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30Minute LOCKOUT For Deserters


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Sorry, my back pack only has enough room for so many bads. If I get stuck in a WZ where more players are in green/blue/orange gear I'm gone.


oh shut your damn mouth, im pretty sure you were in green/blue/orange gear at one point, fkin idiot. everyone has to start somewhere


edit: and as for your "backpack" your gear is your own backpack..without it you wouldn;t last two seconds

Edited by CrymzenSith
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So the same would go for dragonslayers who farm the same stuff week in and week out in BiS gear and nothing to gain. They do it to help others... with your attitude you will not go far in multi-player games. Also, you were rank 39 in greens/blues once too.


indeed i was, but i didnt do the pissed off chicken dance everytime someone left a warzone.... i still get rewards for a loss....

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When I find myself in a no win warzone, i entertain myself by doing the following:


1) Pick random player on enemy team.

2) Kill them and only them for the entire match.

3) Wait for the low level alt whispers to come because when they do, it is epic in rage quality.


How is that not entertainment?


what one man finds as entertaining another may find it torturous....

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Once again, until Bioware puts in a BETTER QUEUING SYSTEM where I can ensure I won't be queued solo against a premade and/or can selectively queue for specific warzones (I *********** HATE huttball) - then no, there should be absolutely NO deserter debuff/lockout period.
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oh shut your damn mouth, im pretty sure you were in green/blue/orange gear at one point, fkin idiot. everyone has to start somewhere


The level of intelligence that goes in to some of these posts..... is mind blowing. CrymzenSith, yes we all started somewhere however when alot of the current battlemasters started we didnt have battlemasters to carry us through games. We had to win them. Your basically says that you upset because people who are high rank are tried of getting stuck with new low ranking 50's who have no teamwork, skill or even desire to play the objective.... Sorry but your post fails.

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The level of intelligence that goes in to some of these posts..... is mind blowing. CrymzenSith, yes we all started somewhere however when alot of the current battlemasters started we didnt have battlemasters to carry us through games. We had to win them. Your basically says that you upset because people who are high rank are tried of getting stuck with new low ranking 50's who have no teamwork, skill or even desire to play the objective.... Sorry but your post fails.


no his post fails..to the simple fact that we CAN'T chose who we get paired up with if we play solo..and some people prefer to play solo, so basicly what you are saying is its ok to quit because of fresh 50's? if you guys feel that way then quit your *****in band together and roll in a pre-made..simple *********** solution.


some of us have somthing called "real life commitments" so we dont have the time to spend hours and hours gearing up, sorry we arn't all 50 year old virgins living in our mothers basements spending alone time with the same swimsuit centerfold we have had for the past 40 years..


dont use fresh people who have only just got the chance to gear up as an exscuse for your lack of desire to play. you still get comms,valor and creds at the end of each warzone even if you lose..and it may be a little amount but its a damn site more than what you get for quiting


the most annoying thing about people like you is that you wouldn't dare complain about rolling against ungeared fresh 50's would you? oh no..easy wins and easy medals..easy daily/weekly PvP quest completion.

Edited by Notannos
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Once again, until Bioware puts in a BETTER QUEUING SYSTEM where I can ensure I won't be queued solo against a premade and/or can selectively queue for specific warzones (I *********** HATE huttball) - then no, there should be absolutely NO deserter debuff/lockout period.


Sorry you said "ensure I wont be queued vs a premade"... hahahahahahahah

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When people leave its generally due to their team not listening, the game created an unbalanced game or perhaps they started the game without enough players. Coming from a rank 61, even if they put in a lockout I will still leave and just do something else if there is no chance at winning. Most people dont join Warzones for valor, they join them to get wins for dailys. If you want valor go to ilum and you will get far more.


Honestly if people are leaving your games and you have a full party then perhaps you should look at yourself. Perhaps you might be the reason they are leaving. Are you actually helping the team win by completing the objectives or are you just trying to play team deathmatch and ignoring the point of the game. /shrug I for one am not for lockouts as it will solve nothing.


The penalty for being a poor player is losing.


The penalty for being a sore loser (which is what you are describing yourself as) should be no warzones for you for 30 minutes.

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Mainly this whole debate boils down to the problem of there not being ranked pvp systems in game. As we all know irl, people who suck don't hang with the pros, and can't be expected to. Guess what, games are no different. Skilled players don't want to be forced to waste (yes I say WASTE) 15 minutes of their time playing with people who cannot grasp basic warzone/pvp/tactic concepts and just end up raging the skilled player to the point of afking or leaving because of said incompetance.


F2P games cater to these carebear views of penalizing people who leave teams of lesser skilled players, because they are F2P. If you want that in a game people pay for, you're in for dissapointment...

Edited by Aleutius
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Why not instead forcus on the reason for desertion? Perhaps a debuff or classification system that people don't earn medals or valor without being within a certain proximity of the objective. It would be removed in voidstar for 20 seconds after an objective is capped to let players slow the attacking team. In huttball it would depend on where the huttball is. Medals granted at 3, 5, 10 and 15 successful passes. Alderaan is self explanatory.


The 3 people with the lowest count of medals on the team should receive a debuff that categorizes them in a certain ability or skill class. Next time the queue up, they will be matched with others at their ability class. When they improve, the will move to the next skill layer. If they do not, they stay at their skill level.


This not only continually rewards incentive to do better and play better, but effectively stops AFKers, and will wash out poor players and match them with each other. The more skilled players will earn gear faster, and the less skilled players will earn gear slower.

