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Solution for faction imbalance put in one word: WOOKIES


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You guys simply won't get it.


Take a look at the races that are currently available.


1. They can all wear the same gear (with minor changes to the head-slot)

2. They are all about the same size

3. They are all humanoids

4. They all speak the same language


So these races were all cherry-picked for a specific reason:


Developing-convenience and -ease.


That is why you won't get your Jawas and your Wookies and your Yodas anytime soon. Because it would require a sh*t-ton of work and time to implement a race that doesn't meet the specifications above. Especially considering the amount of voice-acting that is in this game.


Granted that the game is missing enough features as it is (LFD, dual-specialization, challenging and properly working PvE endgame content, ....) their priorities probably lie elsewhere right now.


So stop asking these "LOL y no wookies? wouldve been so cool ROFL"-questions.

Edited by Heretiq
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You guys simply won't get it.


Take a look at the races that are currently available.


1. They can all wear the same gear (with minor changes to the head-slot)

2. They are all about the same size

3. They are all humanoids

4. They all speak the same language


So these races were all cherry-picked for a specific reason:


Developing-convenience and -ease.


That is why you won't get your Jawas and your Wookies and your Yodas anytime soon. Because it would require a sh*t-ton of work and time to implement a race that doesn't meet the specifications above. Especially considering the amount of voice-acting that is in this game.


Granted that the game is missing enough features as it is (LFD, dual-specialization, challenging and properly working PvE endgame content, ....) their priorities probably lie elsewhere right now.


So stop asking these "LOL y no wookies? wouldve been so cool ROFL"-questions.



SWG did it and that was how many years ago? Your points boil down too 'We were just too lazy to code it'.

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On a more "serious" note:


They said for years that if they were to do aliens like WookieEs or Trandoshans, or any of the more alien types, it would be through their own story, and therefore their own class. Because the Galaxy is not going to react to a WookieE, or any of the non near human races the same as it would a near human.

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No... just no. Let's keep the joke races out of the game please. I want a character than can speak freaking english, not moan like a Yugoslavian cow in heat.


Wookies and Jara are joke races now?


If it weren't for Jawa's would R2-D2 ever have found Obi-wan?

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Think how much money bioware would have saved if they had went with ALL non-english speaking races, and just had wookies/jawas/sandpeople ect..


They re-use all the same dialogue anyways, and what difference does it make if I spacebar through "Your no match for me" or "GWARRR MWRAAA GRRR WAAAA"




At least then they could have spent a few more bucks on content.

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On a more "serious" note:


They said for years that if they were to do aliens like WookieEs or Trandoshans, or any of the more alien types, it would be through their own story, and therefore their own class. Because the Galaxy is not going to react to a WookieE, or any of the non near human races the same as it would a near human.


Which is a very sad thing considering Mon cals, duros, and kel dor are active and common members of the republic.


I find the 'unable to relate' argument inherently flawed. The 'own story' seems like an excuse either to say why they didn't or to Death Knight them, something I pray they do not do...

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The 'own story' seems like an excuse either to say why they didn't or to Death Knight them, something I pray they do not do...


As with many of these things, I think a large amount of it comes down to the fact that your average MMO player (realistically, we're actually talking about the hardcores, here) would be more than happy to completely trample lore and continuity in a game for a couple cheap laughs.


I'd rather not play a game like that.


Well, first let's talk about Jawas. Yeah, I know people chuckle at the thought of a Jawa doing pretty much anything. Is it funny? Sure. Do you really want the game to start mocking itself two months out of the gate? Can you give me canonical examples of Jawas doing anything other than scavenging on Tatooine? Lore has just one Jawa Jedi and very little else. I can't see the request to add Jawas as a playable class as anything but immature humor.


Wookiees are a different story. They would fit into the Old Republic universe, and already exist as lone adventurers of the galaxy. The only problem is that stupid Lore thing again. There are not --and will never be-- any more force sensitive Wookiees (beyond those that exist). There would not be a Wookiee member of an elite Republic squad. At the time of the game, the Wookiees have just finally escaped the control of Czerka and haven't really ventured out into the rest of the galaxy yet. The wookiees that we do see can/should be assumed to be escaped or liberated slaves (or perhaps very special cases of individuals specifically sought out a way to leave the planet). The Smuggler story might possibly work, except that play style is not at all what you'd expect of a Wookiee.


So... unless we're just willing to totally trash lore (and Lucasarts hasn't been keen to do this in past games) then Jawas are a frankly stupid addition and Wookiees would only work if you give them their own class.


I'd actually be a fan of adding Wookiees, with a story starting on Kashyyk, working toward having you jump a shuttle to Coruscant where you finally earn your space ship. They would probably end up as another Tank/DPS mix with specialized equipment.

Edited by Malastare
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