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Close Quarters Talent: Why The Hate?


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Ya.... use that melee range force charge to interrupt a healer with a brain... and then break your keyboard when he knocks you back and kites you for the next 12 seconds spamming instant casts on everyone.


Then complete the cycle by coming to the forums and QQing about how easily you are kited.


You can't stop instacast anyways but instacast spells all have cooldowns or a debuff that stops the same spell being used on the same target for some time. They make up very little of the actual healing. This is also what I save force choke for since they're bound still while I am knocked back and knock backs on equal ground is about 8 meters... still close enough for choke tho I'd usually stand in a place to minimize knock backs on top of that.


Of course if they're are good enough they can kite you no matter what but then they aren't really doing much healing, thus job done. You're taking the other sides healing down. It depends also on the type of healer you're dealing with, as far as I'm aware operatives have no pushbacks but have slightly more instacasts whereas sith sorcerers do have push back but only 2 instacasts (1 shield which gives a 20 second debuff preventing use and 1 regen effect which has an 18 second duration and only ticks every 3 seconds for not very much health)... yeah no. What you say doesn't really hold up if you know what you're doing.

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Although I have the ability I don't find myself using it much. With every class but us having a knockback or a pull it's just too valuable as a gap closer to waste on an interrupt that doesn't even lock the spell out.


If you say 1 pt is good for PvE because of large hit boxes, you're still 5m from attacking. In this time you can use Deadly Saber or Force Choke, Force Crush if you're Rage spec. You're not helpless just because you're in that deadzone. If you say Force Choke doesn't get you closer to the boss, I say it does damage while the boss may be doing an AoE(Gharj), it generates rage, it also uses time up in which your charge may come off cooldown.


For rage generation(as most have posted it's not worth the talent point with math to prove it) it's another cooldown on our list of crap to watch. To me that's not worth it. Have a hard enough time seeing my cooldowns with this stupid cooldown graphic. Half the time I have more rage than I need as I wait for Annihilation to come off cooldown anyway. And I get plenty of fury in said spec. Which seems to be the main spec of topic that takes it.


For an interrupt again it is a waste of your gap closer. It doesn't even lock the spell out. All you do is waste their GCD with your own GCD. That's it. They take minimal damage, lose the spell they are casting and waste your main gap closer. If you used Force Camo recently(remember it's not a short cooldown, it's medium) you can count that one out. You're best chance is to Force Choke and hope that doesn't bug out, and wait out your cooldowns.

As someone said, if you need Force Charge to help interrupt, you're doing it wrong.


Edit: Also remember the ability delay, interrupting is hard enough and you have to wait for that GCD to go off. You could end up missing it completely. Don't tell me you never mess it up. PvP is never perfect. It if was it'd be no fun.

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For an interrupt again it is a waste of your gap closer. It doesn't even lock the spell out. All you do is waste their GCD with your own GCD. That's it. They take minimal damage, lose the spell they are casting and waste your main gap closer. If you used Force Camo recently(remember it's not a short cooldown, it's medium) you can count that one out. You're best chance is to Force Choke and hope that doesn't bug out, and wait out your cooldowns.

As someone said, if you need Force Charge to help interrupt, you're doing it wrong.


Note: Interrupting a heal locks it out for 4 secs your post doesnt seem to note that as it isnt exactly a GCD exchange as you state.


I love how people "say you're doing it wrong" there are some subjective points as X pointed out. Some people like the 2 points to talent rupture for the slow. Some people dont like the talent that resets ruptures c/d. Preference isnt doing it wrong. There are instances where using FC to interrupt can help. Positioning and such and help with knock backs and location on certain maps.


It might not be optimal to use it all the time for that with our other tools, however it still has its uses and there is some wiggle room in the spec to pick up things you prefer.


With PvPers having vast skill differences and gear differences different tactics affect them differently, nothing is absolute when humans are involved and there are scenarios where it can be useful. That said to each their own.


Have a good weekend gentlemen and ladies.

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Note: Interrupting a heal locks it out for 4 secs your post doesnt seem to note that as it isnt exactly a GCD exchange as you state.


