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It lasts for 35 secs so it 11 * 300 for 3300 total (or 22% of total hps) and its an instant cast. 1 UWM and it and its close to what a 35% warzone medpac returns. HoTs are great when I'm running to another objective/kiting away from one. I milk it for all its worth. Edited by vartius
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Soo it makes your out of combat healing heal fast? I still dont see how great of an ability this is. It wont sway the tides of battle 1v1, or help in any way in mass pvp. Hell the no energy no cool down spray and pray does 700 dmg. Sooo still hate pugnacity.
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Its an amazing ability, I cant believe the amount of crying over having to sustain a 45 second buff, which has a cooldown shorter then its duration.


An extra 4.5 energy and 2% health every 3 seconds is objectively good, so your only possible complain is that its too much work to press a button every 45 seconds?


Is this how lazy weve become? I mourn for the state of the coddled gamer.

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Its an amazing ability, I cant believe the amount of crying over having to sustain a 45 second buff, which has a cooldown shorter then its duration.


An extra 4.5 energy and 2% health every 3 seconds is objectively good, so your only possible complain is that its too much work to press a button every 45 seconds?


Is this how lazy weve become? I mourn for the state of the coddled gamer.


This dude is right. Pugnacity gives 45-67.5 extra energy over 45s. It can heal for 30% of your total health in that time as well (probably close to 2 underworld medicine casts), depending on your spec. In a sustained dps setting (like in pvp) it is totally necessary. In a pve high burst dps situation, it's less important.


I'm big on pvp and I'll hit pugnacity if I ever have an extra upper hand charge at the end of a fight, or after casting underworld medicine (requires 2 points in exploratory medicine).


edit: spelling

Edited by HyunTheGun
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If your game experience is winning 1v1 you will always be disappointed on a consistent basis, save max gear + consumables vs under geared. If I don't hear "You are unbeatable!" just from working our skillset versus the entire other side I am off my game. Edited by vartius
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Of course I have it up nearly 100% of the time in PvP and PvE, but I do despise the mechanic that a core functionality of our class is to cast a buff every 45 seconds. Our healing tree is balanced based on having Pugnacity up, so it is not optional.


It is just one of the ridiculous and tedious extra little things that is continuing to wear on me, to the point that the game is starting to wear on me in general. For example (something I questioned in beta), you have quest where you have to click three objectives. All the objectives are in the same room and require clearing the same, single group of mobs. Yet, they require you to click two additional objectives for really no good reason. It present no additional challenge to the quest, it serves no purpose to the story. They just add it in to waste another 20 seconds of your life, needlessly. This kind of stuff is in the game all over the place.


BW seemingly has no concept of these things and doesn't see that there are much less tedious ways to make a game challenging to play.

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I mean lets take it a step further, I have a full aresenal of abilities. CMON BIOWARE, do I REALLY have to press each button? UGH!


Why cant I just target an enemy, and kill them instantly, BW is just making me go through the motions of using my abilities and I find it all so *yawn* tedious.


Our healing is balanced on having Pugnacity up. If it isn't up, the class doesn't function properly. While you might enjoy pointless tedium, I certainly do not.


Your line of thinking: It is ridiculous to think that we shouldn't have to push buttons and activate abilities to make use of every function of our core class mechanics. How silly of me! Want to wear armor? Activate a buff. Want to equip a weapon? Activate a buff. Don't forget to activate it or else you will automatically unequip it!


My line of thinking: Activated abilities should be situational and based on dynamic challenges presented by the game. An ability that is required for the class to function properly on a basic level, an ability that acts like a passive ability should, in fact, be passive.


I appreciate your attempt, but am amused at your failure.

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They tried to copy the Recup ability that rogues have in WoW mixed with the talent in the sub tree so it ticks energy and health. However % tick per second is nothing like the ability in WoW. Like most MMO's do, they copy something from WoW's design and make it worse. LOL!
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They tried to copy the Recup ability that rogues have in WoW mixed with the talent in the sub tree so it ticks energy and health. However % tick per second is nothing like the ability in WoW. Like most MMO's do, they copy something from WoW's design and make it worse. LOL!


And then they balance our regen rate based on the idea that Pugnacity is up.

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Is it me or is this an idiotic talent? Tell me when I level up there's a skill that makes it 30 mins???


Why not just give us the extra regen and get rid of 1 button?


