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PvP Sucks! Stop Exploiting!


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Yea I have seen 10 people, to 12 people, it has to be a bug. I agree it needs to get fixed asap.


Maybe if you title the email or trouble ticket "I found a guy with A WHITE LIGHT SABER exploiting in PvP........" they'd actually read it instead of closing it with a generic message and throwing the message in the trash bin?

Edited by Iriestx
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right now..this is what this game seems like to me


it seems like this is one of those single player games with taged on multiplayer that never realy gets any attention from the developers, if you look at it..i can play this game from 1-50 on my own and have a fkin good time because they are constantly fixing these "single player" issues..wich is great.


but then you enter the multiplayer portion of the game and there are bugs and exploits that have been around for ages, this portion of the game doesn't get the attention it desperately needs.


bioware have excelled in making some of the finest single player games i have ever had the pleasure to play but i got news for you bioware..this is the MMO world..concentrating more on the things that have single player value just won't cut it

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You guys get responses to tickets? I've been waiting on a response to a PVP rank title I was supposed to get since the 21st of January. Still open.


i get respnses but not about PvP tickets, mainly about "single player" issues and 90% of the time the response feels automated

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There is a guild on my server that is very efficient at this. <Macabre> they start with 10-12 of them vs our 6 and right before it boots everyone they drop to 8. The fact that they do it every WZ and will not be banned for it is 60% of why I stopped playing and unsubbed. This company needs a 0 tolerance policy against people the exploit, but unfortunately they let it continue to happen.


They player that exploits one thing is going to jump on the next exploit as soon as it is found. A cheat is a cheat is a cheat and should always be dealt with, but BW has decided to just fix it and look the other way.:mad:

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Here, let me give you the Forum Moderator Response:


The dev team has been investigating the cause of this issue and they're closer to figuring out a solution. We'll keep you updated with any new developments. Thanks again for your patience on this.


Can you stop bumping now and drowning out other threads that may or may not be the 10th iteration of something already done?


I think this thread is more important. Thanks again for keeping it going!

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There is a guild on my server that is very efficient at this. <Macabre> they start with 10-12 of them vs our 6 and right before it boots everyone they drop to 8. The fact that they do it every WZ and will not be banned for it is 60% of why I stopped playing and unsubbed. This company needs a 0 tolerance policy against people the exploit, but unfortunately they let it continue to happen.


They player that exploits one thing is going to jump on the next exploit as soon as it is found. A cheat is a cheat is a cheat and should always be dealt with, but BW has decided to just fix it and look the other way.:mad:


I don't see screenshots. Or proof of what you are claiming. I'm guessing you won't be missed and that's why you really unsubbed. If they were really getting a full premade in, a ss and some proof would have gotten them dealt with. If you just say so and so is doing this and don't provide them with some real details then you can expect the resolution to take forever. I always put as much as possible into tickets. The more information the better. And don't ever assume they probly know something. Always assume they don't know the minute details.



i get respnses but not about PvP tickets, mainly about "single player" issues and 90% of the time the response feels automated


Do you have any idea how many tickets they are probly getting? I wouldn't expect very many to respond directly to you. They likely read all of them and copy/paste responses in for many things. They can't honestly be expected to respond to every ticket directly and people thinking that their ticket is different and they are special cases are kidding themselves.

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I don't see screenshots. Or proof of what you are claiming. I'm guessing you won't be missed and that's why you really unsubbed. If they were really getting a full premade in, a ss and some proof would have gotten them dealt with. If you just say so and so is doing this and don't provide them with some real details then you can expect the resolution to take forever. I always put as much as possible into tickets. The more information the better. And don't ever assume they probly know something. Always assume they don't know the minute details.





Do you have any idea how many tickets they are probly getting? I wouldn't expect very many to respond directly to you. They likely read all of them and copy/paste responses in for many things. They can't honestly be expected to respond to every ticket directly and people thinking that their ticket is different and they are special cases are kidding themselves.


Posting proof resultes in a deleted post and a warning by the forum moderators.


...sorry, but that's how Bioware rolls.


Providing details only gets you in trouble. I know how YOU THINK it works...but that's not how it actually works.

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So you're paying for the appearance. Does anything else matter then?


Your conclusion is flawed. I'm paying because I'm enjoying myself. The appearance that the game is Star Wars is icing.


Your question was, would I play it if it were another sword and ogre game, my answer was NO. THAT genre holds ZERO interest to me and had Bioware released Dragon Age Online, I'd never have played it...I've played enough sword and wizard games to last me a life time...It's the only flipping type of MMO to be released in that past 8+years...ANOTHER one would not appeal to me at all!

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If these exploits involved color crystals, there would have been an official reply at least. Thats what bothers me more than anything. The cosmetic stuff that doesn't really matter is talked to death by devs/mods while mechanical issues, bugs, and exploits are hidden without a word.


Wow QFE....


So true.

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Like I said, they can't log it, so they can't verify it, so everybody is free to exploit the hell out of PvP. More and more people are figuring that out, and as they do every WZ is going to turn into an exploit-fest.



I don't know if they have logs on it or not. But it wouldn't surprise me if it's hard to tie individual players back to war zone time out's. I can think of several ways I'd start but I'm pretty sure that after several hours of tossing out the easy you'd still be left with having to manually dig through the data. The other problems are that you have players going in and out of war zones (free rage quits) and because this is an odd kind of exploit they may not have tracking data that ties players to war zones that ended due to timeout.


They really have to fix the code so you can't do this, then, hammer the worst of the exploiters, publicly.

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Do you have any idea how many tickets they are probly getting? I wouldn't expect very many to respond directly to you. They likely read all of them and copy/paste responses in for many things. They can't honestly be expected to respond to every ticket directly and people thinking that their ticket is different and they are special cases are kidding themselves.


well if they are getting so many tickets how about they you know...actualy doing somthing about the serious issues? instead of saying one little thing and leaving us in the dark 99% of the time

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its starting to become a well known exploit on my server, im seeing it more and more. Bioware could at least comment on this threatening to ban players for purposely exploiting this until they fix it to reduce the number of people using this exploit. instead we get nothing.


Good luck with that....BW can't even fix these kind of bugs/exploits in a timely matter,you really think they are going to take even more time to see who is using this and then ban.


I wonder how long Blizz or Trion would allow this to happen in game before it was hotfixed, I'm guessing less than 3 days.

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I've reported people continuously for weeks, almost for an entire month actually, and gotten nothing but closed tickets and cookie-cutter emails. And the same offenders are STILL doing it.


Shame Bioware. Shame.



Edited by capnaverage
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