I love how people "say you're doing it wrong" there are some subjective points as X pointed out. Some people like the 2 points to talent rupture for the slow. Some people dont like the talent that resets ruptures c/d. Preference isnt doing it wrong. There are instances where using FC to interrupt can help. Positioning and such and help with knock backs and location on certain maps.


It might not be optimal to use it all the time for that with our other tools, however it still has its uses and there is some wiggle room in the spec to pick up things you prefer.


With PvPers having vast skill differences and gear differences different tactics affect them differently, nothing is absolute when humans are involved and there are scenarios where it can be useful. That said to each their own.


Have a good weekend gentlemen and ladies.


Wasn't aware it had a lock out and it doesn't state one. And I'm sure it's not 4 seconds if there is one. Bosses feel free to recast right after, just as players do. Maybe I'll test it out.


Rupture snare requires them to be debuffed by it. Which isn't always up. That one is player preference as they can charge->rupture+snare in one blow. If kiting is a problem they have that is a good solution. Although I generally find kiting to be a result of lots of CC/knockbacks that we have no counter to.

-Here's an idea, Close Quarters now also grants a 3 second immunity to pull/push effects.


Having different skill doesn't mean a poor talent isn't poor. If you need that interrupt to kill a healer you probably are either outgeared or outnumbered. In which case you're better off attacking someone else because that healer will run out of resources quickly healing through your damage + deadly throw debuff. This isn't WoW, healers don't have a ton of mana, resource management in this game is much much bigger.

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Having different skill doesn't mean a poor talent isn't poor. If you need that interrupt to kill a healer you probably are either outgeared or outnumbered. In which case you're better off attacking someone else because that healer will run out of resources quickly healing through your damage + deadly throw debuff. This isn't WoW, healers don't have a ton of mana, resource management in this game is much much bigger.


Sorry, but as a level 40 Sith Sorcerer that has run a good 12 or so WZs over the past two days I do not agree with this. If you aren't under attack then healing is just too easy, sure there is limited resources but then I regain 5 force points a tick so I just become more reserved with what I use when force points are low which actually takes quite a bit of healing since force points actively regenerate.


Heck there was even one point where 5 pubs tried to surprise attack in Civil War by going in the underground tunnel. I was near a Marauder at the other side, since they came in a bit of a line, the two of us wiped all 5 (mainly 2 vs 3, but when 1 died another came). Fact is they ALL went for the Marauder which for me as a Sith Sorcerer was more then stupidly easy to heal.


Next WZ was Huttball, There were 2 Marauders and a BH who constantly went after me when I was healing, surprisingly it was a lot harder to heal when I myself am under attack and while I can repel a Marauder the BH takes pocket shots or the other Marauder comes along and force charges. Still managed to win as it's huttball and Overload is stupidly good on that WZ but the amount of times those guys managed to take me down or interrupted me still affected my performance quite a lot... anybody that says to avoid the healer really is underestimating healers in my opinion.


To note, not only do I have heals, my resurgence has a chance to improve my next heal as well as placing an armor buff on whom I use resurgence, sure you can't interrupt it but you can interrupt the following healing. More so something like Revivification which really can change things during group vs group battles and only has a 2 second activation time. Oh and finally, I can actually spec up 100 force points giving me 600 force points where revivification is the most expensive spell I will use at 100 force points (70 following resurgence which itself only costs 30, thus a free resurgence as such). Given the 3.5 seconds it takes to get both off (while not under attack), I'd regain 15 force points during that too... personally I wouldn't use Revivification like that but it's just an example since it is the most expensive move really on the list.

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Sorry, but as a level 40 Sith Sorcerer that has run a good 12 or so WZs over the past two days I do not agree with this. If you aren't under attack then healing is just too easy, sure there is limited resources but then I regain 5 force points a tick so I just become more reserved with what I use when force points are low which actually takes quite a bit of healing since force points actively regenerate.


So you're saying it's easier for me to kill you with you and your buddy CCing me all over the place vs I just focus on the dpser, lower his healing taken by 20% and just go all out on him. If I'm not being properly CC'ed then yes the healer is eaiser to take out. That's a group problem.


