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Give it time.....


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Go purchase ANYTHING ELSE...if it doesn't work (just bought a car and the wheels fell off). Would your response to your failed product be "Oh well, I'll just give the manufacturer some time."



...thought so, fanboy.

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Agree. People are way to unpatient.


One minute people whine on WoW forums that there are no other good games, and then they come here and whine that this game don't have all the tools WoW has 7 years into progression.


This game is way better than WoW was at it's start, and it will catch up. Just give it some time.


agree, there has never been an mmo in the history off mmo's that launched perfect every game has some kinda bugs, all new mmo's never have enough content at launch, players can blow though content faster than ANY dev team can pump out.. I just think allot of people are burned out on the mmo genre in gerneral, thus no patients to give the game a chance to grow like all mmo's have done..

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I gave them time...the 6 years or whatever the game was in development. Then they slapped a "release" sticker on it and sold it, and I bought it.


Ya got me! You pushed a broken KOTOR3 out the door and called it an MMO and got my $70. Well, in the words of GW Bush, "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me....and you won't get fooled again."


So sure, sure, I'll give 'em more time...but during that time I won't be paying them $15/month. This is not a charity where I gift poor beleaguered Electronic Arts cash every month out of the goodness of my heart. Because I'm such a nice guy. Call me when it's got an end game and an interface that didn't escape from 1998 complete with macros and addons, and maybe I'll resub. Until then....nooooooooohohohohohoho!

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The "you can't compare a game that came out in 2004 to a game that came out in 2011" or "SWTOR needs to be competing with current WoW" talking points holds no weight with me whatsoever.


MMO's are in essence living and breathing entities and are constantly evolving. The key to any successful MMO is to lay the groundwork and establish a sturdy foundation for growth. The player base will ultimately determine how it will grow. Every MMO in the past has been developed this way and so will every MMO in the future.



There will be bugs.


There will be mistakes.


There will be major changes.


It is the nature of the beast.



I was there in 2004 at WoW launch. I can't deny that I was having fun, but things weren't exactly smooth. If it had come out today in the state it was in we would all wonder how it could possibly survive. There were major problems in vanilla that would spell almost certain doom for the MMO of today. But it was new and the millions it eventually drew in had no set of expectations of how an MMO "should" be. My patience perservered like many others and it the longrun it turned out for the better. I'm glad I gave it a chance.


It's 2012 and while yes, it is true that we should expect a competitive product, it is naive to expect that this product should be perfect or that it should make everyone and their brother 100% happy right out of the gate. You don't take a full grown tree, plop it into a hole in the ground and expect it to not fall over with the first gust of wind. You don't put a turkey in the oven, crank the heat up to max, then take it out 30 minutes later and expect the same taste and texture you'd get if you had slow roasted it instead. You'd get charcoal on the outside and cold pink on the inside. This is what would happen if BioWare attemted to lump 7 years of polished and evolved MMO content into one launch. It would be a complete catastrophe.


Relax, and give it some time to sink it's roots in a bit. Let it simmer for a little longer. I have the same kind of patience as I did back in 2004.


Despite various bugs that need fixing and other elements of TOR that need complete overhauls, I am generally satisfied with what I am paying for and I'm looking forward to the future. With that being said, I fully encourage people to let BioWare know what their opinions are and what they like or dislike about the game. They need to be kept on their toes.


All in all I think some people need to lighten up a little. Patience is most definitely a virtue.

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heh..... it's not gonna hurt thier bottom line one single bit when you ragequit...even if all the haters on this forum quit it wouldnt dent thier subscription number at all.


a few pissed off Joes arent gonna hurt the millions and millions of people playing.



It's like trying to kill a red dragon with a 6 inch chunk of dental floss.




Why do you people always assume that those who quit do so mad? I'm perfectly happy. You have a strong belief that this game will survive, thats good as one should always have hope.


As for patience, well i have to say i used mine up with regards to this product through the years of development and beta. Bioware should have stuck to what they did best instead of this.

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The "you can't compare a game that came out in 2004 to a game that came out in 2011" or "SWTOR needs to be competing with current WoW" talking points holds no weight with me whatsoever.


MMO's are in essence living and breathing entities and are constantly evolving. The key to any successful MMO is to lay the groundwork and establish a sturdy foundation for growth. The player base will ultimately determine how it will grow. Every MMO in the past has been developed this way and so will every MMO in the future.



