... again

>Fresh 50s on my side, and what looks like a double BM premade on the other side.

>Enemy team scores 4x in under 1.5min

>They stand outside our spawn, simply... farming us



Yeah, im totally gona stay to see that happen. And i should get a massive penalty for not wanting to serve as a valor piñata? Maybe you "pvp pro's" need to realize your prenade-and-lets-just-farm-the-other-team actions have consequences.


And aslong as the daily, if you can even call it a daily as it can take hours upon hours, forces me to Win. Im leaving when its clear after 1min that we're just going to get roflstomped.


But yeah, lets force them to stay with absurd penalties. Im sure these people will try their best and not just afk in a cornor...

Or instead we change the daily to "complete 3 warzones". And just look at all those people who are sticking around despite knowing they are doomed.



See if this scenario happens you will loose under 2 minutes anyway(or 3) so why not simply be a man and eat up the farming ...


You gave a completely wrong example... if enemy has 2 premade BM teams you will loose faster than if you try to quit and find new pvp team. PERIOD.


The problem i agree occurs when sith team is slightly better they score once or twice but your team while picking the ball everytime in middle cannot get it pass 1st fires...


Now thats a boring 15 minute match where sith cannot capitalise their superiority and your team is incompetent or undergeared.


Your scenario is quick end of pain


Deserter debuff should be force aswell as AFK buff... on autorun... standing longer than XY seconds in already taken area in voidstar... not doing any action for 15 sec(autorun doesnt count)


etc etc


boot the idiots and give pvp purity... if you pvp cos you want to have fun then rather go watch a sport match on TV.

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I'm valor rank 65, got my speeder, have my companions in mostly epics, full BM gear. Almost no reason to stay in a loss. I do stay if it is a close game or people are competent. If people are not playing for objectives or things are getting lost without incoming calls I will most certainly leave and find people who play to win and aren't completely incompetent.


Wow had the same problem and deserter didn't even help. Deserter wasn't even used to stop leavers, it was implemented to stop scouting BG's for groups farming grand marshal and high warlord. It did end up being a slight deterrent though.


The difference is WoW now has rated BG's and arena. They also figured out it was a bad idea to force maxed out players into normal BG's for a daily. This balances things out when most people in a BG are there to get gear.

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