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So Nerf to Surge will make the most OP class even stronger!!!!


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I hate to tell you this but anyone not stacking haste/alacrity on any caster in any MMO?


Is an idiot. The faster you cast your channel the more procs you get. Dots tick faster.


Oh yeah...heals cast faster as well. Since they are the only hybrid that can offheal worth a damn? Yeah...


Yep. You have no idea *** you're talking about. Alacrity is crap for sorcerers, especially DPS sorcerers.


Sorcerers stack surge.

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My 50 is a scoundrel Liu-kang. The Fatman server. Do you have threads about you on the internet? What is your character name?




Obviously I am very bad on him. In before a melee class takes no skill, but an autofacing ranged class does. LOL.


BTW I always solo queue. With my scoundrel I usually ran around without chest piece/head on, asian character model. Usually say /flawless victory after killing a sorc/sage as well. Make them rage quit faster. Should have been obvious from the 0 mvp votes despite leading everything including objectives that it was a solo queue.


Such great deductive reasoning you guys have! Good call.


Whatever. You guys are the best. I am bad. Hybrid spec sage/sorc is perfectly balanced (LOL). I never once complained in beta about madness/balance or lightning/tele. In fact I could lead dmg as pure TK to be honest. It isn't bad. Madness/Balance spec is as good as any class in the game. My only complaint of Madness/balance was I wish it was more complicated and challenging. I never said it was overpowered.


I simply complained that one spec (which I played) was stupidly OP. I got attacked by people like you in beta. But whatever. Enjoy this game dying due to bad feedback/harassment of people giving GOOD FEEDBACK in beta.


Fact. The hybrid spec of assassin/shadow did NOT need a nerf. Sage/Sorc hybrid did. If Bioware/EA is saying that hybrid specs were not their intention? Why the hell hasn't the most OP hybrid spec in the game been touched?


A) The design team is clueless and or biased.


B) They are catering to their mass player base/mass QQ'rs (sage/sorc) because they are afraid they will lose mass customers when the next WoW expansion hits.


Your choice. Done with this thread. I simply don't care anymore. Same crap that happened in beta. Called bad by scrubnubs who call a class that takes longer to kill then tanks/healers (when hybrid specced) "squishy".


As Han said...Boring conversation anyways. My sentinel/marauder is better then my scoundrel EVER WAS pre nerf. Does it need nerfed? Not before the hybrid spec on sage/sorc...


Oh and as for the tracer missile crap? That class is easily countered. Hybrid Sage/sorc is not. I could log on a game and lead dmg on my scoundrel by 100 k. What would you say? OP class, no skill blah blah. It is pointless to argue with you scrubs.


So you win. Enjoy empty servers.


Im confused..


See in the thread you linked you complained about tanks being OP


You complained about Tracer Missile being OP


and Now Sages/Sorcs.



You have to be the most persistant Troll ever...I tip my hat to you sir..


Also if you keep raging your gonna have high blood pressure, that could prove fatal for your health..


God forbid you make any of us happy :)

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Then next time don't post screenshots of your level 42 in your rage threads. Good luck in WoW and I hope your able to fall in love with someone there that isn't a guy playing a female character. Protip: Female night elves in their underwear dancing on mailboxes are most likely guys.


Not rage. Amazement at the stupidity of this design team.


Am I the one trolling the boards with a "don't nerf me brah" attitude and calling everyone bad?


I actually want this game to do well. The problem? Stupid decision after stupid decision and watching 50s on my server leaving the game left and right and going back to WoW.


The design team is so clueless and they are @$@@ing off EVERYONE outside of one stupid spec that all of us (who played it) said was stupidly OP in beta.


I keep hoping the design team will realize resolve sucks, and that this new change will make all melee other then watchman/annihilation sent/maraduer (which is my favorite class to play) USELESS in this game.


You see...I don't like to see classes nerfed to the ground. I don't want sage/sorc nerfed to the ground. Unlike you? I actually wanted the game to do well and not be dominated by one AC.


How to fix it? Switch 31 point talent in madness/balance with no cooldown on spam lightning. Class fixed.


Resolve? RANGED STUNS now fill focus bar preventing ranged stunlock (which is about the stupidest thing I have ever seen in an MMO).


The solution is obvious. What do they do? Nerf classes that were already overnerfed or not OP to begin with (hybrid assassin/shadow). So what happens? More 50's quit.


Like I said enjoy the empty servers and inevitable server merges. Not rage kid. Simply let down by this design team. I love Bioware games, I love Star Wars. I hate the lore in WoW. The pvp though? Much better.


