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Has Bioware already lost the PvP base?


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After reading numerous posts on this forum, I've come to the conclusion that SWTOR is safe from Guild Wars 2. A lot of SWTOR players love their gear progression and wouldn't give it up for all the even playing fields in the world.


And while I mostly disagree with the gear crowd as far as end game pvp goes, I'm glad they have a place to call home. Diversity is a good thing and there should be games that cater to a variety of play styles. I argue with them, and I don't get their point of view at all, but hey, if that's what they really do enjoy, bully for them.

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If a company isn't able after months to fix the daily pvp quest, you know that you shouldn't expect quality pvp at all. I mean, today I have won 4 matches...and 1 counted as a victory. Really great! Oh wait, maybe it is another fun RNG feature. In that case I humbly apologize.
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I was just useing that as an example that they do look at things. I never said they were perfect. I actually wanted to use the fix they were working on for the abilities not working when it said they were off CD, but was lazy. Like I said though... example. They do look and try which means they care. It's when they stop caring that's people should raise a sh*t fit.


Yeah, they look at things alright - but they fumble most of it so far. I'm sorry, I sound pessimistic but look at a few points already - some minor, some just stupid.


WZ Wins not counting - yeah, must be a terrible complicated thing to fix.

Mortar Strike / Death from Above - really?

Auto Fire / Unload - really? Finally will be fixed, but what are they talking about Unload, it worked already fine, just to hide Imps had an advantage there?

Caps in Civil War - Imps an advantage again?

Don't even get me started on the RNG for gear - 150+ Champ Bags before I had my one complete Champ Set and then 2 days later they changed it away from the RNG ;-)


And then being surprised all the Reps started Imp Alts, and then these Alts became Mains - My Centurion Power Tech > BM Vanguard (same spec).


Gimme a break - FUmble is the right word indeed.

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The main issue I see regardless if you think 2 months is too short is populations are dropping fast on both factions. My guild alone lost three quarters of its regular players this past week. I'm In a large 500+ guild as well. And whether it's fair or not if you don't have people to play with those of us who are staying are also going to have less reason to login. Edited by bwookie
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After reading numerous posts on this forum, I've come to the conclusion that SWTOR is safe from Guild Wars 2.


Guild Wars 2 is one time purchase, with no monthly sub. There's really little reason NOT to get it. It's apples and oranges, really.


Having said that, it'll come down to personal preference. People who can't stand anime crap and huge oversized weapons will never play GW2, no matter how good the game is.

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After reading through like 7 pages of this **** I can only come to the conclusion that too many of you are ready to drive a stake in the game's heart.


It hasn't even been released a full 2 months yet! Yet here you sit complaining that it's the beginning of the end. Why? Because the game doesn't already have everything in it? That BW hasn't shown anything to you that it's going to improve? That there are bugs/imbalance issues to be worked out? Come on...


What we have here is an excellent foundation to be a great game. Does it need more endgame content? Sure, but if you think for a second that more content is not in the works then you are plain wrong. Every MMO wants to add content (pve and pvp), and this is no different. It takes time to develop. The devs don't wake up and check their mailbox to see if some magic package has arrived that yields this stuff.


To say that BW hasn't shown you that it is going to look at things and make changes or add to the game is plain ridiculous. The history of this game has shown us NOTHING, because there is yet to be any real history to go off of yet. If this was 6-8 months old and there was the same problems as one can expect at launch I would be more on board with you guys, but it is way too early to make this claim. In fact so far they have shown that they are indeed working on things. For example http://www.swtor.com/blog/incoming-changes-global-cooldown-ui


As far as bugs/imbalance it can be said for every MMO. There has not been even one MMO that I have played (starting playing MMO's in the mid 90's with EQ) that has never had bugs or imbalance issues from time to time. That is why all these games have to be taken down for maintenance and patches. Problems come up, and they look into it. It takes time. Again, some magic package does not arrive that has all the answers or fixes in it.


What I see here is what this world has come too. People who want everything right here, right now and heaven forbid if it's not. I got to level cap and now I want more stuff now, and while your at it change this and that, and oh yeah... Don't leave this out too. I bet most of you complaining about wanting this or that are the same people who complained that they rushed the game out too fast. There is no pleasing you people. You want it now, but are never happy with what you get. Give them time to build a history, and if the facts of that history are bad then grab your pitchforks. In essence, they cut you off in traffic and maybe deserve the finger at this point for some stuff, but you act like they broke into your home shot your puppy while making you watch... Relax.


You clearly didn't read my posts then if all you came away with was "lol lack of content".


Try read-reading my post because all I've been seeing in this thread are a bunch of ToR apologists who can't approach this game without any sort of bias or ability to argue anything compelling or substantial, especially in relation to the title & topic of this thread.


On that note, my pvp guild left today :(

Edited by golfwang
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Guild Wars 2 is one time purchase, with no monthly sub. There's really little reason NOT to get it. It's apples and oranges, really.


