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Mara fail as a class, its ok only if you out gear oponents


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i'm playing warrior 9 years at mmos (ko, wow, gw, aoc, war, rift etc) this is the worst war design ever.

its not skill as i was reading here, its just gear, if you have better gear then your opponent, then you are ok, to some point.


prancing from kids here about they have skill is ******** because no skill can save you from been dead in 4 seconds, or chain cced or popping up undying rage for 5 sec and you are dead after it no matter what (insert here predation, saber ward or cloak whatever...)


how many from you tried to kill merc equally geared and you succeed? I'm facing merc not to even bother with me, he just let me dps him untill he get borred then he just deal with me.


ops are designed for ranged classes


yeah i can kill ppl around only if i outgear them, mara equally geared, or if not, bb me


marauder is class with medium armor, something as hybrid rogue that do not do any real damage, ocanional buff is what we are good at and that is still under question do i want to play that crap


mara is class that do NOT do any real melee damage, just kinetic (after 4 stacks, but now when ppl learn how to play wont let you to stack 4), and dots from anni tree which is also under question mark as ******** of feeling to play a melee class.


you give us carnage tree which LETS SAY do "ok" damage with armor reduction debuff, but then again, its not good tree for pvp.


some smart dev just ruined point of been melee class as marauder, i'll repeat, worst warrior class that i have ever played.

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oh and forgot to mention: failed animations + server lag makes also for sower feeling in throat.


and pls, we are not talking here about quantum physic, we are talking about GAME, whats needed here to play freaking class? BW didnt invented online gaming so to hide behind skills or idk what.

these are the abilities these is the play style, bah


maybe i wont be so much depressed about this if i didnt expect much from this game, but i dumped everything just to play it and now this....

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oh and forgot to mention: failed animations + server lag makes also for sower feeling in throat.


and pls, we are not talking here about quantum physic, we are talking about GAME, whats needed here to play freaking class? BW didnt invented online gaming so to hide behind skills or idk what.

these are the abilities these is the play style, bah


maybe i wont be so much depressed about this if i didnt expect much from this game, but i dumped everything just to play it and now this....


Quantum physics? I'd settle for proper english and spelling...


Anyway the class is fine if you play it correctly. I PvP solo in full PvE gear I do damn fine. I learned how to make the class work for me and I very VERY happy with it. All I'd really ask for is a few more seconds on our combat vanish so I can use it in more then escape situations. I'd like heavy armor too but its more for the look then the extra armor it provides.

Edited by Hardways
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I'm not the best mara around but I remember people saying that it was impossible to level a marauder after lvl 40 and guess what when i reached lvl 40 and had completed most of my tree It was the easiest part of my lvling experience.


In pvp I try to pick my targets carefully because this is not a class that can go in the middle of a large battle and get out unscathed.

But in 1vs1 I mostly lose if someone out-gears me.If we have the same gear I usually win

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The class is ok, the biggest problem is that other classes have way!!!!! to many slams/cc's/insta-cast force chokes/ force pushs/ blinds and a few others that i'm not sure the name of. Hutt ball i have renamed to marauder ping-pong or butt ball lol. I enjoy the melee class itself, just wish the damage was a little better compared to agent/sorc/merc/assassin...pretty much any other class :/
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The seemingly most OP class in the game, hates one class. Marauders. That's right everybody

is crying about that one class that is OP and Marauders eat them alive.


I do enjoy going to lower levels and watching lowbies run from my lvl 50 Marauder. What I enjoy more, is seeing full champion/battlemaster geared lvl 50's of all classes do the same in Warzones, only for me to send them back to respwan by stylishly throwing that lightsaber at the end. Classic. :D

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The seemingly most OP class in the game, hates one class. Marauders. That's right everybody

is crying about that one class that is OP and Marauders eat them alive.


I do enjoy going to lower levels and watching lowbies run from my lvl 50 Marauder. What I enjoy more, is seeing full champion/battlemaster geared lvl 50's of all classes do the same in Warzones, only for me to send them back to respwan by stylishly throwing that lightsaber at the end. Classic. :D


do you mean tracer/grav or pebbles/lightning? Both are pretty easy to eat alive...


Yeah i don't gank that's for terribles. Yes it is fun to watch level 50's try to get away from you anywhere... even more so when they back pedal away.

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do you mean tracer/grav or pebbles/lightning? Both are pretty easy to eat alive...


Yeah i don't gank that's for terribles. Yes it is fun to watch level 50's try to get away from you anywhere... even more so when they back pedal away.


No I mean pebbles.


