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Jedi Shadow hitting me for 50% of hp every single hit?


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I have to go find a fresh 50 and blow my relic/adrenal or relic/field buff AND get lucky to get my 5k medal on my deception assassin who's in half battlemaster/half champion gear. I probably get it once every 10 matches. I'd love to see this assassin constantly getting 6k crits.
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So, my name must be PROTECTOR OF THE SITH in order for people to read what I have to say?


I didn't change my story, I just clarified the details.


And you must have downs. I said that I'm a sorcerer and he is a shadow. Who said anything about nerfing MY class?


I will take a video next time I see him.


I cant wait to see this Video, please go get it now.

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It's figurative. When I get hit for 2 x 3k crits in one shot, that = 6k damage, and that is close to half my health.


I just don't get it. Maybe he really is hacking...


bottom line is, you made a post full of hyperbole, and people are calling you out on it.


If an assassin hits you for 3k twice in quick succession, that's typical. He's not hacking. If you pay attention, you'll notice he won't be able to do that to you 5 times in a row, which is what it would take to kill you through your admittedly low stated HP total.


I guess that's ultimately what you need to know.

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If I were getting hit by a DPS assassin, then personally I'd move away from him - his range is mostly 4m, he likely doesn't have the 'snare breaker', and he's in "genuine" light armour without any fancy +35% bonuses.


Regardless of whether he's cheating or not, get out of his range.


Dumbest advice ever, and shows you clearly know little about how they work.


Ok, lets try a scenario, and you tell me what I can adjust, k? Assuming I get the jump on him:


1- I cast force lightning, he force jumps on top of me, knocks me to the ground, and hits me for 30-40% of my health in a few seconds.


a) If I sprint away to get distance so I can heal, he will force throw at me while I'm running and bring me within a few thousand hp of dying. By the time I cast a heal, he's on top of me, and I can't heal through his damage, plus he will obviously interrupt my heal.


b) If I stun him, he will immediately trinket. If I knock him back (assuming it doesn't take 20 clicks for Overload to finally work) he will slow me and be on top of me before I can heal.


What options do I have? How can I put distance between us in this situation. Their gap closer is on way too short a cooldown. If I take too long to do anything, he will force jump me again and again. What do you do when each time a melee touches you, you see 1/3 or more of your bar disappear and you can do literally nothing to counter him?


And don't get me wrong, I can almost always put distance between me an most Shadows easily. But this guy, nothing I do is anywhere even close to good enough.


The point is, if a GOOD Shadow can do this, the problem is the class. If most Shadows suck, that is not a reason to allow a class to have this much damage AND this much damage mitigation.

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i realize the guy standing right in front of you might grab your attention most, but are you sure he was the only one doing damage to you? cause by your testimony he's hitting you for 4380 to 7300 damage.


It's funny and insulting how arrogant everyone is here. You talk to everyone as everyone sucks and you are the only intelligent beings in the game.


I am known on the server that I'm one of the hardest to kill and one of the best in pvp. No one has ever beaten me in a duel since 50, and everyone on the server now knows it. The only time I'm ever killed in a WZ is when it's 2 or 3 vs 1 and I'm stun locked, and even then I usually survive a 3v1 somehow.


So, take you condescending bs and screw off. I'm not some tunnel-vision moron that is unaware of my surroundings. I usually win 2v1s because I'm more than fast enough to switch between targets to interrupt heals, etc.


To answer your question, yes, I was aware of everyone around me. Only he was hitting me.

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Dumbest advice ever, and shows you clearly know little about how they work.


Ok, lets try a scenario, and you tell me what I can adjust, k? Assuming I get the jump on him:


1- I cast force lightning, he force jumps on top of me, knocks me to the ground, and hits me for 30-40% of my health in a few seconds.



Their gap closer is on way too short a cooldown.



Lawl :eek:

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Dumbest advice ever, and shows you clearly know little about how they work.


Ok, lets try a scenario, and you tell me what I can adjust, k? Assuming I get the jump on him:


1- I cast force lightning, he force jumps on top of me, knocks me to the ground, and hits me for 30-40% of my health in a few seconds.


Ahh, know your enemy.


At this many pages into the thread we find out it wasn't a shadow you were fighting?


(they don't have force jump)

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It's funny and insulting how arrogant everyone is here.


I am known on the server that I'm one of the hardest to kill and one of the best in pvp. No one has ever beaten me in a duel since 50, and everyone on the server now knows it.


So, take you condescending bs and screw off. I'm not some tunnel-vision moron that is unaware of my surroundings.


I guess we bow to your ability to fight force jumping assassins, dude.


