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Don't compare TOR to WoW at launch, compare it to Rift.


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swtor= too much story (atleast until lvl 30ish)

Rift = almost no story


Rift was actually alot funner at launch,with tons of people everywhere,the invasions were random, it was insane. But when the population died off,so did the fun.


Swtor feels alot like current rift, a few people in the zones but it's as quiet as a mouse. you can play for hours out in the world and not hear a single word in chat.

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There's no doubt you hate SWTOR, my question to you is...why are you here? Bored? Trolling? Trying to make up for your short comings? What is it that drives you to come to these forums and bash a game you don't like?


I've got 12 days game time remaining and correcting fanboi misconceptions and/or lies on the forums is more entertaining then Huttball ( = end-game "content"). So here I am.

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rift is an awesome game , the only problem for me (that kills the game) is the macro system....is retarded, why i need reactive skills , and procs , when the only thing i need to press is 1-4 buttons


but other than that is pretty solid

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Turn it around instead and look what SWTOR had at launch that RIFT did not:


- Complete VO

- Great leveling experience

- Great stories

- Space combat

- More end-game content (at launch)

- Great and a lot more balanced PvP

- Datacrons

- Light/Dark side choices (coupled with great stories making it the first REAL mmoRPG)


and more...


I love you. You are my hero.

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Innervate = Pennance

Resurge = Riptide

Static Shield = Power Word: Shield

Dark Heal = Flash Heal

Dark Infusion = Greater Heal

Revivication = Effloressence / Holy Word AOE Heal

Kolto Shell = Water Shield (or was it Earth Shield?)

Slow Release Med Pack = Lifebloom

Kolto Injection (instant from Operative) = instant from WOW druid (forgot the name)



As I said: blind, incompetent or never played WOW.


Ok so all the healing spells resemble "other" MMO's. Question is, how else could you do it? There is virtually no other way to use a Healing spell. Right? Everything you just described is a standard in every single MMO. Going back to Everquest days. EQ had barriers, castable heals and AoE heals.

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RIFT is successful, it's exactly where a MMO should be these days in terms of playerbase size and popularity. It should serve as beacon for everyone trying to release a polished MMO these days.


Except the game engine in rift is crap.


I can and do get 60fps here on high settings with no problems anywhere.


In rift (just the other day as a matter of fact) the game ran nice and smooth,no hitching even with full shadows but the game was running at 22 fps.


And that was just in the starter area, if it had been an invasion i can only imagine how ugly it might have gotten.


by comparison, i pull well over 100 fps in 25 man raids in wow all day long. (yes i know wow isnt exactly graphic intense)


For rift to run so much lower than the other two tells me there is something in the games code that isn't quite where it needs to be.


Also the main selling point in Rift is over. the rifts/invasions are based on zone population and well, if you are leveling in rift now, it's like wow. there isn't really a leveling population anymore which means you don't get to enjoy a large part of the content.


Nobody leveling=no invasions=no planarite drops=no shiny new gear rewards=fail.


Oh and if you played at launch and want to go back,you start over from square one.

I had a 50 warrior and a 48 mage and when i resubbed and logged back in the other day,they had been wiped from the game. (server merges apparently wiped them out)

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I've got 12 days game time remaining and correcting fanboi misconceptions and/or lies on the forums is more entertaining then Huttball ( = end-game "content"). So here I am.


So basically you are trolling the forums because your gaming experience wasn't what you hoped for or you just like thinking you're something more than you are? I'm confused. You have yet to correct me. All I've seen is hatred and trolling from you.

Edited by Zyanzor
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Blizzard games = if it's not polished they don't release it (building hype for free); also tends to draw a larger crowd, and also tends to be grander in scale


The rest = publish publish publish. profit.


This and several other comments show that people in general are becoming more aware that a quantity of features, if not thoroughly thought through, tested, polished and implemented *cause* problems and degrade the overall experience.


It's not enough to pull a solution together and whack a label on the box anymore.


We use features of our games repeatedly every session we play and every interaction shapes our opinion and experience.


Where something doesn't work well or worse is annoying or even worse gets in the way of other functionality, we don't judge that feature in isolation - no matter how good everything else is, if say every so often no matter what you're doing a window pops over a portion of the screen with advertising or information of a low priority, we're left with a poor opinion of the game.


The Crew Skills windows are a great example of this - they're required features but their structure, function and implementation are terrible.


On top of that, every time that window splashes a huge logo over my display I'm insulted. Think about that BW, many times every game session you're not just intruding on my game, you're insulting me.

F' knows I'm aware which game I'm playing, quit waving your fat titles in my face.



The UI as mentioned is absolutely critical - we're looking at it every second of game time (ok, not during cut scenes) and it also conveys extremely important information which we also need to be able to discern when our primary focus is (more generally) the centre of the display. Where a UI lacks, the entire game experience suffers.