But yeah me looking out for specs I don't even play and seeing how they will be useless compared to specs I do play? Obviously rage.


You people are hilarious. I "raged" over same faction warzones as well. What happened? Gross imbalance of factions because of it. Heaven forbid anyone give feedback based on having played multiple classes.


We are all "bad", "ragers" and "fail at real life". Why? Cus some tool that doesn't want their class nerfed stays on a board 24/7 to not get it nerfed and calls us that.

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Operative/scounderal relies on crit & surge the most, the damage other than shoot first/hidden strike is so atrocious. This will also hurt healing and dot trees for the class as well, not to mention sniper/gunslingers which solely relies on crits.


Sorc/sage and jugg/guardian would be at the bottom of the list on needing surge, my jugg's crit is only 16% and doesn't crit enough in a long fight but I have enough surge rating to get up to 79% along with power on every item I have, on my operative my crit is ~40% and surge is about 65% and goes off an awful lot, if I'm not critting I'm doing tickle damage (and tickle heals).


If the devs are toning down surge, they should up the non-crit damage output of operative, scounderal, sniper and gunslinger.

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Im confused..


See in the thread you linked you complained about tanks being OP


You complained about Tracer Missile being OP


and Now Sages/Sorcs.



You have to be the most persistant Troll ever...I tip my hat to you sir..


Also if you keep raging your gonna have high blood pressure, that could prove fatal for your health..


God forbid you make any of us happy :)


You can't even read. In what way does me saying Commandos/mercs are in no way op compared the hybrid spec on sage/sorc mean that I think they are OP.


As far as ease of play? Both sage/sorc and commando/mercs are stupidly easy to play. It doesn't make them OP. The hybrid spec? Is OP. How do I know? I played it for a long time in beta. I had to TRY to die on it.


In a one on one ? Would be fine. In group play (which is all this game is), it is the most stupidly OP ranged spec in the history of MMO's.

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Sorc/sage and jugg/guardian would be at the bottom of the list on needing surge, my jugg's crit is only 16% and doesn't crit enough in a long fight but I have enough surge rating to get up to 79% along with power on every item I have, on my operative my crit is ~40% and surge is about 65% and goes off an awful lot, if I'm not critting I'm doing tickle damage (and tickle heals).



Surge is very important to sorcerers/sages also. When ever I face a sorc/sage with low surge I drop them before they can get me to 80%.


Due to high innate crit chance, crit bonuses from talents, an already existing priority on crit rating, and a ridiculously powerful scaling curve, Surge is a potent stat for us. Note that Surge's value is extremely volatile with crit chance. Stacking additional crit can easily double or even triple the value of Surge.

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Oh and as for the tracer missile crap? That class is easily countered. Hybrid Sage/sorc is not. [/Quote]


So yeah...a lot of talk...


But are you saying that a Hybrid Sage / Sorc isn't easily countered ? Ever tried to interrupt Force Lightning making them unable to use one of their main dmg skills, hinder wrath proccs, thus unabling them to get insta Chain Lightning or insta Crushing Darkness off ? Ever tried purging Affliction so Lightning Barrage doesn't procc ?


Besides most Sorcs will panic once you're on top of them even if you're a ranged class..


And for the survivability of the hybrid specc...just because the static barrier absorbs more dmg doesn't make them unkillable by a long shot...they still take extreme amounts of dmg once barrier is down and no hybrid is ever able to outheal a damagedealer unless the other person is stupid or just terribad (on the lvl of skill as well as gear)...


The op thing about hybrid is the AoE dmg we can put out what with Death Field and Wrath + Chain Lightning...


but if they nerf that I sure hope they will have the brains to buff the 31pt talents from Madness and Lightning since they are just plain bad at the moment...


Full Lightning sorcs are just toast in any pvp situation since pretty much everything they have is a cast that can be interrupted save for insta CL through Lightning Storm which again needs Lightning Strike to procc so we're back on square one...plus Thundering Blast dmg is a joke really considering its our main dmg skill..


Full Madness sorcs on the other hand just have no burst dmg whatsoever apart from death field which hits 3k tops on a geared opponent...and apart from DF they have nothing to throw at you that is really dangerous on any lvl since you can easily purge all the dots off...


So I agree on the statement that hybrid sorcs need fixing but fixing /=/ nerfing to the ground. If ever they make full lightning / madness a viable choice in PvP I'm ever so glad to make the switch...

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Hey guy's I'm biowareftw. I derail the thread after everyone tells me that Sages actually do stack surge so I don't have to admit I'm wrong.


