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Barbershop / Recustomization


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How hard can it be? How many resources would it take to establish a function or NPC that would allow you to reopen the last page from the character creation screens - the one with hair, complexion, jewelry, color, etc?


Free, for credits or RL$ (the least desirable option, of course), but please, what might look fine in the selection screen might look ghastly inside a spaceship, or Hoth. People need to be able to tweak their character's appearance after creation. Especially given how subtle the changes can be between complexion types.


This has been brought up on numerous occasions and no developer has said so much as a peep about it. The most that has been acknowledged is the Hood up/down issue. I would think (and could be wrong of course) that having character artists create hoods down art for all the hood chests is a more onerous process than simply being able to reopen the last page of the character creator for cosmetic re-customization.


Could we please have some official word on this?

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This would be a fine idea but as previous poster stated let them get other things fixed and added first.


Also wait until they get more options for character appearance before adding this.


^Voice of Reason^



I'd also be willing to bet that part of the legacy system involves new appearance choices for new and leveled toons.

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This would be a fine idea but as previous poster stated let them get other things fixed and added first.


Also wait until they get more options for character appearance before adding this.


If only mmo's had multiple teams to cover different aspects of the game...oh wait, they do!

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First I want an apperance tab. Bioware keeps saying you can rip out mods and telling us to wait with an apperance tab this wouldn't be necessary and far simpler. I don't know how hard/easy it is to implement but I'd rather have this.


I'm all for a barbershop because once the legacy system is out how am I supposed to change my hair, features and such on my main character?

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I'm all for this.


I for one WANT a Goatee for my Sith Lord.

In all the comics and even timeline they show Sith with goatees, and hell I myself have one.


More customization at character creation and later on through a "barbershop" is a good idea. It helps keep people that little bit more interested in the game.


Even a full recustomization for faces, body sizes and peircings/scars is a good idea.


Hopefully they can bring it in, although there are more pressing matters at the moment to fix as well.

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This would be a fine idea but as previous poster stated let them get other things fixed and added first.


Also wait until they get more options for character appearance before adding this.


That is a reasonable way to look at it but, like I stated in the post - and that's the whole point - how hard can it be? Doesn't seem to be something that would take much time from anything else.


Also, like another poster said - something handled by UI or Systems department folks probably wont take too much from environmental / character artists. We are lucky in that Bioware is a real gaming company and not an indie little operation and should not be "making-do" with a tiny amount of staff.


In either event, it would be nice to have a Dev either explain why that would be such a time consuming process : reopening the last page from character creation - or at least acknowledge it's in fact in the works (because up until now there has been no official word on it whatsoever.)

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Well, yes, I don't think anyone would doubt this type of feature will be imPlemented "some day" in "some way."


But the crux of the question is: why not soon? What about implementing this feature would make it "complicated" enough to be left for 6 months down the line? Why can't this be implemented in any given upcoming patch? And why has there been no official developer comment about it?


I know they commented on hoods, but not a word on character cosmetic recustomization. It doesn't change class faction or gender - it's simply reopening the last page of character creation.


: /

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That is a reasonable way to look at it but, like I stated in the post - and that's the whole point - how hard can it be? Doesn't seem to be something that would take much time from anything else.


Also, like another poster said - something handled by UI or Systems department folks probably wont take too much from environmental / character artists. We are lucky in that Bioware is a real gaming company and not an indie little operation and should not be "making-do" with a tiny amount of staff.


In either event, it would be nice to have a Dev either explain why that would be such a time consuming process : reopening the last page from character creation - or at least acknowledge it's in fact in the works (because up until now there has been no official word on it whatsoever.)


It would be a completely new system to add in a recustomization feature. I'm not saying it won't happen, I'm mnore than sure it will but the UI & Systems Department are busy with far bigger more important things to do.


Just because it "looks" and "sounds" easy to impliment doesn't mean it is. Recustomization will definitely be something that has to dig down deep into the character control systems. They have to make the database flexible to account for changes to a character thats already in use and live in the world. They'd have to create an interface, all its code, updates to the packet system for handling things going between client and server, so there's obviously server code that would need to be redone or added too.


All this time they'd have several times working on this instead of say fixing UI & System bugs is at this point in the game's life a waste.


If you have anys ort of knowlegde of programming and system design you'd probably kick yourself in your own arse honestly. It gets kinda tiring to see at home game wizards cosntantly questioning people with actual college degrees and years of experience in the field on "why can't we have more mommy now!". Infact I see it as constant insults..


Post suggestions on things it could do or impliment thats different from the character creator at run time. Stop being a whiney forum wizard.

Edited by Kindara
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They have FAR bigger fish to fry.


Yes! Like finding the right voice actors for the barbers! And then animating the mouths of the barber NPCs to match up perfectly when the actors say things like "A little off the top?" and "You want to keep those sideburns? Catch 'em!" and "My, I bet you <insert class name here> lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day, 'Gee, I'll bet <insert class name here> are interesting,' I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars!"

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Yes! Like finding the right voice actors for the barbers! And then animating the mouths of the barber NPCs to match up perfectly when the actors say things like "A little off the top?" and "You want to keep those sideburns? Catch 'em!" and "My, I bet you <insert class name here> lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day, 'Gee, I'll bet <insert class name here> are interesting,' I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars!"


lol owned

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Nah, it's a legit question to ask. Of course all sorts of coding takes effort. That's why it's a job. Some bits of coding more than others but really: reopening the last page of the character creator screen can't be more involved than redoing cooldown UI graphics. If that's the case it would at least be nice to hear an official word so many of us stop lingering in a "love the playstyle but can no longer stand that scar but I'm not restarting the toon from level one again" limbo.
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How many resources would it take to establish a function or NPC that would allow you to reopen the last page from the character creation screens


However much resources it would take, those resources would be taken away from whatever other things they need to use their resources on, such as bug fixes, design changes, new content, etc.