I'd love to see TOR continue to be successful and most importantly to evolve but there is a huge amount of work to be done just to meet the bar of the competition and current expectations, particularly on the (more) technical side of things and of course on making sure that feature's aren't just plugged in but done well.


To their credit, BW has said they're making significant progress on most of the things the OP has listed as shortcomings and which need serious attention.

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Rift = WoW clone....if you want a WoW clone then go play Rift or WoW. Problem solved.


Everything is an EQ1 clone (well except SWG, UO, EvE and Planetside, but pretty much everything else including WoW).


Does that mean everyone should be playing EQ1 still? Or that everyone doesn't realise they are playing an EQ1 clone? :eek:

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Everything is an EQ1 clone (well except SWG, UO, EvE and Planetside, but pretty much everything else including WoW).


Does that mean everyone should be playing EQ1 still? Or that everyone doesn't realise they are playing an EQ1 clone? :eek:


I can except that. I agree with you completely.

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Innervate = Pennance

Resurge = Riptide

Static Shield = Power Word: Shield

Dark Heal = Flash Heal

Dark Infusion = Greater Heal

Revivication = Effloressence / Holy Word AOE Heal

Kolto Shell = Water Shield (or was it Earth Shield?)

Slow Release Med Pack = Lifebloom

Kolto Injection (instant from Operative) = instant from WOW druid (forgot the name)



As I said: blind, incompetent or never played WOW.


In all fairness functional similarities and overlaps are sort of inevitable in this genre. Actually in all genres.

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Turn it around instead and look what SWTOR had at launch that RIFT did not:


- Complete VO.....that should have taken a back burner to basic gameplay functionality, but didn't.

- Great leveling experience....Not doing pretty much any group quests for lack of anyone around is awesome.

- Great stories....that, again, should have been back-burnered to function, and weren't.

- Space combat....on rails. Missions are rehashes of previous missions, only a little harder.

- More end-game content (at launch).....that's buggy and hardly worth doing.

- Great and a lot more balanced PvP....seriously? Maybe if you're ranged. Oh, and more CC than any two MMOs combined =! fun.

- Datacrons......Yeah, platforming with delayed actions and unresponsive controls is fun.

- Light/Dark side choices (coupled with great stories making it the first REAL mmoRPG), that have literally no impact on you in the long run.


and that's what 200 million and six years of dev time gets you...



There, fixed it for you.

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I think in essence why RIFT will not be that successful while SWTOR will be is because RIFT was all about the endgame which is what I think people refer to as WoW clone while SWTOR is the whole experience and also emphasize a lot more on RPG which differs it from WoW.


Unsuccessful = less then 1 million subs

Successful = more then 2 million subs


Inbetween 1 and 2 and its up for debate.


For those of you that think "Game starts at max level" then I can understand why you might be some disappointed but in all fairness thats more reading comprehension cause BW has been straight with what there focus was before launch.

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Innervate = Pennance

Resurge = Riptide

Static Shield = Power Word: Shield

Dark Heal = Flash Heal

Dark Infusion = Greater Heal

Revivication = Effloressence / Holy Word AOE Heal

Kolto Shell = Water Shield (or was it Earth Shield?)

Slow Release Med Pack = Lifebloom

Kolto Injection (instant from Operative) = instant from WOW druid (forgot the name)



As I said: blind, incompetent or never played WOW.


And now for a Sith Warrior!




Ok so all the healing spells resemble "other" MMO's. Question is, how else could you do it? There is virtually no other way to use a Healing spell. Right? Everything you just described is a standard in every single MMO. Going back to Everquest days. EQ had barriers, castable heals and AoE heals.



Maybe something like this?



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Except the game engine in rift is crap.


I can and do get 60fps here on high settings with no problems anywhere.


In rift (just the other day as a matter of fact) the game ran nice and smooth,no hitching even with full shadows but the game was running at 22 fps.


And that was just in the starter area, if it had been an invasion i can only imagine how ugly it might have gotten.


by comparison, i pull well over 100 fps in 25 man raids in wow all day long. (yes i know wow isnt exactly graphic intense)


For rift to run so much lower than the other two tells me there is something in the games code that isn't quite where it needs to be.


Also the main selling point in Rift is over. the rifts/invasions are based on zone population and well, if you are leveling in rift now, it's like wow. there isn't really a leveling population anymore which means you don't get to enjoy a large part of the content.


Nobody leveling=no invasions=no planarite drops=no shiny new gear rewards=fail.


Oh and if you played at launch and want to go back,you start over from square one.