Heck there was even one point where 5 pubs tried to surprise attack in Civil War by going in the underground tunnel. I was near a Marauder at the other side, since they came in a bit of a line, the two of us wiped all 5 (mainly 2 vs 3, but when 1 died another came). Fact is they ALL went for the Marauder which for me as a Sith Sorcerer was more then stupidly easy to heal.


Stupid players are stupid. 2vs3 with the 2 having a healer and a skilled dps shouldn't leave it surprising that you won. I've done it before as well. Helped that we both outgeared them.


Next WZ was Huttball, There were 2 Marauders and a BH who constantly went after me when I was healing, surprisingly it was a lot harder to heal when I myself am under attack and while I can repel a Marauder the BH takes pocket shots or the other Marauder comes along and force charges. Still managed to win as it's huttball and Overload is stupidly good on that WZ but the amount of times those guys managed to take me down or interrupted me still affected my performance quite a lot... anybody that says to avoid the healer really is underestimating healers in my opinion.


So far I'm seeing "non 50" PvP is broken and it is a good thing it's separated. Those BH's could of been lacking tracer missile which is an important part of a merc's rotation. Marauder could of been lacking his interrupt. You could of outgeared them. Not rare to find a leveling player still using a green item they found 10-15 levels ago.


Level 50 PvP changes quite a bit of things. Gear can become a more important factor because of expertise. And all skills/talents are on the table. And the PvP game is balanced around this.


If I go after a healer and I find he is good at kiting/surviving I will change targets for a dps. 9/10 times it works out for the better.


20% healing reduction + crazy 1vs1 dps as long as I can stay on the target. I'll choose the target I can stay on. Other classes don't get to do this as easily.

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So you're saying it's easier for me to kill you with you and your buddy CCing me all over the place vs I just focus on the dpser, lower his healing taken by 20% and just go all out on him. If I'm not being properly CC'ed then yes the healer is eaiser to take out. That's a group problem.


Remember that as a Sith Sorcerer that I can also stun you... just takes one button press. I can also run up behind them and use overload to push you away. Either way, 20% healing reduction isn't that big or massive. Given that static barrier itself is very effective. Just because you're attacking somebody else other then the healer doesn't mean you aren't seeing less CC, you might even be seeing more because as I've said, it's still easier for me.


Stupid players are stupid. 2vs3 with the 2 having a healer and a skilled dps shouldn't leave it surprising that you won. I've done it before as well. Helped that we both outgeared them.


Not arguing that stupid players aren't stupid. It is pre-50 WZ so levels vary but 2 of the people that came along I'm fairly certain were higher levels, can't remember the exact levels tho.


So far I'm seeing "non 50" PvP is broken and it is a good thing it's separated. Those BH's could of been lacking tracer missile which is an important part of a merc's rotation. Marauder could of been lacking his interrupt. You could of outgeared them. Not rare to find a leveling player still using a green item they found 10-15 levels ago.


I agree, but most people that are in WZs tend to be post 30, there are a couple pre-30 but given how weak pre-30s... even pre-35s are, you don't see massive amounts of them, also given there is a lot of good level 40 gear on the PvP vendor... maybe I'd have PvPed on marauder if I'd paid attention to it back then.


Level 50 PvP changes quite a bit of things. Gear can become a more important factor because of expertise. And all skills/talents are on the table. And the PvP game is balanced around this.


I know how much expertise changes things, fully gear it is what, a ~15% difference, also given that even PvP gear has better stats then the gear most people get when they initially hit 50 then it's a good advantage.


If I go after a healer and I find he is good at kiting/surviving I will change targets for a dps. 9/10 times it works out for the better.


20% healing reduction + crazy 1vs1 dps as long as I can stay on the target. I'll choose the target I can stay on. Other classes don't get to do this as easily.


As I've said, if they're kiting then they aren't healing. Fact is if there is a healer, a healer is purposefully avoiding 1 vs 1 and my original statement was already about team players, which is groups, not 1 vs 1.

