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I rly want to know what will happen to this game when GW2 and Diablo 3 come out.I think people (i am playing) are playing this game only because its called Star Wars and there isn't any good mmo except wow.


Will happen this: The fanboys that today defend this game as hell, will be the first to leave and go playing this stuff.

It's always like this. It's already like this. :)

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Will happen this: The fanboys that today defend this game as hell, will be the first to leave and go playing this stuff.

It's always like this. It's already like this. :)


And the people who bash the crap out of it will still be on the forums while everyone else is out enjoying said games.

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I rly want to know what will happen to this game when GW2 and Diablo 3 come out.I think people (i am playing) are playing this game only because its called Star Wars and there isn't any good mmo except wow.


Got in In Diablo 3 beta 2 weeks ago and so far i only played like 5 mins cus i felt it is so boring.


You can only move by mouse clicking on the ground and at same time you attack by click right/left mouse buttons. (I can only level monk, demon hunter and mage to lv 5 before fall in sleep.)


People probably will still play diablo 3 since you can farm instance and sell loot for cash.

Edited by hchsiao
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Diablo3 Beta is horrible and will fail, GW 2 is PvP only and will never be big because of that.


You should to some research before you post stuff like this. GW2 has a fully fleshed out PVE environment with achievements and an entire set of dungeons with exploratory and story modes available, each has it's own dynamic events that change as you play it.


Not to mention the entire open world of PVE content. Not sure why you'd say that unless you had absolutely no idea what you were talking about and had no information on it other than hearsay and what you heard GW1 was. I'm sure that's not the case. :rolleyes:


Anyway. You should look into it, Arena Net is doing a lot of interesting things with Combat, leveling, and pve in general that could really help push the Genre forward in a better direction.

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I will continue to play this game for quite a while. I believe it has the potential to become a really really great game. It was awesome levelign up my first 50 so doing it again now while also pvping and raidign a bit on my main. I believe in Bioware sicne they do seem to listen to what we want and are not afraid to say they were wrong.


My biggest question will be what happens when Tera comes out in May. Atm I play this and raid 2x a week in wow due to friends but one has to go when tera comes out. At the moment Swtor is more funt o me than WoW.

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Yea I refused to play GW2 because its F2P, and both me and my wife are not fans of Diablo in anyway.


As for those of you asking how can someone play WoW for 7 years if it sucks? Answer: The Cata xpac. I myself played WoW for almost 2 years until that xpac dropped.

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Got in In Diablo 3 beta 2 weeks ago and so far i only played like 5 mins cus i felt it is so boring.


You can only move by mouse clicking on the ground and at same time you attack by click right/left mouse buttons. (I can only level monk, demon hunter and mage to lv 5 before fall in sleep.)


People probably will still play diablo 3 since you can farm instance and sell loot for cash.


This is how diablo 1-2 worked. Did you expect an MMO style set of controls?

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You should to some research before you post stuff like this. GW2 has a fully fleshed out PVE environment with achievements and an entire set of dungeons with exploratory and story modes available, each has it's own dynamic events that change as you play it.


Not to mention the entire open world of PVE content. Not sure why you'd say that unless you had absolutely no idea what you were talking about and had no information on it other than hearsay and what you heard GW1 was. I'm sure that's not the case. :rolleyes:


Anyway. You should look into it, Arena Net is doing a lot of interesting things with Combat, leveling, and pve in general that could really help push the Genre forward in a better direction.


Play it for 2 months if it's still all that then we can talk, but until then it's pointless to speculate on how awesome a game is until it's out. And no, developer videos don't count. And for the record I mean this with all due respect to you. Now if you're in the closed beta and have some inside knowledge then my apologies.

Edited by ousooner
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Playing SW:TOR until GW2. I just want an MMO to play and I love Star Wars. I got into the Diablo III Beta and I didn't play it because it lost my interest. Mind you i signed up for it during the StarCraft II Beta, so I just forgot turn off the beta request.


I'm excited for GW2, it wont meet my expectations, but it will be an experience non the less.

