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People are exaggerating the few problems SWTOR has.


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Get 10 minor bugs and your game is very buggy. Get 100 minor bugs and your game shouldn't have made it through beta. Get 1000 minor bugs that affect 80% or more of the playerbase and you have SWTOR ;)


Size of bugs is less important that quantity.

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This one, in my opinion, is major, no exaggerating. Winning a warzone, not getting credit, and then having to spend another hour of my time trying to do what I already did... that's major.


my sources tell me that bioware put in some super secret rng code after launch to determine if you actually get credit toward a daily/weekly win. after testing, they believe the win register percentage to be 25%.

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yeah thats how I play pvp what of it :D


no seriously though someone [oh it was you :D sorry] doesnt believe that with my computer I dont get lag so I was just clearifying my situation in warzones. but no I dont consider it broken at all, needs improvement yes but not broken in anyway. I love pvp and love the warzones its one of my favorite parts about the game and is extreamly fun to play even with some of the performance problems.


Ok, I do agree with you, warzones are my favourite part of the game as well. I do believe you now about your computer (you certainly seem to be a reasonable fellow and I don't see you lying about that. I'm just jealous I guess). I guess I can say that certain aspects of the game are broken, but I can't say the "game" is broken. Ok.

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Ok, I do agree with you, warzones are my favourite part of the game as well. I do believe you now about your computer (you certainly seem to be a reasonable fellow and I don't see you lying about that. I'm just jealous I guess). I guess I can say that certain aspects of the game are broken, but I can't say the "game" is broken. Ok.


agreeed certain aspects are deffinatly "broken" or not working as intended

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Get 10 minor bugs and your game is very buggy. Get 100 minor bugs and your game shouldn't have made it through beta. Get 1000 minor bugs that affect 80% or more of the playerbase and you have SWTOR ;)


Size of bugs is less important that quantity.


So you honestly believe this game has a thousand bugs that affect 80% of the playerbase?


Either I'm an extremely lucky gamer or this completely validates the OP's statement that people are exaggerating the problems.

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my sources tell me that bioware put in some super secret rng code after launch to determine if you actually get credit toward a daily/weekly win. after testing, they believe the win register percentage to be 25%.


- victory -


your post wins - 0/3

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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As a game developer, I can tell you that the link in your sig is comical when I don't think it was meant to be. It baffles me that people keep using it.


Don't bother. I can guarantee you the majority using it can understand HTML 4.0, at best. The rest I'm sure don't know jack about programming in a larger company.

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This game is a piece of garbage. They spent 200 million dollars and did a piss poor job with it. That's it.


Agreed! For 200 million, I could have this game running with no bugs. Plus what is up with the world not being fully open? GTA was years ago when it intro'd open world environments. Every MMO since WOW has been wide open (except maybe DDO?).


The story is great, the voice acting is very enjoyable; I even like the quests and how they are introduced and how they flow.


But: How come I can't abandon quests? How come I cant see my toolbar in combat? How come sometimes I have no eyes or my lightsaber is invisible in cut scenes? Why is it that I have to search for a server that has a population of more than 50 people?


More importantly, why did I waste 41 bucks for the next three months of poorly constructed gaming?


Wow is boring and stale, but at least it works. I know, I know, this game is still new, blah blah blah.



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I posted this thread a little while ago:

This is my first pay-to-play MMO, and what I don't understand is what the hell am I paying for? I have played my fair share of other MMOs and what I see here I am getting less and paying more. I seriously want to know what the hell I am paying for? It would be one thing if I bought the game and then you had some issues to work out and I could wait and get back on when they were ironed out.


But thus far I have paid for a defective product and am now paying per month for you to fix the product. And those fixes are laughable at best. You fix stuff with a patch and then 2-3 days later you have to emergency patch your fix because it made what you were trying to fix worse. The downtime alone from this makes it difficult to find time to play. I understand that games have gltiches and problems, but with how many issues there are in this game is above and beyond a few hitches. Its been over a month and I feel like they haven't fixed anything important, just balance stuff that people whine about. I feel like I'm paying to play a Beta, that's seriously what this feels like. So again I ask what am I paying for?


