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Too Many People Whining about Having to Put in Effort


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A. What does how many threads you started have any relevance to his point?



B. Believe it or not some people don't feel like you, some others are NOT having fun or feel they are getting their monies worth.


C. Again ! you assume you know what everyone thinks and you try to simplify it with degrading terms because you are angry that someone does not like an aspect of the game.


1. Your condescending grandstanding only makes you look just like the people who you try so hard to insult. Whats does that make you?


2. This thread is just pointless angry conjecture that only inflames people into making negative responses. It has nothing to add as far as constructive criticism or praise.


Ok "GothicSaint," I'll bite.


A- This is indeed my first thread, I have yet to create or post anything on the level of some of the people that I've seen on the forums complaining. This is the boy who cried wolf principle.


B- Don't feel like you're getting your money's worth? That sounds like a bad use of funds- and thus should be cut.


C- I'm responding to a post earlier where the only "gross imbalance" (his or her words), was citing that people's gear levels weren't on par with others.


1- This post was meant to attract attention to the content of the post, not my personal self- hence my one thread.


2- This thread pointed out issues I've seen on the forums as criticism and begs those writing complaint threads to point out specifics instead of three line posts, and offered praise to Bioware for a smooth launch and overall what I consider to be an entertaining game.


Your post is considered a personal flame to me, not addressing any concerns raised in the initial post- thus unwarranted and unnecessary. Capiche?

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Here's the way I see it- there's too many people wanting instant gratification from a genre of game designed to reward "e-work" put into your character.


This game is brand new, there WILL be bugs- stop complaining. Enough of the "OMG GAME BREAKING BUG" posts.... just submit a report and move on.


People are running around PvPing in Battlemaster gear and you're ticked that you can instantly have the best gear? Stop whining.


You aren't SUPPOSED to be able to hit 50 and within a day have full Battlemaster. Regardless of what people did before, using whatever means or "glitches" to do it, it just doesn't matter. If anything, it gives you a worthy challenge to better your "e-self." Gear is tiered for a reason. Yeah, you've got to start off with the crappy PvP gear- so what?


To be honest I feel that it's already too easy to get PvP gear. I shouldn't be able to do a couple dailies and get a new piece of gear, but I come from playing MMOs where there really isn't such a thing as "casual play."


An example of the complaints I'm referring to- On my server (and probably most) people go into Ilum for their daily, and leave. I see all this complaining about how "hard" and time consuming the daily is (armament collection), but it's designed to keep people in Ilum to PvP. The longer you are there, the longer the opposing faction is there, the more likely PvP is to break out. More PvP = more fun.


Stop complaining and enjoy the game. This launch has gone off very smoothly and Bioware has taken problems and handled them without breaking stride. Everyone expects a polished game off the bat, but it simply will take time to work out the kinks. HELP BIOWARE HELP YOU! Fill out bug reports, make CONSTRUCTIVE and SPECIFIC forum posts, and just enjoy yourself. Who cares if your class isn't 'balanced?' MMOs are very fluid, classes will go from being "OP" to crap, it's just part of the development cycle.


To Bioware: Please don't listen to the kids and make drastic changes at the behest of some forum whiners. Make reasonable and thoughtful decisions for the betterment of the game itself. I trust you all! This game has so much potential, provided that new content is released in a timely manner I see no reason why this game won't succeed. Good job so far!


Have fun all!


If only this forum had a rep/karma system, I'd be giving you +rep.

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I got an idea.


2 brackets geared and ungeared.

ilum stays the same.

geared bracket- lvl 50

ungeared bracket -


For the ungeared bracket all levels. No gear related stats boost only what your character naturally has. Hence even a lvl 10 will be competitive with bolster.


What and who classifies "geared" and "ungeared" in the level 50 bracket? Where would someone with two pieces of Centurion fit in? Three pieces? Five pieces?


Your idea for the "ungeared" bracked undermines gear dependant classes that are balanced taking into account certain gear bonuses.

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Horrid gear and level grinds involving eWork are only necessary in an MMORPG to mask a gameplay environment that is not entertaining or fun.


Indeed. If the core gameplay is fun and engaging enough, there isn't a need to add "perks" and "progression".


Making the game grind-based is basically saying, "We're not confident enough to let our gameplay speak for itself. Go chase a carrot."

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What and who classifies "geared" and "ungeared" in the level 50 bracket? Where would someone with two pieces of Centurion fit in? Three pieces? Five pieces?


Your idea for the "ungeared" bracked undermines gear dependant classes that are balanced taking into account certain gear bonuses.



Geared and ungeared are exactly that.