Sweet. Now I will do you.


Hey guys I do 200 k dmg in a warzone while someone like Lopez on The Fatman server has alacrity and clownstomps my dmg by 400k and doesn't even bother changing out the alacrity enhances.


Fact. This change effects all classes but sage/sorc MORE then it does other classes.


Now try to derail that FACT with all the other BS in this thread. Haste is never a horrible thing on a caster.


Add to all this? Not only does this effect one class less then everyone else, but haste also rocks for the heal spec.


They said they intend to add dual spec as some point. So you get to dual spec top warzone dps spec, with top heal spec (all healers but sage/sorc suck in comparison) with one gear set.


Even more fail on the part of Bioware/EA. In a game like WoW you needed two gear sets. Why? Cus the dev team was smart enough to understand you shouldn't have the best of both worlds on one character.

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Sweet. Now I will do you.



Now try to derail that FACT with all the other BS in this thread. Haste is never a horrible thing on a caster.




You just outed yourself as a complete and utter noob of hybrid sorcs...no matter what you say about your hours upon hours of beta knowledge where you roflstomped everyone


Alacrity is and will always remain the worst stat for a hybrid Sorc right after Accuracy which we have no need at all since force powers have a 100% hit chance baseline...


but way to go telling how experienced you are on said specc and class then telling a complete and utter lie...



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So yeah...a lot of talk...


But are you saying that a Hybrid Sage / Sorc isn't easily countered ? Ever tried to interrupt Force Lightning making them unable to use one of their main dmg skills, hinder wrath proccs, thus unabling them to get insta Chain Lightning or insta Crushing Darkness off ? Ever tried purging Affliction so Lightning Barrage doesn't procc ?


Besides most Sorcs will panic once you're on top of them even if you're a ranged class..


And for the survivability of the hybrid specc...just because the static barrier absorbs more dmg doesn't make them unkillable by a long shot...they still take extreme amounts of dmg once barrier is down and no hybrid is ever able to outheal a damagedealer unless the other person is stupid or just terribad (on the lvl of skill as well as gear)...


The op thing about hybrid is the AoE dmg we can put out what with Death Field and Wrath + Chain Lightning...


but if they nerf that I sure hope they will have the brains to buff the 31pt talents from Madness and Lightning since they are just plain bad at the moment...


Full Lightning sorcs are just toast in any pvp situation since pretty much everything they have is a cast that can be interrupted save for insta CL through Lightning Storm which again needs Lightning Strike to procc so we're back on square one...plus Thundering Blast dmg is a joke really considering its our main dmg skill..


Full Madness sorcs on the other hand just have no burst dmg whatsoever apart from death field which hits 3k tops on a geared opponent...and apart from DF they have nothing to throw at you that is really dangerous on any lvl since you can easily purge all the dots off...


So I agree on the statement that hybrid sorcs need fixing but fixing /=/ nerfing to the ground. If ever they make full lightning / madness a viable choice in PvP I'm ever so glad to make the switch...


It takes longer to kill a decently played sage/sorc that is hybrid specced, then all other classes in the game. Period.


Do they lose one on one to some classes? Yup. Does it take up to 20-30 seconds to kill them when both are geared out? Yup.


Other classes drop within seconds. ATM when hybrid specced you are the ultimate survival spec, have good burst (when you add in the dots rolling), are far and away the best CC spec, and are pretty much the only dps spec that can offheal worth a damn due to talents that make worrying about force an afterthought. Add to this a scoundrel/op is useless as a offhealer because they self kite themselves from targets and prevent themselves from being able to stealth. Merc/Commando? Has to manage their resource a lot more.


There is nothing wrong with a full balance/madness spec. You can easily lead dmg in every warzone. You just can't do everything better then other classes. Full lightning/TK? You have to be good at kiting. It does not "suck". Anyone who was good as a mage in WoW can excel with the spec. It just isn't a "spam spec".


30 percent procs off each tick of a no cooldown channeled aoe, proccing an extremely hard hitting aoe is not bad. In voidstar in beta the spec was just sick. Other warzones? Not so much.


Question for you. If the balance team designed you to be balanced around a hybrid spec? Why is there no other hybrid specs in the game and the one that was viable was nerfed?


Answer should be obvious.

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I expect them to make Wrath proc with only crushing darkness, like the assassins Raze, which would make perfect sense for a Madness spec.


This is a change that needs to happen, Im kinda tired of people spouting misinformation, and theorycrafts ( LOL alacrity being useful for a spec that RELIES on instant cast)


Would be stupid as you get about 3x as many procs as needed with Crushing darkness' cooldown. Lightning Strike also needed bare minimum, otherwise tab dotting would always be superior to single target.

