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Mara fail as a class, its ok only if you out gear oponents


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Yes...it is a combat sword rogue, but not with the same abilities. I did open a thread a while ago that I feel more like a combat rogue without many utilities and without stealth in leather armor.


This class has issues with group pvp, especially when so many ranged classes exist ingame in every game round.


A Maurader is not a true warrior in my eyes.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Yes...it is a combat sword rogue, but not with the same abilities. I did open a thread a while ago that I feel more like a combat rogue without many utilities and without stealth in leather armor.


This class has issues with group pvp, especially when so many ranged classes exist ingame in every game round.


A Maurader is not a true warrior in my eyes.


If they Bioware wants it to be there version of a Warrior, that's fine, it's not like it's concrete the term warrior, just I was takn by surprise by their version of a warrior, being that it plays much more like or akin to a swift swashbuckling type or rogue esque in comparison to other RPG games I've played. I knew they were more of an agile combatant just didn't really grasp how it all worked til I had my full tool set. And it's not a bad class I don't think, just like I said, I think it's a poor WARRIOR archetype. But that's just my opinion.

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i'm playing warrior 9 years at mmos (ko, wow, gw, aoc, war, rift etc) this is the worst war design ever.

its not skill as i was reading here, its just gear, if you have better gear then your opponent, then you are ok, to some point.


prancing from kids here about they have skill is ******** because no skill can save you from been dead in 4 seconds, or chain cced or popping up undying rage for 5 sec and you are dead after it no matter what (insert here predation, saber ward or cloak whatever...)


how many from you tried to kill merc equally geared and you succeed? I'm facing merc not to even bother with me, he just let me dps him untill he get borred then he just deal with me.


ops are designed for ranged classes


yeah i can kill ppl around only if i outgear them, mara equally geared, or if not, bb me


marauder is class with medium armor, something as hybrid rogue that do not do any real damage, ocanional buff is what we are good at and that is still under question do i want to play that crap


mara is class that do NOT do any real melee damage, just kinetic (after 4 stacks, but now when ppl learn how to play wont let you to stack 4), and dots from anni tree which is also under question mark as ******** of feeling to play a melee class.


you give us carnage tree which LETS SAY do "ok" damage with armor reduction debuff, but then again, its not good tree for pvp.


some smart dev just ruined point of been melee class as marauder, i'll repeat, worst warrior class that i have ever played.



u play mmos for 9 years

and ur still a bad


i say


don't b mad




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Come on now. Don't be stereotypical. If you disagree with his frustration then counter it with something more then every cliche under the general chat sun....


OK sorry.... :)

I feel way different

Marauders are pretty good the way they are imo...just need to push a lot of buttons fast. If you don't, maybe that's where the issue lies?

If I had to complain about anything, I would say that we need to be able to kill the fat guys with the big guns a little faster or their shielding needs to be nerfed.

Maybe OP needs to run with a better group? You on Anchorhead? Run with me...you'll see!

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i'm playing warrior 9 years at mmos (ko, wow, gw, aoc, war, rift etc) this is the worst war design ever.

its not skill as i was reading here, its just gear, if you have better gear then your opponent, then you are ok, to some point.


prancing from kids here about they have skill is ******** because no skill can save you from been dead in 4 seconds, or chain cced or popping up undying rage for 5 sec and you are dead after it no matter what (insert here predation, saber ward or cloak whatever...)


how many from you tried to kill merc equally geared and you succeed? I'm facing merc not to even bother with me, he just let me dps him untill he get borred then he just deal with me.


ops are designed for ranged classes


yeah i can kill ppl around only if i outgear them, mara equally geared, or if not, bb me


marauder is class with medium armor, something as hybrid rogue that do not do any real damage, ocanional buff is what we are good at and that is still under question do i want to play that crap


mara is class that do NOT do any real melee damage, just kinetic (after 4 stacks, but now when ppl learn how to play wont let you to stack 4), and dots from anni tree which is also under question mark as ******** of feeling to play a melee class.


you give us carnage tree which LETS SAY do "ok" damage with armor reduction debuff, but then again, its not good tree for pvp.


some smart dev just ruined point of been melee class as marauder, i'll repeat, worst warrior class that i have ever played.


You just suck, Marauder is great.

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how many from you tried to kill merc equally geared and you succeed? I'm facing merc not to even bother with me, he just let me dps him untill he get borred then he just deal with me.


Seriously, are you having 1v1 problems with a merc?


Like, seriously? The easier class to deal with if specced like most of them are (tracer spammers)

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Class is not fail, player is fail, see video f you don't believe me.


