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Companion Affection System (Please Upvote(


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If we're just going to talk about buckets here then I'll join in.


If I was to fill a bucket with water, in this case just to have it filled up. Then I would certainly close it up once it's full, making it impossible to add or take away any water in the proces, to spair me the irritation of having to fil it up again everytime it get's tipped over.

But I guess you guys like filling buckets with water.

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If we're just going to talk about buckets here then I'll join in.


If I was to fill a bucket with water, in this case just to have it filled up. Then I would certainly close it up once it's full, making it impossible to add or take away any water in the proces, to spair me the irritation of having to fil it up again everytime it get's tipped over.

But I guess you guys like filling buckets with water.

eh, since I know there's no lid to the bucket, I'd just be careful not to spill it, and I'd refill it if I did. I wouldn't claim that the bucket was broken, since it's not; lacking a lid isn't broken.


Now, if there was a hole in the side, it just leaked away you might have a point... but there isn't, so you don't.

Edited by ferroz
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Then I would certainly close it up once it's full, making it impossible to add or take away any water in the proces, to spair me the irritation of having to fil it up again everytime it get's tipped over.


To be honest I was entirely expecting you to go with 'but what if I put MORE buckets around the first to catch the excess water?'


But I guess you guys like filling buckets with water.


This proves your antagonism and your inability to listen to my point.


You obviously want the affection system changed from a bucket to a set of legos that stay the same when you are done building with them


That is unfeasable.


Also this not about some glitch or flaw, this is about OP being a perfectionist, by their own omission.


If you WANT there to be a glitch by all means claim the bucket has a hole in it. I will merely explain that is where the water enters the bucket.


Have a good day this argument is pointless now.

Edited by MadMalag
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I think you guys aren't understand me. What I meant by maxing your companion levels is that the bar doesn't switch to "complete" or disappears. I THINK the max is 8000 but what if it's 10k? Are you guys telling me that you're going to carry 5 different gifts for all your companions just in case u mess up a conversation.


If you want an analogy then lets say in this game you lose xp for dying. Under regular levels its not a big deal. However when you're the maxed class and you die you drop back to level 49 and your spell gets taken away and you have to buy it again. Does that make any sense?

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I'm pretty sure that 8K is just a threshold related to a gifts +affection value. 8K+ puts them into the highest tier, so you need Rank 5 gifts to get maximum +affection gain.


I'm fairly certain that each and every point from 0 - 10K factors into crit chance and efficiency.


Also, I agree with OP. Affection should lock when it hits 10K.

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says you


And me as well.


It's clearly working as intended and just cause you reached max leveling in affection does not in anyway mean you wont make a choice your companion doesn't like.


The system is working just fine as it emulates the, "You can't please everyone all the time" mentality.


Your choices directly impact how your companion feels about you. It's not a mechanic that lets you reach max and then you can forget about it forever.


But on the note of affection, it doesn't really do anything useful so it really doesn't matter that much to start with.

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I think you guys aren't understand me. What I meant by maxing your companion levels is that the bar doesn't switch to "complete" or disappears. I THINK the max is 8000 but what if it's 10k? Are you guys telling me that you're going to carry 5 different gifts for all your companions just in case u mess up a conversation.
No, I'm not ocd enough to bother with that. I'll either make up the affection or I'll get a gift later, or I'll esc out and send my companion off to sell some grey items.


If you want an analogy then lets say in this game you lose xp for dying. Under regular levels its not a big deal. However when you're the maxed class and you die you drop back to level 49 and your spell gets taken away and you have to buy it again. Does that make any sense?
Yes, that makes plenty of sense.


in fact, the game that I played where you lost exp on death you could indeed delevel... people did so intentionally, in fact. I'd intentionally delevel from 53 to 52 so that i could do dragon (Lady Vox/Lord Nagafen) runs.


There's nothing about deleveling that lacks any sense. It's just not what you prefer.


There's nothing wrong or broken with the current affection system. It's just not what you prefer.

Edited by ferroz
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I'll admit - this annoys me as well but I can guarantee that it is some latent OCD tendancy I have that someone else in the thread alluded to. ;p


Because that's really what it comes down to here.

Not trying to be mean.

Just being honest.


The companion affection system is in no way broken. You cap out at adoration basically. Being able to go over that is pointless. Going under that can actually happen.


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If you want an analogy then lets say in this game you lose xp for dying. Under regular levels its not a big deal. However when you're the maxed class and you die you drop back to level 49 and your spell gets taken away and you have to buy it again. Does that make any sense?


Here's a better analogy:

You anger a friend with something you did or said and want them to do a favor for you. If you want them to do a good job at it, you ought to work out/smoothover what upset them first.


The system works fine.

Edited by Matte_Black
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Hey Guys,


So I've collected 10,000 affection points for 3 companions so far and have noticed something really necessary and very inconvenient. When you have conversations with quest objectives if the companion dislikes your answer (-50) then your affection will directly drop from 10,000 to 9950. Now i understand that might have been intentional but its very inconvenient to keep companion gifts of all kinds with my all the time just to top the affections up.


The game doesn't register anything over 10,000 so if you have gotten many +34 points previously it wouldn't "invisibly" register them. It disregards the points since you're at the cap, however the same doesn't apply if the roles are reversed.


I'm not sure it's intentional but very inconvenient. Please help me get some notice!





PS: For anyone who will ask why do I care if they are below 10,000 since factor applies after 8k onward...its because I'm a perfectionist and like seeing 10,000 points...9521 makes me cringe


I agree this is kinda annoying Oleg, but pales so vastly in comparison to this game's other's problems it's barely worth mentioning.


I have a lot higher priorities right now than this lol

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I have to agree that it's broken.


But not in that there is no buffer above "like you as much as possible". But rather that when they like you as much as possible, a negative action should have a far more significant impact.


i.e. an option that hits you for -50 at 1000 affection should be hitting you for -500 at 10000 affection.


I'd imagine if they actually "fixed" that though, there would be far more whiners like the OP.

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Are you guys telling me that you're going to carry 5 different gifts for all your companions just in case u mess up a conversation.


If you want an analogy then lets say in this game you lose xp for dying. Under regular levels its not a big deal. However when you're the maxed class and you die you drop back to level 49 and your spell gets taken away and you have to buy it again. Does that make any sense?


Trying to regain affection is part of playing a character to begin with, so yes. Carry or improve your affection by way of gifts.


Lose XP for dying? Obviously this is your first MMO. Old school Everquest has this feature. EVE has it. Why? To help with the feeling of immersion. Death (in these games noted) is not something to be taken lightly and players and groups avoid it at all costs. Which, IMHO is how it should be.


It wasn’t just about losing experience and the resulting time you’d put into it though, it was also the fear of losing your body, your items and everything that you’d work so hard to achieve and make yourself unique. It was a game mechanic designed to invoke emotion and bond you with your character, just as a mmoRPG should.

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So some of you are telling me if I had say Lord Scourge maxed at 10,000, which I do, and say I do something he dislikes, like say something pro Jedi which he is not, that he should like it only because he is at 10,000/10,000? Out of all my companions he is the only one I get annoyed with, lol.
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So some of you are telling me if I had say Lord Scourge maxed at 10,000, which I do, and say I do something he dislikes, like say something pro Jedi which he is not, that he should like it only because he is at 10,000/10,000? Out of all my companions he is the only one I get annoyed with, lol.


Not really

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Only issue I ever have, is how hard it seems to get Ashara's affection leveled. It seemed until she got over 3K, no matter what I gave her nor what level it was, 31 points is all it was worth to her. Most were 28 points. That's ALOT of gifts I had to give her.
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