I had a 50 warrior and a 48 mage and when i resubbed and logged back in the other day,they had been wiped from the game. (server merges apparently wiped them out)



Never had that experience with Rift. Always ran fine for me, that's including major rifts. This game, whoever, even with nobody around, runs at 20-30. I still think they broke something ( again). Because 2 weeks ago, I was getting 90-110 FPS out in the world, a solid 70 in Fleet and 50-60 in WZs. Not anymore, now it's back to the slideshow it was in the beginning.

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Why can't we compare it to the MMO leader?

Why do you want us to compare it to Rift-- which is near flop status.

Evidnece: January 2012, Rift had become free to play up to level 20


Uh...if you go by that then you need to add WoW into flop status as well. It does that too.....


I played WoW for the first time last spring and low and behold the first 20 levels were free. lol

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For all of you comparing SWTOR and Rift launch lets remember a couple of stuff about Rift.


1. First world event patch finale (RoS) failed in some EU servers (not sure about US), whole battlegroups went down and we were compensated with 2p and 18-20? slot bag


2. Instances were bugged and their difficulty was constantly adjusted. It took them months to fix exploited instances with glitches


3. Cap in 50 rendered players in the map. Its really easy to fix a stable graphics machine if you can only see 49 ppl around you


4. All starting areas the same with all the quests equal. Really? For a 2011 MMORPG having all races starting at the same point?


5. Betrayal of the RvR heavily anticipated feature... in the end devs said "we never promised anything".


6. 2.5 out of 4 WZs direct copies from WoW


7. C-L-A-S-S I-M-B-A-L-A-N-C-E and FOTMing


And these are all related issues to the launch.


Rift had definately a more stable launch than SWTOR, but not an industry standard by far. And the fact that they didn't have so many problems can be attributed to certain shortcuts they took and also to a much less demanding and smaller community.


Btw if you think that SWTOR PVP forum is full of QQers you should have a look at Rift's PVP forum with constant cries for nerf/boost due to Trion's insane attitude in stimulating interest through FOTM, lack of world PVP and faction imbalances (due to free guild server transfers) and annoying BGs. Pretty much the same stuff :)

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Except the game engine in rift is crap.


I can and do get 60fps here on high settings with no problems anywhere.


In rift (just the other day as a matter of fact) the game ran nice and smooth,no hitching even with full shadows but the game was running at 22 fps.


And that was just in the starter area, if it had been an invasion i can only imagine how ugly it might have gotten.


by comparison, i pull well over 100 fps in 25 man raids in wow all day long. (yes i know wow isnt exactly graphic intense)


For rift to run so much lower than the other two tells me there is something in the games code that isn't quite where it needs to be.


Also the main selling point in Rift is over. the rifts/invasions are based on zone population and well, if you are leveling in rift now, it's like wow. there isn't really a leveling population anymore which means you don't get to enjoy a large part of the content.


Nobody leveling=no invasions=no planarite drops=no shiny new gear rewards=fail.


Oh and if you played at launch and want to go back,you start over from square one.

I had a 50 warrior and a 48 mage and when i resubbed and logged back in the other day,they had been wiped from the game. (server merges apparently wiped them out)


I have never had FPS issues on my rig playing RIFT but despite Gamebryo engine being far better and more scalable than HE they designed the world like a single-player game. But apparently they improved it, a friend of mine used to be a fervent RIFT fanatic and his rig using a low-end Nvidia 4x0 GT card did run it at low settings at least.


The rifts and invasions getting in the way as even higher levels didn't even bother coming down and cleaning up were distracting as well. But I didn't really like the world's setting in general. So I eventually backed out.


However overall it seems the game is relatively stable and in good health even after the security leak disaster.

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Geez can't people like more than one game today?


Here is a shocker: I pay for ToR, WoW, and EVE and play them on a regular basis.


Yes ToR is missing features found in WoW. But those ARE NOT NEEDED. I would rather have bug fixes than all of the features that are heavily requested. I can play the game perfectly fine without the features. I can easily find groups on my server without "the best feature of all time" LFD tool.


Seriously, when did things become to the point where game Y needs to have EVERY SINGLE FEATURE that game X has to be successful?


Oh and I would really love it if people mention how WoW has different non-grind end game as ToR does. Back when I played it all the time:


I did the same dailies every day for months. Same as ToR

I did the same dungeons every week. Same as ToR


I never RAID, but I do not remember WoW having and endless supply of raids either. Dont they release those every few months?

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What does me being 50 have to do with this thread? Or are you just trolling?


because the majority of your comparison means squat at 50 (you know, the endgame were the majority of people spend the most time). heck, even if you strip the voiced dialogs you get a pretty good wow clone.


"butbut it haz lightsabers!!1"


yeah, the ui elements are on another position, the ui is blue instead of grey and more clunky. doesn't mean the basic gameplay is similar to a lot of themepark MMOs


or as others have said


blind, incompetent or never played WOW.

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