He doesnt even bother to interrupt the tracer missiles and get hurt for almost nothing and no undying rage, what gear difference is this or why he doesnt get hurt that much ?

Edited by BobaFurz
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Seriously, are you having 1v1 problems with a merc?


Like, seriously? The easier class to deal with if specced like most of them are (tracer spammers)


I love how people pick on BH's spamming tracer when the arsenal tree is effing built around having heat signatures on your target to do sufficient damage. Yes there is tracer spamming but its for a reason. If youre gonna complain, do it to the devs not the players scrub. Trust me, I wish I didnt have to spam it so much.


And yes, well played marauders are very tough to beat.

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You are been very simplistic about it. BH have a lot more abilities than just Tracer Missile.


None of which function very well without tracer.


See here's the thing.


Tracers apply heat signatures(2 each), without 5 heatseeker missiles suck. Tracers also apply tracer lock(1 each), without them rail shot is awful. Tracer has a 30% chance to proc barrage increasing damage on unload, without barrage unload while efficient isn't that great for DPS.


At the end of the day if you interrupt tracer nearly every talent point they have is going completely to waste. You basically turned them into a L10 merc again.

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Getting tired of these Marauders are fail class posts, If you dont know how to play them, reroll. The option is there and leveling takes next to no time.


These are probably the same people who swear up and down a DPS jugg does way more damage in PVE than a marauder..


I honestly wish we had combat logs so we could debunk all this, but that will never happen as it will effect what people play and create "Cookier cutter" specs.. which basically are already out there..

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do you mean tracer/grav or pebbles/lightning? Both are pretty easy to eat alive...


Yeah i don't gank that's for terribles. Yes it is fun to watch level 50's try to get away from you anywhere... even more so when they back pedal away.


yeah i hate that, Stop flicking pebbles at me its annoying!


stop shocking me it tickles!


you just roped a razor blade and pulled it in for a close shave, should have left me on the other side of the room.



you think you got me CHARGE!!!


I cant see you behide your hologram wall, peeka boo, slash slash stab poke, cant get me when im up close.


this is if you know what ur doing with a MARA otherwise you get owned.....they are over complicated, and do need damage buff of some kind..casue u have to be really skilled with one, or have a sense of what you are doing.



Now my sniper i can play him alot better than my mara,,and belive you me i make some republic sleezeos TICKED THE HECK OFF..


Casue i will sit right in their face and murder death kill em in groups of three..


but then again 6 years of rogue playing comings in handy. with both mara and sniper..

but i think i would be alot more deadly as a opretive...seeing i could stealth around..


and my assassin is all about CC, they are really a support class, sould have rolled sorc..

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OK sorry.... :)

I feel way different

Marauders are pretty good the way they are imo...just need to push a lot of buttons fast. If you don't, maybe that's where the issue lies?

If I had to complain about anything, I would say that we need to be able to kill the fat guys with the big guns a little faster or their shielding needs to be nerfed.

Maybe OP needs to run with a better group? You on Anchorhead? Run with me...you'll see!


Long time no see Norian..


<~~ Eviln :D


I feel like marauder is pretty ****** the way it is. It's not that uncommon for me to have the highest dmg/kills and least deaths which seems to contradict what a lot of people on here say about the class. To top it off I played Carnage 10-50 and for several levels of valor without thinking the class was as bad as the forums portray it.


Now I play Anni and it's even easier. Tho I still like the burst potential of carnage, anni is much easier and requires less timing.


This is the first character I've ever played where I've needed soo many keybinds. Think I actively use 30 keybinds. So yea theres a lot of buttons and a need to use them all given circumstance.

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op feel your pain - between constant cc's to just smacking on a healer doing nothing as he heals through it , class can feel at times on a hiding to nothing -


however other times it can feel godlike .


i was in same boat as yourself - even came close to cancelling but i have tweaked how i play a small bit . now i prey on the injured and alone - in group fights we suck *** - other the rage spec and our 30 rage feats we dont offer much in the way of utility - - 20 % healing debuff and 3 situational interupts aint great.



ignore the majority of posters here - elitist muppets with no regard for others - l2p - ohhh its not the class its you - mad the way you are the only one voicing complaints isnt it - oh wait.....


maybe if they tried being helpful the qq threads would disappear but................


these are the worst forums i have come across in a long time - jesus even the war forums were a nicer place to be.


hang in there op - class is good but very situational.

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Class is not fail, player is fail, see video f you don't believe me.


wow if you look closely on the opponents he's fighting....they are really really bad geared. The marauders had the level 48 helmet or something. Most dont even have champion weapons. And then you look at his gears lol.

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