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  1. Time zone US central Characters -Guardian 56 -Juggernaut 50 (haven't played since quitting after launch, still wearing that old raid gear lol) -planning on doing most story modes, deleted most old characters where i simply forgot where I was lol. I started at launch with a group of my friends from previous MMO's with the aim of raiding. After awhile we all split, but I kept wanting to come back, to atleast finish some story mode stuff and have found myself lacking company lol. Here is a list of my experience. -At launch, successfully cleared Nightmare mode, EV, Karraga's, Most of Explosive Confict. (we disbanded while attempting final boss) -Was a main tank, juggernaut. And know how to research strategies for bosses on my own (of course, everyone has their own style). -Also experienced in DPS from other games (WoW, Rift), did very little in star wars itself. What you will get from me -Mostly leveling characters to do story mode stuff. -Will fill in whenever, wherever needed provided I have the time (full time job, family ect.) Especially doing HM Flashpoints. -If there is something I can do to help the guild, by all means let me know. But i'm not going to be super hardcore in my playtime. -I will be playing mostly weeknights 2-3 hours a night unless exhausted. -Not a big PVP player. -Willing to help whoever might need help. Quest/datacron/ whatever if available. So basically, I'm looking for a place to relax, and enjoy the game. If your a hardcore raiding guild, sorry that time in my life has passed, unless you want a reliable backup. I do want a guild that does do some ops however. I dont care about strongholds or whatever. Mostly I want a place where if I want to run Flashpoints, or ops, I have competent, fun, non ahole folks to run with and have fun. Thanks. And please, no copy/paste replies, will be ignored.
  2. I too agree this guy needs a title. I to have posted in a soon to be legendary thread
  3. Prove your better... not by class, but by being a better tank the other player. That's how i like my MT's. If your guild wants flavor of the month classes... leave your guild.
  4. In all honesty, it could be a number of things often overlooked. What level are the mobs in question? Hows your gear? Spec? Companion gear? Skills used right? So many variables go into this that it's hard to say this is your problem. It might even be a little of this, a little of that. The story quest can be quite hard, but i mean.. honestly do you want everything to be a cake walk? My best advice would be #1 check gear. yours and your comp. This alone can make a big difference. As for accuracy, aim for 100% on normal attacks, 110% on force. then (so i hear) mara's like crit. should be a lot more info on mara stuff in the mara forums located at the top of the sith warrior forums Use all ur Defensive CD's separately, and use medpacks. Trust me, 827482037402743 marauders have done the quest. It's not broken (i'm a jugg, different yes, but i never found 1 story part overly hard)
  5. Marked Tree Mind Trick, Empire Cyntric
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