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Why do people give MVP to the worst player.


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I generally will give it to one of the healers, sometimes top dps and sometimes bottom of the list.


But I do want to point out that my first objective is winning the match. I'll DPS, guard a turret, heal in a pinch, whatever it takes.


Sometimes that makes me #1 in several stats. And sometimes not.


So please don't generalize that anyone at the top is just in it for themselves. It IS possible to work your *** off for the team and show up at the top. ;)


That said, I don't care about votes. If I get one, great. If not, I generally get enough medals just playing the match.




I agree with this. I have seen a lot of ppl get top damage or healing while also completeing the objective.

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I agree that a good tank and healer can make or break a WZ match. But tanks can get a lot of medals really easy as healers if doing thier job properly will usually get like 3-4. I always vote for the tank that guarded me, but I think healers need some love.


Not always true,

Shadow PVP tanks are HIGHLY underrated- they can AOE drop the damage of nearby targets as much as 60% for 15 seconds, and yet none of this counts towards protection medals- only the bubbles and direct taunts. Broken IMO.

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Why do people give MVP votes to the worst player in the game?


I usually end the game with top protection, top damage, and top objective but you know who gets the most mvp votes? The person with the lowest damage, healing, etc etc.


Do people purposely sort by stat and vote for the lowest rated player on the team? Why do they do this? It's not just one game, this happens almost all the time on my server.


think about it.....



got it yet......







they vote for someone bad, someone who wont get any other votes. gives you a better chance of winning.


if you've stood out, why would you vote for another stand out? you could be bumping them ahead of you.

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Not always true,

Shadow PVP tanks are HIGHLY underrated- they can AOE drop the damage of nearby targets as much as 60% for 15 seconds, and yet none of this counts towards protection medals- only the bubbles and direct taunts. Broken IMO.


None of this counts! Only some of it!


Shadow tanks are squishy but mobile. They have a great spot.

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think about it.....


they vote for someone bad, someone who wont get any other votes. gives you a better chance of winning.


if you've stood out, why would you vote for another stand out? you could be bumping them ahead of you.


I know this happens but it's just dumb. Just vote for whoever YOU think deserves that extra medal. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go shout into the wind lol.

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Not always true,

Shadow PVP tanks are HIGHLY underrated- they can AOE drop the damage of nearby targets as much as 60% for 15 seconds, and yet none of this counts towards protection medals- only the bubbles and direct taunts. Broken IMO.


Yeah, that sux, i was not aware of that.

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It might be as simple as not being able to read the screen. I don't have access to the game right now, but as I recall, when you click a column header to sort, the first few details the lowest performers first. One more click sorts it from bottom to top. Anyone who hasn't caught on to this may be intending to vote for top (insert medal here) and is picking the lowest performers in that category.
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1) Be a jerk (arrogant) in ops chat, you will not get votes

2) Medals don't equate to contribution to winning the match. You can score 6 times in huttball, and end with 1 medal.

3) Be a jerk (arrogant) in ops chat, you will not get votes

4) Guildies vote for guildies, friends vote for friends

5) Be a jerk (arrogant) in ops chat, you will not get votes

6) Everybody loves healers, even if they pad their healing stats


oh...and most importantly


7) Be a jerk (arrogant) in ops chat, you will not get votes.



If you are willing to start a post about this, I have a suspicion you may want to look at points 1, 3, 5, and 7.

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Couple reasons:


1) healers get screwed, so I try to help them out when I can


2) if I see a guy guarding a node the whole game I shoot him a vote, even though he didn't get much action he usually did a lot more than some goon farming medals


3) if my team was on the receiving end of a complete blowout I give it to the worst player because no one really deserves a vote but maybe the rookie will gear up a little faster

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Not always true,

Shadow PVP tanks are HIGHLY underrated- they can AOE drop the damage of nearby targets as much as 60% for 15 seconds, and yet none of this counts towards protection medals- only the bubbles and direct taunts. Broken IMO.


How come then when i am on my sith juggernaut when i drop my AoE taunt on a tightly packed dps pack of enemies i always get 10k protection near instantanious? (And yes, gotten that as well when i didnt even guard anyone)


On topic: I never vote for dps how 'well' they might have performed, i always vote for the healer (unless offcourse im with a half - premade group) if there is no healer i will either:

- not vote at all, if the team was playing like crap... aka everyone playing solo fighting other players instead of focusing on objectives.

- the one who stood out on doing the objectives.

- the one on the bottom of the list.

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I often give my vote to low lvl players that I have seen contributing well through defending or healing, to be fair the lower lvl players normally play better than those that are mid 30's plus.


I don't get all the hate for those that are top dmg/kills/medals though, I am regularly top of those whilst running with and defending ball carriers in Huttball, camping Empire spawn point in Voidstar to slow their progress to doors or putting pressure on enemy turrets in (forgot WZ name >_<). Yeah there are plenty people that go farming dmg, but when I am working the objectives and supporting my team yet end up with over 300k dmg to everyone else's 150k then throwing a medal my way isn't wrong.



I do encourage supporting any lower lvl players that excel in a WZ though, they have alot less skill options which handicaps them so deserve some love, especially low lvl healers, how sorry I feel for those guys.

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I tend not to vote for top dmg cause more often then not these days that person is BM geared and they often ignore objectives, which is fine play how you want but dont expect people to give you a pat on the back.