On the other hand Trooper/Bounty Hunter is the class I have more trouble with on my Rage Marauder. They seem to have amazing survivability while still been able to do enough damage at a distance. If they add the ability to heal then it makes a nightmare.


On the other hand when I play the pebble class, even at level 20 I don't fear even high 40's Bounty Hunters just because I don't need to be close to do damage, interrupt or stun.

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No I mean pebbles.


On the other hand Trooper/Bounty Hunter is the class I have more trouble with on my Rage Marauder. They seem to have amazing survivability while still been able to do enough damage at a distance. If they add the ability to heal then it makes a nightmare.


On the other hand when I play the pebble class, even at level 20 I don't fear even high 40's Bounty Hunters just because I don't need to be close to do damage, interrupt or stun.


Step1: Interupt Tracer Missile

Step2: Cloak when they knock you back


Step4: Win

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The seemingly most OP class in the game, hates one class. Marauders. That's right everybody

is crying about that one class that is OP and Marauders eat them alive.


I do enjoy going to lower levels and watching lowbies run from my lvl 50 Marauder. What I enjoy more, is seeing full champion/battlemaster geared lvl 50's of all classes do the same in Warzones, only for me to send them back to respwan by stylishly throwing that lightsaber at the end. Classic. :D

Fact is marauders eat everyone 1v1. Especially anni. Problem is that pvp is rarely about 1v1.

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You are been very simplistic about it. BH have a lot more abilities than just Tracer Missile.


Yes but aslong you can close the distance they are simple to kill, their damage relies on having atleast 3 stacks of heat signature and you still have intimadating roar and force choke to interupt unload or fusion missile, heart seeker and railshot you can't interupt but you can see them comming and you still have saber ward, undying rage and cloak of pain to pop if they manage to get 5 stacks on you or you're outnumbered or what have you.


They're only really a problem if left alone, in a 1v1 they are the easiest and most predictable class to kill for me, not to mention most Mercs/Commandos have been able to do ok while rolling their face over the keyboard and can't play for ****.

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No I mean pebbles.


On the other hand Trooper/Bounty Hunter is the class I have more trouble with on my Rage Marauder. They seem to have amazing survivability while still been able to do enough damage at a distance. If they add the ability to heal then it makes a nightmare.


On the other hand when I play the pebble class, even at level 20 I don't fear even high 40's Bounty Hunters just because I don't need to be close to do damage, interrupt or stun.


go annihilation.

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Problem with Mara is that when your defensive cooldowns are down, you go down far too easy. That's the main problem with the class.


With cooldowns up, it is a monster of a class, if played well. With cooldowns down, it is a total pushover.


^^ this. I fought a columi/rakata geared sorc yesterday from my guild (im full columi) and whenever i had cooldowns, i won. Despite being outgeared slightly. If i didnt have undying rage and unleash ready however, it was a hard fight that i lost. In PvP warzones i generally hamemr sorcs because they're usually busy with someone else to start with, thus giving me the time to build my bleeds. In an actual 1 on 1 however.... very hard work for an average ratio.

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how many from you tried to kill merc equally geared and you succeed? I'm facing merc not to even bother with me, he just let me dps him untill he get borred then he just deal with me.


Wait, what? if you can't kill the easiest prey for marauders, than your 9 years of playing warrior archetype are worth nothing.

P.S. Powertechs are harder, though. Still pretty easy if you have your def cooldowns up.

Edited by NekoWAR
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Learn to play. I go up against equally or better geared opponents all the time and take them down. You need to be able to use your interrupts and understand when to stealth and get out. Anni spec has good survivability and frequently I take on opponents with twice my health and come out of the fight with no net health loss thanks to berserk's health regen.


It was not always easy but if you work at it, and get over the early beatings you take wile you learn, the class is brutal.

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No, Marauders are exactly how they should be. I dominate with it 1v1, 2v1 even 3v1.. and can kill any full battlemaster class/spec in a 1v1. Its awesome


Operatives would like to have a word with you...


Seriously, if you get the drop on one and have all your cool downs ready, you can beat one, but if they ambush you, you're toast. The most you can do is try and run away.

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I agree that it's one if the worst WARRIOR archetype renditions I have seen in any RPG.


It's a cool class at times in general, also frustrating as heck at times because of map designs and pvp in this game in general.


But to your point of it being a poor excuse for a WARRIOR, I Agee 110%.


It's by far more of a ROGUE class then a Warrior, and they should of came up with a better idea to market it as such. Maybe even make it play a little closer to that rpg archetype.


I still like my maurader but it's not by any means what I was hoping for. It can also be really nasty at times and enjoyable in pvp. But there are times it just feels too COOLDOWN dependant....

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