Ungeared- No gear bonuses, 0 none,


Geared- Any gear piece that grants a bonus. +1 to endurance is enough.


I am curious though what you meant by gear dependant classes. Which are they, and why do you think they are gear dependent.


I come from a fps background so I am not sure what you are talking about with gear dependent.

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Correct. In true PvP, your avatar reflects your skills. In PvE, your avatar simply obeys your commands and using his own skills attempts to succeed..


Obviously, pure PvP is only available in real life, but the goal of online PvP should be to emulate pure PvP as much as possible. Therefore, having gear/stats that create a statistical advantage as opposed to a skill advantage is making the "competitive" metagame a PvE derivative, not a PvP one.


pure PvP is only available in real life? It's player versus player. You're like a magical liopleurodon trying to turn a simple idea into pretentious bull ****.

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The first graphical MMO ever was designed around this ideal. It was called Ultima Online. Before that we had MUDs which were not even graphical but rather text based driven so pixel obsession wasn't even possible.


It wasn't until EQ that the sickness of level grinds and obsessing about elite virtual gear was introduced into the genre.


Horrid gear and level grinds involving eWork are only necessary in an MMORPG to mask a gameplay environment that is not entertaining or fun.


7x in UO was either a grind or you did it with macroing. Also that game was the red-headed step child of OSI, originally developed by 2 people in a room behind closed doors. If you don't think money ever drove the design of the game at any point, then you are deluding yourself. Please send us post cards from your fantasy land.

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It is not work. It is called playing the game. You are supposed to be paying to have fun, not paying to grind just so you get the gear you want. People complaining that they don't have gear is stupid because having the gear does not make the game any more fun. RPGS are about the journey. Sit back, enjoy the game for all the cool stuff it has to offer, and stop worrying that someone else has better gear.


I am not geared, I enjoy this game. I will get better gear in time, but I am not playing specifically to get better gear.


As a fresh 50 yesterday. No exploiting or farming. Opened my first 7 bags last night of champ bags (0-7). Who pvp'd against some of those BM's I will say that its an overwhelming statistical advantage they have in the warzones.


They have 25-30% more health, deal 10-15% more dps and take 10%-15% less dmg.


Mind you I went in with all orange gear. With some level 46 blues, all purple armor and some purple mods (cybertech). Had 13k health unbuffed.


I was ok in terms of working in the zerg, but I was just meat to the players with gear.


So maybe I do the BM grind or maybe I don't. I'll tell you one thing. The stupidity of that kind of mathematical advantage is making me seriously consider the fun factor of this game.


I was able to get my 4-6 medals. I did ok, but the level of play isn't that much better beside a few clearly organized wz teams.


The real change seemed to me to be the math making me a level 11 queing a wz against a bunch of 30's and 40's.


I guess if the intent is to start over.....


Gunslinger = awful pvp mechanics. Self rooting. It's freaking insane. You've literally given a class zero survivability outside cover. we cannot really escape, run or even try and get away. Nice kiting system.

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It is not work. It is called playing the game. You are supposed to be paying to have fun, not paying to grind just so you get the gear you want. People complaining that they don't have gear is stupid because having the gear does not make the game any more fun. RPGS are about the journey. Sit back, enjoy the game for all the cool stuff it has to offer, and stop worrying that someone else has better gear.


I am not geared, I enjoy this game. I will get better gear in time, but I am not playing specifically to get better gear.


It becomes work when there is gear you HAVE to have in order to be on PAR and the only way to get said gear is to GRIND and hope you get it. Do you really think raiders (for example) run the same raid over and over and over because they just love that raid? **** NO they don't they run that raid over and over to get the gear they need to compete with the "best of the best"


In PvP we have it a bit better because every game (WZ) could actually be a new set of challenges because players be crazy never know what they may decide to do. Hell one time just for the hell of it I snaked the hutball (at game start) jumped in my pit grabbed the sprint and sprinted all the way to a score because people where like WTFH is that noob doing -> scoring apparently


Unfortunately PvE is not that way and it is work, and if you like it or not more people than not think being FORCED to do something in a game and then having to depend on RNG to get the (drug) gear you need is not fun.


All that said if this was GW2 I would agree with you, but this is a carrot on a stick game just like WoW except they have better questing and people have to depend on RNG not

(arena) to get gear. Edited by solnar_xan
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Not gonna lie, jumping into PVP at this point as a fresh 50 is pretty awful. You really spend an inordinate amount of time being fairly ineffective, regardless of whether or not you're a good player.


At least you can make steady progress, but it's not a whole lot of fun in the meantime.