Having said that, it'll come down to personal preference. People who can't stand anime crap and huge oversized weapons will never play GW2, no matter how good the game is.


I don't see the anime influence in GW2 at all...maybe it's just me?

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If a company isn't able after months to fix the daily pvp quest, you know that you shouldn't expect quality pvp at all. I mean, today I have won 4 matches...and 1 counted as a victory. Really great! Oh wait, maybe it is another fun RNG feature. In that case I humbly apologize.


Oh hi! the i like to make absurd assumptions line is around the corner, thanks for playing...

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Guild Wars 2 is one time purchase, with no monthly sub. There's really little reason NOT to get it. It's apples and oranges, really.


Having said that, it'll come down to personal preference. People who can't stand anime crap and huge oversized weapons will never play GW2, no matter how good the game is.


lol was in GW2 Beta and ya wont be touching that with your keyboard, but hey you go have fun!

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The financial guys who report on EA's earnings (they lie they go to jail) have also expressed concern over declining subs.


any idea when the next official sub report comes out? i'm really interested in seeing if there's a noticeable drop or a climb in sub numbers.

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The main issue I see regardless if you think 2 months is too short is populations are dropping fast on both factions. My guild alone lost three quarters of its regular players this past week. I'm In a large 500+ guild as well. And whether it's fair or not if you don't have people to play with those of us who are staying are also going to have less reason to login.


Hard to say those players didn't make new characters somewhere else or just join a new guild. Zerg guilds usually don't have high retention rates (in my limited experience),

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The only reason I haven't left yet is because I literally have nothing better to play. You can bet the second a game comes out that keeps my attention for longer then 2 hours at a time will have me quit this one. Edited by Niaoru
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Unsubbed after reaching valor +65 and 5/5 BM set, w/o illum farm this game has no challenge it reqs no skill whatsoever a mindless rng gear grind, the pvp map layouts are a JOKE , another cater to uber casual weekender`s. It made me miss wow.. after 7 years of burnout.


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Excellent post, nailed it mate.

I hear all the time the old classic "Its only launch, give it time", thats a stupid argument to throw in... it is 2012!. You'd expect to see a balance in PVE and PVP by this age.


3 Warzones (mostly on hutt-ball)

Where is the option to actually pick a warzone to play in?

What is up with disbanding a group on joining a warzone and once finished, have to regroup back up again?


I regret re-subbing.


Yes it is 2012, and the game is new. Give it time. The reason a lot of us keep saying this is because the game is NEW. After having it pointed out to me I did a little digging, and it turns out that most mmos hit their stride 6 MONTHS IN, that is if they ever get their stride.


I don't care how design savy you are, you will never achieve perfect balance in a game before launch, people are just to unpredictable let alone a couple thousand of them.

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...is this what love feels like? Wish ToR would ninja some of this nerdgasm inducing awesome.


The salesmanship on Illum alone was way better, and we all saw how that turned out.


GW was a turd and they're already talking GW2 for consoles. This means it's going to be a dumbed down game with less than 30 hours of real playability.


Everything was looking decent, but in all honesty, it's more likely to be a TF2-esque type game than an MMO.


Login, create a toon, own face. Sure you have upgrades but everything else is meh. Play for the kills, log-off.


not an mmo.

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Zergcentered gameplay everywhere you look.

Ilum - Mega-zerg paired with the worst gaming engine

Voidstar - zerg

Civil war - zerg

Huttball - zerg with knockback frustration.


Overall this system fovors strongly the zerg and therefore the better equipment.

Skill / better tactics and quick thinking are not required to be more successfull in the SWTOR PvP.


In WoW I joined hundreds of times the same BGs / Arenas and they were still fun.

SWTOR... login... get 3 wins for the daily ... logout.


In other games I could very quickly identify the exeptional players. The difference between an average and an exeptional player matters in other MMOs more.

I have to say, that until now I saw in SWTOR PvP 1 ... max. 2 really good player.

The skill and better play of some exeptional player are drowning in this zerg.


Zerg favors nothing and is a very outdated concept of PvP.

You can make PvP enviroments for a mass of players, but this concept has to favor tactics, not the ability to assemble more player to steamroll the opposing side.


BW has to change the whole PvP system in SWTOR to make it more enjoyable.

A real overhaul of Ilum....

And to change the layout of all the WZs to favor less zerg and more tactics.


They have ~ 3-4 months max. to do that until a competitor joins the ring with more appealing concepts.

So to work Gabe... but who I'm kidding...ey?

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Login, create a toon, own face. Sure you have upgrades but everything else is meh. Play for the kills, log-off.


not an mmo.


How is that any different than WoW and SWTOR where you login, complete your dailies, log-off?


Not trying to say what you said is incorrect (honestly don't' know about GW2), but that seems exactly what we do in this and other "MMOs."

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