Certainly I've never been able to survive being attacked by one. I'm positive of that.


What an epic thread. Can't wait to pass this one around in guild.

Edited by AcerLerxt
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The point is, if a GOOD Shadow can do this, the problem is the class. If most Shadows suck, that is not a reason to allow a class to have this much damage AND this much damage mitigation.


No the point is that you come off as a total tool, and no one cares about you, but they do enjoy trolling you.


And how can ppl not come to that conclusion after having read your posts...


Talk is cheap, and its funky how all of you arrogant pr.cks are amazing r80 ppl who never ever loose duels, were multi r1 players in wow arena, and have been playing mmo's since they were called MUD.


Crawl into a hole untill you figurer out how to interact prober with ppl on the forums, and get become aware of how good you actually are, even if you tell us one thing, that thing wont change reality.


So fraps or just don bother.

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It's funny and insulting how arrogant everyone is here. You talk to everyone as everyone sucks and you are the only intelligent beings in the game.


I am known on the server that I'm one of the hardest to kill and one of the best in pvp. No one has ever beaten me in a duel since 50, and everyone on the server now knows it. The only time I'm ever killed in a WZ is when it's 2 or 3 vs 1 and I'm stun locked, and even then I usually survive a 3v1 somehow.


So, take you condescending bs and screw off. I'm not some tunnel-vision moron that is unaware of my surroundings. I usually win 2v1s because I'm more than fast enough to switch between targets to interrupt heals, etc.


To answer your question, yes, I was aware of everyone around me. Only he was hitting me.


So, which is it? You always get killed by this Shadow guy that does amazing damage or do you never die 1 v 1 in WZs because you are so pro and well known. Trying to separate the facts here through all of your admitted exaggeration.


Do you also own many leather bound books and does your office smell of rich mahogany?

Edited by Armaso
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rofl noticed that right away too. If your gonna troll, at least be good at it.


Uh. ~15K HP with ~630 expertise is entirely possible for a sorcerer.




Champion relics.


I drop below 15K hp if I use champion relics on my sorcerer, and I'm at full champion -2.


The pure endurance trinke tfrom pre-1.1.1. are better than the expertise trinkets though. or use matrix cubes.


I've also gotten hit for ~50% of my HP in "one shot" before by a shadow. Without combat log I have no way of knowing whether that is from "one ability," but it's similar to OP's situation where I knocked him back and was kiting him (I am healing specced sorcerer), my shield is on debuff CD, and he gets to me and "instantly" took ~50% of my HP.


Of course that happened ONCE during the entire battle. I have not experienced constant ~50% hits.

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I am a healing Sage and I can tank a BM shadow forever in my champ gear. There is no way a shadow is 3 shotting you.


If you said maurauder/sentinal I may be able to believe you.


Lol, so now we can go back to the point I made on the first page quoted above and it all makes sense.

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I'm a deception battlemaster sin, 620ish expertise, all the datacrons, battlemaster double bladed lightsabre. A little over 1500 willpower. With all my cds/trinkets i hit for about 5100 on scrubs in light armor on my best attacks. Assassinate, maul, shock, discharge. Throw in bubble, taunt, guard, and that will drop to 3-4k. Voltaic slash typically hits for 2-3k.


If I was the shadow in question. i would voltaic x2, shock, discharge, maul, assassinate (if they were up that long). That would do about 2k, 2k, 4k, 4k, 4.5k, 4k. That's a little over 20k hp, so with your bubble up I would probably be able to kill you in 6 attacks over in 5x1.5sec = 7.5 seconds. Sounds about right?


A few things to factor in. If you pop your anti-force ability during shock/discharge, you take away 8k damage. If you knock me back, my melee attacks go poof. If you don't let me get behind you, I can't maul (hard to do but possible to delay regardless). If anybody at any time taunts me, or ccs me, knocks me back, or guards you, the whole thing was a waste, because my trinkets will be going down in 10 seconds. If you snare me and run, better pray you have force speed up, but it can work too. I do deal very strong DPS, but hey, thats why I spec it.


Good luck out there.

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I guess I got the class wrong then.


I was sure he was a Consular Shadow. Now I have no idea.


And that is the problem with most nerf posts, you come here in a position of ignorance asking for changes to the game and you can't even be bothered to work out what class you were fighting.


no wonder mmos are ****ed.


know your enemy: if you don't even know what class you are fighting how can anyone take your opinion seriously.


I have big problems with the longevity of tors dull as **** pvp but I've never once complained about any kind of class imbalance because there isn't any. It is all down to either l2p issues or in specific settings (ie 8vs8 warzones) imbalance due to class representation, not individual classes.

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