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At least you can make steady progress, but it's not a whole lot of fun in the meantime.


Being new of course comes with it's share of disadvantages, but keep in mind you won't be new for very long.


Remember being the new confused guy or girl at work? Well a few months into it you've hopefully established a more comfortable work enviorment. Sure there are people that out rank you at first, but there's always room for excellence at the top.

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A complainer complaining about complainers.

If you hate threads that complains, don't open to read it!

You are no different.




This is absurd- constructive criticism does exist, but these forum posts I'm mentioning are people posting one or two sentences saying how "X is so horribly broken" or "Y is GAME BREAKING AND MUST BE FIXED ASAP!" and not offering any suggestions or evidence.

Edited by Dgall
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The issue for me is that you didnt have to earn your gear so why should I?


Another "it's just not fair" comment..... great....


First off, I started playing a couple of weeks after release- I didn't get the chance to "cheat."


Why should you have to "earn' your gear? Because you started playing after "them." Tough sh*t. I've stated in previous posts why this isn't necessarily a terrible thing.

Edited by Dgall
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Another "it's just not fair" comment..... great....


First off, I started playing a couple of weeks after release- I didn't get the chance to "cheat."


Why should you have to "earn' your gear? Because you started playing after "them." Tough sh*t. I've stated in previous posts why this isn't necessarily a terrible thing.


Either allow me to farm lowbies like you guys did or remove the gear seperation, there is no reason why I should have to fight an uphill battle, cripple my team with my presence alone just so you guys can feel special by killing ungeared players.


Your playing ability should be what determines the outcome, not some gear you got from a bag.

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its not even 2 months into the game. No one anywhere in this game has worked for anything.


Except for all of those people that have BiS gear on both pvp and pve sides.


Ya, cause that's something that should be abled to be accomplished within a month or two of release.

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The above is why a ladder and rated matches are needed there is casual and hardcore PvP and trying to lump us all in with each other doesn't work.


Baseball -> Some people are in the Majors some in the minors and some play Softball...


Now that is the best point so far, as much as I want everyone with even gear that would also solve it.

Then I shouldn't have to fight battle masters unless there really crap at playing and my own ability can make up the difference.

Bring on ranked matches!

Of course would need cross server war zones for it but they said its coming.

I actully have hope for PvP in this game now :)

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no one worked for their gear, sorry to inform you but farming level 10s in a full premade is not work, exploiting illum for tens of thousands of valor in one night is not work, fighting other pvpers with centurion level gear was not work


the only people puting in work right now are the fresh 50s who werent around for all the exploiting, and are fighting the BM geared who had it easy mode just because they exploited and abused the game because of biowares stupid decisions


LOL. But what about those who hit 50 after the bracket and for the last month have been grinding for gear that's now thrown at people?


You do realise that it just rewards the hardcores around that level even more and their scores will be even more characature? In 3 days I've gone up nearly 300 expertise - I'm almost double what I was. I was slapping kids before but now? Christ ... barely get a lobby where I find someone I'm not full critting. Tomorrow I'll go up another 100 expertise. Did you newbie L50s really think this through? :p


3 days and I've bumped up my expectations from an easy 300+K damage a match to 400+K. Please casuals, ask for more free ****. I'm loving farming all of you baby-buffalo :p

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The above is why a ladder and rated matches are needed there is casual and hardcore PvP and trying to lump us all in with each other doesn't work.


Baseball -> Some people are in the Majors some in the minors and some play Softball...



Agreed. But this is a 'maybe' for March. A whole month left to farm casuals MMMMMM .... sweet n00b necter...

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Either allow me to farm lowbies like you guys did or remove the gear seperation, there is no reason why I should have to fight an uphill battle, cripple my team with my presence alone just so you guys can feel special by killing ungeared players.


Your playing ability should be what determines the outcome, not some gear you got from a bag.


Dude, my char is around 3weeks old and he's already farming newbies. 150expertise is all you need and BOOM!


The old system benefitted casuals MORE because if many are struggling to do the Dailies as it is it's going to take you much longer. At least with the old system, if you'd saved up 1000WZ coms and 1000Merc coms, you only had to PLAY 1 WZ to get 6 bags... you could easily have had a couple or 3 random drops and been competitive. Now? It's making it easy for you to get gear but it's literally throwing it at more hardcore players. in 3 days I've almost doubled my expertise and by end of tomorrow it'll be nearly 700. 3 days compared to 3 weeks for 300 LOL :D ... is hard to find a lobby where it isn't FarmVille now.


Either way, you'll have fun when the hardcore people get bored and stop playing as much. The new way, you'll have a lot less fun until then.

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