Edited by drdarpa
said minutes, meant seconds plus explanation
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the only reason to pvp in this game is to get the dailies done, you can get commendations by losing, so why do you care if people leave and you lose? you can only get dailies done by winning so why force people to suffer through your pointless grind of commendations when it doesnt mean anything for the leavers?


give a reason to stay in a losing warzone, dont just make people suffer by forcing them to stay in a lopsided match

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Sorry you said "ensure I wont be queued vs a premade"... hahahahahahahah


Exactly. The whole point of a premade is to roll a non-premade with minimum effort, get gear and lord it over everyone so they can see how madly skillful you are.


As ranked battlegrounds in WoW showed, nobody is interested in premade vs premade, especially when you suck. Which is true for 90% of the player base.

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I generally will endure and stay, but after 4-5 losing wz in a row i must admit that i to have left instead of having to satisfy 7 people who could not organise a pi*s up in a brewery.


I do not abuse, I don't endure 7 strangers to abuse because I feel that they are pretty hopeless, instead I just up and leave. Whether or not you are upset with that or not is primarily not my concern at this stage.


I am usually at the very end of my tether if I have left a warzone (i.e losing all 3 cannons on alderaan or 3-0 down at huttball almost instantly because your team was playing team death match and ignoring ball... or voidstar were you have just lost all doors due to players hitting continuously on dps or tank chars while 1 healer (which can be clearly seen and i have mentioned in ops chat to focus) is standing at the back happily casting with only me trying to beat on him.


You tell me the incentive to stay in these situations? Forcing lockout only caused more grief and abuse because people do not like to lose because deep down we are all quite competitive as it is in our human nature to be. In any mmo you have played in a situation were you are losing in pvp, do you usually see someone offering constructive advice as on how to improve or a random muppet screaming "omg you guys suck <enter random profanity messages to follow here>"


I hate people leaving in situations were we actually stand a chance and puts us at a clear disadvantage do not get me wrong, but can see both sides of the coin and if their is a lockout implemented, it will just lead to more nerd rage than the silent ops chat that we currently experience. Where as I do not like silence and like to encourage team work, I would rather have silence over random teeny bopper inserting his nerd rage in to 6-7 strangers lifes.

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Exactly. The whole point of a premade is to roll a non-premade with minimum effort, get gear and lord it over everyone so they can see how madly skillful you are.


As ranked battlegrounds in WoW showed, nobody is interested in premade vs premade, especially when you suck. Which is true for 90% of the player base.


I see absolutely no problem with premades. If 8 people that can effectively communicate decide they want to team up to win, there should be nothing stopping them from rolling a pug. PUGs can beat premades if they communicate as well or better than the premade.


If you aren't winning against premades, it's because someone on your team or multiple people on your team aren't working together. You can fix that, you don't need a dev to give you welfare nerfs.

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Exactly. The whole point of a premade is to roll a non-premade with minimum effort, get gear and lord it over everyone so they can see how madly skillful you are.


As ranked battlegrounds in WoW showed, nobody is interested in premade vs premade, especially when you suck. Which is true for 90% of the player base.


Ranked BG's in WoW showed that people preferred playing the FoTM combo in arenas over rated BG's. Wow also had the issue of their groups being too large (some weeks).


I have no issue and rather prefer a good fight, but hearing solo queuers moan about it being unfair is ridiculous. Playing as a team in a team fight... you should try it.

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Q Q no one is rank 100 yet. Play the game out. The incentive is not being a bad teammate and leaving the other 7 people handicapped.


LOL. WHY though? Why would I ever want to get to Rank 100 Valor?


Sir, you can't have hit L50 yet. When you do, re-post.

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I have no issue and rather prefer a good fight, but hearing solo queuers moan about it being unfair is ridiculous. Playing as a team in a team fight... you should try it.


If you think 8 guys with voice comm with a prepared plan and excellent class and spec distribution is on even footing with 8 random people, no voice comm and totally random class distribution, I can't help you. Probably nobody can. But if you've got nothing better to do, seek help, it might work.


I'll give you one example from a few nights back.


My team has a mini-premade in it - tank/heals/2xDPS. All levels 46-48. Enemy team - four snipers, level 10-14. The rest of the team was mix and match. Guess which team won? Can you even visualize in your head a scenario in which the enemy team could have beat us? I can't. My imagination isn't up to it. And in a SANE world, made by a SANE game developer, such a match should have never been allowed to take place.

Edited by Sabbathius
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The penalty for being a poor player is losing.


The penalty for being a sore loser (which is what you are describing yourself as) should be no warzones for you for 30 minutes.



What people don't understand is that pre-50 you all get exp win or lose. Why do you think there're so many AFKers there?


When you hit 50 it's non-stop WZs. That's it. When you hit rank 50 valor you've got the same amount of WZs, if not more than you did 1-50. My enthusiasm died around 53. I'm almost 58 now and that's 100WZs since when I stopped giving a **** lol. I've the best part of another hundred to go ...


It's a Valor grind boys and girls.


You punish people for leaving - which'll be many casuals who just want to get their dailies and weeklies done (most of which don't count) and you kill off the rest of the PvP game.


Instead of QQing about deserters, get on BW's back about cooking up ideas to fix the faction imbalance so there's some World PvP and diff ways of grinding the Valor :D

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LOL. WHY though? Why would I ever want to get to Rank 100 Valor?


Sir, you can't have hit L50 yet. When you do, re-post.


I'm 67, and in no rush to get to 100, my point was that there is still "incentive" as small as it is.


But why does there need to be incentive? Can you not play the game for just playing the game?

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