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What Effect Did Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Launch Have on World of Warcraft?


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1)To repeat myself again, Asians are Human beings, and there are very hardcore guilds in Taiwan and Korea. An Asian sub does count as a sub.


2)I can't help but chuckle each time someone lambast Blizzard creativity on the forum of a licensed game. I mean, let's repeat this slowly. You laugh about Blizzard ripping off of asian movies in a game titled Star Wars ?

they count as individuals but the point being is this:


wow charges the asian market completely different than the rest of the world. the 5 million subscriptions in asia are the equivelant of 300,000 subs in the rest of the world because of how instead of a monthly fee, the asian markets are charged per minute.


these MMOs are alive because of the revenue they generate from their subscription base. wows "10 million" subs are not all created equal because HALF of those subs are not paying $15.00 a month. they are paying pennies on the minute.


its been averaged the revenue wow gets from all over the world is the equivelant of actually around 5 million subscriptions.


TOR is already past the 2 million mark. only 2 months out.


almost half of wow, and TOR is in fact growing while WoWs community declines.


i dont want either TOR or wow to fail, because competition makes for good content and happier consumers.

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Wow subs= 8 mil from china far east


3 mi from west/states


Tor 2 mil from west/states..not released in far east as far as I know...


Roughly speaking of course


True. I love corporate spin. Down 2 million + subs in a year, but only 1K in the last quarter, aren't we doing great. Not to mention the greatest mystery of life which is how Buzzard in particular and all gaming companies in general count subs. Also not mentioned (as in the quote) was the balance betweem western subs that actually pay real money to play the game and the subs in china that pay pennies a part of which does not even go to Buzzard, where we pay dollars. Indeed if you sell a ton of year subs, you get a great cash flow and financial picture in the short period that you do, but the next year is going to be thin.


It is really impossible to tell the impact that the launch of swtor had on wow. But (not considering people subing to both games), around 1.7 million of the tasty paying western subs playing an mmo that is not wow is not a good sign for Buzzard especially in compariison to the numbers of such like subs that they have.


One of the oldest comments on the wow forum and others is someting to the effect that "xxxxx won't kill wow, wow will kill wow". Wow was and is in a downward spiral without respect to swtor. The jury is still out on swtor, but imo the launch did have a negative effect (even if I cant enumerate it). I feel that there is a great desire (and large potential western audience) for a quality mmo and wow has devolved to the point that it is not satisfying it for many.


Edit - My two cancelled subs ran out in December about a week before the swtor launch, so I am probably counted in the December total.

Edited by asbalana
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1)To repeat myself again, Asians are Human beings, and there are very hardcore guilds in Taiwan and Korea. An Asian sub does count as a sub.


2)I can't help but chuckle each time someone lambast Blizzard creativity on the forum of a licensed game. I mean, let's repeat this slowly. You laugh about Blizzard ripping off of asian movies in a game titled Star Wars ?


Explain why we pay more than the Asians to play WoW if the Asian market makes up 50% of the so called subscribers?

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btw, I will repeat myself guys. I wanted to switch


But my ''dead'' server, US-Eredar, have double the amount of people in SW than the amount of people in the fleet.


Also, throw rocks at me, but even if I like playing a Jedi Consular with princesse Leia infamous outfit, it take me up to 40 minutes on peak time to find a flashpoint....

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btw, I will repeat myself guys. I wanted to switch


But my ''dead'' server, US-Eredar, have double the amount of people in SW than the amount of people in the fleet.


Also, throw rocks at me, but even if I like playing a Jedi Consular with princesse Leia infamous outfit, it take me up to 40 minutes on peak time to find a flashpoint....


I played on Eredar ^_^;

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Really ? I'm Angedechu Alliance on this server. (Which is dead according to most people, and still way more active than REP Mind Trick, a Heavy server)


BTW, I keep trying to use the LFG tool, and it's charitable to say that no one use it. Like, really no one. It's not a figure of speech.

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Why does the launch of any game HAVE to always make some kind of impact on another game... Do you ONLY eat at one restaurant?


Why cant a fan of WoW also be a fan of SWTOR? Alternatively why can't someone find SWTOR as their first MMO?


There will NEVER be a "wow-killer" It simply will not and cannot happen. I bought the one year wow thing and now regret it as I havent logged in in 2 months...


This is not highlander, there can be more than one.

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People who post stuff about WoW in the forums should be banned.


This is not a WoW forum. Keep your WoW propaganda out of our forums. This thread should be locked, because if does not have any constructive criticism other than people showing "proof" that WoW is superior.


If you want to cancel your sub, and play WoW go and do it.. But I am so sick of seeing WoW propaganda and misleading information about how WoW is better and how Swtor sucks.