There will be bugs.


There will be mistakes.


There will be major changes.


It is the nature of the beast.



I was there in 2004 at WoW launch. I can't deny that I was having fun, but things weren't exactly smooth. If it had come out today in the state it was in we would all wonder how it could possibly survive. There were major problems in vanilla that would spell almost certain doom for the MMO of today. But it was new and the millions it eventually drew in had no set of expectations of how an MMO "should" be. My patience perservered like many others and it the longrun it turned out for the better. I'm glad I gave it a chance.


It's 2012 and while yes, it is true that we should expect a competitive product, it is naive to expect that this product should be perfect or that it should make everyone and their brother 100% happy right out of the gate. You don't take a full grown tree, plop it into a hole in the ground and expect it to not fall over with the first gust of wind. You don't put a turkey in the oven, crank the heat up to max, then take it out 30 minutes later and expect the same taste and texture you'd get if you had slow roasted it instead. You'd get charcoal on the outside and cold pink on the inside. This is what would happen if BioWare attemted to lump 7 years of polished and evolved MMO content into one launch. It would be a complete catastrophe.


Relax, and give it some time to sink it's roots in a bit. Let it simmer for a little longer. I have the same kind of patience as I did back in 2004.


Despite various bugs that need fixing and other elements of TOR that need complete overhauls, I am generally satisfied with what I am paying for and I'm looking forward to the future. With that being said, I fully encourage people to let BioWare know what their opinions are and what they like or dislike about the game. They need to be kept on their toes.


All in all I think some people need to lighten up a little. Patience is most definitely a virtue.



Sooo...what you're saying is that things that are new shouldn't have to be any better than things that are old...and we should pay the going rate...



By your logic a 14-inch black and white tv should cost about $850...because it's just as good as a new 50-inch flat panel...I mean, all those years of technological advancement be da|\/|ned...we should be patient and just purchase the black and white 14-inch...and then continue to pay for upgrades until it's a 50-inch flat panel...





yeah, ur not smart.

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I don't get it... this bullcrap of "giving it time"... "its only month old" etc

You guys pay to make a game or you pay for a complete game, so they can keep adding new stuff?


This **** mentality is what's killing the MMO genre.


Take the example of Funcom... release a **** game and expect people to pay so it can catch up in next 2 years. While they start developing a new game after releasing a broken one... and instead of focus all resources in fixing, they start a new one. And people think this is acceptable.

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I don't get it... this bullcrap of "giving it time"... "its only month old" etc

You guys pay to make a game or you pay for a complete game, so they can keep adding new stuff?


This **** mentality is what's killing the MMO genre.


Take the example of Funcom... release a **** game and expect people to pay so it can catch up in next 2 years. While they start developing a new game after releasing a broken one... and instead of focus all resources in fixing, they start a new one. And people think this is acceptable.




I think a lot of this complaining about content would go away if the game did not take a matter of hours to get to the end game. Go back to making it a journey to the end, instead of a sprint and devs can have more time working things out.



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Go purchase ANYTHING ELSE...if it doesn't work (just bought a car and the wheels fell off). Would your response to your failed product be "Oh well, I'll just give the manufacturer some time."



...thought so, fanboy.


That argument doesnt hold well to something that is constantly changing.... you cant go buy a car and have an option to pay a monthly fee to keep getting new content for your car.


Do you expect that dealerships are going around and saying, "Oh the engine wasnt as powerful as you expected, well damn how about we upgrade you from the 4-cyl to a 6-cyl for $15 a month."


Didnt think so.

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Give them time? Serious question for you then. How much time per bug or problem?


Here is one example.


Mobile Authenticators can only be used once. If you get a new phone and try and switch to the new phone it will not work. Known issues since day or so after they where released over 7 weeks ago. Now this is a major flaw that affects account security. The only answer in customer service is we are aware of it and working on it. If you really need account security then we recommend you go buy the physical key from Origin site.


Over 7 weeks and account security in question. Major Bug as far as I am concerned and they are working on it. The only solution today is to give them more money.


Keep in mind for a lot of people the only solution to account security is the mobile authenticator because of export laws on encryption devices to various countries.


So seriously how much time should we give them before patience wears thin. This is a major bug not even a minor one.