Lets talk about the customer service...or lack thereof... If I'm lucky enough to get a reply to my message its a copy and paste one that is absolutely no help (like a response about how to check the forums for new information when i submit a report...).


So in conclusion I have a defective product I'm paying for them to fix, which they are doing a laughable job at, and there is little to no customer service or regard for the customer at all. The way I understand it I pay per month for enhanced customer service and quality, and it is in fact worse then the play for free games. So I am still wondering what am I paying per month for? If I could get an answer to that I would really appreciate it.


My thread was closed, and I asked the closing mod if he could answer the question then, and why he closed my thread. I received a copy and pasted reply in response. Which merely proves my point, we are paying per month for literally NOTHING. Cant even get a human response from someone when you ask a question.

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Does SWTOR have problems and the occassional bug? Of course. Every game does. WoW had way more bugs than SWTOR at launch but did any of you complain about that? Prolly not


My point is that most of the problems being mentioned are likely greatly exaggerated and in some cases have been made up entirely by trolls (fake ban posts for example). Most performance issues are on the users end because of low end computers as Bioware has already stated.


Please stop complaining about problems which are not Biowares fault or will soon be fixed. They are working hard and gave us one of the greatest MMO's ever made (with the best story by far btw :jawa_biggrin: )


yea cause pvp is not totally broken grind fest has devolved into kill trading on illum...OH wait ... yes it has...


yea sorry that is not an exaggeration its just fact!

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I keep hearing "broken", usually see it about once a day. There was a very large thread locked yesterday that used this word.


Unless the game is not working on your computer, this game is not broken. Far from. If you think SWTOR is a broken game, then you aren't a very experienced gamer.


So all those bounty hunters unable to complete their class story because it's bugged doesn't mean the game is broken? When your main selling point for a game is story, and that part isn't flawless, you failed.


Not to mention the fact that the rate at which they fix things is pathetic. Look at Rift and how quickly they hotfixed and patched their game. I had to mention hotfixed because they would patch things in without taking the server down, unlike BioWare. Every few days it's a new patch that just breaks more stuff. This is why people are annoyed.

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I keep hearing "broken", usually see it about once a day. There was a very large thread locked yesterday that used this word.


Unless the game is not working on your computer, this game is not broken. Far from. If you think SWTOR is a broken game, then you aren't a very experienced gamer.


When people say the game is broken they are referring to the optimization or lack there of in SWTOR with the Hero Engine. As in the Game Engine can't have a combat log because it can't handle it's own parsing, the game engine can't handle multiple data packets of one skill being sent between the client and the server without delay. Things like that are actually issues that make the game broken.


Then the issues of class balance and the proposed Rated WZ's, Melee class threat issues on AoE abilities and the ability to side strafe or stutter step on your opponent and not get a "must be behind target" error are more or less issues that could be considered "broken".


That's what they are referring too. Not knowing what others are talking about with gaming makes you a bad gamer. Refusing to identify the issues with the game and expect them to have been solved in 6 years of development, to have them persist into the paid subscription portion of the service, that's not even being a gamer.

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So all those bounty hunters unable to complete their class story because it's bugged doesn't mean the game is broken? When your main selling point for a game is story, and that part isn't flawless, you failed.


Not to mention the fact that the rate at which they fix things is pathetic. Look at Rift and how quickly they hotfixed and patched their game. I had to mention hotfixed because they would patch things in without taking the server down, unlike BioWare. Every few days it's a new patch that just breaks more stuff. This is why people are annoyed.


I am a BH, I completed my class quest. It was fun and I had a blast.


But game is broken. Derp.

