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What Effect Did Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Launch Have on World of Warcraft?


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TOR vs. WoW is a moot argument, simply because TOR will never surpass what WoW has accomplished in almost 10 years. Not anytime soon. Probably not ever.


TOR vs. Blizzard's Titan MMORPG Project -- that's what people should be talking about. When TITAN goes live, TOR, if it's still as poorly optimized as it is now, will be buried. It'll be a fast fading memory.


Ofcourse TOR won't. Bioware didn't really do anything different from WoW and they couldn't even get stuff that we'd expect like smooth combat, good UI amond other things. It's why MMO's like Tera, Guild Wars 2 and Archeage are appealing because they are trying something different.


Tera has it's real time combat system, political system and not really sure what else.

Guild Wars 2 is doing away with the trinity system, has RvRvR (WvWvW w/e you call it) with no player caps for 2 weeks on huge maps, content scaling, dynamic combat, dynamic events and all on a smooth engine (I assume) with gorgeous graphics

Archeage has a deep crafting system (from what I have seen), territory control, housing and on the Cryengine.



Most likely no one MMO will kill WoW especially if it's just gonna be the same loot grind which TOR is currently. Not only are three MMO's I named trying to do something different they are also graphically gorgeous which will obviously draw in some people. While Bioware is trying to lure people with their story it's basically the same exact thing as WoW. I quit WoW back in Feburary and TOR doesn't offer anything different for me. If Bioware hasn't added or changed anything by the time GW2 has launched I will be gone and I assume others will be too.




Also, While WoW lost 100,000 subs, Swtor gained 1.7 million.





TOR had 2 million sales and 1.7 subs. Sup?


Pandas is the main reason many people quit to begin with. It's more suited for pre-schoolers then adults with their pandas and pokeman battles.


The only players staying and wanting to play pandas are the ones who like that kiddie stuff.



And you base this on what? I remember playing as the Panderan Brewmaster in Warcraft III and it was fun and not tied to the main campaign. I know there must be other players who like them and Blizzard said that they are one of the more requested races if thats true or not I don't know but you can't say Panderans were just pulled out of their ***.


Besides Pandas > Gungans (which will make it in an expansion one day!)

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That is putting false words in the mouth of the players base.


Unless you know every single player statements like that are yours not theirs. Remember 90% of forums are the haters of an game. Majority of people never even look at a games forums. Only reason I do it was a SysOP for years.


Where did I mention anything about forums. If I didnt say it then dont think I did.

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Anyone who doesn't know that blizzard putting the annual pass in months before Swtor came out (conveniently right in the same quarter they are presenting earnings from) was there to pad the loss of subs they were going to get, is pretty ignorant.


Blizzard is just great at PR and marketing.

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Actually anyone capable of doing the math of winter-induced re-subbing and annual pass kinda shouldn't be surprised now. However subscribers aren't the value to look at, it's PCU and even then you have to check on per region basis. Lots of people like me around being subscribed but not playing.
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Anyone who doesn't know that blizzard putting the annual pass in months before Swtor came out (conveniently right in the same quarter they are presenting earnings from) was there to pad the loss of subs they were going to get, is pretty ignorant.


Blizzard is just great at PR and marketing.


Blizzard has always, always been one step ahead of its competition.. and they continue to do so.


There's another really, really important factor here. If that blue icon is on the box, it's going to be an amazing, quality title. Period. Blizzard has always released the best computer games and they always will..

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Actually anyone capable of doing the math of winter-induced re-subbing and annual pass kinda shouldn't be surprised now. However subscribers aren't the value to look at, it's PCU and even then you have to check on per region basis. Lots of people like me around being subscribed but not playing.


Me as well. I'm willing to bet a huge chunk of the "over 1 million" annual passers don't actually play.


Let's also not forget that most of blizzards subs come from overseas, which isn't the case with Swtor. In fact a huge chunk of them are asian subs which aren't actually subs at all, just some strange method of billing their internet cafe's.

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This is so stupid. Nothing will ever kill WoW. How can you kill WoW when it has made more money than any other 1 game in the history of games?


ToR isn't going anywhere either. It has had one of the most successful MMO launches in the history of MMOs. It is also the fastest growing MMO ever, DESPITE all the optimization problems.


Does anyone even consider the fact that Swtor targest sci-fi fans, and WoW targets fantasy fans? Those 2 don't go anywhere. Fantasy nerds stay with WoW, potentially go to Guild Wars 2, but they're not touching Star Wars. It's not the **** they're interested in.


