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600 Force are you kidding me?


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Being a Sith Sorc with 600 force i run out of force so much it gets annoying. I mean who ever thought of giving a Sorcerer 600 force was out of their minds! If you are in a PvP match going hardcore you run out of force so quick you end up dieing because you cannot do anything.

Honestly i think 800 or even 1000 force would suffice for this class, since we are supposed to be one of the best healers and even those heals take a crap load of force.

Heck if Jedi can move around and damage then Sorcerers should have more force to withstand alot more and put out alot more!!! Especially since we wear light armor and are so dang squishy!!

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Have you tried playing Agent/Smuggler? Now that is a HUGE restriction on you abilities because of the scaled regen of energy. I would advise you to go and play one of those, then come back and you'll realise that sorcs don't just have a pool, they have an ocean of energy to use.


You just need to learn that you aren't al powerful and can't spam attacks

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Have you tried playing Agent/Smuggler? Now that is a HUGE restriction on you abilities because of the scaled regen of energy. I would advise you to go and play one of those, then come back and you'll realise that sorcs don't just have a pool, they have an ocean of energy to use.


You just need to learn that you aren't al powerful and can't spam attacks


True and untrue- the mechanic makes it so both operatives and mercs can actually heal longer... if they're not healing as much at a time. If they space their heals, they can last pretty much forever- and dipping into their healing a bit more recovers far faster.


Sorcs on the other hand, once they run out it's a long period of time to get their force back- consumption though helps when it procs. If anything, sorcs are the one that can spam attacks since having low force or high force has little effect on your regen- it's mercs and ops that can't do the spamming.



The other thing to consider is- sorcs can't use attacks outside of their specific force regen- so madness must keep up force lightning, lightning must chain cast lightning strike at least enough to keep the buff, and healers must get consumption procs- in pvp, if you go outside that (have to heal for a while as a madness for example) you will go OoF very fast.

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Being a Sith Sorc with 600 force i run out of force so much it gets annoying. I mean who ever thought of giving a Sorcerer 600 force was out of their minds! If you are in a PvP match going hardcore you run out of force so quick you end up dieing because you cannot do anything.

Honestly i think 800 or even 1000 force would suffice for this class, since we are supposed to be one of the best healers and even those heals take a crap load of force.

Heck if Jedi can move around and damage then Sorcerers should have more force to withstand alot more and put out alot more!!! Especially since we wear light armor and are so dang squishy!!


What spec do u have? Im 31/7/3 and only go out of force when i heal and make some dps at same time. If only heal whit the proc of consumption always im at 70-100% of force.

Have a buddy SI dps spec (dunno what spec) and he says have infinite force, so maybe u dont realize the rotation correctly.

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As a healing corruption sorc,

I have no force problem, that said ofcourse i run out of force is i spam infusion like a tool.


But if you balance your healing and try to use every consumption proc you get (and you should get plenty if you geared your char correctly) you should constantly be inbetween 80-100% except as i mentioned before when you have to go crazy on infusions.

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Yep. Sorcerers definitely need a larger health pull. I say they need one OVER 9000! :D


Seriously though, Sorc/Sage are the only class in the game that has zero resource management to worry about if you've got any brains at all. They're not even close to what other classes have to do to get by. If you can't hack it with a Sorc, it's time to quit. And I don't say this lightly.

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Normally I hate the "L2P" responses... but in this case they are appropriate.




Resurg > Innervate > Consumption (when Force Surge procs)


That rotation, with Static Barrier thrown in as needed.


I'm almost always over 90% Force. Some fights you'll drop lower because you'll need to drop big heals to handle spike damage, but for the most part your Force pool should never run dry.

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I have to agree. Properly spec'd and properly played, sorcerers don't have 'mana-issues' if you will. We have plenty of regen abilities and force-reduction as well. Madness regains force by channeling force lightning, which they do at great length. Healers regain force regularly through 'free' use of consumption. Lightning... well, I havent played lightning yet, so can't really make a case here, but it shouldnt be too far off the other 2 specs, or no one would play it!


PS: 4-set healing bonus gives healers 650 Force Pool... as if we need it (i'm rarely below 75% even in hardmode operations content)

Edited by Natarii
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I have to agree with many of the posters here, unless you are low level, you shouldn't be running out of force.


Each class get a lot of "freebies" (i.e. no/low heat, low energy cost, or low force) in their heals.