Edited by Anarkyreigns
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So seriously how much time should we give them before patience wears thin. This is a major bug not even a minor one.


Well, for me the way to judge how much time to give them is how long the game remains fun. Once it stops being fun, due to bugs, lack of content, or just plain boredom, that's all the time Bioware gets from me.

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I don't get it... this bullcrap of "giving it time"... "its only month old" etc

You guys pay to make a game or you pay for a complete game, so they can keep adding new stuff?


This **** mentality is what's killing the MMO genre.


Take the example of Funcom... release a **** game and expect people to pay so it can catch up in next 2 years. While they start developing a new game after releasing a broken one... and instead of focus all resources in fixing, they start a new one. And people think this is acceptable.


No... the idea of a complete MMO is what is killing the genre.


Its not a single player game. They are working on fixing the game currently and coming out with new things for it.



I get that you feel that it should have more, and you are right, they should have had a lot of the quality of life options that make games run smoother. I for one wish they would add macros. I like the game enough to play it with out them but I think it would improve the gameplay.

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That argument doesnt hold well to something that is constantly changing.... you cant go buy a car and have an option to pay a monthly fee to keep getting new content for your car.



Ehhhhhhhhh not quite!


I'm fine continuing to pay for new content. I'm not fine continuing to pay for unfinished, broken, old content. Heck, I'm not fine paying for broken, unfinished content the first time, either.


This is a glorified single-player game, but you know what really sucks? Okay, the single player 1-49 leveling/story aspect is pretty good. So is the single player game in KOTOR and Mass Effect, and I bought those games, and I paid my $60 or whatever for them. And if at the end I want to go back and play those single player games again to see other story choices, class combos, etc, I can. Disks are in my cabinet next to the xbox. But if I want to do that for the $70 single-player SWTOR game I bought...I can't without continuing to pay $15/month to the people who sold me the broken piece of crap to begin with. AWESOME.

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No... the idea of a complete MMO is what is killing the genre.


Its not a single player game. They are working on fixing the game currently and coming out with new things for it.



I get that you feel that it should have more, and you are right, they should have had a lot of the quality of life options that make games run smoother. I for one wish they would add macros. I like the game enough to play it with out them but I think it would improve the gameplay.


When I say complete... I mean the features they got in... complete.

Things like a complete auction house, not this bullcrap we got, a complete combat system without abilitys canceled, delayed etcs.

A complete immersion with weather, day and night, wild life.. non cloned npcs. Simple complete.


I don't say they must have everything.. ut the few they have, at least make it right.

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No... the idea of a complete MMO is what is killing the genre.


"Complete?" I don't think anybody's expecting "complete." But we are expecting "complete for now."


I bought Cataclysm, and that had leveling content, and once I leveled to 85...the game didn't end. There were 13 raid bosses that took months to beat on heroic mode, and a PvP system with more than 3 battlegrounds, rankings, and gear progression that does not rely on random luck or kill trading in a bugged lagfest. Now, you may not LIKE the way Blizz implemented the bosses or the PvP system. You may not LIKE the Cata endgame, but it existed. And I kept paying the $15/month and then they released NEW content once the content that came with the game was exhausted.


See the difference here?


$40 for Cata ---> months of playing finished content ---> $15/month ---> new finished content ---> $15/month --> ........


$70 for SWTOR ---> months of "playing" broken, unfinished content ---> $15/month ---> ????

Edited by ShaftyMcShaft
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I wonder why players that burn through content like there is nothing else to do in life race to end game simply to whine like babies. If you burn through content, that does not make you a great achiever in life or someone who is elite, more likely you just need more things to do in your life besides playing a game.


You are a paying customer, true, just compare what you are paying with other entertainment, for exemple if you go to a movie and it sucks, you wasted 30 bucks and an hour and half of your life, are you gonna go and waste more time complaining afterwards, probably not, you will move on... but now you paid 60 or 90 and played for many more hours and then claim you have the right the qq your brains out... yes you do have the right, just like you have the right to be a moron.


This game has story, BW has had that special side since BG2 and has had successfull titles with the same concept for years, now they put it in an mmo. It has me who enjoyed these games and also liked mmos very happy because I get a two for one. Is the game perfect, no but I feel its pretty good, and no where near a disaster (ive played about every mmo disaster you can imagine)


Relax roll an alt, and discover more story if your all done and ubered out already. If you dont like the stories and make love to the space bar then its not your game. When I turn my TV on and its young and the restless, I flip the channel, because its not my thing, I dont make it a crusade against it, I move on.