Perhaps Blizz pissed them off with their new Pandamon expansion. Guess what, they're still not going to play Swtor because they're not star wars fans, just like how sci-fi fans don't give a **** about WoW.


I don't give a **** about wow, never will. Won't give a **** about Guild Wars. Star Wars is here to stay. The end.

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Blizzard has always, always been one step ahead of its competition.. and they continue to do so.


There's another really, really important factor here. If that blue icon is on the box, it's going to be an amazing, quality title. Period. Blizzard has always released the best computer games and they always will..


Blizzard knows how to test thoroughly and the art of polishing. Nothing would leave the house which they are not happy to play with themselves even so they are self-critical alot. Took them a while to get to the latter point but that's at least been so since WotLK.

That's basically their key strengths in a nutshell.

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Why do you assume the WoW lv 85 crowd was their target? I think you're completely wrong actually, they've built this game to cater to the casual crowd first an foremost.


Also, werent you just claiming that the WoW playerbase is totally not loyal? So why would it matter if they had full epic gear?


First off the casual crowd is all in WoW and they are all 85's because you can level in 2 days now since they made it so easy just for the casuals. If you think the players in WoW are elitists then you have issues.


Yes I am saying the WoW playerbase isnt loyal and that is because they are almost all casuals that dont care about the game but just want to get everything because they are in the game.


Most of the casuals are also lazy so they would rather sit in ORG or SW and click on a button to do LOLFR rather than have to level 50 levels and start all over again.

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Issue is, guys, TOR should have blown out of the water WOW.


A seven years old game playerbase have barely flinched with the launch of TOR


This is a VERY bad sign.


No it isnt , 1 mmo doesnt have to fail so the other can succeed. It would be even better if TOR got its 1.7million subscribers and alot of those where not mmo players before. They expanded the market that means.

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This is so stupid. Nothing will ever kill WoW. How can you kill WoW when it has made more money than any other 1 game in the history of games?


ToR isn't going anywhere either. It has had one of the most successful MMO launches in the history of MMOs. It is also the fastest growing MMO ever, DESPITE all the optimization problems.


Does anyone even consider the fact that Swtor targest sci-fi fans, and WoW targets fantasy fans? Those 2 don't go anywhere. Fantasy nerds stay with WoW, potentially go to Guild Wars 2, but they're not touching Star Wars. It's not the **** they're interested in.


Perhaps Blizz pissed them off with their new Pandamon expansion. Guess what, they're still not going to play Swtor because they're not star wars fans, just like how sci-fi fans don't give a **** about WoW.


I don't give a **** about wow, never will. Won't give a **** about Guild Wars. Star Wars is here to stay. The end.


So a person that plays wow cant be a sci fi fan and a fantasy fan? And starwars is more space fantasy then sci fi.


I agree with you on alot of other points, but not that one.

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No it isnt , 1 mmo doesnt have to fail so the other can succeed. It would be even better if TOR got its 1.7million subscribers and alot of those where not mmo players before. They expanded the market that means.


Some folks think this is a zero sum game. It isnt.

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The difference is its not his job. Its Biowares job and they cant even do it.


Not really. Their job is to make money and so long as they get subscribers and meet their quota then if the job's too hard they won't care.


But honestly, BW is fixing some of the code related issues. I've already noticed an increase of fps on fleets and that sprint after death off and on thing was taken care of in the last patch. They're also fixing the modification limitations and that's a biggy since it allows more options in visual looks.


All in all, yes Swtor has problems, yes BW is trying to fix them, yes there will be qqers and griefers and idiots and whiners and everything in between, and no nobody cares that BW employees also need to have lives and can't sit in front of a computer monitor slaving 24/7 to fix all our personal problems.

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Blizzard says they only lost 100k subs. LOL ya right you did. How is that that 2 million subs suddenly appear to play this game with no impact to wow's numbers when this game was hyped beyond belief.


Someone is fudging the numbers at activision to save their job.


Not really. I would expect most people to keep their WoW sub going for the short term, even if they intended to eventually cancel. My WoW sub is still going...alot of people stop playing but let their sub stay active. If there is fudging going on, its the Chinese mystery subs theyre always on about...they dont report the NA/Europe subs, which I'm more interested in, as they actually have to buy the game..

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