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I quite liked Diablo 1 and 2, because back then the idea of Hack'n'Slay RPGs was new and fresh and Diablo 2 took the whole thing to the next level, but I never finished another one of those after D2 and i tried some of the better ones like Titan Quest or Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance.


That said: I'll propably buy Diablo 3. I might not do so directly when it comes out, but I will eventually. But I don't see this as a real MMO or a substitution for TOR. It's just another single player game, I'll play on the side.


As for GW2: I'm already playing 2 MMOs (TOR and LotRO) simultaneously so a) I don't need a third and b) I haven't seen anything about GW2 that really makes me want to try this.

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Play it for 2 months if it's still all that then we can talk, but until then it's pointless to speculate on how awesome a game is until it's out. And no, developer videos don't count. And for the record I mean this with all due respect to you. Now if you're in the closed beta then my apologies.


By developer videos I mean the video's arena net has put out of them Playing with people at the trade shows. I won't tell you it's awesome, because there is no point in doing that. Just look and watch the hundreds of videos for yourself. Decide if you'd like to try it or not.


It being Buy 2 Play is a great move, 60 bucks once, and for expansions. No pressure. Ive done my research on what's coming out, what's available. It's pretty simple to judge for yourself.


However - some people discrediting a game for it's sales position is pretty silly. What happens when (if) SWTOR goes free to play? Everything's still the same, the sub model just changes. Silly.

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This is how diablo 1-2 worked. Did you expect an MMO style set of controls?


Since it has been a while i play diablo 1 and 2, I can't remember how it worked. However single person rpg doesn't mean it has to be click and mouse. Besides MMO is still RPG, the only difference you can play with a lot of more players which is why it has mmo in front the rpg part..


The so call mmo style of control is adept form Ultima Online and Ultima Online has Ultima series control. God.. I miss Ultima 7, I really wish it can be remake.

Edited by hchsiao
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Playing SW:TOR until GW2. I just want an MMO to play and I love Star Wars. I got into the Diablo III Beta and I didn't play it because it lost my interest. Mind you i signed up for it during the StarCraft II Beta, so I just forgot turn off the beta request.


I'm excited for GW2, it wont meet my expectations, but it will be an experience non the less.


The fact you can say it won't meet your expectations means you have the ability to judge what your expectations are, you can probably scale them down and be okay. You'll probably be happier too.

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Since it has been a while i play diablo 1 and 2, I can't remember how it worked. However single person rpg doesn't mean it has to be click and mouse. Besides MMO is still RPG, the only difference you can play with a lot of more players which is why it has mmo in front the rpg part..


Most single person RPG's aren't click to move. But Diablo always has been. If you can't remember how diablo 1 and 2 played, you probably didn't actually Play them.

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By developer videos I mean the video's arena net has put out of them Playing with people at the trade shows. I won't tell you it's awesome, because there is no point in doing that. Just look and watch the hundreds of videos for yourself. Decide if you'd like to try it or not.


It being Buy 2 Play is a great move, 60 bucks once, and for expansions. No pressure. Ive done my research on what's coming out, what's available. It's pretty simple to judge for yourself.


However - some people discrediting a game for it's sales position is pretty silly. What happens when (if) SWTOR goes free to play? Everything's still the same, the sub model just changes. Silly.


What concerns me about buy to play is the frequency of content release and patches with a MMO that you're not paying a monthly sub fee for. Unless it has Micro-transactions in it.

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However - some people discrediting a game for it's sales position is pretty silly. What happens when (if) SWTOR goes free to play? Everything's still the same, the sub model just changes. Silly.


Yes, it's bizarre really. LOTRO went free to play and it's last expansion sold more than any other, and they have significantly increased their revenue for the game. Yet people would have us believe Free to Play is a sign a game is dying!

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Sorry to pop your bubble, but I'm not overly an SW fan, nor will I be playing Diablo 3. I'm mildly interested in GW2 but will decide what to do when the time comes. I don't seem to fit into any of your stereotypes.