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You just outed yourself as a complete and utter noob of hybrid sorcs...no matter what you say about your hours upon hours of beta knowledge where you roflstomped everyone


Alacrity is and will always remain the worst stat for a hybrid Sorc right after Accuracy which we have no need at all since force powers have a 100% hit chance baseline...


but way to go telling how experienced you are on said specc and class then telling a complete and utter lie...




What lie? That you not as dependent on a stat as other classes? That you can easily lead dmg without it? Both are true. I have seen sage/sorcs on my realm players hit 700-900 k with alacrity enhances. I guarantee they would kick the !@%$ out of you as a player without wearing half their gear.


As I said Haste is never bad on a ranged class.


On the other hand? A class like scoundrel/op? Without surge? They are absolute trash.


What part about this don't you understand. Other classes have INSTANT melee attacks. They don't have channeled attacks. They don't have cast time nukes. Yes you have instant procs. Yes you heal yourself. Yes haste reduces the cast time on both.


You can spin this however you want. Fact is, all other classes are getting nerfed more then you by it, some SEVERELY nerfed.


Keep grasping at straws though.

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30 percent procs off each tick of a no cooldown channeled aoe, proccing an extremely hard hitting aoe is not bad. In voidstar in beta the spec was just sick. Other warzones? Not so much.


How exactly is 2k on crits "an extremely hard hitting aoe"?


Surely you troll

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It takes longer to kill a decently played sage/sorc that is hybrid specced, then all other classes in the game. Period.


All the other falsims aside this one is just a big flat out NO...


I don't know what kind of powertechs, juggers, tankassas, merc healers, sorc healers and ops healers are running around in your game but last I checked they were a major pain in the a** to kill. Unless you are buff stacking and have a bazillion of interrupts (which you don't unless you're annihilation marauder / watchman sentinel) there is no way in hell you will kill an equally geared player of any of those speccs before the 1v1 turns into a group situation unless you are all alone on ilum.


Besides have you forgotten about all the defensive cooldowns other classes have that sorcs don't ? We have no dmg reducing shields apart from static barrier which can be bursted through quite easily. We have no Vanish to drop out of combat for heals or just to get away. We have no "drop all the dots on you" ability nor anything that flat out negates dmg for a certain amount of time.


Sorcs are extremely squishy once Static Barrier is gone and Dark Heal may be a fast cast but drains force power faster than you can type "omg" in your chat while killing a drained sorc...


And again...you have shown your inexpertise of this class by stating that alacrity isn't bad on hybrids...which it is..very much so...extremely in fact...but nvm...I'm outta here I have wasted enough of my time trying to explain something you don't want to see...

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everything biowareftw says in this thread can be considered invalid because he thinks people should stack alacrity.



I repeat.







(and no, I don't play a sorc, so try again)

Edited by Asnine
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All the other falsims aside this one is just a big flat out NO...


I don't know what kind of powertechs, juggers, tankassas, merc healers, sorc healers and ops healers are running around in your game but last I checked they were a major pain in the a** to kill. Unless you are buff stacking and have a bazillion of interrupts (which you don't unless you're annihilation marauder / watchman sentinel) there is no way in hell you will kill an equally geared player of any of those speccs before the 1v1 turns into a group situation unless you are all alone on ilum.


Besides have you forgotten about all the defensive cooldowns other classes have that sorcs don't ? We have no dmg reducing shields apart from static barrier which can be bursted through quite easily. We have no Vanish to drop out of combat for heals or just to get away. We have no "drop all the dots on you" ability nor anything that flat out negates dmg for a certain amount of time.


Sorcs are extremely squishy once Static Barrier is gone and Dark Heal may be a fast cast but drains force power faster than you can type "omg" in your chat while killing a drained sorc...


And again...you have shown your inexpertise of this class by stating that alacrity isn't bad on hybrids...which it is..very much so...extremely in fact...but nvm...I'm outta here I have wasted enough of my time trying to explain something you don't want to see...


good hybrid sorc beats any tank

good hybrid sorc beats any dps

stack sorscs with any tank+healer = autowin

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FiB/DF doesn't get procced, and doesn't hit for 4k.




50% crit damage does not make chain lightning hard hitting.


it does not get procced, yet hits for 3-4k bm geared per target

saw on huttball the other day

3 ops(champ\bm geared) open on a jugger with ball

3 sorks use DF and jugger 1 smash

ops dead in 3 sec

Edited by Scrilian
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