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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I posted this thread a little while ago:



My thread was closed, and I asked the closing mod if he could answer the question then, and why he closed my thread. I received a copy and pasted reply in response. Which merely proves my point, we are paying per month for literally NOTHING. Cant even get a human response from someone when you ask a question.


here is just some of what you are paying for in a short generlized list


in 6 weeks they have


major and minor bug fixes toall aspects of the game [major = game breaking / minor = annoying but still playable]


patchs to the game every week [and promptly fix issues that a new patch might cause, never once have seen a patch "break the game" as some posts have suggested]


tiered level 50 players in warzones


added new content


addressed and included some fixes to ability lag and performance issues


have implemented nerfs or balancing of classes / crew skills


addressed exploits for pve and pvp


fixed illum - added for troll bait [in my opinon its fixed but not perfect i know everyone loves to hate but hey there are more than 3 people cap trading now and people are actually fighting, hell it can be out right dangerous to go there sometimes to me that is great]


please see patch notes for a more complete list

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When people say the game is broken they are referring to the optimization or lack there of in SWTOR with the Hero Engine. As in the Game Engine can't have a combat log because it can't handle it's own parsing, the game engine can't handle multiple data packets of one skill being sent between the client and the server without delay. Things like that are actually issues that make the game broken.


Then the issues of class balance and the proposed Rated WZ's, Melee class threat issues on AoE abilities and the ability to side strafe or stutter step on your opponent and not get a "must be behind target" error are more or less issues that could be considered "broken".


That's what they are referring too. Not knowing what others are talking about with gaming makes you a bad gamer. Refusing to identify the issues with the game and expect them to have been solved in 6 years of development, to have them persist into the paid subscription portion of the service, that's not even being a gamer.


I was actually a gamer during the 90's and know what a broken game looks like. It's borderline unplayable and not fun. A broken car does not run, a broken TV does not turn on, etc. That's broken.


This game is neither. But since people don't understand the difference between non-functionality and optimization, the word broken is used.

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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I am a BH, I completed my class quest. It was fun and I had a blast.


But game is broken. Derp.


So because some BH complete it but others can't means it isn't broken? Are you really that stupid? You had fun, I didn't. Clearly that means this game is no fun, by your logic.

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yea cause pvp is not totally broken grind fest has devolved into kill trading on illum...OH wait ... yes it has...


yea sorry that is not an exaggeration its just fact!


I believe that is the exact exaggeration that this thread is about


but everyone has their own opinions


* if satire? it is spot on. way to go, you really know this community.

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What a load. "Defective product" huh? How the hell am I enjoying using a product that is defective?


Way too much rubbish on these forums.


Ask yourself this:

If this was any other service would you pay to continue to use it or would you want a refund? If you buy direct tv and you liked the programming, but the service dropped out constantly, channels were always fuzzy and it never really worked properly; and on top of that you could never get customer service to help you only received automated responses. Would you stand for it? Would you not want your money back?


Seriously ask yourself if this was any other product would you tolerate what happens?

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I was actually a gamer during the 90's and know what a broken game looks like. It's borderline unplayable and not fun. A broken car does not run, a broken TV does not turn on, etc. That's broken.


This game is neither. But since people don't understand the difference between non-functionality and optimization, the word broken is used.




Just one example. Try browsing the customer service forums to see just how many "broken" problems there are. Then look at the responses they get. It's pathetic.

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I was actually a gamer during the 90's and know what a broken game looks like. It's borderline unplayable and not fun. A broken car does not run, a broken TV does not turn on, etc. That's broken.


This game is neither. But since people don't understand the difference between non-functionality and optimization, the word broken is used.


I was actually a gamer during the 80's and 90's and know what a broken game looks like. This game is borderline AMAZING and so much fun.



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So because some BH complete it but others can't means it isn't broken? Are you really that stupid? You had fun, I didn't. Clearly that means this game is no fun, by your logic.


You have a bug on your toon. The vast majority of people can finish their class quests.


That's what I was explaining by saying "unless the game isn't working on your computer."


I'm sorry you had a bad experience, I wasn't talking about people like you. I was talking about people who are equating optimization or minor bugs with the game actually being broken.

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