Oh and in my opinion WoW sucks balls. I played it for 7 years and I'm never going back. Its not a decent MMO as far as I am concerned.



WoW "sucked" but yet you subbed for over 7 years? You're the best kind of customer.

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What concerns me about buy to play is the frequency of content release and patches with a MMO that you're not paying a monthly sub fee for. Unless it has Micro-transactions in it.


The game will have an MT shop that's a mirror of the one they have for GW1. Now, here's what they sell.



FABULOUS OUTFITS! So, yes, spend 7.99 on this awesome looking armor, or two! You'll get it forever and get to look as cool as you like! Buy a few! Mix and match! By all means spend your money on cosmetic items that people will EAT up.


The content releases should be pretty much in line with how they did things with GW1, you don't pay per patch, you pay per actual game expansion.


..I know I've payed for hats. I like hats..

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Yes, it's bizarre really. LOTRO went free to play and it's last expansion sold more than any other, and they have significantly increased their revenue for the game. Yet people would have us believe Free to Play is a sign a game is dying!


Then just answer a question: If F2P is so damn good, why all these games started with month subscription and not with the F2P model from the beginning.

Stop grabbing the air please.

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Most single person RPG's aren't click to move. But Diablo always has been. If you can't remember how diablo 1 and 2 played, you probably didn't actually Play them.



Oh.. Trust me I did but I don't think I will remember how game is If I haven't play it for 10 years. Another problem is that I am getting old and I forgot stuff easy.


Maybe I over used diablo 1 and diablo 2 character/item editor.


I always hate click and mouse rpg which is why I hate the control of neverwitner 2, witcher, titan quest, kotor 1/2..etc as well. =__=

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Call the OP a QQ or a kid all you want, when diablo 3 comes out im gone. I mean comon, non force wielders should never beat force wielders.


SWG had it closer to right.


This is just wow in space, its not star wars.


Really? Out of ALL the arguments you pick THIS one?


The fact that force wielders in the movies are so incredibly powerful is the WORST part of Star Wars. It is the main reason I never liked the genre, really. 'Oh, noes, emo guy with lightstick has to save the day!'


From a story-telling perspective, the power of force-wielders as portrayed in the movies is childish, even, in the same sense that the Marvel superheroes and other such deus ex machina children's aspirations (I wanna grow up just like Superman!') are immature and childish.

From a game perspective, it's far, far worse. You're proposing a game where only force-wielders are viable. A game where there ARE no non-force wielder characters, even, because in such an environment, it would be better to simply get rid of all non-force options.

Balance trumps everything in a game. Balance is even more important to a game than gravity. And you're complaining about not having an I-WIN button? Really?


Go play doom with your god-mode cheat on, please.

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Then just answer a question: If F2P is so damn good, why all these games started with month subscription and not with the F2P model from the beginning.

Stop grabbing the air please.



A game going f2p is based on several reasons. If the sub count is no longer profitable, or they just aren't making as much money as they would like to continue developing for the game, or they simply want to entice new players to the game to fill out the worlds.


DCUO made this switch and literally the servers exploded. It's becoming widely recognized that people don't want to Pay for a game monthly, they want to pay once, and play. Hence the increase in numbers for games like LOTRO and DCUO. Games coming up such as GW2 and TERA will utilize the Buy to play method. Pay, play. Pay for major content updates and items from a store. Can't say what TERA will sell, but I'd wager it'll be more buy for power than GW2's outfits lol.


Starting as Buy 2 Play will entice many more players to a game than the standard sub method ever will in coming years as the economy continues to struggle towards repair.

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Oh.. Trust me I did but I don't think I will remember how game is If I haven't play it for 10 years. Another problem is that I am getting old and I forgot stuff easy.


Maybe I over used diablo 1 and diablo 2 character/item editor.


I always hate click and mouse rpg which is why I hate the control of neverwitner 2, witcher, titan quest, kotor 1/2..etc as well. =__=


You should Really stop playing them then!


After all, doing something you dislike isn't fun. Try to enjoy yourself in everything you do. It's the only way to live after all.

Edited by VenthiosLestaran
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