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Why do people give MVP to the worst player.


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Why do people give MVP votes to the worst player in the game?


I usually end the game with top protection, top damage, and top objective but you know who gets the most mvp votes? The person with the lowest damage, healing, etc etc.


Do people purposely sort by stat and vote for the lowest rated player on the team? Why do they do this? It's not just one game, this happens almost all the time on my server.

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Why do people give MVP votes to the worst player in the game?


I usually end the game with top protection, top damage, and top objective but you know who gets the most mvp votes? The person with the lowest damage, healing, etc etc.


Do people purposely sort by stat and vote for the lowest rated player on the team? Why do they do this? It's not just one game, this happens almost all the time on my server.


What makes you entitled too mvp votes?

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cause with to everything you get at least +50 commedations.


The lowest guy probably has crappy gear and get like +5 commedations from medals. Do those 3-5 MVP votes really matter that much to your ego? Why not give them a few more commedations.

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Just because someone was lower in the "medals" didn't mean they were the worst player, they may have put in a tremendous effort towards winning the match at a cost to there personal score and it was noticed.


Numbers are epeen, winning matches are what matters.

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Because he / she is playin with his / her friend and they share the mvp points.


/solved ^^




also if im not playing with friends ill mvp vote a player i see defending a node all game or someone who lines himself up perfectly for a pass etc. i vote for ppl who win the game for us. if ppl are just trying to get "top damage" by deathmatching in the center then ya they dont get a vote.


if no one stands out, the top healer always then gets my vote.

Edited by Brytag
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Yes let us reward someone for being the top in EVERYTHING....the medal system is so messed up you should have a min of 8 if your the beast you claim.


With that said, why would you give MORE rewards to someone when there are other people who didn't receive as much? The goal is to get your TEAM in gear as well as you, so that your TEAM has a chance to win.


So I say keep voting the low medal count players, they could use it more than you

Edited by Calaaj
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Why do people give MVP votes to the worst player in the game?


I usually end the game with top protection, top damage, and top objective but you know who gets the most mvp votes? The person with the lowest damage, healing, etc etc.


Look closer. In random matches it's almost always the player with the most healing that gets the most MVP votes. Guild mates in the same match typically vote for each other.

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If people queue up with others its common to see them voting for friends.


I know when I run a premade if we're three BM and one champion we'll all vote for the champion.


Also, its common, especially in huttball, for the person with the lowest stats/medals to be the one who has done all the work.


Roll a healer if you want a guarenteed 2+ medals every game (need to have top healing usually though.)

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Just because someone was lower in the "medals" didn't mean they were the worst player, they may have put in a tremendous effort towards winning the match at a cost to there personal score and it was noticed.


Numbers are epeen, winning matches are what matters.


It just makes me angry that I try so hard to carry the baddies on my team and don't get awarded for it. While the guys who are just "along for the ride", pretty much afk in a corner gets showered in MVP votes while I complete their dailiy for them.

Edited by VertisReaper
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When I vote for people, It is rare that I vote for those with the most medals. Why? I find that people with the most medals, not always but offen, spend the WZ farming medals instead of actually working to the objective to WIN. Highest damage, most medals, most whatever... dosn't win the WZ, it usually cost us the WZ.
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If people queue up with others its common to see them voting for friends.


I know when I run a premade if we're three BM and one champion we'll all vote for the champion.


Also, its common, especially in huttball, for the person with the lowest stats/medals to be the one who has done all the work.


Roll a healer if you want a guarenteed 2+ medals every game (need to have top healing usually though.)


ive seen folks pull 300k healing and not get a single medal....

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I never give mvp to top-damage kiddies. they're self-serving and narrow-minded.


however, i will give mvp to the guy who i think tried the hardest to get the job done, who helped keep his team mates alive. Dudes running around just getting thrill kills and racking up dps for his ego are useless. they get nothing from me but a /golfclap.

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It just makes me angry that I try so hard to carry the baddies on my team and don't get awarded for it. While the guys who are just "along for the ride", pretty much afk in a corner gets showered in MVP votes while I complete their dailiy for them.


This is why i vote for the little guy.... people who feel entitled like this chap..

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It just makes me angry that I try so hard to carry the baddies on my team and don't get awarded for it. While the guys who are just "along for the ride", pretty much afk in a corner gets showered in MVP votes while I complete their dailiy for them.


LOL! You're nothing special. People who call others "baddies" are usually just bratty kids. They don't deserve serious consideration.


And the last time I checked this game carries a subscription. People can play it however they want with complete disregard for your perceived gaming strategies.

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As a merc in huttball, I usually try to cc and blow people down the rafters more then dps, so the ball runner and his "reciever" can both get by and score with little resistance. That means I do very little damage in total compared to others. That doesn't make me a bad player...we usually win 6-0 on my pvp team. So yea, you aren't really looking at things the right way. I know that damage is king for most people, but if you ever care to look, most of the highest damage dealers come from the losing team. Mainly because they pew pew with aoe while the team gets destroyed. Just sayin...
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This is why i vote for the little guy.... people who feel entitled like this chap..


As a tank, I vote for the top healer, period. They need encouragement, because the current system screws them over badly, medal-wise. Good chance that the lowest-rated person isn't just undergeared - they're horrible. Back when I hit 50 on my alt, I did more than enough to justify being in the match, and was in top 3-4.


On the other hand, some people with half-Champion gear looked like they just picked their nose, dying over 10 times in a none-too-intensive match and getting nowhere on damage, protection, objectives and healing.

Edited by Helig
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Why do people give MVP votes to the worst player in the game?


I usually end the game with top protection, top damage, and top objective but you know who gets the most mvp votes? The person with the lowest damage, healing, etc etc.


Do people purposely sort by stat and vote for the lowest rated player on the team? Why do they do this? It's not just one game, this happens almost all the time on my server.


Because, usually the person with the lowest scores on Alderaan was defending a side node that never got attacked, and didn't selfishly leave the node because they weren't getting any action.


A lot of the times, the person not scoring well on the scoreboard is single-handedly DoTing people up and keeping them from capping while you chase that low-health player 500 feet away from the doors to get your Solo Kill medal and completely ignore whatever else is going on in the game.


You also don't get many points for stealthing to the endzone in Huttball and make yourself availible to passes from the pit, and as a result you score all 6 goals.



If you vote MVP based 100% on the scoreboard, you are a horribly unobservant person.

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Yes let us reward someone for being the top in EVERYTHING....the medal system is so messed up you should have a min of 8 if your the beast you claim.


With that said, why would you give MORE rewards to someone when there are other people who didn't receive as much? The goal is to get your TEAM in gear as well as you, so that your TEAM has a chance to win.


So I say keep voting the low medal count players, they could use it more than you


this only works if you play with same team all the time but most people dont so you get what you get and if they consistantly come in last on the board they no they didnt need it their gonna be a albatross to the team naked or in full bm gear.

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I either vote for a guild mate, or the worst player on the team. That's if I even remember to vote. I usually just farm for medals anyways or search for the fat kids. Even then I'm still working actively to help my team win the match.
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