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tank spec juggs raid mt quality ?


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I play a tank spec jugg. I have always mt in raids for every game I play and thats what I was planning on doing for this one. But the guild has made up its mind and said the powertechs are far superior tanks. I didnt even get a chance . Is there any truth to this ?
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Ouch that's pretty harsh man =( I'm playing a juggernaut whose level 50 and a powertech whose only level 22. I can't say much about the powertech but here are the differences I can observe from the tree itself. It seems as though powertechs focus (in terms of defense) on shielding and absorbing attacks. high geared powertechs i've seen have low chances of defending and while I can't see their shield and absorbtion i take it it's much higher than mine (maybe it's around 50% because their talent tree can increase it by 15%). Juggernauts seem to focus on defending (which completely blocks an attack) but I'm in full columni gear and my defense chance is a little above 23% but with talents and a good relic it gets close to 40 but not quite there. I don't think it's very fair to say that one is far superior to the other because both have their advantages. Powertechs don't seem to get as many defense abilities (i.e. energy vs saber ward) as juggernauts do which can help to be a get out of jail free card when it comes to an enraged boss or healing doesn't keep up at some points. I mean sure powertechs get kolto overload but even with high health 15% of 20k health is only 3000 health over 10 seconds which doesn't help much when a boss is smacking you for 1000k every hit. And I talk in terms of bosses because a friend (whose done lots of ops) says the biggest concern in ops is the boss and not really trash. From what i've seen of my powertech the ability to hold multiple people seems to be easier considering death from above does crazy amounts of damage. add 50% of threat to that and you got yourself a pretty pissed off group. But in raids it seems to boil down to how well your character takes damage from a boss. And my friend was raiding with an assaisin as his tank and they did just fine. So honestly I don't think it's right to say one is vastly superior to the other. If they are unbalanced then bioware will do what they can to balance it out
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my guild full clears nightmares with jugg MT and uses DPS powertech to offtank one fight in karaggas. zero problems with him. ever. both tanks are great, but neither are superior. specially in PvE. i mean, the mob doesnt go anywhere. its PvE.
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I have proven Im better in hardmode fps by far. but he has seemed to convince them he has done all the numbers and their def and absorb just crushes ours. I cant seem to understand it ?


Nothing you can do, except ask the Healers. They're the ones who really know.

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Nothing you can do, except ask the Healers. They're the ones who really know.


Hahaha. That reminded me of a exchange over vent last night.


I was asked if I could log on and tank for some guildies.

Appearantly they had attempted an instance first and now needed a new tank to be able to actually do the place.

When I got there I could see the group had gotten a handfull of pulls or so into the instance, and I couldn't help but ask what the issue was with needing a tank replacement.


Dps 1: "The other guy went down too fast. The healer couldn't keep him up"

Healer: "Umm... Actually I have to admit I wasn't paying too much attention to healing, I'm used to the guy we got now and I know I don't really need to heal him much usually..."

Dps 1: "***? you didn't heal the other tank????"

Healer: "Well the tank we got now never needs much healing, so I just paid as much attention as I used to..."


It made me laugh at least :p


Yeah, I'm a juggernaut tank.

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