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Basically it's not worth using it as a rage builder in a PvE sustained DPS rotation.
Yet you continue to ignore the GCD issue 1 FC = 2x Assault in terms of rage building but 1.5s <> 3s, you continue to ignore Fury generation AND the fact that in all your examples rupture has a higher chance to go off on CD in your mini examples. :p
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Remember that as a Sith Sorcerer that I can also stun you... just takes one button press. I can also run up behind them and use overload to push you away. Either way, 20% healing reduction isn't that big or massive. Given that static barrier itself is very effective. Just because you're attacking somebody else other then the healer doesn't mean you aren't seeing less CC, you might even be seeing more because as I've said, it's still easier for me.


Going to point out the amount of dps a Marauder can do in PvP again. You will be spamming heals if I am able to go all out on a dps, especially if I have that 20% debuff on him. 20% is a bigger deal then you think.


The reason the start I stated work is because a DPS/Tank is more likely to CC if I'm on their healer. If I'm on them they're more likely to out dps me thinking they have the healer with them. I probably am able to see this more as I have little to no CC.


As I've said, if they're kiting then they aren't healing. Fact is if there is a healer, a healer is purposefully avoiding 1 vs 1 and my original statement was already about team players, which is groups, not 1 vs 1.


Instant casts + barrier. You're still healing while you're kiting me.


Still comes down to:

-Minimal DPS to healer and hope he doesn't outheal it while he kites me. Even assuming he let me in range long enough to debuff him.

-Fully DPS to another DPS with 20% debuff.

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Yet you continue to ignore the GCD issue 1 FC = 2x Assault in terms of rage building but 1.5s <> 3s, you continue to ignore Fury generation AND the fact that in all your examples rupture has a higher chance to go off on CD in your mini examples. :p


Yet you continue to ignore the GCD issue 1 FC = 2x Assault in terms of rage building but 1.5s <> 3s, you continue to ignore Fury generation AND the fact that in all your examples rupture has a higher chance to go off on CD in your mini examples. :p


I rarely use VS very often in my rotation. Only if I'm over 8 on rage. If I'm popping everything else on cooldown I generally am able to keep myself above half without needing to VS too often.


People have posted it is more overall damage to not get the talent for an extra 1 rage every 12-15 seconds. Those two points can be put in Malice for 4% dot/force crit change for more overall dps.

It's not 1FC = 2x assault

It's 1FC+1VS<2xassault in terms of damage.

We're talking about 2 talent points to make it useable in melee and another two to give another rage point. 4 points for this to almost outshine the general rotation for an extra 4 rage. No thanks.


Fury isn't hard for a Anni spec to get(which seems to be the spec of topic in this thread).

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Going to point out the amount of dps a Marauder can do in PvP again. You will be spamming heals if I am able to go all out on a dps, especially if I have that 20% debuff on him. 20% is a bigger deal then you think.


The reason the start I stated work is because a DPS/Tank is more likely to CC if I'm on their healer. If I'm on them they're more likely to out dps me thinking they have the healer with them. I probably am able to see this more as I have little to no CC.


I'm already healing past the couple of Marauders that have it now, it's really not that big a deal. You're over estimating it, I've seen it as well from the Marauder side, 20% The fact is my level 40 Sith Sorcerer can already hit near ~3.5K+ heals, 20% less is at my level ~2.8K. Add to this that I have 3 HoTs, 2 of which when cast allow me to do other things. Seriously it's easy to out heal your damage even with the 20% debuff, add to that the shield.


Instant casts + barrier. You're still healing while you're kiting me.


Still comes down to:

-Minimal DPS to healer and hope he doesn't outheal it while he kites me. Even assuming he let me in range long enough to debuff him.

-Fully DPS to another DPS with 20% debuff.


But Barrier and the Instant cast heal is A LOT weaker then being able to cast something like Dark Infusion which really heals for a lot. Also apparently you can hit a healer for 20% debuff on heals on the healer too... because it's so effective.

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I'm already healing past the couple of Marauders that have it now, it's really not that big a deal. You're over estimating it, I've seen it as well from the Marauder side, 20% The fact is my level 40 Sith Sorcerer can already hit near ~3.5K+ heals, 20% less is at my level ~2.8K. Add to this that I have 3 HoTs, 2 of which when cast allow me to do other things. Seriously it's easy to out heal your damage even with the 20% debuff, add to that the shield.