To have constructive criticism:


They need to workout the ability delay/fix the graphics/add content/and remove the stats in sabre crystals.


None of these issues are gamebreaking.. at all.

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People who post stuff about WoW in the forums should be banned.


This is not a WoW forum. Keep your WoW propaganda out of our forums. This thread should be locked, because if does not have any constructive criticism other than people showing "proof" that WoW is superior.


If you want to cancel your sub, and play WoW go and do it.. But I am so sick of seeing WoW propaganda and misleading information about how WoW is better and how Swtor sucks.


To have constructive criticism:


They need to workout the ability delay/fix the graphics/add content/and remove the stats in sabre crystals.


None of these issues are gamebreaking.. at all.


I think you just mentioned WoW more than most people. So just from that count, you should be banned for a minimum of 7 days. I will get a 1 day ban.

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You might want to check the news...


EA stock is diving hard for about a week and took a downgrade today on specific concerns about TOR.


Swtor is a great game that has a super upside for the long term. But as anyone but the most rabid fanboys now knows, the game was launced broken with more bugs than an old bed in a cheap NY hotel room.


BW seems to be fumbling around (must I mention the great cool down fiasco). It seems unable to address basic issues (must I mention the many problems grouped as ability delay). It is apparent that for many an outsourced and ineffective CS does not cut it. BW made some really bad community relations mistakes around launch (remember the whole grace period fiasco - there was one promised, then there was not one, then there was a two day grace period.)


So indeed swtor is facing challenges and concerns from an investors viewpoint are justified. Long term, it remains to be seen whether BW can get it's act together and do so in time before extensive damage to the player base is done.


There are some major titles coming out this year.


But the question was did swtor have and effect on wow. The answer is yes. We may be looking at two sissys swinging wildly at each other in a school yard, but the question was did one ever land a punch.


To be serious, I think that there is a great demand for a quality mmo and perhaps we will all have to spin our wheels in swtor or wow or elsewhere while waiting for one to come along.

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Swtor is a great game that has a super upside for the long term. But as anyone but the most rabid fanboys now knows, the game was launced broken with more bugs than an old bed in a cheap NY hotel room.


This is where I disagree. TOR is a great short term game but at this point a very horrible long term game.

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This is where I disagree. TOR is a great short term game but at this point a very horrible long term game.



Both have merit. SWTOR has the features for a great short term game and little to no content for long term plans. It's too bad when it was released most of its features were essentially prehistoric compared to MMOs of today.

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This is where I disagree. TOR is a great short term game but at this point a very horrible long term game.


With the amount of bug fixes they do every week and their involvement in the community (which, just looking at the Dev Tracker, they are pretty vocal about major issues and we're seeing things fixed in a pretty timely matter based on how deep the bug is) I would say this game has a chance at being very healthy in the long term.



Both have merit. SWTOR has the features for a great short term game and little to no content for long term plans. It's too bad when it was released most of its features were essentially prehistoric compared to MMOs of today.


That's an opinion. I personally am finding the lack of some of those "features" (PvP in a box, flying mounts, and Cross Server PvE I'm looking at you) to be why I love this game so much. I don't have to worry about idiots from other servers acting like fools because they didn't get their way or ninjaing. I don't have to sit there and watch as PvP becomes these little 2v2 and 3v3 fights that lead to sweeping changes every single patch. I don't have to worry about a lot of that stuff in this game and that's why I love it.

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With the amount of bug fixes they do every week and their involvement in the community (which, just looking at the Dev Tracker, they are pretty vocal about major issues and we're seeing things fixed in a pretty timely matter based on how deep the bug is) I would say this game has a chance at being very healthy in the long term.


Most the bug fixes they put in place either don't fix things or break something else. Yes they do fix bugs but half the time something else pops up. It's something around a 1:1 ratio of break:fix or 2:1 break:fix...


The Dev tracker is actually fairly empty. Yesterday was probably one of their biggest post days with about 6 posts. Some of which was patch notes and commenting in their own threads. On a day to day basis you'll see more Dev post that have to do with "don't troll" or "we're locking this tread" than you will commenting about issues.

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This is where I disagree. TOR is a great short term game but at this point a very horrible long term game.


True as things now stand.


Although this is a matter of opinion, to many swtor is fun and immersive (it is to me despite it's flaws). There is much that is just great and to love about the game which could keep people playing for a long time.


Whether swtor can be good long term, forgetting about the issues it faces, is no different than any other mmo. It depends on content and feature additions.


So we will see. I know that wife and I will be around for about six months and hope that BW can get it's act together so we can be here longer. I am confident that there will indeed be new content and features, but not so much that BW can "fix" the game.

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