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overqueue exploit


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i sent in a ticket on this bug of how it is done quite a few days ago...got the usual moronic "plz look out for future patchnotes" responce....


3 out of the 5 games ive played tonight people have used it.....


has anyone seen any responce on this issue or are they just closing threads as usual and pretending it dosnt exist?

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Game is bugged in more ways than that, bioware is slow/inept at fixing bugs.


Buggy wow in space....


theres a difference between a bug and an exploit...im obviously not going to post HOW to do it but theres a way you can get anywhere from 10+ people into 1 warzone game ending it within 2 mins and pretty much guarentee yourself a quick victory (unless u stuff it up...coz 1 team came against us and did :p)


they should be banned for using it

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There's nothing moronic about that reply tbh.


Its not an exploit, its a bug in the system where players who were grouped before the WZ invite join, but the leader doesn't, so the game assumes none of that team joined and invites more.


its an exploit .....


i have done it (when someone told me about it) and sure enough it works....


yes in the past there have been games where it just happened...but since 1.1.2 something happened (possibly abit earlier) and can now be done on purpose

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Its only an exploit if it fits certain criteria, and BW will announce it as such. If they do term it an exploit you will be at risk of being banned for using it.


BW have not announced it is an exploit. To this end, your classification of this is null and void. However feel free to "exploit" the use of this "bug".

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Its only an exploit if it fits certain criteria, and BW will announce it as such. If they do term it an exploit you will be at risk of being banned for using it.


BW have not announced it is an exploit. To this end, your classification of this is null and void. However feel free to "exploit" the use of this "bug".


the explanation i sent you.....seems pretty obvious its exploiting a bug then...hence...exploit



jump off shuttle was exploiting a bugged invis wall....all same things and all should be bannable

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Its only an exploit if it fits certain criteria, and BW will announce it as such. If they do term it an exploit you will be at risk of being banned for using it.


BW have not announced it is an exploit. To this end, your classification of this is null and void. However feel free to "exploit" the use of this "bug".


Definately not an exploit... it works as intended 10+ vs 8 in a WZ...


Great thinking there :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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It's an exploit.


But so many things are killing PvP in this game. The amount of people using hacks is going up exponentially. So much is handled client side, it's ridiculous. I'm not even sure they can fix this stuff.


SWTOR is the Titanic of MMO's. BioWare and EA are sipping their tea and listening to the music, because nothing could take down the Titanic.

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