But Barrier and the Instant cast heal is A LOT weaker then being able to cast something like Dark Infusion which really heals for a lot. Also apparently you can hit a healer for 20% debuff on heals on the healer too... because it's so effective.


50's do 5k+. 3 second cast(2.5 talented). You're doing ~3k healing per second. ~2.4k with debuff. We'll say 2.5k with hots. If I build my attacks properly I can easily overcome that.


Both Hots+Barrier, assuming talented = 105 Force

Overload+Electrocute = 145 Force out of 500 or 600 if talented.


Just by attacking you I've probably blown at last 20% of your Force pool. Chances are you're not at full when I attack unless you've just joined the fight.


I realize I'm being kited well and a dps is on me. I swap targets.

You probably heal yourself, 55 force. 200 used.

Use both hots+barrier on the dps, 105 force, 305 used.

Assuming regen and consumption procs you're probaly able to get another 5-6 heals in before you'll have trouble healing. If I'm going all out dps you'll be spamming heals. At a reduced rate.

Again, all assuming you're at full Force.


I can either be kited and try to kill the healer and let the dps go all out on me. Or I can swap to the dps and out damage the heals while using my defensive cooldowns as well as the self healing I get from Anni spec.

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Note: Interrupting a heal locks it out for 4 secs your post doesnt seem to note that as it isnt exactly a GCD exchange as you state.


This is wrong. It's not a lockout, else it would state it in the tool tip. Don't Believe me? Go battle some random caster mob and interrupt his spell with Force Charge. 9/10 he will start casting it immediately again. Next, use your actually interrupt. He won't cast it again right away. In fact, he will usually start casting a different spell since the one he wanted to cast was locked out.

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People have posted it is more overall damage to not get the talent for an extra 1 rage every 12-15 seconds. Those two points can be put in Malice for 4% dot/force crit change for more overall dps.
You can have the full Malice talent and the extra rage from force leap talent.

It's not 1FC = 2x assault
It certainly is, well at least in terms of rage building. 1FC gives 4 rage, 2x assault gives 4 rage therefore 1FC = 2x assault is a correct statement.

It's 1FC+1VS<2xassault in terms of damage.
False. Using my own, self buffed numbers


Assault = 863-1117

VS = 1314 - 1571

Charge = 655 - 747


Assault x2 = 1726-2234 avg 1980

VS + Charge = 1969-2318 avg 2143,5


So the correct statement should be

1FC+1VS>2xassault in terms of damage.

So not only does 1FC+1VS more damage, it also gives more Fury and it has a chance to remove the CD of Rupture. While 2xAssault has more Rage.


Furthermore I still don't get these mini rotations that you and the other fellow keep insisting on (I don't think I've ever used Charge followed by VS) while at the same time you keep on ignoring the "real" mini rotations such as Charge+DS (which I and another fellow pointed out before) not only do they share the same CD if I'm fast enough I can apply the first dot of DS while my charge lands.

People have posted it is moroverall damage to not get the talent for an extra 1 rage every 12-15 seconds. Thosee two points can be put in Malice for 4% dot/force crit change for more overall dps.
The only real good argument, yes it's rather expensive talent wise to get to this point but saying it's worthless in PvE (or PvP for that matter) is simply false.

Fury isn't hard for a Anni spec to get(which seems to be the spec of topic in this thread).
It's certainly not hard to get Fury in Anni, but using 2x Assault means you get NO fury at all (3s of no Fury build up!), slower Fury means slower Berserk which means less DPS.
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50's do 5k+. 3 second cast(2.5 talented). You're doing ~3k healing per second. ~2.4k with debuff. We'll say 2.5k with hots. If I build my attacks properly I can easily overcome that.


Both Hots+Barrier, assuming talented = 105 Force

Overload+Electrocute = 145 Force out of 500 or 600 if talented.


Just by attacking you I've probably blown at last 20% of your Force pool. Chances are you're not at full when I attack unless you've just joined the fight.


I realize I'm being kited well and a dps is on me. I swap targets.

You probably heal yourself, 55 force. 200 used.

Use both hots+barrier on the dps, 105 force, 305 used.