They (like any other company) do not have an infinite amount of resources (money, personnel, time, etc) and they must decide where best to expend the resources they do have.


As someone said, "They have bigger fish to fry" beyond a "barbershop" feature.

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However much resources it would take, those resources would be taken away from whatever other things they need to use their resources on, such as bug fixes, design changes, new content, etc.


They (like any other company) do not have an infinite amount of resources (money, personnel, time, etc) and they must decide where best to expend the resources they do have.


As someone said, "They have bigger fish to fry" beyond a "barbershop" feature.


It is a procedure which (could) be a very small investment (implementing the barbershop) with a huge payout (millions of players having greater commitment to characters resulting in greater retention.)


Unless proven otherwise by someone in their Austin offices, it looks like a small investment / huge profit move.

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How hard can it be? How many resources would it take to establish a function or NPC that would allow you to reopen the last page from the character creation screens - the one with hair, complexion, jewelry, color, etc?


Free, for credits or RL$ (the least desirable option, of course), but please, what might look fine in the selection screen might look ghastly inside a spaceship, or Hoth.


Okay, I actually had to stop myself from laughing too hard as falling onto the floor is not my idea of fun!


So, you have played quite a bit of the game (unless you are playing a different game than I neither your personal spaceship nor Hoth is something that you find your character in within the first 10 lvl), and now suddenly you feel like the light in the ship doesn't really work with your complexion? Or that Hoth makes you look too dark?


Why is it that I feel like this was posted by someone who just created his character based on his 'fashion' idea of the day?


People need to be able to tweak their character's appearance after creation.

Especially given how subtle the changes can be between complexion types.


This has been brought up on numerous occasions and no developer has said so much as a peep about it.


Could we please have some official word on this?


You do have the option to tweak your character's appearance after creation: it's called deleting the old one and creating a new one!


I mean seriously, are you going to tell me that you feel that suddenly, because your character is now wearing this jacket or that helmet, you feel like he needs to look completely different?


Well, I guess in that case BW may have a hit on their hands when they release 'Star Wars' Next Top Model' :rolleyes:


Okay, think about what you'd like to change: jewelery, tattoos: ever considered that there is a cultural reason behind your character wearing it, not a fashion idea?


Complexion... yeah, that washcloth and clearasil do come in handy... which vendor did you buy it at?


Skin color - show everybody that you've been on vacation on Tatooine!




I'm all for this.


I for one WANT a Goatee for my Sith Lord.

In all the comics and even timeline they show Sith with goatees, and hell I myself have one.


More customization at character creation and later on through a "barbershop" is a good idea. It helps keep people that little bit more interested in the game.


Even a full recustomization for faces, body sizes and peircings/scars is a good idea.


Hopefully they can bring it in, although there are more pressing matters at the moment to fix as well.


Dumb question: And you didn't give him a goatee at character creation because...?


I mean if Sith are shown everywhere with goatees, well, don't tell me you got bored playing your non-goatee'd Sith so you started reading SW comics? :rolleyes:


Frankly, if you need to be able to change the appearance of your character in order to keep SWTOR interesting for you, well, wrong game? :eek:

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Dumb question: And you didn't give him a goatee at character creation because...?


I mean if Sith are shown everywhere with goatees, well, don't tell me you got bored playing your non-goatee'd Sith so you started reading SW comics? :rolleyes:


Frankly, if you need to be able to change the appearance of your character in order to keep SWTOR interesting for you, well, wrong game? :eek:


There is no facial hair feature for Sith. Otherwise I would have picked one.


Also that's like saying why make different armours to keep players interested, role playing games are about customization along with story.

Edited by AlValentyn
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There is no facial hair feature for Sith. Otherwise I would have picked one.


Also that's like saying why make different armours to keep players interested, role playing games are about customization along with story.


Ah, right, you are talking about a Sith Pureblood...


Usually when people say 'Sith' I assume they refer to someone of the Sith Order...


Well, if you feel like there is a feature that should be added -> Suggestion Box


As to comparing making continuous changing to the character to having different armours in game...


Frankly, the reason I see for different armors (in most - fantasy - games) is to actually show that they are different types of armor: ring, chain, splint, banded, plate, leather, padded, etc.


SWTOR doesn't have that comfort because a good chunk of 'armor' is just clothes.


And yes, people want their choice of clothing because they don't want to look like every other Jedi Kight or Smuggler etc.


But, from what I've been reading here I can assume that a good number of players share the same feelings as I: rather than have different looks of armor based on their level, people would rather prefer to chose a look they like and then have that style available to them no matter what the level of the armor is.


Of course there may be new sets based on progress (a Sergeant's uniform potentially being (slightly) different from a Major's) but other than that, yeah, I think most players would probably be happy if they never had to change their armor (or rather the look thereof) once they've found one they like.


So, I'm not really sure about your armor logic in regards to keeping players interested... I mean IMO nobody will play SWTOR along the lines of 'have you been to the Fashion Week in Taris? No, oh my Force, the designs that these backwater designers come up with... I'm so glad that I'll be going to Coruscant next week, I hear there is this fab new designer and he has been doing miracles with Jedi robes...'


And just like that I don't think many people will actually want to re-design the looks of their character ever so often once they are comfortable with it i.e. created a character, checked him/her out in game, potentially deleted that character, started again, made changes, looked at him/her again, found the look okay...'


But hey, nothing wrong with making that -> Suggestion Box drop ;)

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