Because believe it or not, having Pugnacity up is a choice. You may have something else you want to use with that Upper Hand instead. The fact that it is a choice and requires you to sacrifice something is also why it can do things like heal you or give you extra energy on activation. There's no way it'd be as good if it were a passive ability. BioWare's not going to just hand you the ability to constantly self-heal 20% of your HP every 30 seconds in combat, permanently, when you take Surprise Comeback.

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Because believe it or not, having Pugnacity up is a choice. You may have something else you want to use with that Upper Hand instead. The fact that it is a choice and requires you to sacrifice something is also why it can do things like heal you or give you extra energy on activation. There's no way it'd be as good if it were a passive ability. BioWare's not going to just hand you the ability to constantly self-heal 20% of your HP every 30 seconds in combat, permanently, when you take Surprise Comeback.


I would prefer the energy regen portion to be passive because, as I explained above, the Sawbones spec is balanced around having it up 100% of the time. It is just one more thing we have to do. While it isn't the hardest thing to do in the world, it adds to the basic level of tedium in playing the class. Anything we can do to reduce that will be a step in the right direction. I don't care about Surprise Comeback, but I imagine they could just make it a separate buff all together.

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Hes talking sawbones your talking scrapper.


As a sawbones we DONT get the HP return from Pugnacity. OTOH our healing is 100% balanced around it always being up. Do sages have to hit a button every 40S to maintain thier regen to heal? Nope. Commandos? Nope. Dont try to talk about Life > Force or the extra cell .. thats our cool head ability.


Bottom line is as a healer we must use that buff every ~40s to function. Its NOT A CHOICE.


Now does it irritate me that my healing is based around a short duration buff that I must maintain and other healers dont? Sure. Not as much as it irritates me that should I go below 60% on my resource my regen is gimped (8/force per second always /sigh) but I just deal.


Stop with the *its awesome you get heals* line when your answering someone talking about HEALING who does not get any healing from the buff ....

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I'm a healer and I hybrid to get the hot on it.


The fact that it scales with endurance is important to note no matter how small.


This coupled with my slow release med packs makes me a hot machine and I'm really tough to kill in pvp.


It's very easy to keep up, I don't understand people's disdain for it other than the fact it requires a little micro managing every now and again and it makes them feel silly when they forget about it?

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Our healing is balanced on having Pugnacity up. If it isn't up, the class doesn't function properly. While you might enjoy pointless tedium, I certainly do not.


Your line of thinking: It is ridiculous to think that we shouldn't have to push buttons and activate abilities to make use of every function of our core class mechanics. How silly of me! Want to wear armor? Activate a buff. Want to equip a weapon? Activate a buff. Don't forget to activate it or else you will automatically unequip it!


My line of thinking: Activated abilities should be situational and based on dynamic challenges presented by the game. An ability that is required for the class to function properly on a basic level, an ability that acts like a passive ability should, in fact, be passive.


I appreciate your attempt, but am amused at your failure.


Except it's not a passive ability due to particular talents? You have to appreciate how some people who find the hot on pugnacity to be a dynamic and cool feature skeptical of changes to what you otherwise describe as a mundane passive we have to micro.


Maybe make that talent a 45 second 2% endurance tick hot that consumes a stack of uh and we call it a wash? I'd be fine with that.

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Simple solution put skill high in Sawbones that lets it last half an hour heck ten minutes would be enough to be a once per fight activation and be fine. It can become permanent for the specs that pretty much require it and don't get the HoT and the class that does get the HoT keeps the Hot.


Make it so both ar not available at the same time and it's all good.


Let DF have the ability to activate it without consuming Upper Hand. Generating Upper hand is a giant pain for Dirty Fighting having to spend one every 45 seconds is a giant PITA.

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I just dont understand the point of making you maintain it every 45 seconds.


its not "hard" or something like that, its just "annoying".



I mean honestly if a class is designed to have a personal buff active at all times it should just be baked into the class to begin with.

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The problem isn't Pugnacity. Its energy regen in general. Jedi have constant Force regen. Our regen drops if we use too much energy. Its stupid.


More accurately, Jedi Consulars have constant Force regen. Jedi Knights start with no energy and use their abilities to generate their Focus. And Troopers have the same sliding regen rate concept, only with a smaller number of units.

Edited by dizzyMongoose
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