For the votes, if someone takes lead of a PuG they are usual supporting objectives or getting in passing lanes to win. I toss it their way or someone else that played to win. (unless I have seen that person farming before in a match we would've won had they actually assisted in the objectives). If no one stands out, Top Heals. If no heals stand out then I look for Protection. Typically though I pay attention to whom is using Guard on me, healing me or taunting off me. I always play for objectives cause winning is all that matters, so anyone healing or guarding me is objectively playing so I vote for them.


If we get stomped I most likely dont vote unless someone stands out. Also if I know someone bails on a WZ when the other team scores first or takes 2 nodes I dont vote for them. Thats one of the nice things about no cross server WZs you have seen a lot of the people you play with.

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ill give my vote to healers most of them. if not a healer, then ill vote for who i saw trying and giving the best effort the entire match. i wont vote for people if they are having fits in chat all match long and i wont vote for people who stop trying and just camp the one turrent we own. if there is a new level 50 in PVE gear, ill give them a vote usually, especially if they are at least trying to help us win.


also, you get to know who is who in WZs if you play them enough. so it doesnt really matter what their stats or medals are, if i know they are a quitter, i wont give them a vote.

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First of all, I look at who is communicating in-game. If someone takes a leadership role that positively impacts the team, they're on the candidate list.


Next, I get a feel in game for how players are performing. I look favorably on those achieving objectives and healers who are supporting team objectives (e.g. healing the tanks in a surge), then damage and kills.


When the scoreboard pops, I'll sort it by damage, healing, and objectives. If candidates selected in steps 1 and two stand out, I vote for who I feel was the best.

Edited by Bamajawn
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I know this happens but it's just dumb. Just vote for whoever YOU think deserves that extra medal. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go shout into the wind lol.


obviously thats how its intended. but its detrimental to your own agenda

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Why do people give MVP votes to the worst player in the game?


I usually end the game with top protection, top damage, and top objective but you know who gets the most mvp votes? The person with the lowest damage, healing, etc etc.


Do people purposely sort by stat and vote for the lowest rated player on the team? Why do they do this? It's not just one game, this happens almost all the time on my server.


Are these "lowest damage, healing etc etc" players possibly turret/door guards that stand where there isn't alot of action, doing what noone else wants to do because it's more fun running around farming medals than standing there making sure no one ninjas the objective? Or running the ball and scoring the points(which doesn't earn medals for some reason) rather than joining the battle royale in the bottom of the pit?


Unless I'm mistaken MVP = Most Valuable Player not Most Medals/Kills Farmed.

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Are these "lowest damage, healing etc etc" players possibly turret/door guards that stand where there isn't alot of action, doing what noone else wants to do because it's more fun running around farming medals than standing there making sure no one ninjas the objective? Or running the ball and scoring the points(which doesn't earn medals for some reason) rather than joining the battle royale in the bottom of the pit?


Unless I'm mistaken MVP = Most Valuable Player not Most Medals/Kills Farmed.


Those ppl should also get votes. Sadly in most pugs i run I am the only healer and none of the dps will defend the boring node. So i have to go do it and we lose, go figure. Then they complain that they got no healing LOL. Makes me want to /ragequit sometimes.

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Well just because a player has the highest score in those categories doesn't mean much. Some ppl (not implying you) just spam and farm medals. I make sure I don't vote for those players. I do make sure to vote for those that play crucial roles in the game (as I'll describe below).


However, I wish I played with all of you guys cuz most of the PVP warzone games I play I only see about 2-3 votes given out of the 10 ppl. I personally receive votes even though I don't do great statistically, and I'd like to think (but who knows if I'm right lol) it's because I charge into an area and disrupt the enemy from controlling a point when nobody else is around, or distracting two 43 and 44 lvl enemies (even though I'm a 31 healer lol) while we score in huttball. I don't necessarily go for mass points, I go for doing little things that'll give my team the extra 2-3 seconds to score, survive, and win.


Not sure if this helps you at all, but thats what I do :)

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Why do people give MVP votes to the worst player in the game?


I usually end the game with top protection, top damage, and top objective but you know who gets the most mvp votes? The person with the lowest damage, healing, etc etc.


Do people purposely sort by stat and vote for the lowest rated player on the team? Why do they do this? It's not just one game, this happens almost all the time on my server.


Whine more. Damage and protection medals are easy to earn. I play an Immortal spec PvP jugg and I regularly get 7-10 medals per game, resulting in 100+ commendations per game without any votes necessary. Sometimes people vote for me, but usually only when I am visibly mixing it up in the middle of the group guarding people or do some epic huttball score.


You know who I vote for?


Healers. 'nuff said.

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As a merc in huttball, I usually try to cc and blow people down the rafters more then dps, so the ball runner and his "reciever" can both get by and score with little resistance. That means I do very little damage in total compared to others. That doesn't make me a bad player...we usually win 6-0 on my pvp team. So yea, you aren't really looking at things the right way. I know that damage is king for most people, but if you ever care to look, most of the highest damage dealers come from the losing team. Mainly because they pew pew with aoe while the team gets destroyed. Just sayin...


This just isnt always true.


Esp for tanks. Very often, I will be the top player on the list for having top 3 damage, best kill to death ratio, and top medals. But I will also be top gaurd, and top objectives. Esp if i buddy up with a healer. The two of us and can fight off tripple our numbers at an objective if played well. And since I dont die much, I get these huge numbers cause im always in the fight. I never chase people to finish kill, pass a teammate up in trouble, or farm medals. And Im constantly taunting, debuffing with wither and discharge(acc debuff), pulling people off healers, ect.


What I personally think happens the most, is that people want to get MVP themselves, so they vote for the lowest ranked player thinking they wont get as man votes, not understanding the system. So the low guy gets the most.


I myself always vote for the healers that keep me alive.

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