Assuming regen and consumption procs you're probaly able to get another 5-6 heals in before you'll have trouble healing. If I'm going all out dps you'll be spamming heals. At a reduced rate.

Again, all assuming you're at full Force.


I can either be kited and try to kill the healer and let the dps go all out on me. Or I can swap to the dps and out damage the heals while using my defensive cooldowns as well as the self healing I get from Anni spec.


Again, you aren't out damaging the heals, which is my fundamental point. Even with your 20% damage reduction. Also there isn't any 3 second casts, So I'm wondering where you pulled that from? Unless you're looking at a pure DPS speced that is, Dark Infusion is a 1.5 second cast if you're healing correctly, the longest cast is Revivification at 2 seconds.


Also I'll have Electric Induction by level 50 for a 9% force reduction cost. So the costs you have come up with are all 9% lower at level 50. Given that I also have slows, if you're fighting against a ranged target I can slow you twice while they kite away... this whole thing is a bit trivial. You're trying to argue that things that I know from experience are easy, are hard when they're really not.


This is the spec I am working towards: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201GhbRrdRdGzZf00MZ0M.1


Fact is that as a team player, taking the healer first is best, you're kinda ignoring the team aspect here and focusing only on yourself which also was never my point anyway. If you're a group and the group goes after a healer, that healer is going to have an extremely hard time to kite that or escape that. Yet if you leave the healer alone, even with 20% reduction they're going to be keeping their allies alive much longer then you, yourself will survive, thus why taking healers out is very important. Not all classes however have interrupts, Sith Marauder has two on very short CDs...

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Fact is that as a team player, taking the healer first is best, you're kinda ignoring the team aspect here and focusing only on yourself which also was never my point anyway. If you're a group and the group goes after a healer, that healer is going to have an extremely hard time to kite that or escape that. Yet if you leave the healer alone, even with 20% reduction they're going to be keeping their allies alive much longer then you, yourself will survive, thus why taking healers out is very important. Not all classes however have interrupts, Sith Marauder has two on very short CDs...


One small thing on this. When you have goon squads who see you holding two light sabers and forget that anyone else is on your team, it gets difficult to focus the healer. I've won huttball by just death zerging the middle while 7 other people score largely unmolested. I try to focus the healer every time, since I know that even if I don't burst them down, a healer healing themselves isn't also healing anyone else. Lord save you if no one is there to back you up. I'll happily drain a heal for half a WZ if it means they don't get to heal anyone else. But, every once in a while, I touch the healer and half the other team is chasing me around the rest of the WZ. It's kinda fun, actually. But, yeah. Sometimes, you NEED to change target just to stay alive long enough to do, well, anything.

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I've seen too many a Warzone where one side gets completely face planted into the ground because the healers are allowed to heal free. Fact is that you can't kill people if they have a healer on them and you have nothing, the advantage goes to the healer. People protect healers because healers are important. As far as team play goes, you wanna trash any healers pretty quickly, as far as solo goes, you want to avoid situations with healers except the odd occasion where they get separate from the rest of their team.


I think this is a mistake people have taken in what I've said, I am not talking about silly 1 vs 2 battles. It's not bright to get into those, more so if one is a healer. Where as if you have a Marauder and a Powertech versus a Sith Sorcerer healer and a Juggernaut, well taking the juggernaut in heavy armor isn't the fastest of things to begin with... with a healer on him, he can quite possibly stand up to you, in that situtation.

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I hunt healers all the time. The idea is not just to kill the healer but keep them distracted. As the guy above me said, if the healer is healing himself he is not healing his team. You'd be suprised how people don't focus on the healer. you only need a couple good DPS on him. When he runs, hunt him down, Harrasing the healer and scattering them forces them to break ranks and run. If he dies it's even better because now you can focus on the others.


And for the record. Close Quarters is great in PvP because first off it's a energy builder, so it acts like a second battering assault. I understand the idea that you want to use it to kite and yes you should but your not gonna be fighting range all the time. In 1 v 1 guardians or Sentinels you want this to build meter because they are gonna want to get in close which means no energy builder if you don't have close quarters.


staying fed is important because your always doing damage, no energy means no damage means no DPS.

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