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  1. I do know that. Im speaking of the augmented orange gear though.
  2. Trying to figure out if its really worth it to drop set bonus on rakata to have all augmented gear ( with defense rating purp augs.) If I have done the math correctly the 20% extra from sonic barrier only comes out to about 360 dmg doesnt seem worth it compared to having all the augments . Of course once you get the campaign gear this wont matter because the set bonus carries on the armorning but untill then. Right now I have just about every piece augmented and have about 24.4 def chance 43.3 shield chance 42.8 absorb Hows this looking?
  3. I have proven Im better in hardmode fps by far. but he has seemed to convince them he has done all the numbers and their def and absorb just crushes ours. I cant seem to understand it ?
  4. I play a tank spec jugg. I have always mt in raids for every game I play and thats what I was planning on doing for this one. But the guild has made up its mind and said the powertechs are far superior tanks. I didnt even get a chance . Is there any truth to this ?
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