I will use BH as an example


BH Merc healers will have supercharge gas (tier 2) this is a boon. I can fire that off and use healing scan for quick heals, but I also get healing bullets which cost NO heat. When I use my rotation correctly (with kolto missile for AoE heal and residue) I can do pretty well (so around level 36)


You have to take advantage of your rotation. If you are spec properly, you can use your static barrier properly to NOT heal (in most fights) the great thing about sorc is that you have a constant regen unlike other classes. Watch your proc and use them properly and you shouldn't be running out of force unless it is a total emergency (i.e. a lot of players DID dodge that super attack that does tons of damage)


Of course if your teammate is stupid can stay in those AoE Fire/quake/missile attacks and NOT using their interrupt, it is not your fault. We healers can heal a lot, but we can't heal stupid ;)

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True and untrue- the mechanic makes it so both operatives and mercs can actually heal longer... if they're not healing as much at a time. If they space their heals, they can last pretty much forever- and dipping into their healing a bit more recovers far faster.


Sorcs on the other hand, once they run out it's a long period of time to get their force back- consumption though helps when it procs. If anything, sorcs are the one that can spam attacks since having low force or high force has little effect on your regen- it's mercs and ops that can't do the spamming.




You essentially just said operatives and mercs can heal longer as long as they aren't healing. :rolleyes:


That's like saying Operatives are the best class ever because their resources never run out and they'll never die as long as they stay in stealth.


The other thing to consider is- sorcs can't use attacks outside of their specific force regen- so madness must keep up force lightning, lightning must chain cast lightning strike at least enough to keep the buff, and healers must get consumption procs- in pvp, if you go outside that (have to heal for a while as a madness for example) you will go OoF very fast.


And operatives and mercenaries can't use attacks or heals outside of their specific resource neutral rotation or they will get resource starved even faster than the sorc.


I know that you're just correcting someone else's statement and implying advice as to what the OP may be doing wrong - not necessarily trying to propagate the fallacies yourself, but this misconception in the sorc community that their resource management is the least bit comparable to operatives and mercenaries needs to stop.

Edited by Xaearth
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Being a Sith Sorc with 600 force i run out of force so much it gets annoying. I mean who ever thought of giving a Sorcerer 600 force was out of their minds! If you are in a PvP match going hardcore you run out of force so quick you end up dieing because you cannot do anything.

Honestly i think 800 or even 1000 force would suffice for this class, since we are supposed to be one of the best healers and even those heals take a crap load of force.

Heck if Jedi can move around and damage then Sorcerers should have more force to withstand alot more and put out alot more!!! Especially since we wear light armor and are so dang squishy!!


Youre not playing it right. Learn to proc your innervate and use consume for free u noob

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I've been playing both as healing and as DPS with lightning and madness and currently I run with a hybrid lightning madness.


I did have some problems with my force management below 35 both as healer and madness spec (lightning gets force recovery powers earlier) but in your 40s you should never really run into force problems.


As healer you have Force Surge, available at level 35. Resurgence sets up +25% crit on innervate, innervate crit sets up force surge for a free consumption. Mostly endless healing. I think I can count a handful of times I have run out of force in healing spec after I got force surge.


Lightning spec is just sick sick sick when it comes to force management. Subversion at lower levels and then later on Lightning Effusion, where force cost is halved on 2 force powers when you get a critical hit.


Sith Efficacy is the only force management in the madness tree and madness is the most force starved tree, though it can be managed by a smart player.


With my current hybrid I have combined Lightning Effusion and Sith Efficacy, stacked up on critical rating and I have never had any problems at any point running out of force. Even in a hard mode boss battle where I got killed and the healer combat rezzed me, I got up at maybe 20% force and blasted away with force powers and at the end of combat I was almost full. A neverending battery is what I have been called by envious Mercs and Operatives, who have to pay far more attention to their power use. :)

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That´s the point... lightning and heal are fine, more than that, they usually are at 75-90% force while spamming.


lightning = light effusion = u wont run out of mana, but it's a pve only spec

heal = consumption spam = fine, even if you start to lose some hp, 1 HoT = fine

madness/light hybrid is fine, if you take the talents, but that's the problem, it's high tier, so madness get's rly worse, usually you end up spamming lighting until you have some force (and by that time u had like 2-5 wrath proccs)


Since the 31 madness talent is anyway nearly useless, there is no reason going for it... bw needs to fix that, or not.

Edited by DeaCaelestis
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Because you can spam an attack doesn't mean you should. In short regular pve fight, sure go ahead. I spam DPS like heck, shock and force storm galore. Obviously, my force reserve take a drop.


If I'm healing a party or fighting a champ solo, obviously I won't use the same tactics. I've got different rotation I use depending on what I need. Mainly, remember you specialize heal or DPS for a reason, and on harder fight is where the healer cannot DPS, and the DPS cannot heal.

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