Here is another great right you have in this case paying customer, the right stop paying and leave.


I am staying and will be for a few years I believe.

Edited by Mateops
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That argument doesnt hold well to something that is constantly changing.... you cant go buy a car and have an option to pay a monthly fee to keep getting new content for your car.


Do you expect that dealerships are going around and saying, "Oh the engine wasnt as powerful as you expected, well damn how about we upgrade you from the 4-cyl to a 6-cyl for $15 a month."


Didnt think so.


But that's not what is happening.


What's happening is that the content improvements are more akin to the dealer smashing my headlights but giving me better tires...then removing my steering wheel altogether.


...did I mention that only 3 out of 4 cylinders are firing because the 4th cylinder doesn't have a sparkplug in the head...



....oh, and there's no sparkplug because they forgot to drill and tap the port.



...why doesn't my car have a passenger seat either? Sure, the interior is a disco ball..and thats...sort of cool. But it still doesn't explain where the passenger seats are.



What is that voice I'm hearing? Wha...Wha...OMG YOU PUT THE GPS IN THE TRUNK!!

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I will not give it time. I am a consumer who expects a working product. If BW can't figure out how to patch this MMO without breaking something, then I have the right to call them out for it.


so why do you play an MMO and not a single player console game?


every mmo is a WIP, and never ever is complete at launch

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Sooo...what you're saying is that things that are new shouldn't have to be any better than things that are old...and we should pay the going rate...



By your logic a 14-inch black and white tv should cost about $850...because it's just as good as a new 50-inch flat panel...I mean, all those years of technological advancement be da|\/|ned...we should be patient and just purchase the black and white 14-inch...and then continue to pay for upgrades until it's a 50-inch flat panel...





yeah, ur not smart.


Apples and oranges, my friend...apples and oranges. That's all I can really tell you. But you're smart so I'll let you do your thing.


It's really okay though. You've got your opinion, I've got mine, and I'm not out to flame anyone. Have a nice day.

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What it comes down to is this - some people think the game is in a good enough state to continue to pay for, others don't.


I don't think there's any question this game was rushed and that 6 more months would have been enough to iron out many of the bugs and fix the UI/add features that were missing.


People have a right to complain. If you don't like a product, as long as you voice your opinion in a respectful manner then nobody has the right to tell you you are wrong.



That said, the Ardent defenders (Biodrones) are JUST as bad if not worse then the screaming lunatics complaining about how the game is ToRtanic'd.

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Apples and oranges, my friend...apples and oranges. That's all I can really tell you. But you're smart so I'll let you do your thing.


It's really okay though. You've got your opinion, I've got mine, and I'm not out to flame anyone. Have a nice day.


Your right it is apples and oranges. Fortunately, I'm not wasting time and my money on an inferior product. If your satisfied with a game that is cutting edge about 8 years ago that's fine.

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I wonder why players that burn through content like there is nothing else to do in life race to end game simply to whine like babies. If you burn through content, that does not make you a great achiever in life or someone who is elite, more likely you just need more things to do in your life besides playing a game.


You are a paying customer, true, just compare what you are paying with other entertainment, for exemple if you go to a movie and it sucks, you wasted 30 bucks and an hour and half of your life, are you gonna go and waste more time complaining afterwards, probably not, you will move on... but now you paid 60 or 90 and played for many more hours and then claim you have the right the qq your brains out... yes you do have the right, just like you have the right to be a moron.


This game has story, BW has had that special side since BG2 and has had successfull titles with the same concept for years, now they put it in an mmo. It has me who enjoyed these games and also liked mmos very happy because I get a two for one. Is the game perfect, no but I feel its pretty good, and no where near a disaster (ive played about every mmo disaster you can imagine)


Relax roll an alt, and discover more story if your all done and ubered out already. If you dont like the stories and make love to the space bar then its not your game. When I turn my TV on and its young and the restless, I flip the channel, because its not my thing, I dont make it a crusade against it, I move on.


Here is another great right you have in this case paying customer, the right stop paying and leave.


I am staying and will be for a few years I believe.


Very well said and probably the most truth I've seen thus far in this particular thread. Good post :)

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